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Mario Kart 8 Deluxe


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That happened to me on 150cc, I'm able to get a large gap between myself and the AI, so I'm confused about how @Hero\-of\-Time claims it has rubber banding when it doesn't seem to be happening from my experience.


If anything, Deluxe should be harder since the AI can hold 2 items now. :p


Ehhh... I'm up to 200cc Banana Cup and I've not lost a single GP. The only times I didn't get a 3-Star ranking was Mirror Triforce Cup (Got hit with 2 Blue Shells and a Lightning Bolt on the second-to-last corner, Still came 2nd in that race) and 200cc Special Cup (Inward Drift vehicles struggle on Rainbow Road)


2 items make this whole thing absolute cake, Nothing short of a Lightning Bolt even remotely worries me.


The AI is just as aggressive as the WiiU version, the players have just been given a massive advantage, because CPU's don't hoard items.


It's a shame really, all the nice new features this game has are soured because of that one aspect.

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After you've selected your character and are on the kart parts screen, press + or - to bring up the stats screen and press L to disable smart steering.


This is actually something I feel they need to change on the pause menu. If you're holding an item but then pause, it's awkward to unpause while maintaining hold of your item without activating smart steering :hmm:


My way around it is to activate smart steering with L and then hold it after deactivation before I unpause but that seems needlessly awkward..

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Not sure what to think of online. Sometimes it just feels so random. You can get caught in a right melee if you sit below 4th and then there is no way back.


Thats the fun of Mario kart though. If people want it all based on skill then setup tournaments with either no items or just green shells. Agreed though when you are in the middle of the pack it can be utter chaos.


Its like people complaining about blue shells when they are in 1st place and how it's unfair. The people who are in first and way ahead have huge advantage as the mad items melee totally avoids them.

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I decided to have a crack at 150cc today. I just sat and played it while watching the football games that were on and here are my results.




Yeah, the AI has had a massive nerf compared to the Wii U version, at least at the 150cc difficulty. They didn't seem to be getting artificial boosts and the duel item system helps keep you in front a lot easier. On the Wii U version you were often left defenceless when in 1st position, as the game would just give you coins. Now, if you grab the double item box, you will always get at least 1 item to hold behind you.


It just seemed a lot easier in general. There was one race where I got hit off 3 blue shells and 2 lightning bolts and I still manged to win comfortably. The only cup I had to redo for a 3 star ranking was the Bell cup.


I'm not complaining about any of this. It's about time the single player stopped being a luck fest and rewarded a bit of skill. It made for a much more enjoyable and less frustrating experience.

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Ah guys I've been having so much fun with this game, especially over this weekend. At first I was struggling to get anyone to play MP with me (locally) when the game launched. Then it all changed.


Played this with a few work colleagues who have Switches on Friday lunch time and had a blast. Friends came over to mine on Saturday and had a bloody HOOT playing this. Then had a session with the family today and likewise, had a BLAST.


So glad I got a Switch - times like these was one of the main reasons I bought it in the first place. For the nostalgia of old, evergreen franchises like Mario Kart and bringing people together to have FUN. It's what Nintendo is all about.


Just hurry up and announce Smash Bros next and I'll be sorted for the rest of the Switch's life cycle : peace:

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I decided to have a crack at 150cc today. I just sat and played it while watching the football games that were on and here are my results.




Yeah, the AI has had a massive nerf compared to the Wii U version, at least at the 150cc difficulty. They didn't seem to be getting artificial boosts and the duel item system helps keep you in front a lot easier. On the Wii U version you were often left defenceless when in 1st position, as the game would just give you coins. Now, if you grab the double item box, you will always get at least 1 item to hold behind you.


It just seemed a lot easier in general. There was one race where I got hit off 3 blue shells and 2 lightning bolts and I still manged to win comfortably. The only cup I had to redo for a 3 star ranking was the Bell cup.


I'm not complaining about any of this. It's about time the single player stopped being a luck fest and rewarded a bit of skill. It made for a much more enjoyable and less frustrating experience.


This is the information I've wanted the know the most about this version of the game because I enjoyed MK8 of Wii U at first but the balance just killed my enthusiasm to keep on playing. At times the game seemed very unfair with how heavily luck seemed to play a part in whats going on.


I mean, luck as obviously always been a factor in Mario Kart games but I felt it was at its worst with MK8. It wasn't even just a case of being a sore loser, i felt like even winning had a very hollow feeling to it because more often my victories felt like they were more about luck then skill as well. It's good to know its more balanced in Deluxe.:smile:

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Since learning that Gold Mario can be unlocked by just getting gold on every cup in 200cc, I've been working at it and it's actually not that bad. Got 5 gold trophies now and started from the back with the DLC (which I think is harder in 200cc) so I think I can manage the rest. I didn't get three stars but that's alright. I've had a few lucky wins but that made it even more exciting.

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I had a few online races on this yesterday and tried to join a few people on my friends list but it wasn't to be. I kept getting a message saying the room was full. I don't understand why even have the little flag icon next to a person if the game isn't joinable. Didn't the Wii U version allow you to spectate until a slot opened up?


I was listening to this weeks NVC and Peer was also talking about this issue. He said he was trying to play a game with his daughter and even though there was space in the lobby she still got the message saying the game was full.


It's stuff like this that doesn't make me hopeful about Nintendo's future online system. If they expect people to pay for online it had better be a hell of a lot better than what's on offer now, that's for certain.

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I had a few online races on this yesterday and tried to join a few people on my friends list but it wasn't to be. I kept getting a message saying the room was full. I don't understand why even have the little flag icon next to a person if the game isn't joinable. Didn't the Wii U version allow you to spectate until a slot opened up?


I was listening to this weeks NVC and Peer was also talking about this issue. He said he was trying to play a game with his daughter and even though there was space in the lobby she still got the message saying the game was full.


It's stuff like this that doesn't make me hopeful about Nintendo's future online system. If they expect people to pay for online it had better be a hell of a lot better than what's on offer now, that's for certain.


I got crap like that playing Halo and CoD. Let's not go crazy. :p


They do need to fix it though

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I got crap like that playing Halo and CoD. Let's not go crazy. :p


They do need to fix it though


That was years ago now and systems have evolved. I've no idea what you were doing because back on the 360 you had a little arrow that showed when a person was joinable in an online game, no matter what game they were playing. You also had the added bonus of being able to message/talk to coordinate your efforts if something did go wrong.


I just find it baffling that they are expecting people to pay for their service when basic stuff like this isn't even getting done right.

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That was years ago now and systems have evolved. I've no idea what you were doing because back on the 360 you had a little arrow that showed when a person was joinable in an online game, no matter what game they were playing. You also had the added bonus of being able to message/talk to coordinate your efforts if something did go wrong.


I just find it baffling that they are expecting people to pay for their service when basic stuff like this isn't even getting done right.

The amount of times I got kicked out or it wouldn't connect was just as bad, if not worse than MK8D and it really wasn't that long ago

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The amount of times I got kicked out or it wouldn't connect was just as bad, if not worse than MK8D and it really wasn't that long ago


You probably just got booted by your team mates for being bad at the game. :heh:


The issue isn't about connecting, it's about showing people on your friends list as available to join a game when they clearly aren't. It's as if the system sees they are online and then leaves it at that. You have to just hammer the button and hope that there is space in the game because there is no indication wither way as to what is happening.


Halo and CoD on the 360 was a long time ago now. What were the last of these games you even played for long periods of time on your 360?

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Whilst there have been a few races where I've been unlucky with a barrage of shells near the end of the race, I've found it a lot less then on the WiiU version.

I've completed 150cc with 3 stars on every cup with a few replays. I'm up to the DLC tracks on mirror mode now with 3 stars and each only took me one attempt on each cup.

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I think prior experience helps a lot with the grand prix.. I haven 't played the original (well, only once for one race), so I don't know most of the tracks. Of all the (150cc) grand prix I've done so far, I've won most, but I have only 3-starred one of them. Well, 2 of them, but then I deleted my save file in order to have 0% on my assisted steering use. Fuck you Nintendo.




1] When playing Luigi, what's the button for the death stare.


2] Can you disable certain maps for random choice? I thought you could do this on Wii, but I forgot. I refuse to play fucking Baby park, it's half the reason that I fucking hate Double dash.



Love the ending on this video.


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I was playing this game with the missus yesterday. As she bought it all I've been waiting until we can play together or she completes it alone. Otherwise I would blitz through it. We're working through 50cc and I've already turned off the auto drive thing. I was in first place and for the last half of the race I just held A/whatever and checked my emails with my other hand. I only took control near the end when she hit me with a shell and knocked me into 2nd.

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Please remind me what do you get for the following:

3 star 150cc

Gold 200cc

Beating all the time trials


Gold Mario is unlocked for getting 1st place on each 200cc cup

Gold Glider is unlocked by nabbing 5,000 gold coins

Gold Tires is unlocked for beating all the staff ghosts on 150cc

Gold Kart is for getting a single tar on each of the Mirror Mode cups

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I'm absolutely loving playing this with my wife despite investing well over 100 hours in the Wii U version :hehe:


I am, however, really hoping for some new tracks in the future. While I don't believe we'll see any DLC for Deluxe, there are so many great courses that I would love to see return that it would be a shame if we didn't get at least 2 new cups :heh:

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New update arrived this morning.


Version 1.1

- Opponents’ names are displayed in the rear view mirror view in online matches.

- Invincibility period after a spin-out or crash is longer in online matches.

- Up to two players can spectate a friend group while they wait to join.

- “Worldwide” and “Regional” modes add players to Mirror and 200cc matches less often.

- Can now properly create a friend lobby when you have 100 or more friends.

- Inkling Girl’s animation has been adjusted.

- Starting positions in online races now properly reflect the order in which players join.

- Driver Miis now properly showing facial expressions.

- Tournament clock now properly reflects real-world time.


The Inkling change is this.

Before Patch



After Patch


Edited by Hero-of-Time
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Am I missing something, I can't see a change in the Inkling at all?


Check her arm.


It's seen as offensive in many countries but in Japan it's meaning is different. It's essentially like flipping the bird.


I nicked this from Gaf. Plus, its Spaceballs, which is always a good thing. :D



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