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Your 2016 Gaming Diary

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Finished up two more games to add to my completion list over the last week or so. First up is Unmechanical Extended which was a game given through PS+ a couple of months back if I remember correctly. Didn't know too much about it but remember looking at it a few times in the store before it was given away on PS+ and being tempted. Anyway, sat down and played through the, admittedly short, campaign and enjoyed it.


You control a small hovering robot which can pick up objects through it's gravity beam but you can't interact with the world in any other ways. After getting sucked down some form of pipe, you become trapped in this underground complex and have to figure a way out through completing puzzles to progress. It's a simple premise and isn't laboured on long, allowing you to just get on with the gameplay.


Most of the puzzles on offer require you to move an object from one area to another and so the initial hour or so begins to feel familiar very quickly. But things do improve with a handful of different ideas brought in later on which spice up the formula and although the puzzles never become taxing, they're designed well enough that they are a joy to complete, or at least I thought so.


An extended episode gives a little more quantity to what is a short package but even then, I feel I'd have liked a bit more bang here. Though I enjoyed it, it felt like it was happy to plod along with middling puzzles and only bringing in some good ideas here and there, which is a shame.


Next up, I finished up a run on Hyper Light Drifter. I'd been excited for this for some time and was happy to get to finally sit down and play the game. The game drops you into the role of a nameless character known only by his job title, Drifter, as you seek to halt the advances of a corruption which has been spreading the land. The game is deliberately short on exposition, only filling in elements through stills when conversing with townsfolk or one of the 4 different species inhabiting the 4 regions of the continent. Some holographic monoliths add to the backstory if you're willing to sit and decipher them (though you could simply look this up on Youtube if you wanted).


While the lack of full on narrative propulsion might put some off, the little bits of insight you gleam about the world in its current state and the ancient history of the land is enough to push you forward in search of more. Finding the remnants of the giant Titans strewn across the land and the aftermath of the war against them, learning about why a Jackal God/Anubis is seeking your help to save the world and the individual strifes of the region specific species build up to create a lore and world that is intriguing as just about any game I've played through and I'd personally love to see more of it.


The gameplay takes ideas from Zelda, Diablo and the Souls games to create what appears on the surface to be a very simplistic adventure title and turn it into something that requires a bit more thought and foresight before engaging in encounters. Your Drifter's standard attack is a 3 hit combo with his sword, made out of pure light energy, but simply relying on this in battle will quickly see you fall. Though you can't block with a shield, you have the ability to dash to get yourself out of harms way and as enemy attacks aren't staggered by your own, you'll need to use this to get out of the way. It provides useful movement and momentary invulnerability to circumvent attack patterns and dispatch of enemies.


The addition of weapons such as pistols, shotguns and a laser rifle, which you'll find strewn across the land as trinkets of the ancient war, add some additional depth to the combat. However, these have limited firing capacity and though upgrades are available to increase this, you'll need to engage in some sword work to refill the ammo on these. Additional upgrades that let you reflect bullets, do sword dashes and give you bombs bulk up a combat experience that can be frantic at times when dodging attacks and fire but feels visceral when it clicks and connects. Upgrades however are made more interesting in that you'll need to collect 4 items to unlock the 1 upgrade block. You'll have to search out these through every nook and cranny to get everything so it quickly becomes about upgrading the most important features first.


The game's world is split into 4 main regions, with a central town hub to buy and upgrade moves and items. Each region, bar the south, can be approached whenever you want and requires you to find 4 gem particles while defeating a boss and activating the beacon tower for that region, with the 4 beacons being necessary to open the way to the end game. Each region presents its own threats and though it can prove difficult, it's never unnecessarily so, simply requiring you to master the combat techniques and watch enemy attack patterns. The bosses in particular will have you defeated in seconds if you don't employ this tactic.


I thought the game was brilliant, maybe a little short, with just the right level of difficulty and once the combat clicked, I really started to get into it. The visual style is beautiful and the accompanying soundtrack is similarly so, with a nice mix of orchestral and synthetic sounds (been listening to it and a few other game soundtracks at work recently, it's been a good year so far on that front). My only real gripe is that the map is atrocious for keeping track of where you are and trying to figure out the path to other areas in the region. It's a minor point though as this has become one of my favourite games this year and I'm already setting up for a new game+ run. Not gonna even try for the platinum as it requires a "no deaths" run.




Axiom Verge (Started Dec. 2015)

Three Fourths Home: Extended Edition

Resogun* (Rookie complete, 3 difficulty settings to go)

Super Exploding Zoo

Among The Sleep


Just Cause 3 (Started Dec. 2015)

Fallout 4 (Started Nov. 2015)




The Witness (Platinum get)

Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition


Rainbow Six Siege (Situations Completed)





Hotline Miami


The Fall

Murdered: Soul Suspect (Platinumed)

Uncharted 2 Remastered



Uncharted 3 Remastered

Republique (PS4)



Volume (Platinumed)

Mirror's Edge (PS3)

Blues and Bullets - Episode 1 & 2 (of 5)

Octodad: Dadliest Catch



Shadow Complex Remastered

Koi (PS4)

The Park (PS4)

Table Top Racing: World Tour

Uncharted 4



Ratchet and Clank (2016)

Invisible Inc. (Beginner difficulty)

Child of Eden (PS3)


VEV: Viva Ex Vivo

Gone Home (PS4)

Mirror's Edge Catalyst



Far Cry Primal

Infamous First Light

Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell

Type:Rider (PS4)


Shadow of the Beast (PS4; Normal Difficulty)

Trials of the Blood Dragon

Song of the Deep

Unmechanical Extended



Hyper Light Drifter



Finally started up The Walking Dead Season 1 and I'm half way through the second episode so far and loving it. Will be jumping between that and Abzu until No Man's Sky hits next week.

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Tetrobot & Co.



The trailer sums it up


This is the sequel to Blocks That Matter, which I played a couple of months ago. It's still a puzzle game, but the gameplay is entirely different.


The puzzles that depended on player dexterity are gone, but many puzzles still have alternate solutions. Instead of a silly ongoing story, everything is in the background. The gold stars for efficient puzzle-solving are sadly gone (aside from a handful of achievements for that), but the levels are more memorable. The references and shout-outs are still there, but are more subtle this time around. There are no unlockable harder levels, but the optional puzzles already take that role.


Pleasantly enough, the game is just as good as - if not better than - its predecessor. I do prefer the previous Tetrimino mechanic (now gone), but I feel like this game is better polished overall.



-Freedom Planet (2014) Beaten (Last played: 15th March)

-Rayman Forever (1995) Completed (3rd May)

-Deponia: The Complete Journey (2012-2013) Completed (14th May)

-Blocks that Matter (2011) Completed (25th May)

-Sonic Spinball (1993) Beaten (19th June)

-Card City Nights (2014) Completed (1st July)

-Tetrobot & Co. (2013) Completed (1st July)


Currently Playing:

-Little Big Adventure

-Mark of the Ninja

-Mr.Driller 2

-Final Fantasy Tactics Advance


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Really shoddy month for me last month. What with doing a bunch of decorating, the nice weather and playing Pokemon Go and Monster Hunter, I didn't get through many games at all.


Pac-Man (PS4)

Ms Pac-Man (PS4)

Dig Dug (PS4)

Galaga (PS4)

Monster Hunter Generations (3DS)




Despite being disappointed by Monster Hunter Generations (3DS) it's still my game of the month. This is probably due to just how little I played. The game is far too easy, full of padding and has a bizarre change of direction for certain quests, making this the worst in the series by a country mile.


I'm also getting tired of the games using the same maps and beasts. I really think they need to give the series a kick up the butt and start from fresh. Also, bring the thing back to consoles! I'm sick of the series being held back in terms of visuals. The game would look glorious made from the ground up on a HD console. The online options would certainly be a lot better, as well.


I have a list of games I want to get through this month and hopefully i'll be back on track and get a fair few finished.

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After watching some Boss Keys(thread over in Nintendo) and thinking about BotW I got a hankering for some OoT....but Master Quest stylee! I've never completed it fully, but got started on Sunday. So far I've managed to make it to about 8/9ish hearts, 30 golden skulltulas, 3 bottles, and just finished the Forest Temple(upgraded most carrying capacities as a child). It's weird with everything being mirror-flipped, especially with stuff like the lost woods and the slight disorientation does actually make it feel quite different to me. Very refreshing playing this 'different' version of a game I know so well, and ofc the hilarious of the cows in walls of Jabu-Jabu's belly still cracks me up. The structuring in the Dungeons feels quite different to the original(I've even missed a compass somewhere) and sometimes I wonder just what exactly they were on when re-designing these dungeons. Feels more surreal sometimes!


I also started with the added challenge of a dodgy R button, that would only work sort of for about half hour-an hour if I blew through it, so it's been a bit interesting suddenly not being able to shield halfway through fights with lizalfos or stalfos or fucking deku scrubs. Luckily the very kind Marcamillian has now lent me his 3DS so I can continue on as normal. Or at least as normal as Master Quest is. Having said that I may go for Biggoron's sword next, so I won't be shielding much after that anyway.

Edited by Rummy
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After watching some Boss Keys(thread over in Nintendo) and thinking about BotW I got a hankering for some OoT....but Master Quest stylee!


I'm not gonna lie, I actually put this in my 3DS last night for the very same reason as you. :D I didn't end up starting it ( went with Ape Escape 2 instead ) but the urge to play the game is very strong at the moment and i'll probably end up playing through it before the end of the month.

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Quite a while since I posted in here, been keeping track of what I've played though.

Here's my up-to-date gaming diary:



in January:____________

Yakuza 5 (PS3) started in 2015

Little Battlers eXperience (3DS) started in 2015

Hardware: Rivals (PS4+) IDbttgi.gif

in February:____________

Dragon Quest Heroes (PS4) IDbttgi.gif

Rocket League (PS4+) beat in 2015 IDbttgi.gif

Radio Hammer (3DS)

Horizon Chase (iOS)

Persona 4 Arena Ultimax (PS3+)

in March:____________

Transformers: Devastation (PS4)

Super Stardust HD (PS3+)

Binary Domain (PS3)

Super Mario Maker (Wii U) replay

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Remastered (PS4) replay IDbttgi.gif

Miitomo (iOS)

in April:____________

Shutshimi: Seriously Swole (PS4+)

Broforce (PS4+)

Grow Home (PS4+) 100%

Bloodborne (PS4)


in May:____________

Mini Mario & Friends: amiibo Challenge (3DS/Wii U)

Trackmania Turbo (PS4)

Pocket Card Jockey (3DS)

Uncharted: Fortune Hunter (iOS)

Uncharted 4 (PS4)

in June:____________

Kirby: Planet Robobot (3DS)

in July:____________

Street Fighter V (PS4)

Saints Row: Gat out of Hell (PS4+)

Monster Hunter Generations (3DS)

in August:____________

MHbUwnT.gifABZÛ (PS4)


Total: 29


Yet to start or unfinished:

The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess HD (Wii U) replay

Gravity Rush Remastered (PS4)


Dropped or on hold:

Xenoblade Chronicles X (Wii U) started in 2015

Affordable Space Adventures (Wii U)

Zombi (PS4+) replay

Table Top Racing: World Tour (PS4+)

Definitely played less compared to this point last year. Will be interesting to see how the list looks by the end of 2016.


Also, bring the thing back to consoles! I'm sick of the series being held back in terms of visuals. The game would look glorious made from the ground up on a HD console. The online options would certainly be a lot better, as well.
The next game in the series is certainly going to be an interesting one. We can surely expect substantial improvement to visuals though, based on MHO:


If Nintendo end up keeping hold of the franchise, and the NX turns out like the rumours suggest, it could be pretty sweet. :smile:

As much as I dislike MH on portable (although for gameplay reasons rather than graphical ones) there's no doubt it is also nice being able to play it on the go. :D

Having the option to then continue the game on the big screen and with comfy controls would be the icing on the cake. :cool:

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Don't think there will be much else worthy to write about until No Man's Sky so time for another update. I should have written in the respective threads for those who have them first I think.


Forgot to add Just Cause 3 DLC last time. It's a little bit fun, but short and not worth the money.


Finished the first DLC episode for Minecraft: Story Mode. Fun, stand alone adventure episode that I was hoping for. Looking forward to the next.


Finished and platted Odin Sphere Leifthrasir. Fun combo based combat, great art and good story. You play the same events from five characters and perspectives. Can't think of much else to say, but it's a great game. Try it if you want some unique niche JRPG with Atlus approval stamp.


Already finished the single player on Tropico 5 earlier, but found someone to boost the multiplayer trophies with and thus gained the platinum.


After shelving the game after some saving issues, I picked up Republique again. This time I made sure to only quit in save rooms regardless of the constant autosaving. Again, fun stealth game. You control a character Hope trying to escape a facility, and "yourself" who view everything from security cameras the entire game. I think there's a story in there somewhere, but for me it was lost in too much philosophical babble. Also the ending was shit no matter how you interpret it. Platinum achieved.


Also picked up Minecraft from the backlog set on platinuming it. Created a new world, spent several hours on setting up a base for all future adventures. Found the Ender portal and spent even more hours creating a loong corridor back to base. The plan next is to install a railroad and hunt for Endermen. I went on Youtube to find some tip for Endermen and experience farm but lost a little interest in the game when I saw much time and effort(literally weeks in a real life) people put into them. Probably faster to just run around on my own. But that will be some other time.


Bought Lego: Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Lego games as you know it. There are spaces battles and multibuilds but other than that is just the same fun as always. Sucks about the season pass though. Lego games really don't need it. Platinum achieved.


Picked up Grand Ages: Medivial after an eight month hiatus because I couldn't understand the trade mechanic or the umptheen attemps I tried picking up the game later. Finally it clicked a couple a weeks ago. Was going to continue the open campaign and conquer the whole of Europe but it got a bit boring and the trade routes got messy in the end. Wrote more about it in the main thread if you're interested.


Picked up Ratchet and Clank. First one I played actually. It was fun. Probably won't happen, but I kept thinking I wished they could do the same with Spyro the Dragon. Platinum achieved.


Gained 100% on Her Story on steam.


Went through the library and tried Race the Sun for the first time. It's a decent indie game I guess. You flying through stages randomly generated levels, every 24 hours, while evading object and dark areas. It's that kind of game you have to practice the level hundreds of times to make it through.


Played Guacamelee! (PS4) again. For five minutes. Again. Maybe some other time :p


Got Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell from Plus. Already got this on PS3. Decent spin off on Saints Row IV(a much better game). It lasts like 5 hours and if you want the platinum, grind for another 15. Ridicilous, probably won't bother this time either. Get SRIV if liked the superpowers part of the game though.


Started Super Exploding Zoo. Fun, absurd puzzle game where you blow up cute animals to defend an egg from aliens. Finished all 80 levels even though you only need 60 for the platinum.


I think that was it.





Grim Fandango

Rogue Galaxy

Gravity Rush

Far Cry Primal

Heavy Rain

Beyond Two Souls

Mirror's Edge: Cataclysm

Minecraft: Story Mode

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Remastered

Uncharted 2 Remastered

Nights of Azure


Tropico 5

Super Exploding Zoo

Ratchet and Clank

Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End


Started last year


Final Fantasy Type 0

Lego the Hobbit

Witcher 3: A Wild Hunt

Watch Dogs







Gone Home

Her Story


100% DLC/Expansions


Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone

Witcher 3: Blood and Wine

AC Syndicate: Majahara Missions

Watch Dogs: Bad Blood

Far Cry 4: Valley of the Yeti





Star Wars Battlefront


Plague Inc Evolved

Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell





Banner Saga

Pokemon Yellow

Rune Factory 4

Uncharted 3 Remastered

Table Top Racing

Fire Emblem Birthright

Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition

Race the Sun





Edited by Tales
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Played through and nabbed all the trophies for Ultratron (Vita) yesterday. It's part of this months PS+ offerings and I wasn't really bothered about it until I read that it was made by the same guys who done Titan Attacks, which I played and enjoyed last year.


Like Titan Attacks, the game is a great fit for the Vita. Its a twin stick shooter, has short levels and has a pick up a play feeling. Perfect for a handheld game.

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I'm also getting tired of the games using the same maps and beasts. I really think they need to give the series a kick up the butt and start from fresh. Also, bring the thing back to consoles! I'm sick of the series being held back in terms of visuals. The game would look glorious made from the ground up on a HD console. The online options would certainly be a lot better, as well.


You'll be in luck then, as Monster Hunter 5 will be on NX!!!! :)

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I'd rather it be on a high end console with a good online setup. I don't have faith in the NX/Nintendo in terms of the latter.


I'd definitely be tempted to get the next Monster Hunter if it were on a console. I loved Tri and I think part of that enjoyment comes from being able to appreciate it on a big telly. I'm not massive on handhelds.

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I'd definitely be tempted to get the next Monster Hunter if it were on a console. I loved Tri and I think part of that enjoyment comes from being able to appreciate it on a big telly. I'm not massive on handhelds.


Be mad sick on a handheld/console hybrid like the NX rumours - even if just for local/online co-oping with mates!


I'm not gonna lie, I actually put this in my 3DS last night for the very same reason as you. :D I didn't end up starting it ( went with Ape Escape 2 instead ) but the urge to play the game is very strong at the moment and i'll probably end up playing through it before the end of the month.


Ahhh go awn ;) Given the way you game you'd probably have it wrapped up in a few weeks!


I haven't done much since my last post due to busyness - quickly whipped through the trading sequence(bought my blue fire) and about half way through the fire temple atm, maybe got another heart piece inadvertently completed since my last post. Looking forward to the Water Temple up next, not sure if I'll save it for Sunday though. Contemplating mostly whipping through the rest of the game rather than heart piecing/skulltula-ing unless they come along, but I know I won't be able to resist all the other collectables.


Don't understand how I'm not more bored of this game by now(admittedly this is MQ, ofc) - I've played it so many countless times and yet something about it I just seem to love. OoT truly was a remarkable game.


As for Ultratron is it also on PS4? Just added all the titles to my library online - could tell right away from the logo/icon it was probably by the Titan Attacks crew - I've enjoyed little dabbles with their games(always get too bored to finish though) so may check it out later if I can tear away from OoT and maybe some Overwatch :p

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I played finished and nabbed all the trophies for Beyond Eyes (PS4) last night. I loved what I seen of it when it was first revealed at E3 a couple of years ago and decided to snap it up last week, as it was on sale for around £3.00.


This is a classic example of a game being style over substance. The game looks beautiful but the gameplay falls flat on it's face.


The game is essentially a walking simulator. You play as a little girl who has lost her sight and you guide her through her world, while looking for her cat friend.


The world is all white but as you start walking the world starts to fill with colour and be filled in with the things that are around you. The way that the game fills in these empty voids is great to watch. Sadly I think the visuals are all the game has going for it.


I have no issue with walking simulator games but this one is so slow and clunky that it saps any enjoyment out of the game. The speed of how you walk is a real fun killer. No doubt they done this to lengthen the game or maybe it was to give the player a sense of being blind and walking around slowly to try and safely find your way. This would be a little more bearable if the game was more linear but as the levels go on, the game becomes a little more open. This causes issues because when you realise you have gone the wrong way. You have to then walk very slowly all the way back and try to find another route.


The story didn't really move me or hit any chords. This could possibly because I was so frustrated with the slow pacing or it could have more to do with fact that I hate cats. :D


It's a shame that I didn't like the game. I think the idea is a very interesting one and had been given more time and polish I think the game could have been something special. Still, it was only £3.00, so I can't really complain.



Ahhh go awn ;) Given the way you game you'd probably have it wrapped up in a few weeks!


It has begun!


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As for Ultratron is it also on PS4? Just added all the titles to my library online - could tell right away from the logo/icon it was probably by the Titan Attacks crew - I've enjoyed little dabbles with their games(always get too bored to finish though) so may check it out later if I can tear away from OoT and maybe some Overwatch :p


Yeah, I think it's also for the PS4.

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Wtf? I typed a few weeks? I meant for you a few days lol. Good to see you've started though - no way will this take you a few weeks :p

I put a bit more in yesterday, got stuck on one or two places in the fire temple then backtracked for something I didn't need to I don't think. Next up is the Ice Cavern and Water Temple! Think I'll do the cavern in the morning and then carry on with the next bits on Sunday!

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Wtf? I typed a few weeks? I meant for you a few days lol. Good to see you've started though - no way will this take you a few weeks :p

I put a bit more in yesterday, got stuck on one or two places in the fire temple then backtracked for something I didn't need to I don't think. Next up is the Ice Cavern and Water Temple! Think I'll do the cavern in the morning and then carry on with the next bits on Sunday!


I managed to get through the next 2 dungeons on my lunch break. Dodongos Cavern was an absolute nightmare to play while sitting in the sun. I couldn't see sod all!


Man, I hate Princess Ruto. Such a spoilt little brat. If I had my way I would have just left the stupid fish to rot inside Jabu Jabu.


I picked up the Ocarina of Time and then saved it. Methinks I'll go collecting heart pieces, masks, upgrades and Skulltulas, before moving into the future.

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Pretty sure he's on MQ @dazzybee(though again, HoT could probs finish both in the time it'll take me to do one). I know what you mean about Ruto though, I've always half-hated her - the only solace in MQ is iirc you don't actually need to have her carried/whining around with you as much. Hated her so much on my original OoT play through. Similar to yourself I got through the first 3 dungeons pretty quick and hopeful(took a break for skulltulas after) but found myself really slowing down a bit in progression in adult link-hood. Not sure if it's just he more things to do or trickier dungeons, but regardless I'm still loving it. Sadly not managed to play any more since my last post but I'm even more enthused now I know you are lol. Can I fit gaming in faster than H-o-T??? ;)

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@Hero\-of\-Time you done master quest or just gone straight?


I still need to finish Majors mask 3d, Twilight Princess HD and Triform Heroes before the years out...


Just the normal version. I wasn't the biggest fan of the Master Quest.


I had a good session on this tonight. Managed to nab all the heart pieces I can, finish the mask quest, grab a bunch of skulltulas and get a few upgrades. Sadly i'm out most of tomorrow. I won't be able to get back on this until tomorrow evening. :( At least I'm all ready for the next stage of the game, though.

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Oh! I thought you were doing MQ like me! I've still been busy, but managed the Ice Cavern yesterday and just(almost literally) finished the Water Temple. It's so different in MQ, feels almost too easy/basic. I haven't even been in half the rooms much! Killed the boss in like 2 minutes as well(maybe wasn't as intended). Thinking about doing the Bottom of the Well tomorrow, and maybe a bit of kid and then adult fishing for the Golden Scale. I know it's completely unnecessary but I've got a very peculiar urge to try and make sure I get it for some reason.

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I felt like I was surfing the crest of a glorious retro wave until Unirally unceremoniously knocked me off balance causing me to feel like I've been drowning, gasping for air :blank:


My flow has been disrupted to the point where instead of me having a countless number of games lined up to blast through and continue riding on this rollercoaster I'm now finding that I need something great to come out of the woodwork to rescue me from the joyless husk that Unirally left me more than a week ago.


Coming from the SNES binge, I had a desire to get a more modern pad in my hands and feel the subtlety and smoothness of an analogue stick in my hands. Red Dead Redemption has been crying out to me on PS3 for a while as I had enjoyed it up until Mexico on my previous PS3 before the yellow light of death halted progress. With the lack of any back up, I've been left cold from the thought of starting from scratch for too long. Inspired by a similar experience with Illusion of Time, I've decided the time is now to return to Armadillo :smile:


There's definitely a possibility that my feelings are being affected by post-Unirally despondency but I'm disappointed by the fact that I don't feel like I'm enjoying Red Dead Redemption anywhere near as much as I did previously. My main problem so far, and my biggest concern with Breath of the Wild, is that I've never been hugely into 'open world' games and I'm finding the constant travelling between missions on horseback tedious, almost like an unnecessarily long loading screen of several minutes before a race, shoot out or whatever else can begin :hmm:


I can appreciate the location and atmosphere but I don't really feel much of a desire to explore the terrain. Hopefully I'll get into it again but I fear it will just be another in the long list of PS3 titles that are highly rated but ultimately disappoint.


I asked my friend recently what he considered to be the best PS3 game and he found it difficult to answer as, like me, he doesn't have a huge amount of affection for the system. For me, The Last of Us is head and shoulders above everything else I've played on the system and nothing else really comes close!

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August has been here for a couple of days now so it's time to reflect on July.


Besides Overwatch, Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Multiplayer (can't believe I'm still playing and enjoying it after approx 300 hours) and Rocket League I've played through Plague Inc. Evolved, Dangerous Golf, Furi and Enter The Gungeon.


It's a tough choice for my GOTM July. My girlfriend and I got the Platinum on Dangerous Golf, we had a great time playing this.

Furi is as good as gameplay mechanics can get. Simple controls but incredible depth.




I think I'll go with Dangerous Golf. Mindless but fun and it was a game my girlfriend could enjoy


What have I been playing in August?

I've started Minecraft on my Vita. TV, music or old GameGrumps episodes running in the background and playing the game is very relaxing :)


Then there's Tricky Towers. A Tetris-game with a twist. It's good fun but randomness can make attempts impossible...not sure if I'll go for the Platinum anytime soon, but I do want to complete each of the 50 trials (think I have 12 more to go).


Currently Playing


Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Multiplayer (PS4) long-term playthrough

Overwatch (PS4) long-term playthrough


Minecraft (PSVita)

Tricky Towers (PS4)








Bastion (PS4/PSVita) IDbttgi.gif

Tearaway (PSVita) IDbttgi.gif

Transistor (PS4) IDbttgi.gif

Life is Strange (PS4) IDbttgi.gif

Ether One (PS4) IDbttgi.gif

Tales from the Borderlands (PS4) IDbttgi.gif

Defense Grid 2 (PS4) IDbttgi.gif

Grimd Fandango Remastered (PS4) IDbttgi.gif

Diablo III: Reaper of Souls (PS4) IDbttgi.gif

Rogue Legacy (PSVita) "last-trophy-run" IDbttgi.gif

Dust: An Elysian Tale (PS4) IDbttgi.gif




The Wolf Among Us (PS4) IDbttgi.gif

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Multiplayer (PS4) reached Prestige 2

Super Mario 3D World (WiiU)

Peggle 2 (PS4) IDbttgi.gif

Crypt of the Necrodancer (PS4/PSVita) Cadence+Melody Zones 1-4; Cadence All-Zones-Mode




Crypt of the Necrodancer (PS4/PSVita) Melody+Bard All-Zones-Mode

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Multiplayer (PS4) reached Prestige 4 and 5

The Unfinished Swan (PS4)

Limbo (PS4)

Assault Android Cactus (PS4)

Salt and Sanctuary (PS4)




Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Multiplayer (PS4) reached Master Prestige




Alienation (PS4)

Nioh - Alpha Demo (PS4)

Dark Souls III (PS4)

Hitman GO (PSVita) IDbttgi.gif

Severed (PSVita) IDbttgi.gif

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Multiplayer (PS4) acquired the Dark Matter Camouflage

Table Top Racing: World Tour (PS4) IDbttgi.gif

The Walking Dead - Season 1 (PS4) IDbttgi.gif

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (PS4) IDbttgi.gif




The Talos Principle (PS4) main game

Plague Inc. Evolved (PS4)




Plague Inc. Evolved most of the diseases completed on Mega Brutal Difficutly (PS4)

Dangerous Golf (PS4)IDbttgi.gif

Furi (PS4)

Enter the Gungeon (PS4)



Put on hold


GTA: Vice City (PS4)

This War of Mine: The Little Ones (PS4)

Flame Over (PSVita) long-term playthrough

Dark Cloud (PS4)

Stories: The Path of Destinies (PS4)

Persona 4 Golden (PSVita)

Super Exploding Zoo (PS4/PSVita)

Crypt of the Necrodancer (PS4/PSVita) long-term playthrough

Enter the Gungeon (PS4) long-term playthrough

Rogue Galaxy (PS4)

Alienation (PS4) long-term playthrough

Invisible, Inc. (PS4)

Saints Row: Gat out of Hell (PS4)



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