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  drahkon said:
Glad to hear you enjoyed it : peace: My girlfriend played the first few levels a couple of days ago but it's way too stressful for her :laughing:


How long did it take you to get the Platinum? Doable on Christmas Eve? :D


It probably took about 6-7 hours.

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  Hero-of-Time said:
It probably took about 6-7 hours.


Well, I'm better at gaming than you so it'll take me at least one hour less :p


Probably not going to do it on Christmas Eve. Will spend the day with my mum and watch the NFL Christmas Games. :D


Bioshock 2


I finished this in two (maybe it was three?) play sessions because I just couldn't put the bluddy thing down. I LOVED it. Very satisfying to play as a Big Daddy and exploring Rapture once again. You could argue that it's just more of the same, but I don't see that as a bad thing at all. You can't ever have too much curry, for example, or chips, or sex. So, the same applies to Bioshock.


I'm extremely tempted to just put in Infinite right now and carry on with that, but maybe I should play something else to give myself a break? How different is Infinite compared to these two? It's quite exciting playing through a series that you know nothing about that suddenly turns out to be very awesome.



Games of 2016


Flower - Finished

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception - Finished

The Unfinished Swan - Finished

Grim Fandango Remastered - Finished

Race The Sun - Finished

The Wolf Among Us - Finished

Injustice: Gods Among Us - Story Finished

The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone

Ico - Finished

Tokyo Jungle - Finished

Grand Theft Auto 5 - Finished!

Batman: Arkham Asylum - Finished

Batman: Arkham City - Finished

Life Is Strange

Uncharted 4

Heavy Rain (PS4 Version)

The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine


The Last of Us

The Last of Us/Left Behind


Transformers: Devastation


Bioshock 2

  Fierce_LiNk said:

I'm extremely tempted to just put in Infinite right now and carry on with that, but maybe I should play something else to give myself a break? How different is Infinite compared to these two? It's quite exciting playing through a series that you know nothing about that suddenly turns out to be very awesome.


I would say Infinite is different enough that you could play it now without risking feeling fatigued with the series


I finished and platinumed Lara Croft Go (PS4) today. Earlier in the year I played and enjoyed Hitman Go, so I decided to give this a whirl as many said it was the better game.


The game started off pretty straight forward, with not much trial and error needed, but by the end of the game things really got tough. Trying to time my movements so that enemies would be placed in just the right position was frustrating but satisfying at the same time.


I do think that this is the better game out of the two. Hitman, while really good, had too many objectives at times and this was just a far simpler game. I wonder if S-E will release Deus Ex Go on consoles in the future?


Next up, I finished Super Mario Run (Mobile) this evening.


I ended up buying the full game today and have just finished the all the levels. There's still plenty to do, like unlocking extras and finding all the coloured coins, but I can just pick away at that in between playing other stuff.


I echo what @RedShell mentioned earlier in that I can see a lot of people being disappointed with the amount of content in the main levels, especially given how the mobile market isn't used to paying such a price for a game. Core gamers will certainly get their moneys worth but for those who are just going to play the game from start to finish, there is very little on offer. You have to dig deeper to get the most out of it.


I certainly enjoyed my time on it today. I'm also very happy to see my phone can run the thing without any real issues. I assume it was a bit of a mess yesterday due to it just launching. Strange that they advertise it as 5S and above only when 4S ran it fine. I'm pretty sure it was the same with Pokemon GO and, apart from the odd crash here and there, my trust 4S ran that, as well.


Of course, it was Nintendo who finally got me to actually spend some money on a mobile game. I don't think there are any other IPs out there that would get me to part with my money for such a game. :D

Posted (edited)

Finished Episode 8 of Minecraft: Story Mode (PS4).


Have to say, the first 4 Episodes were the best. The other 4 were a solid addition but nothing special.

I enjoyed the whole experience, though. Telltale do know how to tell a story (or several in this case). :)


Finished the second character playthrough in Odin Sphere Leifthrasir. The game is too easy :( Thank god it looks so beautiful so I can still enjoy it.


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Edited by drahkon

Those of you who follow me on Miiverse may be aware that I cleared Project Zero: Maiden of Black Water a couple of nights ago : peace:


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To be honest, I don't feel great about my time spent with the game :hmm:


Maiden of Black Water may not have been the longest game ever created but it felt like it at times :blank: A large part of that was down to the fact that I wasn't really enjoying it that much and it regularly felt like such a slog!


The combat with the Camera Obscura consistently frustrated me throughout :mad: There were many occasions where I felt like I finally had a rhythm only for the net enemy to come along and make life difficult. The amount of times I had 'Shutter Chances' available while my camera reloaded made me angry as the majority of the time the moment was gone just as I was able to pull the trigger, sometimes leaving me open again while the ghost would decide to attack..


I still feel a little sick knowing that I spent £49.99 on this but there's always a chance it'll be worth a considerable amount in future given that it's the limited edition physical version.


Anyway, with that out of the way I'm trying to make my way through Pikmin 3, at last, before I crack open the PS4 on Christmas Day. Maybe I'm just in a bad moment with Nintendo right now, though, as it's irritating me a little at the moment due to the map being locked to the Wii U Gamepad. I play with the Wii Remote and Nunchuk so was basically disregarding the map as it was situated in the TV unit but several days of not really knowing where to go next mean I've had to pick it up and place it on the sofa beside me.. which I don't enjoy :nono:


I need to make some decent progress in it soon or it'll be back on hiatus again for goodness knows how long..

Posted (edited)

Characters 3 and 4 of Odin Sphere Leifthrasir are done : peace: Will finish the playthrough with the fifth tomorrow. Think I'm close to finishing the story.


I've also finally spent an hour with Stardew Valley. It's overwhelming. There seems to be so much to do...I've spent one ingame day exploring the town, planting some seeds and playing an arcade game, another was spent with fishing and exploring some more, the day after I cleaned up my farm a bit (i.e. cut down trees, removed stones, etc.)...oh man, I will spend so much time with this :laughing:

Really hope this will get a Vita release somewhere down the line. It's a perfect fit.


As mentioned in the dedicated thread: Managed to grab the two gauntlet trophies in Titanfall 2. :) Also completed the first mission. I have high expectations for the campaign after all the impressions I've come across.


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Edited by drahkon

I'm in one of those phases where I can't settle on anything. Yesterday I played some Gears of War 4, popped on Super Mario Run for a bit, wanted to play a JRPG so started Wild Arms 3, knocked that off after 10 mins, played Stories for 5 mins, started Final Fantasy XIII-2 and then played Pokemon Moon. I kept bouncing between games and couldn't decide which one to play. The day was a complete write off in terms of gaming.


I absolutely HATE it when I'm like this and can't settle. I get nothing done. I hope I snap out of it, especially as I have all this free time over Christmas.


Finished a couple of smaller games over the last week or so. First up is Stories: The Path of Destiny, one of this month's PS+ titles on the PS4. It's a game I've been close to picking up several times before so to get a chance to play it without forking out for it was great. And I wasn't disappointed as I really enjoyed the game.


It's a very simply action game revolving around making choices which change the story your engaged within. The big twist is obviously that as you make your decisions, you'll gain intel which can help you with later decisions in the current story or allow you to make different decisions as you go about finding out the truth as to what's going on. It's not the best narrative but the way the game allows you to meld the story to your wants allows it to step forward a bit more and become more interesting.


The action itself is instanced in that when you reach a certain area, you'll be locked in there until you get rid of all enemies. It starts out simple enough with straight forward sword attacks and parries but as you go through the game and level up, you'll unlock dashes, new swords with magic spells and the like which turns what starts out as plodding along into something fast paced and hectic, especially as you play through more and more stories. It's not going to win any awards for the depth of gameplay but it's surprisingly engaging and deep enough for what's on show.


As I say, I really enjoyed playing through the game a couple of times to get to the truth. It did become a bit of a drag re-running the same levels over and over, I think they could have done with a better way to present the intel than making you go through so many play throughs to get it all (although you can get the main bits in 4). The 4th time through the levels is enough, never mind going through 25 times total for everything. With little changing between stories, it really could have done with some streamlining on that aspect but some fleshing out in terms of the levels you play through.


A nice game and a good addition to the library. Still a couple of trophies to collect to get the platinum but think I'm burnt out on playing through it over and over. Maybe some time in the new year.


Also managed to finish up Four Sided Fantasy, which I'd completely forgotten that I'd bought and had sitting on my PS4. It's a side scrolling platform puzzler with an interesting twist: with a press of the trigger, the screen will lock and you walk off the left hand side and appear on the right, and vice versa. The same applied for going through the top of the screen and appearing at the bottom. It's a simply mechanic but it's used extremely well and in some interesting ways throughout.


It starts simply by having you use the screen lock to get passed barriers and evolves into having the screen split horizontally or vertically meaning you've two different screens to lock the stages in place. Those latter examples create some really interesting puzzles that won't leave you scratching your head but will leave a smile on your face with how well implemented they are.


That's perhaps the sentiment that best encapsulates the game for me. I was left smiling at how good some of the ideas were and how they're never heavy handed in being presented to you. I also loved the style of the game too, very simple visuals with detail sparingly used to create some beautiful abstract worlds.


Another nice little gem of a game and happy to have picked it up and played it. I'd perhaps have liked a bit more but I think that attitude of giving just enough and never forcing anything or being too heavy handed served the game well.


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I'm very close to finishing the story of Odin Sphere Leifthrasir. Only what appers to be a boss rush remains.


And now that I've looked at the trophy list I have to do the boss rush three more times. :indeed: Normally I'd say that's not a big deal but this game pushes the "how can we elongate the playthrough with using the same assets/environments/enemies over and over again"-theme to the limit. And what makes this worse: The bosses are so fucking tanky. It took me 12 minutes to kill the first one and he didn't even come close to beating me. I toned down the difficulty to easy in the hopes of reducing my remaining play time but nooooooo...the tankiness remains, only the bosses' damage gets reduced. :nono:




I think I'll finish the game now and then just leave it be for a couple of days...

  Hero-of-Time said:
Yeah, their HP levels are a bit of a joke. Just push through it! You're nearly finished.


I think I'll just do the stuff necessary for the other remaining trophies and leave the boss rushes for later.


Still, I'll definitely take a break from this. Haven't been burnt out like this by a game for a long time...


Bought Indigo Prophecy but haven't gotten far in it.


Finished and platinumed Rise of the Tomb Raider and 100% in three of the dlc. Great game, but doesn't excel compared to the previous as Uncharted 4 did in my opinion. It's just more of the same, which is not a bad thing. Also Sibir is not that much of an interesting place.


Bought the season pass for Fallout 4 when it was on sale. I liked the Far Harbour expansion, and the Automatron mission weren't half-bad but couldn't be bothered with the other ones, mostly workshop stuff and grinding.


Achieved platinum on Dragon Quest Builders. Good game, but I wish there was a purpose to be playing freeplay. In story mode, you don't have access to everything, and in free play nothing ever threatens your base. I'm not much of a creative person, so without any purpose or goal, I just ended up building the foundation for a castle and then quit.


Played Everybody's Gone to the Rapture through plus. It was decent game. Of course the slow pacing made the game a drag at times, especially on reruns for trophies. But the story was nice.


Bought a Vita earlier, almost exclusively for plus games. Played Proteus for five minutes and then quit. Played and platinumed Amnesia: Memories and Code: Realize. So much reading...Managed to get through all of Amnesia without skipping text but caved in Code. Mostly knew were things were going anyway, since I had already seen the other paths. Art is better in Code, but I actually liked the mini stories in Amnesia more. Also started on Gravity Rush and barely started Uncharted: Golden Abyss. But I think I have start that one from scratch to see the tutorial again, when I have time. Not going list it though, since I haven't really got started, same with Monsterbag. Maybe next year. 100% on Actual Sunlight. I did not like this game...And last for Vita plus games, I platinumed Lego Harry Potter Year 5-7.


Played some of Letter Quest Remastered. It was fun for a while when I could still clear the level with 3 and 4 letter words. Wouldn't have mattered if the game came in Norwegian, I just don't have an eye for this.


Got platinum on Assassin's Creed II HD as well as 100% for everything the came tracked. It's a fun game, but I had forgotten how infurating the movements are times. Countless times I jump down or climb stuff I never intended. Maybe still not perfect but they have clearly improved this in Syndicate.


Bought Battlefield 1 because my colleagues likes it. It's good fun when playing with them but otherwise I don't play.


Finished and got platinum on Watch Dogs 2


I'll write more about it in the FFXV thread later, but I am pretty much finished with Final Fantasy XV. Only got one post game dungeon and one hunt left.


Achieved platinum on Stories: Path of Destinies. Really liked this game. Laughed a lot and some of the ending were fun to see. It gets a bit of a grind playing through it 25 times though.


Done about 12 level of Color Guardians but I don't think I will finish it.


Liked the last expansion for Star Wars Battlefront, Scarif. Will see if I can get to level 100 when there's 2x exp weekend.


Bought and platinumed Virgina. Decent game. Think I understand what happened in a game where they say nothing :p


Played through Firewatch a second time to get the trophies they added.


And then there's the third Nintendo game I have played this year, Picros 3D: Round 2. Really like this game. Already done about 200 puzzles.


For the rest of the year, I will likely finish Picross 3D, FFXV and I am Setsuna for after Christmas.






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What's left to do for Odin Sphere Leifthrasir:


  • find the remaining skills for two characters
  • finish the Book of Armageddon three times
  • complete the Churning Rift of the World


Will spent some more time with this later tonight. Hope I'll be done with this tomorrow.

The game itself is not bad but as I've mentioned before: Having to play through the same areas with 5 different characters over and over again isn't the best design choice...



Played Stardew Valley today. Played through 10 ingame days and spent them with planting seeds, clearing up my farm (i.e. cut down trees, destroy rocks), fishing and exploring the village. This game will be a time sink and I absolutely love it already :laughing:



Need to get back to the Titanfall 2 campaign!


I'm on sick leave right now so I'll have plenty of time. I did, however, just watched the first episode of Westworld so I can see myself binge watching the shit out of that :D


I bought BOXBOXBOY! in the Thanksgiving e-shop sale, so played through that over a few nights this week. It's as good as the first game with a few added twists. The challenge mode is really fun but could do with a few more levels, which is how I feel about the game as a whole really. Hopefully we get the newly announced Goodbye BOXBOY! over here, I'd love to own all the games on cartridge.


Alongside BOXBOXBOY! I've also been playing through LA Noire on the PS3, it's a game that I was intrigued by when it initially came out but I missed out on because I didn't have a PS3 or 360 at the time so I was really keen to finally play through it. The game has a really unique atmosphere, with a fantastic score that puts you in the mood of 1940's detective dramas, the cast is also brilliant with numerous character actors putting in performances right out of the top drawer. As a fan of 'Mad Men' it was fun to see so many of the cast represented, not least Aaron Staton as the main character Cole Phelps, the acting, motion capture and animation on the principal cast are mostly flawless, with issues cropping up only on a larger scale. Visually I don't think any 'realistic' styled game need look any better than this, there are obvious issues with pop in and draw distance, I often found that shop signs would load in stages so would show up blurred before coming into focus, but in terms of the raw assets everything looks great.


The games interrogation mechanic is a great idea and is a lot of fun for the first few times you use it, but it grates quickly when you realise that it doesn't really have much bearing on how the case unfolds. It's a problem that is indicative of the game as a whole where the consequences of your actions are never felt, I tried on a number of occasions to take down criminals with non-lethal shots to the legs but found in the cutscenes that followed that they had been killed, for an open world game it has a very linear narrative. I feel like Team Bondi wanted to make quite a straightforward episodic detective drama but Rockstar's involvement caused the games ambitions to grow beyond what they were capable of as the plot never really progresses effectively - too much time is spent meandering on tedious cases that the end game plot comes on too suddenly, it could really have done with more build up.


The controls are often unresponsive, taking a few buttons presses to get it to do what you want and moving around feels a bit stiff, especially when looking at clues. There are a lot of glitches and hiccups with the games engine, during one case I got stuck on a tent in a hobo camp and the only way to get out was to restart the case, some of the glitches are hilarious though so it mostly adds to the fun rather than being irritating. I have similar feelings about the NPC dialogue which is outright absurd and usually along the lines of "Isn't that the cop that solved the big case and got promoted?" its hilarious at first but can get annoying the thousandth time you hear it, the same goes for the radio stations which repeat themselves far too much. Some of the pop songs are great but I only seemed to hear the ones that really annoyed me, some more variation in the radio would definitely have helped a lot.


I had fun with it, it's got a lot of great ideas but its a flawed game overall. The setting, music and the characters are great, but the story and the gameplay never quite live up to expectations.


Next up I'm going to play through a few more NES Classics.


Odin Sphere Leifthrasir Platinum get!


Phew, the first three playthroughs were fun, the rest wasn't...but I won't repeat myself :D


I think I'll focus on Titanfall 2 now. Unless Stardew Valley takes over my life as I fear it will... :laughing:


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Bioshock Infinite


I finished this in the early hours of yesterday morning. All that I can say is fucking wow! The game is graphically stunning (mostly down to art style) and the story is superb. I was blown away by the revelations at the end:


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Fire Emblem - GBA


Eliwood Normal mode.




Had the urge to play through this again so I've been playing in on and off for a couple of weeks. It's really nice to play a Fire Emblem without needed to worry about skills or child units.


I played through Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens (PS4) the other day and nabbed the platinum. I was wanting to feel good again about Star Wars, after watching the awful Rogue One, so I fired this up and played through it.


I really enjoyed it and it was just what I needed to get me out of my gaming rut. I loved it so much that I ended up buying the season pass and playing through all of the DLC, as well.


I also finished Shantae: Half Genie Hero (Wii U) this morning.


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@Grazza said, the game is VERY linear. There were times when I was trying to find some items, walked off to the next screen and then couldn't get back to the previous area. I had to quit the level to go back to the area needed to be. The game seems like it's constantly pushing you forward.


The game is also stupidly easy. I mean REALLY easy. I don't think I used more than a couple of healing items even when fighting bosses. In fact, when fighting a boss, I eventually just started to rush them due to how little damage them were doing and how many hearts I had. I could just stand there and take the beating, all the while I kept wailing on them.


I don't think the writing or references were as funny as they have been in the other entries. There are a few cheeky things sprinkled here and there but not as frequent as in previous games.


There is a very high level of polish gone into the game and it really shows, in both presentaion and gameplay. The animations are simply amazing, especially when you hold down on the d-pad. Shantae ducks down and goes into a pouncing position, and wiggles her butt as if she is a cat. I'm sure @RedShell would appreciate this. :D


The main theme is very catchy and I have had it stuck in my head since I started playing yesterday.


Broadcast Yourself


The rest of the music is also top notch and I had my headphones bopping away to various tunes that played during the different stages.


Despite the niggles I mentioned at the start, the game is fantastic to play, look at and listen to. It was an absolute joy to play through and is contender for my GOTM.


Hmmm...not sure what to start on next. ::shrug:


Been playing Final Fantasy X recently. No, not the HD version, the original PS2 version. I stopped playing a while ago before the part where you ride the Shoopuff and have since made a significant amount of progress.


I traveled through the Guardo village, past the Thunder Plain, through Macaladia, through the temple, back out through the temple, finding out the true nature of Seymour, getting washed away into an Oasis, finding a city in the Oasis, having said city attacked, escaping on an airship and now I'm fighting a boss. On an airship.


All in a day's work...


Also been playing bits of Pokemon Moon here and there but only the odd daily event.


Shantae: Half-Genie Hero




Checkout the Wii U thread for my thoughts if interested.


I was debating if I should start this so close to finishing Fire Emblem, but I started this last night:




Don't want to burn myself out so will probably try and take it slow.


I completed Titanfall 2 on the highest difficulty setting. I found the game really enjoyable and I also managed to nab the platinum! Further thoughts are in the thread.


Fully recommended.

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