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Going digital is awesome. No faffing about changing discs! :D



Indeed. I dont mind paying abit extra for multiplayer games i really get absorbed into. Especially as many games have daily or weekly log in bonuses/missions etc. Annoyingly.

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Glad you had fun! I was a bit off last night(and distracted, noticed I wasted a rez or two of yours so my apologies for that) - you were a pretty decent Mercy considering how you were saying you'd felt about the game so far though! I probs won't be back on til Sunday or so but if you see me on feel free to join or send message/invite!

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If any PS4 Overwatch players want to join our whatsapp group, PM me your num :) Usually find us either talking about players/strategies, arranging games, posting overwatch related gifs, announcing new patches going up, or generally chatting banal rubbish and needing muting.

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How many PS4 players do we actually have now? I'd love to try and get a 12-man custom together a day when everyone's around(as I've said repeatedly elsewhere lol).


Shorty Daft Dan Eenuh Shiekah Me MiLagi Emerald is 8 alone(folks I've played with/seen online recently). Drift? Zell? Flink? Peeps? Guy? Mr-Paul? Anyone else? Is James from the Whatsapp on here, or a mutual friend?


I've also got Frag Grimes(Psychick-Youth on psn), Marcamillian, and two of my other mates who are on fairly regular and would join any gaps we have I imagine!

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I'm considering getting this for Xmas, but I'm unsure. It looks like a steep learning curve. Is there much variety in game play, or is it just online multiplayer? I'm worried that if I don't put enough time in to 'git gud' then I won't enjoy it when I do get to play...

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I'm considering getting this for Xmas, but I'm unsure. It looks like a steep learning curve. Is there much variety in game play, or is it just online multiplayer? I'm worried that if I don't put enough time in to 'git gud' then I won't enjoy it when I do get to play...


On PS4? It's all dependant, really. @Mr\-Paul may be good people to answer the question though as they've gotten into it more recently. I wouldn't have judged Eenuh's performance last night as bad at all; but that could also relate to the role/character being played. Not saying that in any way as a judgement to Eenuh, mind! Mercy's a good character to get into as a beginner(and useful, and underplayed by others imo) and you'll still keep learning as time goes on and you get used to more of the game's mechanics etc. I find your timings on certain things can tighten up, if that makes sense.


The one good thing - there's no 'time advantage' to having played the game other than simply being a bit more experienced. Even high level players, as many of us seem to encounter, can be absolute fucking idiots. Hell...I'm like level 130 or something and I know I've still got massive gaps in my playstyles.


Despite that - I've played 80+ hours already checking my stats. Every time I think about my gaming time at the moment - I think about Overwatch. It's a game you might have a 'quick game' on but end up on for a while. It's better with company, but still enjoyable without.


Ofc, there's no real single player so it's all online multiplayer, but I think with picking 6/22ish heroes per match for your team, against 6/22 heroes on the other team, and how people play all those different characters and how the interactions go - the level of variety is potentially huge although sometimes maybe subtle(obvious strategies and plays evolve for certain characters but, as with any game like this, the meta slowly evolves too). They're still releasing content too. We just got a new character like a week or two ago. We got a new map. We got new modes.


I think there's certain characters that are easier or harder to 'git gud' with; but I also think that's depending on you. I see people play some of my favourite characters worse than me, but they kick the shit out of ability with my less favoured characters. Sometimes there's factors out of your control that are frustrating(teammate choices etc) but again that's something that can be negated by playing with other people. I play fairly regularly with 4 of my mates, and then you've got all the N-E folks here too. I'm always happy for folks to jump in with folks and I've had some really nice sessions with Emerald Emblem on occasion.



I'm obviously very much in love with this game. Sure, there's a chance it might not be the sort of game for you, but I think with it going for £25-30 reportedly atm that you should take a chance and get it for yourself as an early present now :p

Edited by Rummy
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On PS4? It's all dependant, really. @Mr\-Paul may be good people to answer the question though as they've gotten into it more recently. I wouldn't have judged Eenuh's performance last night as bad at all; but that could also relate to the role/character being played. Not saying that in any way as a judgement to Eenuh, mind! Mercy's a good character to get into as a beginner(and useful, and underplayed by others imo) and you'll still keep learning as time goes on and you get used to more of the game's mechanics etc. I find your timings on certain things can tighten up, if that makes sense.


The one good thing - there's no 'time advantage' to having played the game other than simply being a bit more experienced. Even high level players, as many of us seem to encounter, can be absolute fucking idiots. Hell...I'm like level 130 or something and I know I've still got massive gaps in my playstyles.


Despite that - I've played 80+ hours already checking my stats. Every time I think about my gaming time at the moment - I think about Overwatch. It's a game you might have a 'quick game' on but end up on for a while. It's better with company, but still enjoyable without.


Ofc, there's no real single player so it's all online multiplayer, but I think with picking 6/22ish heroes per match for your team, against 6/22 heroes on the other team, and how people play all those different characters and how the interactions go - the level of variety is potentially huge although sometimes maybe subtle(obvious strategies and plays evolve for certain characters but, as with any game like this, the meta slowly evolves too). They're still releasing content too. We just got a new character like a week or two ago. We got a new map. We got new modes.


I think there's certain characters that are easier or harder to 'git gud' with; but I also think that's depending on you. I see people play some of my favourite characters worse than me, but they kick the shit out of ability with my less favoured characters. Sometimes there's factors out of your control that are frustrating(teammate choices etc) but again that's something that can be negated by playing with other people. I play fairly regularly with 4 of my mates, and then you've got all the N-E folks here too. I'm always happy for folks to jump in with folks and I've had some really nice sessions with Emerald Emblem on occasion.



I'm obviously very much in love with this game. Sure, there's a chance it might not be the sort of game for you, but I think with it going for £25-30 reportedly atm that you should take a chance and get it for yourself as an early present now :p

Cheers, that's very helpful. If I did get it, I'd have to get another year of PS plus, since I've let mine run out. So that does add £40 to the price.


Still, it does look fun, so I might see what deals I can find...

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I really need to grab a few games with you guys, so definitely happy to organise something!


Can't say my skills are too hot, but I currently play most days with a bunch of the old C-E/N-E Halo 2 crowd, and we do alright!


I'm considering getting this for Xmas, but I'm unsure. It looks like a steep learning curve. Is there much variety in game play, or is it just online multiplayer? I'm worried that if I don't put enough time in to 'git gud' then I won't enjoy it when I do get to play...


It's definitely a game where a decent co-op performance by an entire team can utterly balance out any skill gaps, but there are so many different play styles you'll definitely find someone that clicks with you after a few games.


The game does seem pretty repetitive on first glance but I've been surprised how much variety there is for something with so few game types. They're adding a lot as time goes on too and have good seasonal events to mix things up.


Christmas will be a good time to jump in for sure.

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Bought a ps4 on Amazon today so that will arrive tomorrow with some games that I don't want. I'll be trading them in for overwatch tomorrow ;D


Been playing on PC since release so expect complaints about how controllers are inferior to mouse/keyboard but other than that I'm looking forward to playing with the rest of you :D

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Awesome, purchased.


I will wait until Christmas for Overwatch though. Got to leave some things on my Christmas list.


If you're off around Christmas I know Marcamillian's going to be aboutish and at least Frag and my mate Brokegod. My work's going to be slow/quiet so I can probs do bits at home or just take the non-national-holiday days off too - I'd definitely not mind going a bit mental on a long OW bender a day over the holidays if you/anyone else fancies!

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As I had a day one PS4 which has a tendency to overheat and on occasion shut down and as Black Friday prices are insane - I've treated myself to a slim PS4 with Overwatch, Ratchet and Clank and 2 months Sky Movies for the Bargain price of £199 at Game.


So I'll be happy to participate in some online shenanigans with you lot.

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Hope you didn't mind me jumping in on a few games there @Eenuh! Ended up spectating two of them before I even go into one with you(think your D.Va on R66 and a Sombra on Numbani; did that one join you in halfway??). Was judging the rest of the team quite harshly at first when I did get in but then I realised it was matching more to your level than mine so hope that didn't make it feel unbalanced or anything! How're you finding the game now you've had a bit more time with it?

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Hope you didn't mind me jumping in on a few games there @Eenuh! Ended up spectating two of them before I even go into one with you(think your D.Va on R66 and a Sombra on Numbani; did that one join you in halfway??). Was judging the rest of the team quite harshly at first when I did get in but then I realised it was matching more to your level than mine so hope that didn't make it feel unbalanced or anything! How're you finding the game now you've had a bit more time with it?


I don't mind at all, anyone can join me if they want!

Not sure about those specific games you mention, but there were quite a few yesterday where I got dropped in near the end (twice even when the "Defeat" screen came up)! Quite annoying. :P


Don't think the team did great when you were playing with me, though I think once you left we ended up winning some games haha.


I'm enjoying the game quite a lot, though I feel bad that I'm not really playing as some characters. I am basically going as D.Va most games, unless we need a healer (I'll pick Mercy or maybe Lucio). If we need Defending characters I might pick Torbjörn, if we need more Offense I might pick Sombra. I haven't really got the hang of any other characters... and I suck with snipers or characters like McCree. Guess I need to improve with those somehow!


Also thanks for the invite @Shorty and @The Peeps! I was just too late in joining though, as I was in the middle of a game. Next time I'll join! :)

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I'm really enjoying this game, despite being quite bad at it. :hehe:

There are a few moments here and there when I manage to play alright, or even do something cool and make it on to the highlight reel, but overall I'm pretty terrible. :heh:

I just struggle to keep up with the pace of it really. I'm not a young man anymore, as Soldier 76 would say. :laughing:


So yeah, I probably won't be joining in/ruining anyone's game on here (like I did the other day to Eenuh :blush:) but feel free to join me if you like the extra challenge of playing with a flaky teammate, or don't take the game too seriously. :D

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I'm really enjoying this game, despite being quite bad at it. :hehe:

There are a few moments here and there when I manage to play alright, or even do something cool and make it on to the highlight reel, but overall I'm pretty terrible. :heh:

I just struggle to keep up with the pace of it really. I'm not a young man anymore, as Soldier 76 would say. :laughing:


So yeah, I probably won't be joining in/ruining anyone's game on here (like I did the other day to Eenuh :blush:) but feel free to join me if you like the extra challenge of playing with a flaky teammate, or don't take the game too seriously. :D


You didn't ruin anything, don't worry about it! I feel exactly the same as you btw, I don't play too well, but occasionally (probably when my team mates are worse than me) I will help pull off the win by doing something great. :P


So feel free to join me if you see me playing. I'm just playing it for fun really, I don't mind losing that much. :)

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