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The newest game by Blizzard. Super Hero FPS. Its getting an incredible amount of word of mouth acclaim in the closed beta stage which has been running for a while. Its also doing well on twitch given its a very exclusive beta right now.


The game originates from Blizzard's cancelled FPS MMO project previously known as Titan. Overwatch is essentially the PVP portion of the game. PVE content is a possiblity in the long term. All new maps and heroes will be FREE interms of dlc.


Out in May with an open beta soon.


Obligatory Blizzard CG stuff


Cinematic Trailer:


Short no.1


Short no.2


More shorts on the way!


Release date/gameplay trailer:

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Some vids are out there. It runs at 60 fps. Using a dynamic resolution setup. On Ps4 its seemingly always 1080p going by tests so far.


There are changes in the controls. Consoles are treated seperately from pc. But I would wait and see for the public beta in regards to gameplay. Who knows it could its designed for streamers lol. They have had over a year head start to hone their skills...

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  • 4 weeks later...

The game is now in open beta. Wont last long though but its superb already :)


Good amount of simplicity and complexity. Its like Killzone in the way its teamwork and objective based. However its divided into 4 classes(essentially grouping of character types) and lots of different characters with fully unique abilities so a healer isnt the same as another character healer. Its quite well made!


You have special abilities like superhero abilities. e.g Tracer can rewind herself to a previous position. She can also flash forward for faster movement. Genji has a defensive sword capability where frontal attacks can be blocked and a fast swipe for example. There are supers too. So far its looking really good mechanically.

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The hero aspect is quite unique as no two characters are the same but share a role with other heroes. Its one of the main unique points. Other games have a class and leave it at that. Here there are several medics, tanks etc.


I think they really nailed it with the fun factor. Its a change of pace from say Destiny and many other fps. Not too complicated to learn a character. Yet the specials are well made.


Another point worth mentioning is that map dlc will be free. The game will also be extended in other ways.

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One thing (and yeah I think that this is a big deal) is that it's a really family friendly shooter.


The whole thing is just packed with so much personality and flavour but founded with some solid mechanics. Pretty sure that I'm going to be picking it up based on the beta alone.

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This is definitely Team Fortress 3 in all the best ways possible. Rather than "maining" anyone it's actually been fun experimenting with all the characters - even ones that seem underpowered at first can be regular game-changers once you understand them. There's a lot I love about it, seriously thinking getting the pricier digital version at launch just so it's always there, ready to go.

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This is definitely Team Fortress 3 in all the best ways possible. Rather than "maining" anyone it's actually been fun experimenting with all the characters - even ones that seem underpowered at first can be regular game-changers once you understand them. There's a lot I love about it, seriously thinking getting the pricier digital version at launch just so it's always there, ready to go.


Same here I might go digital. This game is also quite relaxing. It doesn't have that cheapness or frustration as certain other Fps do. Everyone is equal and objectives are the focus.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Still really loving this. Every character is so different and full of personality and now that it's been out for a bit, the high level play is starting to come out. Every time I get trounced it's because of a lack of teamwork and people not sticking together. Each time I lose, I find myself congratulating the other team for doing a good job usually, not cursing our own which is a testament to the game.

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Picked it up on the ps4 earlier today and have had a couple of matches on it so far but really enjoying it. Wasn't sure what I was gonna make of it as I didn't play the beta but it definitely has that same vibe that I got from playing Team Fortress 2 back in the day on the 360.


So far, I've only played as a handful of characters but the one thats clicked straight off of the bat is Junkrat as it plays like the Demoman in TF2. Love being able to put down the concussion mines and traps in choke points or around the payload and then throwing in my shots. Nabbed a 14 kill streak on my 2nd match which wasn't too bad for my first few goes on it. Have tried Genji a couple of times but need to get used to the reflect move so that I'm not wasting it or the special.


Really looking forward to putting more time into it. Played with randoms so far and its all been plain sailing so I wouldn't worry too much there @drahkon

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This is quite easily the most fun I've had in an FPS since I played TF2. Loving it and finding myself wanting to jump on and play a quick match whenever I've got 10-15 mins spare at the moment. Don't remember how long I was on it yesterday but just kept playing because I was enjoying it so much.


Managed to nab myself a couple of Play of the Games yesterday as well, mainly all as Junkrat but think once as Tracer. Junkrat really is great for popping that ult and rolling it in on a capture point that you're defending to clear it out. Easily grab 3 or 4 kills with that on a point because it seems like some people don't realise you can destroy the tire by shooting it. Works for me anyway :grin:


Also really liking the maps in the game. Really well designed and allow for a surprising amount of depth and variety to the way in which you can traverse and flank. Very much like the characters themselves. Big fan of the Gibraltar map myself. Defending on that one is great fun, pop a steel trap down after the ramp in the alcove on the right hand side and trap people trying to flank round the payload and then sticking concussion mines at the spawn area at the start of the match to send them flying. Just as gripping on attack, proper sense of accomplishment when you manage to get that second stage, especially as all to often you'll have a Torbjorn or two and a Bastion camping round the corner making it extremely difficult to move forward.


Haven't quite found my feet on the attacking side for characters. Generally plonk for either Tracer or Genji and while I can play the former quite well now (Recall is a brilliant move on top of Blink), I'm not quite there with Genji. Have at least figured out when I should be using Deflect but can't for the life of me work the ult. It seems to be lacking in power as I hacked away at a Roadhog and got nothing for it, even with using the dash through it. Don't know whether I'm missing something or not ::shrug:


Anyway, having loads of fun with this and so long as Blizzard do keep the free content coming as they've promised, then I can see it having some long term play for myself and it acts as a very nice bridge till Mirror's Edge Catalyst is out.

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I'm back home, patch is downloading : peace: Time for me to cook, eat lunch and then have some fun :D


Edit: Played to matches, lost the first, won the second.


In my first match I played Lucio. Seemed like a good support, and he was. Shame that my team sucked, though.

My second hero was Symmetra. Holy shit, she's amazing. Her turrets are awesome.


Need to remember that I can switch heroes during matches. :laughing:

Edited by drahkon
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Bought and downloaded today.


I'm a huge TF2 fan, so this caught my eye when it was announced. TF2 & Blizzard? Heck yeah. Its a refreshing change because TF2 is so old now and whilst its still a cracking game I'm bored of the characters.


After an hour or two, I'd say this was worth the £29.99 I paid, the characters are unique, the moves are good and its friendly enough to new players. As expected. I'm always finding match making is good (you don't get placed with players much, much higher level than you for instance) and there's enough to keep you going for a while.


I'm interested to see where Blizzard take this - more maps/characters would be cool, but I'd love to see some different game modes than anything.



(Also if anyone wants to add me that'd be great, I've not got many to play with at the moment)

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