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I'd have liked to see some of the homecomings in the Voyager finale. See everyone reuinte, see how they get on a year down the line etc. rather than end it with "It'll all be in my report". I'd have been fine with the episode if they made it a two parter and had the last part just be finally being home and what it means for them all. It was like all this buildup and then nothing.


This is where I completely disagree. We were shown what life would sort of be like for them in the alternate future with Admiral Janeway. It would've been like that, except with all of them there.


The whole point of the show was getting home. That moment when they finally reach Earth and even Janeway herself is in disbelief and shock, "We did it," is just amazing.


The final shot being of Voyager slowly moving towards Earth, their ultimate goal, surrounded by Star Fleet vessels; no longer alone. It didn't need anything else.

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This film looks like nuTrek's Insurrection. The sets look cheap, the aliens look rubbish, the storyline sounds in no way fitting for a 50th anniversary film, the Enterprise is destroyed again (no drama there when we know it happens 9 months in advance).


Paramount wanted Trek to be more like Guardians of the Galaxy, and that's exactly what this trailer looks like. A cheap, knock off of GotG.

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  • 5 months later...
Ahh man, that's a real shame. He was a great young actor, been a fan of his since his appearance as Cheryl's magician nephew in 'Curb Your Enthusiasm'. Sounds like such a horrific accident.


Didn't even realize that was him until you've said it! Such a shame a real cracking actor who in Trek terms did the Chekov character superbly...if we are to see more Trek films where will they go with him missing, surely not recast?!

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I think these days it's considered, er, rude to recast a character played by an actor who died. It may always have been frowned upon but definitely would be now. (I could be wrong, but I'd consider it disrespectful)


Personally I'd rather see them ditch NuTrek - I have no hope this one will be any better than the last two.


I've never really thought Trek movies were that great, bar First Contact. I've always thought the franchise shined best on the small screen.

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  • 4 weeks later...

saw this opening night and i have to say i've not loved a star trek movie as much as this in a very long time! It felt very much like star trek, it had a superb story, like something out of the original series and great character interactions contary to some of the previously JJ treks!

I hope we get a 4th film very soon

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I think this film has surprised many. When Justin Lin was announced as the director, everyone's first thought was "Here we go, Fast and Furious in space". Having read a few interviews with the man himself, he makes quite clear that Star Trek is far more what he's about and the Fast and Furious series was a bit of a departure for him.


What I don't understand is what Paramount were playing at with the trailers. The first one barely showcased anything Star Trek related, it was just some of the characters darting about very quickly on Motorbikes. Considering this is what everyone feared was going to happen, hardly great marketing to play up to that outcome.

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I think this film has surprised many. When Justin Lin was announced as the director, everyone's first thought was "Here we go, Fast and Furious in space". Having read a few interviews with the man himself, he makes quite clear that Star Trek is far more what he's about and the Fast and Furious series was a bit of a departure for him.


What I don't understand is what Paramount were playing at with the trailers. The first one barely showcased anything Star Trek related, it was just some of the characters darting about very quickly on Motorbikes. Considering this is what everyone feared was going to happen, hardly great marketing to play up to that outcome.


The first trailer was god awful, it was like paramount were trying to make the trailer like fast and the furious so they could say "look Justin Lin Star Trek"



I honestly want to go see this again this week, it was amazing to the point i'm actually loving JJ Trek and would love more from the universe as soon as possible

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The first trailer was god awful, it was like paramount were trying to make the trailer like fast and the furious so they could say "look Justin Lin Star Trek"



I honestly want to go see this again this week, it was amazing to the point i'm actually loving JJ Trek and would love more from the universe as soon as possible


I loved the first JJ one, I probably would have liked the second one more if they didn't try to dress it up anything but a copy of Wrath of Khan. If they had just come and said how it was inspired by that and not deny it completely, probably would have a better legacy.

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Thought this was great. So so sooooo much better than that dreck Into Darkness. It did feel a little rough at points and a bit OTT at others but it was easily the most Star Trek of the new films. Definitely not as good as the first one but yeah, really enjoyable.

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I really enjoyed it. I'll need to watch it a few more times to see if it overtakes First Contact, but it's definitely my favourite out of the rest.


Didn't beat First Contact for me but certainly beat the other reboots and most other Trek films. (Much prefer TV Trek.)

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Didn't beat First Contact for me but certainly beat the other reboots and most other Trek films. (Much prefer TV Trek.)

Same. I was pleasantly surprised after the first trailer made me think it'd be terrible.


I have noticed that the most "Star Trek" Star Trek movies are the odd numbered ones and this happily fits in there.

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I thought it was really enjoyable and a big step up from Into Darkness (no planet sized plot holes for one). Visually it was pretty spectacular too and the crew interactions were great.


The Franklin surviving a freefall through a cliff and bursting through the Yorktown's entrance were a little wtf though


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  • 2 weeks later...
Got to say, Yorktown was spectacular. It's been a while since I've been wowed like that. It was such a cool design.


I agree, I was looking at it just thinking "how the fuck will artificial gravity work on that weaving thing?!" and "Would they do a Total Recall thing when going from 'ring to ring'?" I loved it.


Sadly I didn't think the same of the rest of the film. I needed a piss before the moment the 'weapon' was tested [came back just at the end so was slightly confused]


Either way, this was the worst film in the trilogy for me. The first set it up, the second gave it that dark edge (I've not seen Wrath of Khan) but this seemed to do nothing. The swarm of ships was amazing but little was explained as Krall's gaining of such a fleet (I think he said that "I fapped with the inhabitants of this planet") but apart from that much was left unexplained. He must've known of the condition of his ship but decided not to do anything with it, it obviously wasn't invisible all that time.


But what really didn't do it for me was Krall's motivation. Bana wanted to restore his planet/fuck over Vulcan because 'they destroyed his planet'. Khan wanted to save his crew/Robocop wanted power for war. Krall just wanted to fuck things over for the sake of fucking things over, whining like a little bitch about being abandoned for 100 years. Let it go you pussy.

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I agree, I was looking at it just thinking "how the fuck will artificial gravity work on that weaving thing?!" and "Would they do a Total Recall thing when going from 'ring to ring'?" I loved it.


Sadly I didn't think the same of the rest of the film. I needed a piss before the moment the 'weapon' was tested [came back just at the end so was slightly confused]


Either way, this was the worst film in the trilogy for me. The first set it up, the second gave it that dark edge (I've not seen Wrath of Khan) but this seemed to do nothing. The swarm of ships was amazing but little was explained as Krall's gaining of such a fleet (I think he said that "I fapped with the inhabitants of this planet") but apart from that much was left unexplained. He must've known of the condition of his ship but decided not to do anything with it, it obviously wasn't invisible all that time.


But what really didn't do it for me was Krall's motivation. Bana wanted to restore his planet/fuck over Vulcan because 'they destroyed his planet'. Khan wanted to save his crew/Robocop wanted power for war. Krall just wanted to fuck things over for the sake of fucking things over, whining like a little bitch about being abandoned for 100 years. Let it go you pussy.


I think you missed some bits as they did explain that, that the planet was previously inhabitted by a more advanced (than NX era) race, who had abandoned it and its massive drone mining operation - they also had the technology to extend life by absorbing the life and traits of others


They also showed how that process warped his mind, so its entirely possible in the hundred or so years he thought his ship had been scavenged to pieces and was of no threat if it still exist.


As for his motivations i think you're dumbing them down a little (or maybe i read into them too much) - Krall's motivations were a bit odd, but it was more complex than that, he explained ad nauseum that he and his men/thralls evolved and excelled through over coming adversity and that the universe in its peace had become weak and was wasting its potential - it needed a new hardship to force the strong to survive and excel.

At its core his motivation was forced survival of the fittest. It was later discovered that his motivation stemmed from him being a Maco Soldier who after the Xindi war was left in charge of a peaceful ship, he missed the conflict and striving to survive at every second, this was amplified tenfold when he was abandoned as the word he lived on forced him to evolve - hardship once again made him stronger.

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