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Your 2016 Gaming Diary

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I've been busy lately looking back at my current PS4 collection and working my way through some of the smaller games that I've been neglecting.


First up...Grim Fandango Remastered.


The style, humour, presentation and story of this game are fantastic. That's essentially what got me hooked and what carried me through to the end. However, I have to say that I didn't enjoy the puzzle-solving mechanic an awful lot. Some of the sign-posting in this game isn't great and a lot of the solutions for the puzzles are a bit obscure.


I would say that I enjoyed it and I'm glad that I played it. But, it definitely tells you how far videogames have come. Some would say that there's a bit too much hand-holding these days, but I'd argue that some of the design has improved tremendously. So, not so much games being easier now, but rather that the combination of visuals making it clear what's taking place and having mechanics that tend to fit in a bit more with their surroundings...makes a huge difference. An interesting argument for another time, maybe.


Race The Sun


This was another PS+ game, although this is from quite a while back. I played a bit of it then, then put it aside in favour of something else. It's a pretty great game. Simple, yet fucking hard. I love the sense of speed in this, the minimalistic visuals and the mechanics. I'm a big fan of this. Moar please.


Games of 2016


Flower - Finished

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception - Finished

The Unfinished Swan - Finished

Grim Fandango Remastered - Finished

Race The Sun - Finished

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I had a great weekend session that has rounded off the month of January nicely.


I bought Life is Strange (PS4) on Friday night. I started it early Saturday morning and played it practically all day. I couldn't put the thing down.




There were so many moments in the game that hit me hard.


I was unable to save Kate when she was on the roof, despite siding with her and trying my best to talk her down.


The end of the 3rd chapter blew my mind. I knew there would be some consequences to my actions but seeing Chloe in that state was hard to see. I actually granted her what she asked of me and killed her. It was a hard decision to make but I feel I made the right call.


Watching Max not hide the keys, knowing what fate was in store for Chloe's dad, was a difficult scene.


The reveal of Jefferson's involvement was and wasn't a shock. In the back of my mind I was toying with the idea that there was something off about the guy. When the camera panned out and I seen who it was I shouted at the TV " I KNEW IT!". I was clearly caught up in the moment. :D


Finding Rachel's body was tough to watch, especially when Chloe broke down.


During the last chapter I kissed Warren ( i'd also kissed Chloe in an earlier chapter ). The guy had helped me over the course of the game and I figured I would show some affection, especially as he may not remember the event, due to me time travelling.


My final decision was so hard. I spent a good few minutes going back and forth, trying my hardest to weigh up the options. I eventually pulled the trigger and decided to save Chloe. Yeah, the town may have suffered but I figured Chloe deserved some happiness in her life.



A special mention goes to the soundtrack of the game. There are some amazing tunes in the game and all of them fit perfectly for the setting.


The only negatives I have to say about the game is that the lip syncing is a bit iffy and the graphics and animations can be a bit rough. In an ideal world they would have used the same engine that was used for Until Dawn.


After finishing the game, I went back and mopped up any photos I needed and nabbed the platinum. Brilliant game and I recommend everyone who enjoys this types of games to pick this up.


Next up is Xeodrifter (Vita). I've had this sitting on the Vita for a while, thanks to PS+. It's a cool little game. I don't usually like Metroid style games but this one isn't too big, so I didn't end up getting lost.


The end credits are fantastic. Its a remix of As The World Falls Down from Labyrinth.


Broadcast Yourself


Broadcast Yourself




Last up is Grim Fandango (PS4). I never played this back in the day but I know its highly thought of. PS+ gave me the chance to have a crack at it.


I have to be honest, I didn't care for the game at all. The controls were clunky ( I played with tank controls for the trophy ), the writing was alright but not hilarious and some of the puzzles were just flat out annoying.


I feel this may be a product of its time and anyone coming in fresh will probably see the games flaws and not have the luxury of having any kind of nostalgia to hide these problems.


It will be interesting to see if Day of the Tentacle suffers the same fate when that is released. I think that may have aged better due to the art style and it being 2D. I will have the nostalgia goggles on for that game as I loved it as a kid.


Anyway, I nabbed to platinum but was glad that the experience ended when it did.


A great start to the year. I will have to do a proper tally tomorrow ( full list is at work ) and see what was my game of the month. I'm pretty sure I know what it is already....

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I bought Life is Strange (PS4) on Friday night. I started it early Saturday morning and played it practically all day. I couldn't put the thing down.




There were so many moments in the game that hit me hard.


I was unable to save Kate when she was on the roof, despite siding with her and trying my best to talk her down.


The end of the 3rd chapter blew my mind. I knew there would be some consequences to my actions but seeing Chloe in that state was hard to see. I actually granted her what she asked of me and killed her. It was a hard decision to make but I feel I made the right call.


Watching Max not hide the keys, knowing what fate was in store for Chloe's dad, was a difficult scene.


The reveal of Jefferson's involvement was and wasn't a shock. In the back of my mind I was toying with the idea that there was something off about the guy. When the camera panned out and I seen who it was I shouted at the TV " I KNEW IT!". I was clearly caught up in the moment. :D


Finding Rachel's body was tough to watch, especially when Chloe broke down.


During the last chapter I kissed Warren ( i'd also kissed Chloe in an earlier chapter ). The guy had helped me over the course of the game and I figured I would show some affection, especially as he may not remember the event, due to me time travelling.


My final decision was so hard. I spent a good few minutes going back and forth, trying my hardest to weigh up the options. I eventually pulled the trigger and decided to save Chloe. Yeah, the town may have suffered but I figured Chloe deserved some happiness in her life.


Glad you enjoyed it :) Hope my semi-spoiler didn't ruin much...


Do not read the following if you haven't played the game


Wow, we both made the same choices there :D


I had the same suspicion about Jefferson and when he was shown...I mumbled to myself: "I knew it" :laughing:


Those other moments...I have to admit that I had tears in my eyes during quite a few of them...:(

A great start to the year. I will have to do a proper tally tomorrow ( full list is at work ) and see what was my game of the month.


Great idea. I'll look through my list and post my GOTM :D




A special mention goes to the soundtrack of the game. There are some amazing tunes in the game and all of them fit perfectly for the setting.


Agree. I went to an Alt-J concert last November and when I heard the following tune in Life is Strange I was immediately back in the concert hall. One of the greatest concerts I have ever attended.



Now, whenever I hear that track I have to think of Life is Strange and that concert :D

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I feel this may be a product of its time and anyone coming in fresh will probably see the games flaws and not have the luxury of having any kind of nostalgia to hide these problems.



I feel the same way. Although, tbh, there was a lot that I did enjoy about the game. I did enjoy the characters and the humour. The puzzle-solving is what lets it down, imo. I'd definitely be up for another game with the same characters, similar humour and storylines but with a more modern take on puzzles and a bit more sign-posting going on.

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With January at its end, it's time to award my GOTM - sponsored by @Hero\-of\-Time.


Thinking about all the games I've finished it comes down to a three-way-fight:


Transistor (PS4)


Its presentation alone is incredible. The art-style is lovely, the music is awesome and the gameplay puts a fresh twist on turn-based combat. I'm glad I finally finished it and enjoyed every minute.


Life is Strange (PS4)


An emotional journey. Great story, cool characters (albeit sometimes a bit too cliché with occasional cringe-worthy lines) and good use of music.


Tearaway (PSVita)


One of the finest, most creative platformers I've ver played. So much effort has been put into making the Vita's different functions part of the gameplay. And everything works perfectly.

After the recent uncreative and disappointing Mario-games this was such a refreshing platformer.


And the winner is:




It's Tearaway


Loved it from start to finish. A perfect fit for the Vita and - I'll gladly repeat myself - such a refreshingly creative platformer.


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With my negative feelings towards MadWorld thrown into the mix, it's becoming pretty apparent that games featuring some sort of melee combat just isn't really for me :hmm: While I may have loved No More Heroes on Wii and Streets of Rage 2 holds some great memories, a lack of interest in trying to get into [i]Devil May Cry 2[/i] or God of War in my collection speaks volumes about the level of appeal, in general, for these types of games.


I'm sure there have been, and will continue to be, exceptions but this January has helped to reinforce that the breadth of games which appeal to me is, and has been, shrinking!


Devil May Cry 2 is an absolute shambles of a game, especially compared to the first and third entries. Awful. :shakehead


I'm the complete opposite in that i'm finding my tastes are a lot more varied than I ever thought they would be. Over the past few years I have started stepping out of my gaming comfort zones and try new genres and games that I didn't think would appeal to me. I think this has had a huge impact on me and has opened my eyes to more experiences.


There's a few people on here who have done this as well. One of my favourite threads of last year was the Bloodborne topic. I didn't play the game but it was amazing seeing people give the game a chance, push through the difficulty, learn how the game worked and get an amazing experience from it.


I honestly put this down to the PS4. There's many on here who were previously Nintendo only. This generation many have jumped ship and are now seeing just how diverse gaming can be. While i've been a multi console owner ever since I started working, its not until now that I have started to appreciate a lot of the quirky indie/PC titles due to them being on the PS4.


Anyway, back to the main topic of the thread. Here's what I managed to finish in January.


  1. Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam Bros. (3DS)
  2. Bastion (Vita)
  3. Wave Race (Wii U VC)
  4. Superfrog (Vita)
  5. Hardware: Rivals (PS4)
  6. Super Mario Land (3DS VC)
  7. Super Mario Land 2 (3DS VC)
  8. A Boy and His Blob (PS4)
  9. Tales from the Borderlands (PS4)
  10. Super Mario 3D Land (3DS)
  11. Steins Gate (Vita)
  12. Life is Strange (PS4)
  13. Xeodrifter (Vita)
  14. Grim Fandango (PS4)




It was a toss up between Life is Strange and Tales From the Borderlands. Both were brilliant but I think one was more polished than the other. That being the case, my GOTM has to go to Tales From The Borderlands (PS4).


This was a game that was hyped up and managed to deliver. A fantastic story, hilarious dialogue and amazing characters made for a stupidly enjoyable experience. :bowdown:

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Last up is Grim Fandango (PS4). I never played this back in the day but I know its highly thought of. PS+ gave me the chance to have a crack at it.


I have to be honest, I didn't care for the game at all. The controls were clunky ( I played with tank controls for the trophy ), the writing was alright but not hilarious and some of the puzzles were just flat out annoying.

Grim Fandango was never meant to be hilarious, though...


And complaining about the tank controls being clunky when they're entirely optional is a bit unfair. You made your bed. :heh:

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I'm the complete opposite in that i'm finding my tastes are a lot more varied than I ever thought they would be. Over the past few years I have started stepping out of my gaming comfort zones and try new genres and games that I didn't think would appeal to me. I think this has had a huge impact on me and has opened my eyes to more experiences.


There's a few people on here who have done this as well. One of my favourite threads of last year was the Bloodborne topic. I didn't play the game but it was amazing seeing people give the game a chance, push through the difficulty, learn how the game worked and get an amazing experience from it.


I honestly put this down to the PS4. There's many on here who were previously Nintendo only. This generation many have jumped ship and are now seeing just how diverse gaming can be. While i've been a multi console owner ever since I started working, its not until now that I have started to appreciate a lot of the quirky indie/PC titles due to them being on the PS4.



I've got to agree with all of this.


Although, it may partly come down to me just not giving a fuck anymore with what I buy or play. Bloodborne has destroyed everything I've ever really believed about gaming. It's probably the game which has rewritten the rule book for me.


Tutorial? Nah, you don't need that.

Maps? What the fuck is that?




In general, there's a ton of diversity out there. The only thing standing in the way of that is the mindset of the gamer. If you go into each game not giving a fuck and go into it completely open, then only good things can come of it. I NEVER would have thought that I would ever love a game like Bloodborne.

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With it being the first day of February already, I thought I may as well have a recap of my gaming in January :smile:



Spyro the Dragon (PS1)

Bayonetta 2 (Wii U)

Mario vs Donkey Kong (GBA [3DS Ambassador])

Kirby's Adventure (NES [Wii U VC])

Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny (PS2)

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (PS3)


Last month was certainly something of a mixed bag with several games disappointing me with relatively monotonous combat. I had to go back through the thread to remind myself that I beat Kirby's Adventure, which highlights just how little I actually thought of it, but what little I had to finish in Spyro The Dragon was fun and Mario vs Donkey Kong surprised me by unexpectedly drawing me in and not letting go until I beat it completely : peace:


February looks set to increase the quality, somewhat, as I've already resumed both Skies of Arcadia (Dreamcast) and The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D (3DS) and am being sucked into both with the former, in particular, feeling much more enticing than it ever has before :hehe:


Beating Xenoblade Chronicles (Wii) last year has made me feel more encouraged to tackle some of my RPG backlog and don't find the idea of 30-40 hours quite as daunting as perhaps I once did :grin:

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I finished off the 2nd of three 'zones' in Just Cause 3 (can't remember what they call them), so now just have the majority of the largest zone to do. Think i've got four missions of the main story to go as well, then it'll just be doing challenges and fucking shit up. Probably won't go for 100% on everything, but i see how far i get - still enjoying it which is pretty good!

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Need to round off the games I completed during January.


First up is...




Ace Attorney Investigations: Prosecutor's Path came out in Japan in 2011. And due to localisation hell, never released over here.

It's a sequel to the spin-off game, Ace Attorney Investigations.

And before you ask, no, I can't read Japanese.

Luckily, there's a full fan translation for this game, so I used that.

(Oh, and before anyone calls shenanigans, @Dcubed has an actual Japanese copy of this game, so in all essence, I borrowed it, which is par for the course for me. I'm sure half of the games I finished are his.)


Anyway, you play as Miles Edgeworth.



He's a prosecutor.


If you've played any of the Ace Attorney games, (And you really should) you should know what to expect. It's a visual novel that has you tackling 5 cases using the powers of deduction and logic with just a little hint of pointing and shouting at people.


The main difference being that the way of navigation has you actually run around crime scenes instead of the more point-and-click nature of the mainline games.

Personally, this is a more enjoyable way of getting around, I kinda wish it was implemented in the main games.


Of course, when it comes to visual novels, story is a key component. The first Ace Attorney Investigations game was notorious for having the most ridiculous and long-winded finales of all the games.

Thankfully, the sequel seems to have learned from that mistake as the majority of the cases are very good. Ranging from the absurd to the heartwarming.

Case 3 is a bit of a drag, but nothing disastrous.

Anyway, won't go into details. Don't wanna spoil things. But trust me, it's one of the best this series has to offer.


But the most impressive thing about this has to be the fan translation itself.

It's not just a simple text job, they really went all out on this...


The patch translates all the common screens of the game (title screen, case selection screen, save screen, profile/evidence screen), all the text, all the graphics (yes, including backgrounds, sprites and even evidence) and all the voices (recycled the old voices when possible or dubbed by voice actors for the new characters) in English for all cases.

In other words, we eradicated all Japanese from the game and you would think you have a US release of the game in your hands.


They even went and did new voice recordings for new characters. That's some hard work and dedication.

You could never guess that it was a fan translation just by looking at it (Apart from the "This is a fan translation" screen at the start)

It's chock full of pop culture references, there's seriously a Pokemon anime theme song reference in there and being the massive Pokenerd I am, I couldn't help but smirk a bit.


But yeah, great game. Shame it never came out here, because it's top notch.



Oh, and Raymond Shields totally looks like Danny from Game Grumps.

He even kind of acts like him. It's surreal!


Next up!


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Yes, I played through Shovel Knight... again.

But this time I did it with @Dcubed! (Hence why it's his Miiverse Post)


We both have the amiibo, so we could both play through with customisations. Which naturally, lead to silly moments like this.


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I won't go into much detail, but it's one great big laugh. It's the chaotic kind of co-op, where you're not really helping each other out. If anything, most of our deaths were due to each other in some way.

When someone dies, they can respawn, but they use half of the other player's health in order to do so.

Naturally, this is hilarious. Because there were many times we "accidentally" screwed each other over, only to quickly remember that we effectively halved our own health.


There's also a element of competition, because at the end of each stage, your lives lost, enemies killed and treasure collected are tallied up to declare a master of shovelry.


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No! It's not totally stolen from Four Swords Adventures!


But yeah, great fun! But don't expect to actually perform well.




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Yeah, DCubed somehow flew off the top of the screen once the final boss was beaten, and never came back. Yes, it was funny. Thanks for asking.



Huh... No idea why the Spoiler tag has separated the two parts of what I was saying. I only typed the code in once...

It keeps doing it, I can't get it to work properly, sorry.


And finally...


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You can not fathom how insanely hard it was to pull this off.


I finally finished Puzzle & Dragons: Super Mario Bros. Edition

And I mean, properly finished the damn thing.

I won't go into detail about it, I wrote about this in last year's diary. Which I will post a link to now.

The general gist is play Puzzle & Dragons Z instead, it's way better.


After the credits roll, you're presented with an extra 8 worlds to grind your way through.

And I do mean grind, because OH MY DAZE! THIS GAME IS BRUTAL!

It's somehow even harder than the initial run! Goombas were killing me in two hits! TWO!

I only managed to scrape through the last world, because of Boomerang Mario who was added as part of a free update.

And unlocking him caused me insane amounts of frustration.


But I got into a state of mind when I started thinking "I'm not letting this unfair game beat me" And just kept on trying until I finally got to that satisfying end. I was metaphorically punching through diamond!



Now I know how that feels.


And with that...


Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars - SNES

Shovel Knight - 3DS (Custom Knight amiibo playthrough)

Game & Watch Gallery 2 - GB

Radiohammer - 3DS

Ace Attorney Investigations: Prosecutor's Path - DS

Shovel Knight - WiiU (Co-op run with @Dcubed)

Puzzle and Dragons: Super Mario Bros. Edition - 3DS (Crazy Diamond Wall 2nd Playthrough Difficulty)


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I've put GTA: Vice City on hold, for the reasons I've mentioned in an earlier post.


Started Crypt of the Necrodancer on PS4/Vita. First thoughts are in the dedicated thread. :D The Platinum will be very difficult...


Divinity: Original Sin arrived today. Just wanted to give it a quick go...it ended with me creating my characters for 1 hour and spending another hour with the first area...fuck me, this game looks to be incredible.


As soon as I'm done with The Wolf Among Us (finished Chapter 2 just now; I like it, but not sure where the story will go...which sounds like a good thing, but I'm not sure if it is a good thing; I'm a bit worried that the story won't be as interesting as it could've been) I'll focus on Divinity: Original Sin.


Currently Playing


The Wolf Among Us (PS4)

Crypt of the Necrodancer (PS4/PSVita) long-term playthrough








Bastion (PS4/PSVita) IDbttgi.gif

Tearaway (PSVita) IDbttgi.gif

Transistor (PS4) IDbttgi.gif

Life is Strange (PS4) IDbttgi.gif

Ether One (PS4) IDbttgi.gif

Tales from the Borderlands (PS4) IDbttgi.gif

Defense Grid 2 (PS4) IDbttgi.gif

Grimd Fandango Remastered (PS4) IDbttgi.gif

Diablo III: Reaper of Souls (PS4) IDbttgi.gif

Rogue Legacy (PSVita) "last-trophy-run" IDbttgi.gif

Dust: An Elysian Tale (PS4) IDbttgi.gif



Put on hold



GTA: Vice City (PS4)



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@somme how's that game you're on playing? Is it worth a punt for a couple of quid? It looks quite unique and imagine it would be a decent little game to play on the Vita, while tucked up in bed.


Which one was it? I've been a little bit scatty tonight and can't decide on what to play.


If you mean Amazing Discoveries in Outer Space.. then it's alright. I thought it was going to be a bit more exploratory and less level-ey but yeah it's okay.

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Which one was it? I've been a little bit scatty tonight and can't decide on what to play.


If you mean Amazing Discoveries in Outer Space.. then it's alright. I thought it was going to be a bit more exploratory and less level-ey but yeah it's okay.


Nah, Three Fourths or something like that.

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Ah, it's basically just reading with a few speech choices. Nice if you want a little story but very little gameplay.




I watched a quick video of it and I love the art style used in the game. For the sake of a couple of quid I'm willing to give it a go. I'll take my Vita into work with me and just kick back and play it on my lunch break.

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Ganepark posted his opinion on it about a month ago:


So, in the mean time I've made a start on a bunch of other games. And add Three Fourths Home: Extended Edition to my completed list. Though that does really say much as it's not really a game, more an extended conversation while you hold down the trigger to keep your car moving. Two conversations if you go with the epilogue (and then another 2 times through on this to get the last of the trophies mopped up).


Not really sure what to think of it to bed honest. Knew it wasn't a game in the traditional sense but having to hold the trigger down to keep the car moving in the first part was irritating to say the least, especially as it goes on for 20-30minutes.


Other than that, there's not much to it. Some lee-way in your responses in the conversations means you can have different outcomes in the epilogue but it all converges on the same ending for the main story.


So yeah, interesting to say the least but hardly something I'd recommend even on the basis of the narrative.

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I like it, but not sure where the story will go...which sounds like a good thing, but I'm not sure if it is a good thing; I'm a bit worried that the story won't be as interesting as it could've been


Well, I've finished it (The Wolf Among Us) (including getting the Platinum) and I have to say: I enjoyed it. The ending was perfect for what was happening.


Really hoping there will be a second season.


Now, what next? Divinity: Original Sin of course. And I'll start This War of Mine: The Little Ones soon.

Those two and Crypt of the Necrodancer will probably keep me busy for months.


Edit: Restarted Divinity: Original Sin. Two reasons:


1) I wanted to see what "Tactician Mode" offers compared to "Classic Mode".

2) I wanted to break away from my favourite RPG class (Rogue).


Here's how that went: I chose a Mage and a Fighter. "Tactician Mode" increases enemy numbers and enemies have more abilities.

Case in point: The first fight on "Classic Mode" had three enemies. Easy.

"Tactician Mode": 5 Enemies, first one threw a toxic grenade at me, second one killed my Mage, and the Fighter was dead shortly after :laughing:


I might restart to try a different combination. Mage seems to be good without changing skills/attributes/etc.

Cleric sounds interesting. Heals allies and can fight. Might change one skill, though.


Ah, exactly what I've been craving for: a good old RPG that requires a lot of thought :D


Edit²: Yeah, Cleric was a great choice. Having a skill to heal is awesome. And he's a close-range fighter. Great combination with a Mage : peace:


Thinking about creating a dedicated thread where I can post more detailed information about my journey and add screenshots throughout my playthrough.


Currently Playing


Crypt of the Necrodancer (PS4/PSVita) long-term playthrough

Divinity: Original Sin (PS4)








Bastion (PS4/PSVita) IDbttgi.gif

Tearaway (PSVita) IDbttgi.gif

Transistor (PS4) IDbttgi.gif

Life is Strange (PS4) IDbttgi.gif

Ether One (PS4) IDbttgi.gif

Tales from the Borderlands (PS4) IDbttgi.gif

Defense Grid 2 (PS4) IDbttgi.gif

Grimd Fandango Remastered (PS4) IDbttgi.gif

Diablo III: Reaper of Souls (PS4) IDbttgi.gif

Rogue Legacy (PSVita) "last-trophy-run" IDbttgi.gif

Dust: An Elysian Tale (PS4) IDbttgi.gif




The Wolf Among Us (PS4) IDbttgi.gif



Put on hold


GTA: Vice City (PS4)



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Adding The Walking Dead Season 2 to the list. Very emotional game, like the 1st was. Made my choices, and i'll live by them


Ended with Clementine leaving Wellington with Kenny, thought i had lost him at the end of the 1st season. Wasn't planning on leaving the chap again, plus i wasn't a fan of what Jane had in store. Hiding the baby and attempting to kill Kenny, Kenny can't be killed. Has she not heard of South Park?


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Worked my way through Wolfenstein: The New Order over the last few days after picking it up a couple of months ago.


Really good game, one of the best FPS I've played in a while. Really liked the weapons and the mini challenges to unlock perks.


Added bonus was the lack of really annoying trophies! Most I got through gameplay without needing to go out of my way too much. Finished the last chapter earlier, did the mop up on trophies and got my platinum :)



The Talos Principle

Wolfenstein: The New Order



Transformers: Devastation


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Worked my way through Wolfenstein: The New Order over the last few days after picking it up a couple of months ago.


Really good game, one of the best FPS I've played in a while. Really liked the weapons and the mini challenges to unlock perks.


Added bonus was the lack of really annoying trophies! Most I got through gameplay without needing to go out of my way too much. Finished the last chapter earlier, did the mop up on trophies and got my platinum :)


It's such a great game. Despite being a title, it still feels like an old school shooter. There's something very raw about the whole experience. Definitely one of the best shooters in recent years.


Are you going to pick up Old Blood?


I started and finished Three Fourths Home (Vita) last night. It was a very unique experience. Some of the topics in the game, especially in the epilogue, really resonated with me.


The experience isn't for everyone. It's essentially a phone call simulator, where you hold down the touch pad on the Vita to move the car and then simply read the story that's played out on the screen.


The visuals are very minimalist, with simple shapes and the use of black and white being the main way the game shows things on screen. I think it works really well and creates a sense of depression and despair, which fits in nicely with the story of the game.


For me, it was a short, unique and enjoyable experience, Well worth the couple of quid I spent on it.

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