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EU Referendum - In/Out?


The EU?  

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  1. 1. The EU?

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I find it spineless that Bojo engineered the largest constitutional crisis that this country has ever faced since WW2 yet doesn't offer to clean it up.


First Cameron fucks off (who initiated it) then Johnson (who finished it off)

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This entire referendum seems to have simply been set up for politicians' personal power struggles... The Labour party is tearing itself apart while a pre-planned coup is taking place on Corbyn, while the Tories are fighting for the top position and stabbing each other in the back for it.


This country needs a big overhaul of the two main parties, they just can't be trusted anymore. If people vote for the Tories again in the next general election after this farce, then they honestly deserve the shitstorm that is coming our way...

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This entire referendum seems to have simply been set up for politicians' personal power struggles... The Labour party is tearing itself apart while a pre-planned coup is taking place on Corbyn, while the Tories are fighting for the top position and stabbing each other in the back for it.


This country needs a big overhaul of the two main parties, they just can't be trusted anymore. If people vote for the Tories again in the next general election after this farce, then they honestly deserve the shitstorm that is coming our way...


I'm increasingly wondering if the chaos might even be a little bit good - shaking everything up a bit. Corbyn seems to be resolute sticking to his guns and I'm hoping that might somehow work out in his/Labour's favour. I don't tend to have a particular political affiliation but I'd possibly get behind Corbyn and Labour in the current situation(depending on the outcome of this moment of flux).

Edited by Rummy
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Farage says can envisage Britain contribution to EU budget post-Brexit


You cannot make this up.


I just found it odd that he would choose the launch of an anti-semite report to make those comments not the actual comments themselves.


Why? It's not an anti-semitic comment. In fact, it's very deliberately worded because Israel plays huge part in the mislabelling of "anti-semitism".


This is why Jeremy Corbyn is a leader. Because he's smart and he is deliberate and he knows what he is talking about.


Off topic, I don't believe Corbyn isn't a leader. I hear people say he isn't a leader but there is nothing to back this up.


He's been leader of Labour for 9 months now, I think. And this is what he's achieved in a party full of people who are fighting against him.


  • He helped force a tax credits U-turn
  • He helped force a police cuts U-turn
  • He helped force a Saudi prisons U-turn
  • There's been a massive boost in party membership
  • Labour defied critics in its first by-election
  • Huge crowds gatecrashed the Tory conference
  • Firefighters have re-affiliated after 11 years
  • There are more public questions at PMQs
  • Nationalising the railways is now official policy
  • There's a female majority in shadow cabinet


Do not believe the rhetoric, Corbyn is a leader. A better one than we deserve.



The problem with politics – and most people who comment on it – is reactions like, and I'm afraid to say it, yours, "Wow!! Just wow!!"; it's reaction without value, shock without thought. He makes a deliberate comment and instead of taking his point on board (and making a constructive counter point if you find a flaw with it) it is dismissed as outrageous or racist or whatever; instead of the discussion being constructive it becomes destructive. Cameron does this EVERY FUCKING PMQ.



Edited by Daft
Spelling, you grammar Nazi
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I always considered myself considerably to the left of the leadership when Ed Miliband was in charge, but Corbyn is a disaster. I hope the PLP manage to get rid of him and all of the regressive leftists who've been 'Labour' all of 5 minutes fuck off back to the Socialist Workers Party or wherever else they came from.

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Interested, without wishing to be inflammatory, in what you Corbynites made of his campaigning and general presence during the referendum. It's changed how I view him, particularly after his rating his interest in staying in the EU at 7/10 seemingly confirming that he'd be happy enough with us out (I understand that in that clip he's criticizing certain aspects of the EU as an organisation rather than the idea of staying in, but I feel like a fortnight before the vote isn't the time to be offering such indifference in such a tight race)


Boris pulling out is a total shocker, but to my mind a massive relief. He's a cynic and a calculating prick, but Gove or May don't seem half as electable material - could finally pave the way for a labour government, assuming a general election is held in the next year or two. But I feel like we learnt learned last election that being too far left, and having too strange a personality doesn't win elections. And for all his success in opposition, I'd put money on Corbyn, again, not having the mainstream appeal to get in office. Fair play for sticking to his principles, but if labour blow it again I'll be devastated.

Edited by dan-likes-trees
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I've just got home from work after a horrendous day to find all of this.


Boris Johnson backing out is...such a fucking cop-out that I can't even begin to explain how pissed I am. Gove, though. Just...just no. No. Absolutely not. No. Never. Wouldn't piss on that reptilian prick if his life depended on it and I consider myself someone who isn't that hateful. I'd end him and I wouldn't even think twice about it. The fuckbag.

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Wouldn't piss on that reptilian prick if his life depended on it.


It's probably good for Gove then that there are very few situations where pissing on someone would save their life.


Maybe if he was being stung by a large jellyfish?


If he had a small, localised fire on him?


If you somehow needed to assert dominance on a pack of wolves who were circling to kill Gove, and you piss on him to claim him as yours?


I think he's pretty safe.



Still, i can't let a post about Gove go without mentioning that he's a knobjockey and a cockwobble.

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Does anyone else think that "Invoking Article 50" sounds a bit like "Executing Order 66". I always imagine Cameron (or Boris, or whoever) done up like Palpatine, hissing the order out at their minions.

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In fairness to Johnson, I understand Gove stabbed him in the back - sounds like Cameron and Osborne stuck him in Johnsons gang as a mole, and to execute plan B. Plan B being that if Johnson took them down, he was going down with them. He thought holding off from dealing with Article 50 was their Plan B.. but it was just a distraction, while he worked his ass off trying to politically shimmy into position, Gove publically sang Boris' praises... until the day Boris had been building up to, announcing himself as an official candidate. Gove called Boris late that morning to let Boris know that Gove was pulling his support and was running himself. Ultimate dick move. 5 Minutes later he announced Boris didn't have what it took. Boris had been taken in and hadn't moved into position to discredit Gove... Gove was too close to be dismissed. Checkmate.


I think Gove is a dud candidate, May is the actual Candidate, and Gove will simply get a position under May.. possibly Osborne too if he fancies it, continue as he is... Cameron is game over, Boris is game over (should have stuck to being Mayor bojo).


But yes. Conservatives can't be in power next term.. come on Labour sort yourselves out :|


Or maybe.. How about N-E runs as a new alternative political party :P

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