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Jessica Jones


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I could put this in the Marvel/Netflix thread, but I'm so excited, I'm creating a new thread, now the official trailer is out. And I didn't even know the character before the Netflix announcement!



I love Krystin Ritter, I love David Tennant, and the vibe the trailer is giving off is awesome. Can't wait until 20 November.


And for those who haven't seen the 4 teasers (and animated artwork) which led up to the trailer:








And there's also the [prequel comic].

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I've watched the first three episodes now and am intrigued. It's not as action heavy as Daredevil but it's still quite good. It's interesting how the characters come to gribs with their powers and how to use them.


The story seems interesting and the main villain is menacing even at this early stage.


My girlfriend is also quite hooked, perhaps more so than me, so it's also catering to that audience.

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6 episodes in now. It's a good show, engaging, solid characters that are well acted. Tenant is very menacing.


The action and stunts etc. are really holding it back though, in my opinion. Kinda surprising me after Daredevil, there's so little co-ordination in fights and they're not getting across Jessica's strength in the slightest.

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Just finished. Pretty average show and very miserable much like Daredevil but it works better there. The action sequences are pretty bad, kinda reminded me a little of some of the shit fights in Smallville where they don't have the money to pull off a super strength fight properly but even worse.


Luke Cage was also a very boring character in this. I don't have much experience with Luke, is he any better in the comics?


Tennant was great though.


Ten episodes in now and I'm feeling that it should end by now. It's been dragged a bit too long the last couple of episodes and I still have three episodes last. It's a shame. Still alright but not near as good as Daredevil.


This. At episode ten I thought it was ending then I checked the episode list.

Edited by bryanee
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It's weird, I was engaged by this, I wanted to know what happened, I was invested into the characters so I semi-binged it 'til it was finished. And when it was finished I'm not really sure if I liked it or not.


A lot of potential was squandered and a lot of scenes felt really, really bizarre. Like they needed a dozen more takes before they nailed it but they were out of time or something. The action was lacking across the board especially the jumps, which were just awkward cuts....

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I was hoping that Jessica wouldn't actually kill Kilgrave. He totally deserved it after his reign of terror, and it would have been difficult to imprison him without proving his abilities, but it was sad to see the series go from creative attempts to find his weaknesses, subdue him and prove that he had powers, to what was essentially the end of Man of Steel.


And despite the film universe hating its TV counterparts to the point where it seems Jessica Jones' writers weren't even allowed to say 'Captain America' or 'the Hulk' (think Jessica called them "the green guy and the flag-waver"), Kilgrave upping the stakes and taking on the Avengers would have been pretty special.


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A lot of potential was squandered and a lot of scenes felt really, really bizarre. Like they needed a dozen more takes before they nailed it but they were out of time or something. The action was lacking across the board especially the jumps, which were just awkward cuts....


I'm only 5 or so episodes in, but I didn't notice she could jump high until she spoke about doing it.

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  • 1 month later...

Finally finished watching this. It's a damn good show, liked it even more than Daredevil. Kilgrave is a hell of a character. Also, Detective Noir in general is a good sub-genre, nice to see the series take that route.


Surprised to see you guys found it to be "meh".

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I enjoyed it. Didn't quite meander in the same way as Daredevil, it felt like a tighter story, as well as the character not being quite as whiny as Matt Murdoch. Didn't get the point of the IGH subplot, but I suppose there will be payoff next season.

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I never actually commented on the show afterwards.. But I loved it. I don't share any of the complaints above.


I have one complaint, which is the fact that

Jessica Jones has captured Killgrave not once, but twice, and loses him both times to adversaries, which realistically, she should've been able to take out. From everything I've read up on her before the show started, it seems she's underpowered in the show. I mean, she was outnumbered both times, but still, slightly disappointing. Regardless of whether she should've been able to take those people, the fact the same situation happens twice bothers me.


But other than that. no complaints. I was already in love with Krysten Ritter, love David Tennant, they were both perfect. Loved all the side characters too, even the "annoying neighbour". Especially loved the atmosphere. Can't wait for season 2, but that'll take a while, so I'll have to contend with Dare Devil season 2 (March) and Luke Cage (and maybe Iron Fist) in the meantime.

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I have one complaint, which is the fact that
Jessica Jones has captured Killgrave not once, but twice, and loses him both times to adversaries, which realistically, she should've been able to take out. From everything I've read up on her before the show started, it seems she's underpowered in the show. I mean, she was outnumbered both times, but still, slightly disappointing. Regardless of whether she should've been able to take those people, the fact the same situation happens twice bothers me.



On one hand, yeah, her losing fights against clearly weaker opponents is underwhelming and disappointing. On the other hand, I dislike the idea that "superpower = instant victory", and Jessica is somewhat clumsy at combat throughout this series (she relies a lot on strength, but almost never on skill), so it makes sense she'd lose against 3 security guards who are supposed to be good at their jobs (and who tased her, like, 5 times)


Losing against the support group was just lame, though. The whole scene felt hastily written too, from Kilgrave's appearance up to his "rescue".


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On one hand, yeah, her losing fights against clearly weaker opponents is underwhelming and disappointing. On the other hand, I dislike the idea that "superpower = instant victory", and Jessica is somewhat clumsy at combat throughout this series (she relies a lot on strength, but almost never on skill), so it makes sense she'd lose against 3 security guards who are supposed to be good at their jobs (and who tased her, like, 5 times)


Losing against the support group was just lame, though. The whole scene felt hastily written too, from Kilgrave's appearance up to his "rescue".


Yeah but she wouldn't have been trying to hurt the support group, and i think Weirdo Woman got a lucky hit on her head from behind didn't she.


I thought the fighting was the worst thing about the series, it was always just heave someone sideways into a wall, or push someone across the room clumsily. Really boring to watch but easy to film.


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I thought the fighting was the worst thing about the series, it was always just heave someone sideways into a wall, or push someone across the room clumsily. Really boring to watch but easy to film.


Yeah, those could get repetitive if one watched a lot of episodes in a row.


I don't think that's necessarily a flaw, as they tended to be quick, and highlighted how unskilled Jessica (and to a lesser extent, Luke) was.

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I thought the fighting was the worst thing about the series, it was always just heave someone sideways into a wall, or push someone across the room clumsily. Really boring to watch but easy to film.

Gotta show off that super strength without killing them somehow.



Managed to finish all this off last week. A little bit meh, but much better than Daredevil (I do wish they'd stop using him in full costume on its Netflix image, it was about 5 seconds dammit!). Trying to make druggie-neighbour more of a focal character just sucked the steam out of things.

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I'm just done with episode 8 having binged watched all of Daredevil the week before last and most of Jessica Jones last week. I dont have much exposure to the character outwith the show but so far i'm loving it, she feels believable in a way that some of the movie MCU characters dont and Killgrave is just incredible. Everytime i finish an episode i check my watch to see if i have time for just one more lol

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It's weird, I was engaged by this, I wanted to know what happened, I was invested into the characters so I semi-binged it 'til it was finished. And when it was finished I'm not really sure if I liked it or not.


I felt the same.


It was good, but not great. It had potential, but didn't fully live up to it.


Jessica became quite boring after a while. There's only so long the grumpy, emo, "I don't need anyone else" shtick will stay interesting.


They managed to tie in Daredevil at the end, so I'm guessing we're going to have some Flash/Arrow crossovers at some point in their season 2s.


I thought the way they were keeping the IGH storyline ticking over was a bit too transparent. Keep mentioning it and then following it up with "but let's deal with this shit first, mmkay".


I think it has potential but needs to introduce a more diverse range of characters. Currently everyone is just a grumpy little bitch.

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