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Could Pokémon work on a home console?


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Actually, yes, it is.

It's not worth sacrificing progression of the games just to constrain them for the 1 feature - portability.


I really like the idea of a home console and portable version mentioned earlier - and why not have a mobile app version as well ;)


But really, having the home console version with colosseum style game incorporated, maybe for £60, and then the portable solo version £40 and £10 for the colosseum game on the home console. It would differentiate between the versions and work a bit like smash bros did.


Anyway I would love a home console version and would really be interested in playing it. I don't know anyone who plays pokemon or owns a 3ds, so as it stands the portable aspect is irrelevant for me.


How is it progression of the games, though? That's the thing I have been arguing because it's not.


How did Pokken, Mystery Dungeon etc handle EVs and all the other problems you're referring to, @Serebii? Oh wait, it's almost as if they are different games...


Those aren't main games. If they did a spin-off like that, then yes I'd be all for it, but that's not what people are asking for here.


Also @Serebii your resistance to the main series ever evolving (lol), bearing in mind your comments about Nintendo games in general is inconsistent at best.


I'm not against it evolving. I'm against its fundamentals being shifted away from what the series is. The idea that the only way it can evolve is by going home console is ridiculous, when that isn't an evolution of what the series is. It's regression


You guys dismiss the portable aspect of the game, but it's key. Removal of it is a major thing and would have to be severely augmented with amazing stuff, not "oh look, there's a Pokémon in the overworld and graphics are pretty".

Edited by Serebii
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How is it progression of the games, though? That's the thing I have been arguing because it's not.




Those aren't main games. If they did a spin-off like that, then yes I'd be all for it, but that's not what people are asking for here.




I'm not against it evolving. I'm against its fundamentals being shifted away from what the series is. The idea that the only way it can evolve is by going home console is ridiculous, when that isn't an evolution of what the series is. It's regression


You guys dismiss the portable aspect of the game, but it's key. Removal of it is a major thing and would have to be severely augmented with amazing stuff, not "oh look, there's a Pokémon in the overworld and graphics are pretty".


I don't recall anyone saying this was going to be a main series game? Swear I've already said that...

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I'd quite like a open world Pokemon RPG on a home console. But I wouldn't want a full on MMORPG.


I don't often play online and I definitely don't want to be paying a monthly fee to play a game.


Also griefers. Can you imagine people just being idiots starting fights outside of the starter town?

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Part of me doesn't want to engage in this age old annual tradition... But I will.


I think Coloseums and XDs approach was a good step from the norm and really since then Nintendo/Game Freak should have continued the console line adventures - why the hell did they stop?


My idea of a console adventure would be storyline heavy - think something like Final Fantasy - but with Pokémon battles for the fights. XD and Colosseum had the right approach and good ideas but the application was just lazy... Uninspired music, uninspired art direction, simple environments, poor characters, even a poor choice of Pokémon to use.


TBH theres only so long the same old wake up in little town and beat the seven gyms routine can last. A console version presents an alternative option - and the advancements for the series can come in many forms by it being on a powerful console.


For example, better relationship building mechanisms with your pokemon and not just being limited to a select few to be able to ride/fly.


The obviously most appealing thing would be being immersed in a world sprawling with Pokémon on the big screen, things like the day-night cycle becomes more obvious and exciting.

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I don't recall anyone saying this was going to be a main series game? Swear I've already said that...

Then I have no issue with it. We've had Action Adventures where you go around and interact with Pokémon in the field before.




However, if it's a main game like some here are wanting (such as those who tell me I'm resistant to the series evolving), then no that shouldn't be done.

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I'd quite like a open world Pokemon RPG on a home console. But I wouldn't want a full on MMORPG.


I don't often play online and I definitely don't want to be paying a monthly fee to play a game.


Also griefers. Can you imagine people just being idiots starting fights outside of the starter town?


Squirtle Skwaaaaaad Master RACE


Of course it wouldn't be a monthly pay-to-play!

Edited by Julius Caesar
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...However, if it's a main game like some here are wanting (such as those who tell me I'm resistant to the series evolving), then no that shouldn't be done.


You've still not said why it shouldn't be done if it was done how I outlined.


The reason I'm giving that it should be is so that people who don't have a handheld but would like a Pokemon main series game could buy one.

The handheld version would still exist in tandem with it and you could game cross-platform.


So then why not? Why will you not answer?


Here's the solution:


Home console version has 2 save options;

1. Save to hard-drive

2. Save to cloud


Portable version has 2 save options;

1. Save to handheld/cartridge

2. Save to cloud


Both can sync with each other, so if you've only saved to the hardware and not to the cloud the saves can still transfer. You just load whichever file you so choose.


If you don't want to go to events or care for the portability of it, or even own a portable, then you'd buy the console version.

If you care about the portability of it the you buy the portable.


TA-DA! See how easy that was?

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Then I have no issue with it. We've had Action Adventures where you go around and interact with Pokémon in the field before.




However, if it's a main game like some here are wanting (such as those who tell me I'm resistant to the series evolving), then no that shouldn't be done.


This would be a small step up from an Action Adventure like PokéPark.


Unreal Engine 4, trainer customisation, MMORPG traits, Bank compatible, open world, "choose your path"...

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Why are people talking about buying two games? Cross buy!!


The hybrid nx. Play at Home. Up scaled. Take it with you on the handheld. All fine. Perfect. In fact what better example of portable and home console game sharing on nx? ( except animal crossing)


It's probably been discussed. But why do people think pokemon can only be done on a handheld? Doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever... Of course it can be done on a home console, it'd be bigger, infinitely more beautiful, and open up the series to even more players.

Edited by dazzybee
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This discussion pops up from time to time and it pisses me off every time, because it's like Serebii is speaking one language, and everybody else speaks another, with everybody being way more hostile than they need to be.


It's like, Serebii keeps talking about spin-offs and mainline games as if the distinction is obvious (when it isn't, especially not for people who haven't played it since they were kids). Meanwhile, the home console game that everybody's asking about always sounds like it could be a spin-off, and Serebii says as much, and that he'd be on board if it was a spin-off, but somehow everybody gives him shit over the fact that he calls it a spin-off.


I mean, these opinions are, by no means, mutually exclusive. By "main series", Serebii means specifically that part of the series with the traditional turn-based battle and 8 Gym Leader structure that's handled by Game Freak. Anything that deviates from this formula is a spin-off.


Spin-offs can be compatible with the main games. A console RPG where you run around collecting Pokémon (not necessarily in a turn-based environment, but not necessarily different, either) and then trade them with handhelds... that's a spin-off, as long as it does anything different from the Game Freak side of things. MMO? Spin-off. Pokémon battles aren't random encounters? Spin-off. The story is different than usual? Spin-off. Not developed by Game Freak? Spin-off.


It's literally just terminology. Why does it become a huge discussion every time?

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I don't particularly care what it's called. Spin-off, "main" game.. it really makes no difference does it? People are simply clamouring for a large open-world console version and @Serebii keeps saying it shouldn't happen.


I don't think anyone has gotten hostile either. It just appears that way because it's all versus one.

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By "main series", Serebii means specifically that part of the series with the traditional turn-based battle and 8 Gym Leader structure that's handled by Game Freak. Anything that deviates from this formula is a spin-off.


There has also been the talk of simply putting this formula on a home console. However, this "shouldn't be done" because it would remove the portable aspect, which is something a lot of people here don't agree with.


This is far from being an issue about two sides talking about different things.

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One of the most important aspects of the main Pokémon games, to me, is the portability. Just a couple of hours ago I was at the local Pokémon League where plenty of people (myself included) had brought their 3DSes and were playing Pokémon games together. I don't want to lose that.


I wouldn't mind having a single main game for a stationary console at some point, though (I liked Colosseum and loved Gale of Darkness, after all), but I definitely don't want it instead of the portable games.

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This discussion pops up from time to time and it pisses me off every time, because it's like Serebii is speaking one language, and everybody else speaks another, with everybody being way more hostile than they need to be.


It's like, Serebii keeps talking about spin-offs and mainline games as if the distinction is obvious (when it isn't, especially not for people who haven't played it since they were kids). Meanwhile, the home console game that everybody's asking about always sounds like it could be a spin-off, and Serebii says as much, and that he'd be on board if it was a spin-off, but somehow everybody gives him shit over the fact that he calls it a spin-off.


I mean, these opinions are, by no means, mutually exclusive. By "main series", Serebii means specifically that part of the series with the traditional turn-based battle and 8 Gym Leader structure that's handled by Game Freak. Anything that deviates from this formula is a spin-off.


Spin-offs can be compatible with the main games. A console RPG where you run around collecting Pokémon (not necessarily in a turn-based environment, but not necessarily different, either) and then trade them with handhelds... that's a spin-off, as long as it does anything different from the Game Freak side of things. MMO? Spin-off. Pokémon battles aren't random encounters? Spin-off. The story is different than usual? Spin-off. Not developed by Game Freak? Spin-off.


It's literally just terminology. Why does it become a huge discussion every time?


I think part of the problem is every year people say what they would like from a home console game and then simply get told "it won't work because".


It's also unclear what constitutes "main" games (other than the fact they are on a handheld console but some people would argue that's simply traditional / a technical necessity of the past). I think many people simply want a game with the core Pokémon mechanics but on a home console - find Pokémon, catch them, battle them, beat 8 gyms, defeat the Elite 4. I also don't believe anyone wants this to come at the cost of the handheld console games (rather, they work alongside the handheld ones), but maybe I'm wrong.


Yet it always descends into:


"I'd like this"

"No it won't work"




Ultimately I don't think this thread should be focused on why it would or would not work and getting caught up on that because ultimately none of us are in a position to say where the franchise will head, but rather should be a kind of "oh wouldn't it be cool if..." kind of thread.

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I think part of the problem is every year people say what they would like from a home console game and then simply get told "it won't work because".


It's also unclear what constitutes "main" games (other than the fact they are on a handheld console but some people would argue that's simply traditional / a technical necessity of the past). I think many people simply want a game with the core Pokémon mechanics but on a home console - find Pokémon, catch them, battle them, beat 8 gyms, defeat the Elite 4. I also don't believe anyone wants this to come at the cost of the handheld console games (rather, they work alongside the handheld ones), but maybe I'm wrong.


Yet it always descends into:


"I'd like this"

"No it won't work"




Ultimately I don't think this thread should be focused on why it would or would not work and getting caught up on that because ultimately none of us are in a position to say where the franchise will head, but rather should be a kind of "oh wouldn't it be cool if..." kind of thread.


Well, in that case, wouldn't it be cool if [insert everything I've repeated too many times on this single thread to be proud of and what I can no longer get out of my head].

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A traditional game could work, but they feel better suited to handhelds. The handheld games have evolved very slowly, but they're getting there.


Give me a big persistent world console Pokemon Snap and I'd be happy. Would probably be a great place to hang out after a stressful day. Just imagine chilling for a few hours in that world and observing some Pokemon, spectating AI trainer battles and various people going about their lives... with a sweet gyro camera, Miiverse photo sharing and the chance to catch Oak sneaking in the back door after sending a trainer out on their journey.

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Comparing Nintendo to a 3rd party used to be considered blasphemy.


used to be


I assume you mean before they started putting money before the fans? Which sadly is how it's felt recently, though things have definitely improved over the last year.


Apart from their blunders concerning Super Mario Maker. Gosh...

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How is it progression of the games, though? That's the thing I have been arguing because it's not.


I would like a spinoff then sure. Where the game more closely resembles the anime. team rocket, similar anime art style etc. battles are real time but you can choose to break the rules - with the same consequences as in the "real" pokemon world. you can choose to do what you want... establish a business, be a cop, a professor studying pokemon, photographer, hell, even maybe a gym trainer (the first gym guys seem pretty bad as trainers so surely ANYONE can do it right?) I'd want all the numbers hidden. I don't want to know what level my pokemon are, sure have it in the back ground, but focus more on the interaction with your pokemon. You have to figure out your pokemons personality and get the most out of it. cheering on one pokemon pushes it to give it's all, while another feels patronised and just quits on you.

Have pokemon who will help you farm, or be a bandit. Join team rocket, or found your own nefarious band.

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Give me a big persistent world console Pokemon Snap and I'd be happy.


You could have that as a fully fleshed side-quest in a giant open-world game. Have a particular building with an NPC who judges pictures and compares them to your friends snaps.

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