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Super Mario Odyssey


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28 minutes ago, nekunando said:

I just had a 'costume' spoiled by a tweet that GameXplain liked. Absolutely gutted as it's such a cool inclusion that I'd have preferred to discover myself :hmm:


That’s unfortunate. :sad:

Annoying that it’s so easy to encounter spoilers now. Even more so for those of us that are old enough to remember how things were in the good old days of pre-internet gaming. :cheeky:

GameXplain were literally the first thing I made absolutely certain to block a few months back, when deciding I’d seen more than enough of Mario Odyssey already. But also unfollowed Nintendo and various other accounts just to be on the safe side. It’s a shame having to resort to that, but basically the only option to remain online and avoid spoilers. ::shrug:

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Just had the credits roll. Absolutely thoroughly have enjoyed this game so far. 


I have been able to go into,the game knowing next to nothing, I new bits from the early videos but decided to avoid anything else after that  and I’m glad I did. This has been a great ride and the addition of Cappy has been a great addiction. He’s been a great character with a few funny moments and a nice little wrap up too. I loved to finally be able to control some of the characters in this game, finally getting to be a hammer bros and just smash away was fun. 

The worlds/kingdoms have been very well thought out and have provided a nice mixture or me running around and just relaxing  it’s so nice to have an area to just explore with no real goal (after the main story part)  the final battle with Bowser was pretty decent, and was fun  beating him up with his own hat is just purely satisfying  enjoyed the small section after this too and loved playing as Bowser and just smashing though everything in my path  

after hearing how many moons some of you are up to I can’t wait to discover what’s left in the game now  I’m going to enjoy this now with more freedom to just explore  

Have to agree with the comments about the camera/photo mode. I’ve been loving it and already taken some great pics. This needs to remain in all future Mario games and probably a lot more games too.

in my opinion this is easily up there as the best Switch game and will be for some time. I don’t know how Nintendo keep coming up with these ideas for the franchise but I’m so glad they do. 

This game reminds me so much of why I have been a Nintendo fan for as long as I can remember and why I love the games so much. It’s been a pure joy to play, some great callbacks and just fun. Yes fun, learn this other developers, make your game fun to play. 

Onto the post game content to see what else awaits. 

Ill get some more screens up at some point too. 

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So I just did the Champion's Road. That was it? I mean, really? 6 attempts! That's all it took. @Ugh first aid can back me up on that. The only tricky part was that moving platform with rings of death and enemies. That level doesn't deserve to be in the same league as Grand Master Galaxy.

Despite that, I'm still enjoying this, even if there's no challenge to be had. Sure, everyone is having fun with the Photo Mode, but me? I like putting incredibly over-the-top music to completely undeserving situations. Makes things a lot funnier.


...I hate birds...


Edited by Glen-i
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8 hours ago, Glen-i said:
  Post Game stuff (Reveal hidden contents)

So I just did the Champion's Road. That was it? I mean, really? 6 attempts! That's all it took. @Ugh first aid can back me up on that. The only tricky part was that moving platform with rings of death and enemies. That level doesn't deserve to be in the same league as Grand Master Galaxy.



I finished it this morning, and while it took me a few more than 6 attempts :heh: I have to agree that it was pretty straightforward compared to the end game challenges seen in other Mario games. Was expecting it to be much longer and utilise even more mechanics from the rest of the game, but I guess that would've also run the risk of becoming annoying without any checkpoints. ::shrug:

The reward is cool though. And something else (as if it were needed) to make camera mode even more fun. :grin:

Highly entertaining when combined with the scooter too: :laughing:




Anyway, I've put together a collection of my camera shots. Be warned though, there are a lot of pictures and therefore a lot of potential spoilers below (from many different points in the game) so... anyone that is yet to finish the game or collect over 500 power moons should not click:






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1 minute ago, EEVILMURRAY said:

Swimming in this game is fucking terrible. The rest of the game thus far has been great but unless I can capture a Cheep Cheep, I do as less swimming as possible. Mario 64 had a perfect system.

Have to admit it took me quite a while to get used to the ZL+Y timing to make Mario swim properly, his standard swimming is pretty crappy, yeah. :hehe:

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It's funny how a consensus on games tends to form, when things are pointed out that are hard to disagree with even if you loved it.  I certainly agree that swimming is not much fun, and there probably are too many Power Moons.  The near-mandatory use of motion controls for some moons is also highly questionable.  One thing I definitely don't agree with though is the idea that the game is too easy - to me, it's medium most of the time and challenging a lot of the time.


I'm not sure I've seen enough to knock off a whole point from perfection though.  3D Mario is one of the few series that makes me yearn for the old 1-100 scale from magazines - I'd give it 95%!

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21 hours ago, RedShell said:

Have to admit it took me quite a while to get used to the ZL+Y timing to make Mario swim properly, his standard swimming is pretty crappy, yeah. :hehe:

It's not even the "quick swim" that's the problem. It's depth control. From what I can tell, the only way you can descend is by ground pounding in the water as pressing B to swim will only move you forward a little bit or by mashing it to get to the surface. 

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13 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I found the volleyball one to be more a pain in the butt than the skipping one. You tried it yet?

Yeah ive had a go at that one and i got the minimum to get the first moon. Im not looking forward to getting back to it tbh.

I don't think im ever going to manage 100 for the rope. 

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I'm definitely enjoying Odyssey a lot more the further I get into it. I think the first couple of worlds are a little underwhelming (doesn't help that evidently I just waltzed straight past one of the most talked-about parts of the first world without noticing it) and then after that it ramps right up. I've switched from finding the moons to be a little to easy to being quite rewarding to try and round them all up in a reasonable time. Maybe it's not going to have the replayability of SM64 but I might actually be able to complete it as a busy adult and feel good about it!

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Credits rolled this saturday. Man oh man, this is actually my personal favourite Mario game of all time. I had an absolute blast going through the story, even though how simple and silly the story is. The post-game world is just an incredible throwback, and I loved every pixel of it. Now I'm currently going through each world to collect each and every moon there is. And it is pure joy. I don't know how Nintendo has managed to make this and Breath of the Wild at the same time, but I gotta give it to them. 2017 has been an absolute blast of a year!

Also, I am way more a bigger fan of the Zelda franchise. But if any game should get Game of the Year 2017, it should be Mario. 

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I'm loving the game. I had an initial worry with the controls/the way it moved, but after setting the camera sensibility to high everything clicked into place :D  So far it's not very challenging but great fun, so I have nothing to complain. I have about 160 moons, and my next kingdom is New Donk city. Looking forward to going there tonight!!

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New Donk City is absolutely amazing. I got 277 on the rope (world record yesterday was 55,555, that is crazy!). That is not the toughest minigame I found in the city though, I gave up on the second one, which is


the timed car minigame. I got the moon for the second place, and I was hoping that getting under 25'' would grant me the moon to the first place, but no :cry:

And I was filled with joy yesterday


The festival is one of my favourite things ever :heart:


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