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Detective Pikachu - The Movie


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Some of the acting wasn't the best, but I enjoyed the film overall. It used the licence well, there were so many cool little details for fans of the games.

The main premise of the story might seem a bit ridiculous to anyone who has never played the games...


It's cool that it explores a theme introduced in the original game after meeting Bill.

I've not played the 3DS game, does it follow the story very closely?

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1 hour ago, Mandalore said:

I've not played the 3DS game, does it follow the story very closely?

I'm currently playing through it ( started it last year but dropped it pretty quickly ) and the movie does share a few story beats with it. I'm only on the 6th chapter so I'm not sure if the ending will be the same but the main premise of looking for Harry and the use of R is still there. 

The cafe they visit at the start of the movie is the one that is featured heavily in the game. Also...


The scene where Pikachu kicks Magikarp to evolve it, nothing happens and he then says something along the lines of "I expected that to go differently." I think is a reference to the game. In the game the same thing happens to a Feebas and it evolves in Milotic.


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Just saw this today. Very much enjoyed it from a Pokemon fans view. Lots of little nods picked up. Best thing for me is that it looked how I would want a real world Pokémon film to look. Everything looked like it belonged in the world and wasn’t just lets put Pokémon in a film. 


Because of the way it ended I don’t know how they’d do another film based on this one, but I’d love to see some more Pokémon films set in this world. There’s loads of stories to tell and I think this could be a reliable franchise  


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1 hour ago, Jimbob said:

Thought the movie was pretty good, certainly bucked the trend for being a decent movie based on a gaming franchise.

How dare you, good sir!

Mortal Kombat (1995)

I see the film has done fine but hasn't exactly set the box office on fire. I would have thought it would have done better than it has done, what with it being Pokemon and all.

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Going to try and post a spoiler, but because I don't trust Tapatalk anymore, I'm going to put a bit of waffle here so that it doesn't show up on the front page, and people can avert their eyes before the next bit.

I didn't really get how the whole 'bonding the trainer's soul with their Pokémon thing worked. So Tim's dad got his soul (and his body apparently) ported into Pikachu. And Pikachu had his memory wiped at the same time. Was the person talking thereafter Pikachu? Or the dad? Or some combination of them both? Why didn't Tim recognise his own father's voice?

Should we not have been able to hear Lucy's voice coming out of Psyduck at the end? Or is it only family members who can understand bonded poke-human pairs?

Also, why did Bill Nighy even want to merge all the people with Pokémon? It seemed a really odd plan. I get why he might want to have his consciousness merged into a Pokémon, since his own body was dying, but why do it to everyone?


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1 hour ago, bob said:


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Going to try and post a spoiler, but because I don't trust Tapatalk anymore, I'm going to put a bit of waffle here so that it doesn't show up on the front page, and people can avert their eyes before the next bit.

I didn't really get how the whole 'bonding the trainer's soul with their Pokémon thing worked. So Tim's dad got his soul (and his body apparently) ported into Pikachu. And Pikachu had his memory wiped at the same time. Was the person talking thereafter Pikachu? Or the dad? Or some combination of them both? Why didn't Tim recognise his own father's voice?

Should we not have been able to hear Lucy's voice coming out of Psyduck at the end? Or is it only family members who can understand bonded poke-human pairs?

Also, why did Bill Nighy even want to merge all the people with Pokémon? It seemed a really odd plan. I get why he might want to have his consciousness merged into a Pokémon, since his own body was dying, but why do it to everyone?



I've heard a few different suggestions for this, as well as coming up with some of my own (I'm smart!)

The voice we, the audience, hear is not the same as what Tim hears. Or its been years and he's not actually spoken to his father as an adult. Or he's dumb. 

What Mewtwo did with the dad/Pikachu was different from what whatshisface did with R. Mewtwo explicitly intended for Tim to be able to hear Pikachu, unlike what happened with R. And I believe he wanted everyone to merge with Pokémon because he assumed if it's what he wants it must be what everyone wants because in another life he would have been a politician. 


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So whose consciousness was talking, Ryan Reynolds or Pikachu?

And if they are different, what would the rest of the city be, humans in a Pokémon body, or some sort of hybrid? Or straight Pokemon with the human just piggybacking and unable to speak, trapped forever behind the Pokémon's eyes?


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Is that enough for the sidebar?


Anyway, I believe it was his dad, hence the detective instincts, but without the memory. He just assumed he was a Pikachu because he was in a Pikachu body. 

And I think everyone else was human in a Pokémon body but without the ability to talk. 

It's basically a body horror film at that point.


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I suppose at least the human-pokemon could talk to each other, since pokemon can understand one another, they just wouldn't be able to talk to any remaining humans.

If you just have a human mind in a pokemon body though, where do the pokemon minds go? Are they wiped out? Are they piggybacking the human mind and forced to look out through their old eyes, but unable to say anything? Borderline animal abuse really.

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.....i have nothing clever left to say



Given pikachuuuuuuuuuuuu (autocorrect now prefers that) seemingly got his mind back at the end I guess they just .. Float around somewhere? Or maybe Mewtwo can retrieve them by doing the time warp or something.


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So I finally saw it... it’s not bad! Not amazing, but not bad at all.  Definitely watchable.


It was much less of a comedy than I was expecting though.  More of an action flick than anything else really (and not much of a detective film either).  Not bad, but not what I was expecting.


The story only really follows the original game loosely, but it’s REALLY contrived here; with lots of deus ex machine events oh so conveniently happening at the right time.  


Ryan Reynolds is fab though, and plays the role superbly.  Also they did a great job with the world building; I actually didn’t find myself bothered by the realistic look and loved all of the establishing shots (though they didn’t do a good job of hiding the fact that Ryme City is very blatantly London :laughing:).  Also loved the great and varied representation of all generations of Pokemon; you can absolutely tell that the staff who worked on this movie absolutely love the series (and aren’t a bunch of genwunners.  These guys did their homework!)


Overall it’s a decent movie.  Not mindblowingly amazing, but kids would definitely enjoy it; and Pokemon fans are sure to get a kick out of it.

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35 minutes ago, Dcubed said:

though they didn’t do a good job of hiding the fact that Ryme City is very blatantly London :laughing:

At one point they didn't even bother removing roundel so I don't think they were even trying. 

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Saw it tonight, really really enjoyed it, and that's coming from someone who's not really into Pokemon. The world building was excellent, Ryan Reynolds did a great job and Pikachu stole every scene. Hardly mind blowing or a particularly well crafted story but loads of fun.

Only negatives were it felt like a fan film at times, in terms of the production, especially that opening scene with his mate catching the Cubone. Maybe I just got used to the filming after that but the start was really jarring how bad the picture quality was. Overexposed, soft, grainy...

Oh and the girl, she was just awful. The woman scientist too actually.

Psyduck and Pikachu were great fun together.


Seems weird to close off the potential for a sequel like that though.


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On 17/05/2019 at 1:14 AM, Kiron123 said:



On 17/05/2019 at 9:32 AM, Ashley said:

According to IMDb it came out last week so maybe it just has a small run or is limited to certain theatres?

Yup, I've never seen that tactic before. I could smell him (being a spammer) miles away of course, but didn't know what his angle was. Now I know.

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On 12/05/2019 at 11:43 AM, Hero-of-Time said:


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The scene where Pikachu kicks Magikarp to evolve it, nothing happens and he then says something along the lines of "I expected that to go differently." I think is a reference to the game. In the game the same thing happens to a Feebas and it evolves in Milotic.



It's more a reference to James kicking his Magikarp in the anime on the SS Anne which makes it evolve in a Gyarados


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