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Super Mario Run (iOS/Android)


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The thing for me is that if Nintendo are going to release on the mobile market then they need to respect and understand that market, same with Nissan tendon (this was supposed to say Nintendo but auto correct fixed it and it's too funny to change back) fans. Games are a lot cheaper here and you have to expect some complaining if people do the want to pay the money.


I think we should set up a game company made up from N-E members and call it Nissan Tendon and become super successful and then we'd have to explain the name and nobody will really understand and it'll be glorious.


Like I said each IP could be treated differently. They believed this was the best way for Mario run and as it stands its done fine with the pricing model. Other games could see free to play but when they release one that isn't I don't think people should be outraged.


I disagree that they believed it was 'the best way' for Mario run. I'm still convinced Nintendo are experimenting with their markets with low cost/low risk where possible. I find it hard to see Super Mario Run as anything much but that; given what its content is compared to its developer.

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I think we should set up a game company made up from N-E members and call it Nissan Tendon and become super successful and then we'd have to explain the name and nobody will really understand and it'll be glorious.


"Nissan Tendon, we do what Skodon't"

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I can't believe what I'm reading... People are arguing that because it's the done thing, or because a lot (or even most) people like it then it's a good thing and Nintendo should get "in touch". It's some of the most idiotic posts I've read on here.... The nazi party were pretty popular, most people voted for Brexit, Trump is in power; most people thought women shouldn't vote and gay marriage shouldn't be a thing. The fact a lot of people, or most people think something DOES NOT MAKE IT RIGHT!!! Why don't people stop hiding behind popular thought and have their own opinions?! There's an idea.


You think free to play and IAP is really great for the industry, fine, argue it, intellectualise it, saying "well it's popular and people want it" makes me groan so much... such a lazy cheap way of thinking and discussing of the issue.


dazzy I'm amazed you manage to run your own companies and production stuff sometimes. Firstly - you've invoked Godwin's law which immediately discredits you. Secondly - people are talking about business. A product on a market being sold for a purpose. Brexit, Trump, Nazis, Women's right and gay marriage are very VERY vastly difference to a marketplace and frankly - completely irrelevant.


How would anyone feel if they walked into a pound store and found something they liked then found out it wasn't a pound? It's not fully analogous but far more so than bringing up the Nazis and I'd dare say you'd find some people quite rightly confused/dissappointed/outraged when they get to the til and end up with something that's more than the pound they're used to from their pound store(not saying rightly so, but saying that it WOULD happen).


By the way - if you don't realise - my above points ARE arguing and intellectualising(ie not just screaming NOPE NAZIS), even though I'm not actually saying that Freemium or IAP is really great for the industry tho btw(again, as you seem to have done before, I think you've put words into people's mouths when they weren't being said).


Pricing is covered in my above point believing they're testing the waters with this. Kinda like trying to cook a jew at home to make sure you know what you're doing before you commit a huge genocide :)


I don't care of it's political or business, we shouldn't hide behind popularity when forming our own opinions on something. Selling dodgy mortgages was "just business" but we can still have an opinion on it; just found it so bizarre people were justifying something just because "it's the way it is".


A 'dodgy mortgage' worth literally thousands(millions to billions en masse) that leads to a crash of the economy in addition to breaking of many regulations I think is very different to an £8 on the Apple Store :rolleyes:


Haha, is this better?


I think you may have been asking rhetorically but just in case; Yes, it's much better.

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dazzy I'm amazed you manage to run your own companies and production stuff sometimes. Firstly - you've invoked Godwin's law which immediately discredits you. Secondly - people are talking about business. A product on a market being sold for a purpose. Brexit, Trump, Nazis, Women's right and gay marriage are very VERY vastly difference to a marketplace and frankly - completely irrelevant.


How would anyone feel if they walked into a pound store and found something they liked then found out it wasn't a pound? It's not fully analogous but far more so than bringing up the Nazis and I'd dare say you'd find some people quite rightly confused/dissappointed/outraged when they get to the til and end up with something that's more than the pound they're used to from their pound store(not saying rightly so, but saying that it WOULD happen).


By the way - if you don't realise - my above points ARE arguing and intellectualising(ie not just screaming NOPE NAZIS), even though I'm not actually saying that Freemium or IAP is really great for the industry tho btw(again, as you seem to have done before, I think you've put words into people's mouths when they weren't being said).


Pricing is covered in my above point believing they're testing the waters with this. Kinda like trying to cook a jew at home to make sure you know what you're doing before you commit a huge genocide :)


A 'dodgy mortgage' worth literally thousands(millions to billions en masse) that leads to a crash of the economy in addition to breaking of many regulations I think is very different to an £8 on the Apple Store :rolleyes:


No it doesn't discredit me, and it isn't pointless (though out of the many examples I csee you just fixate on this, good tactic!). You're linking the two examples by the wrong means, I'm taking about mentality. Which I've already expressed but people like to pick and choose the bits to keep bringing back I guess... the mentality that because something is accepted, or even liked by a lot of, or even most, people, doesn't make it right, or acceptable.


And I haven't put words in peoples mouths, if so, show me where I have (and you imply I do it a lot, which is utter bullshit), such an easy way to try and try and discredit something you don't agree with.


Yeah I think they're testing waters too. Don't understand your point there. As for equalling mortgages with £8, I mean yeah if you want to be so staggeringly simplistic and surface about it, but ideas and principles do scale you know...


PS Cheers for the insult about running my own businesses!


40m in 4 days (was the previous record 40)? Damn Nintendo for not respecting or understanding the market... Now if they can convert a fraction of these to Switch purchasers like they did with Pokemon Go maybe the strategy is going to be killer after all.


Would be meaningless if the game was cack, but the game really is amazing. Up there with Monument Valley and Room and such. I loved the first Rayman game (second was okay) but this is really amazing for a mobile game. Simple, loads of depth to the controls, loads of challenge, some nice online features. Better than I could've imagined to be honest.

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The mentalitlies are vastly different @dazzybee, due to the simple fact the situations are. I'm not saying I can't see what argument you're making or where you're coming from - just that it's not a very good or relevant argument at all and as such will not hold much water with many people. Guess what? It appears it didn't! If you're not familiar - the type of argument you're making could be classed as a Straw Man - you can read more about it here and why it isn't always a good type of argument to use - 'A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not advanced by that opponent.'. I'd say a large part of your posts tend to follow this trend of moving the argument ever so slightly off into a different sphere, which can often lead to tensions in the debates as it starts to feel as if some sides of the argument are being completely ignored.


Also interesting to see something I apparently said about you personally has been taken as an insult. Maybe a learning point to consider in future before you comment on people personally, too ;)


To the post - i've addressed lots of points but seeing as you seem to need it one at a time. To maybe realise this I'll go to my main one of you claiming people saying things they didn't say (though ironically I have a feeling you might in fact choose to ignore this part and not respond to it). How much of the arguments being made by people were actually saying that Freemium or IAP were good for the industry? I saw lots of points being made about the business side and consumer's expectations, I didn't see a majority of people making those points saying that they thought 'free to play and IAP is really great for the industry'. Those were your words, suggesting people were trying to make that point - yet I really didn't see many of the majority points being made actually saying f2p/freemium or IAP is great for the industry. Can you show me everywhere this was being done?


Btw if you're really arguing 'the scalability' of an £8 app by Nintendo currently only on Apple's devices to that of a heavily regulated financial industry involved in securing loans in the forms of mortages against property and the consequences of irresponsible lending, overinflated property values and all sorts of terribly bad practise in said same sector - well, I think you're proving my own points quite well without me! I see very little in the parallel of ideas in selling a product for a value in a proprietary store to that of taking out loans against real estate. But hey, you've told me that ideas and principles scale, so maybe these intellectualised arguments shouldn't count for anything against that, right?



To actually bring it back to topic - personally I've gone off the idea of this from seeing some of the reception here and elsewhere. I was 50/50 on the product but parts of the approach have certainly bugged me - kinda like delays on the consoles by time this comes to Android I don't know if it'll be in a form I even want let alone if I'd still want it. My threshold for mobile gaming is already pretty high but with the always online aspects plus what the content seems to be for the price I'm not sure it'd be fore me - especially if I'm gonna end up with a Switch and whatever the next Mario is to take with me places!

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1) In an interview with Kyoto Shimbun (http://kyoto-np.co.jp/top/article/20161223000052 …), Nintendo president Kimishima says Mario Run’s numbers are as expected.


2) He reconfirms an Android release for next year. More importantly, he says Nintendo plans 2-3 smartphone releases per year from 2017. /end


2-3 games and year sounds ideal. No need to oversaturate the market.


Would love to know how much the development costs are? They must be killing it.



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Got another [?] block today via the shop. :)

Not sure why they added Toad Rally tickets as a My Nintendo reward, when there are so many ways to get them already. :heh:


In other SMR news...


Pre-registration for the Android version is now available:



Anyone know if it will be possible to add people to the friends list regardless of which version they use?

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I consider myself a decent 2D Mario player, I've managed the final secret level in every 3D game but I'm sorry, getting all the black coins in the third secret level in this is just impossible. I've been close to giving up and/or throwing my phone out the window. Way, way, way too difficult.

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Yeah, don't know what the problem is. Nearly 100m downloads on iOS only, great for brand awareness, one of their goals, made 30m in a very short period of time. Whilst not succumbing to the disgusting trends of IAP and providing a quality expeirence. All sounds pretty perfect to me.

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From what I have read 3-5% is the norm for paid downloads.

It's actually doing better than the normal


However, this is really the first insight that the "hardcore" gamer is looking into mobile and seeing these things for the first time, seeing the numbers and panicking.


Especially as this is a one-off purchase and not laden with IAP like GO. I feel that the success of GO has warped how people view mobile games

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All pink, purple, black coins collected, all secret levels 100%'d (the last one was tougher than Champions Road in SM3DW), kingdom fully expanded and Peach's cake unlocked. I've officially had my fun with this game, though I'll keep playing Toad Rally.


As for how successful it's been, Pokémon Go was basically the biggest gaming phenomenon there's ever been, so a little unfair to compare it to that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Due to our currency tanking Apple has increased prices, meaning it could cost £10 to unlock SMR according to this: https://9to5mac.com/2017/01/17/app-store-app-prices-to-rise-in-the-uk-by-25-following-brexit-exchange-rate-fluctuations/


Apparently due to roll out in the next 7 days.


Nintendo may take a hit on their margin, we're waiting to find out.

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Fuck me. Nintendo increased prices, apple increased prices... will this continue to happen with everyone? And we haven't even fucking left yet....


I wonder if they'll drop the prices back down if the £ strengthens! Ha!


Basically there are three options; price increases, companies making less profit or balancing it in other ways (i.e. the toblerone approach). So yeah...this is just the start.

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