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Super Mario Odyssey


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This game has so much soul and magic. I love it. So so good. 

Yeah the story is a bit flat but i dont play mario for the story. The open world aspect of this game for a platformer is great. The focus on exploration (that isn't forced) is something i've hardly seen in the genre.

I love the fact that power moons are plentiful. I always find i'm progressing no matter what. They are also all enjoyable to locate.

For me, so far this game is up there with the rest of the mainline Mario games. Yes, its a little bit different, but like with Zelda, Nintendo has freshened things up. This in my opinion is a good thing. The game completely feels like a Mario and is so enjoyable to play.

Well done Nintendo!


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21 minutes ago, Ashley said:

Yeah that is part of what interests me most - Nintendo has actually made an effort to shake things up a bit after the series got stale.  Looking forward to trying it with my own hands.

When did the series go stale? Sunshine's FLUDD-based clean up a tropical island, Galaxy's intergalactic gameplay or 3D World's meshing of 2D and 3D obstacle course like game design?

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Question about the game:

How do you know which moon to go for? Do you just explore and find them as you're going or are they challenges/missions like Mario 64 and Sunshine? In 64 obviously each time you hopped into a painting it would give you a mission name and pretty much left you to it. How do you know what to do or where to go in Odyssey? 

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2 minutes ago, Charlie said:

Question about the game:

How do you know which moon to go for? Do you just explore and find them as you're going or are they challenges/missions like Mario 64 and Sunshine? In 64 obviously each time you hopped into a painting it would give you a mission name and pretty much left you to it. How do you know what to do or where to go in Odyssey? 

When you start a level, you have some objectives that result in a moon or two. After this part, you just stumble upon them as you explore. There is a list so you know how many moons are in a level and you can get hints for the names of some moons on the list from a parrot in each level. And then amiibo can help too.

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I love the use of cappy on various enemies etc. I enjoy using their abilities to solve puzzles and use nab moon pieces. 

I think it is good that although the levels are designed in part around the use of their abilities the use of classic mario gameplay is needed for the most part. The variety keeps things fresh.

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7 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

When did the series go stale? Sunshine's FLUDD-based clean up a tropical island, Galaxy's intergalactic gameplay or 3D World's meshing of 2D and 3D obstacle course like game design?

3D World personally (and I can't stress that word enough).  It felt a too similar to New Super Mario Bros, 2, 3D Land and U in terms of gameplay.  I know it did a bit more, but it's 2.5Dness really just made me think of the four prior games I mentioned.  I guess them all coming out within 7 years didn't help the feeling.

I loved Sunshine and I said as much a few pages ago.  It is my favourite game in the series and the Galaxy games were a lot of fun too.

And don't conflate stale with bad.  Sometimes great things become stale.  It's why Milan has a Primark. 

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And the credits have rolled.

Freaking amazing game that had me constantly smiling. It's a game that proves Nintendo are untouchable in terms of pure gameplay when they are firing on all cyclinders.

The last section had me in absolute stitches. :D


What a twist! The whole thing was hilarious, especially the 2D sections.

I loved the music that was playing during the area when you are smashing the pillars. I'm gonna need to find out what it's called.

To the post-game I go!

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1 minute ago, Glen-i said:

See, these comments are all very similar to when BOTW came out.

I'm not gonna get too hyped until I actually play it tomorrow.

I wasn't a fan of BOTW at all but I love this. It's so much more fun to play. 

I look forward to reading your thoughts on the game. Hopefully you enjoy it more than you did Zelda

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45 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Okay. My body and mind weren't ready for the first of the post-game stuff. All I can say is...


Amen to that! 


That was/is an incredible moment of fan service, I think it's what I dreamed of after completing 64 all those years ago, that I'd get to go back there again one day :) also, the suit... :D


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7 minutes ago, Kaepora_Gaebora said:

Amen to that! 

  Just in case (Hide contents)

That was/is an incredible moment of fan service, I think it's what I dreamed of after completing 64 all those years ago, that I'd get to go back there again one day :) also, the suit... :D



Yup. Amazing stuff.

I frantically ran around looking for coins so I could buy the outfit straight away.

Finding Yoshi on the castle roof, jumping through a painting to do a stage, the shape of the Moons...incredible. Simply incredible.


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I posted this gif the other day...


...to celebrate the sheer awesomeness of a level I played. Now that the game is officially out, I can now upload my video. These are spoilers for one of the last moons you collect in New Donk City, so be warned.



Another cool video that I captured in New Donk City was this...




I completely finished off the first and second worlds last night and have now got over 300 moons. I ended up waking up early today just to get an hour in before I headed off to work. The game has me hooked. :D 

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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Snuck in an hour last night when it downloaded. Suitably tired now. 


Loving it so far but there are a few annoyances. I was playing in handheld with motion control off but I still got all the guide for special moves with how to do them in motion control? Seems like an oversight. Especially as half are imposiblenin hand held. 

Im in the Sand Kingdom and it’s very easy so far. I’m hoping the difficult will pick up soon. 

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