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Twilight Princess HD (4th March)


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Kid Icarus: Uprising has much more content.


It doesn't have the multitude of gameplay subsystems that Twilight Princess does though.


TP is basically like 12 different games in one; what with the sword play, horseback riding, sumo wrestling, rollogoal, snowboarding, fishing (hell just the fishing alone is more polished and feature rich than most full priced fishing games out there!) The sheer prototyping work that would've gone into its minigames and subsystems is staggering.


KIU by contrast features three different gametypes (flight, ground, multiplayer). Yes the game is incredibly content packed like TP was, but TP is overall a much more complex and expansive game than KIU is (which is reletively focused on the three styles of play).


Wow, do you really think so? I haven't played TP since it launched but I remember mainly being concerned at how completely empty and dead the overworld was. I would say Wind Waker and Majoras Mask both feel far more content rich than TP. And then something like Super Mario 64 which just oozed content, replayability, depth, secrets... outstrips it even further.


From a pure production standpoint? Absolutely, very little else comes close.


I really don't think most of you realise how much work goes into the Zelda games... Even something as seemingly small as horseback riding could just as easily be an entire game unto itself!


And in TP's case, yes, the art style is part of that as well. The sheer amount of texture detail utterly dwarfs Wind Waker (just looking at the amount of space they take up on the old GCN disc; TP is over 3 times larger than TWW in terms of sheer asset size).


Skyward Sword is the only other game that comes close really. They traded scale for density, but the amount of content that went into it is very similar (as I said, I'd give the nod to TP though, just because of the complexity of its dungeons - Skyward Sword was the more expensive of the two to make though and was, probably still is, the most expensive game to make that Nintendo has ever made).


While we're at it as well, Nintendo Land is another one that was a massive production. It was probably one of the most expensive games they've ever made!

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I don't really value a game based on how much work was put into it, only how much I enjoyed it!


Oh of course. But when you think about how massive a game like TP is, imagine how much of a challenge it must've been to port over and polish up its visuals...


Ironically, Ronnie probably isn't wrong when he says that it has more content than the entire Uncharted series combined :laughing:


MUCH more of a challenge than Wind Waker was! Just thinking about it makes my head hurt! I don't envy Tantalus for the task they had! But they really did a sterling job! I hope that Nintendo continue to work with them : peace:

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I'm tempted to go back through the Wind Waker thread and read the outrage that happened in that. Good times. :D


Still have yet to preorder the game. I'm just not excited in the slightest for it. Simply Games is selling the base game ( don't want any of that German rating rubbish on my front cover ) for £29.99, so there is a little bit of temptation.


Wind Waker got an 8/10?! Preposterous :)


But it actually is... All opinions of course, but it is one way of deciding who you do and don't listen to :)



Exactly my point, thank you. Even if it has to be a port then another game other than Zelda is needed more. Your example of F-Zero is perfect... although I'd have loved a Waverace Blue Storm port!


Okay, but you're being a hypocrite to an extent, as porting Wave race is the same "laziness" as porting this. So is it about what is needed or what is lazy? You keep changing your point. Ultimately which game to port is subjective, some people would want Twilight Princess more than anything. It seems like you don't want this game, so calling it lazy, or its recalling a new game or whatever.


As for we could've had a new game. No we couldn't. They've just farmed out this port to someone else. That's it.


I'd prefer Blue Storm port too, in fact I'd prefer a Blue Storm port more than 95% of brand new games on any platform. I'm not THAT bothered about Twilight (though I am buying it and looking forward to playing through it), but I certainly don't think it's replacing another title. The only thing I think is that it should be £20 RRP

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Disappointed the Miiverse community isn't up yet, the youngest of the Ordon kids is so creepy, wanted to post some pictures. I've done most of the opening section, it wasn't as bad as I remembered - I really struggled with the fishing back in the day and the went a lot faster this time around. I only played the Wii version so everything seems a bit backwards to me at the moment, I must remember it a bit better than I thought I did.


Going to play through to the first temple after the football tonight.

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Spoilers for those who haven't yet played TP. Not sure if that applies to anyone on here, though. :p



Someone on Gaf has found the following pic in the game.




They then altered it to this.




Then this.




Which then spawned all of these.













Classic! :D

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@dazzybee in regards to mentioning other ports I did say that if it had to be a port and not a new game than a different port would be more befitting.


Oh I know, but admit it, if it was Blue Storm HD you wouldn't be complaining about it being lazy or we could be having a new game :D


I'm pretty serious when I say a HD port of Blue Storm, with online, would be preferable to almost any other game I think. If Nintendo didn't want to make new ones, give us one extreme sports package of HD ports of F Zero GX, Excitebike 64 and Wave Race Blue Storm would more than satiate the fans.

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Fishing was the best thing about the Wii version of Twilight Princess. Those controls were brilliant.

The Gamecube, and by extension the WiiU version just won't be the same.


Agreed. The loss of Wii Remote fishing is absolutely tragic. It's a real shame that they didn't take the opportunity to include the original Wii Remote/Chuck controls as well (or even enhance it with Motionplus this time around!)


At the very least, I hope they still offer the Wii version of TP on the eShop at some point as well (maybe offer it at a discount for owners of TPHD); JUST for the sake of those fishing controls! No exaggeration when I say that I've probably spent upwards of 20 hours just fishing in that game!

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Oh I know, but admit it, if it was Blue Storm HD you wouldn't be complaining about it being lazy or we could be having a new game :D


I'm pretty serious when I say a HD port of Blue Storm, with online, would be preferable to almost any other game I think. If Nintendo didn't want to make new ones, give us one extreme sports package of HD ports of F Zero GX, Excitebike 64 and Wave Race Blue Storm would more than satiate the fans.


I don't think it would be as lazy because it would've shown Nintendo thinking more about the variety of titles they're putting out and more about their fanbase.


That they're putting out a Zelda port, when we have a Zelda coming this year and given that we've already had a Zelda port does say laziness to me in that they're like "just throw another Zelda at them".


There's no real thought or consideration behind what they're putting out... or st least not enough.


That is how it appears and feels to me.

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I don't think it would be as lazy because it would've shown Nintendo thinking more about the variety of titles they're putting out and more about their fanbase.


That they're putting out a Zelda port, when we have a Zelda coming this year and given that we've already had a Zelda port does say laziness to me in that they're like "just throw another Zelda at them".


There's no real thought or consideration behind what they're putting out... or st least not enough.


That is how it appears and feels to me.


I suspect a Zelda game would outsell a Wave Race game by about 10 to 1. When they're struggling financially, it's no great surprise they re-release one of their most popular titles. It's not laziness, it's just good business sense.

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I suspect a Zelda game would outsell a Wave Race game by about 10 to 1. When they're struggling financially, it's no great surprise they re-release one of their most popular titles. It's not laziness, it's just good business sense.


I'm not so sure Twilight Princess HD would outsell a Waverace or F-Zero at the moment.

Under normal circumstances I would agree with you, but with another Zelda coming this year and the fact that a lot of WiiU owners will have a Wii copy of Twilight Princess that they can play on the WiiU still, I'm not certain.


Then again, I may well be wrong about that, but we'll never know as Nintendo aren't putting both out.

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