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Twilight Princess HD (4th March)


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When I first started playing Okami, I enjoyed it but there was certainly plenty of frustration throughout with brush strokes not registering as desired and I grew to dislike the game the further I got into it :hmm:


Never had a problem with the brush strokes. ::shrug:


Well, I still stand by what I said. 3D Zeldas (except OoT) don't even come close to Okami.

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I tried Okami back when it first released on Wii and couldn't get into it. As for TP, this just feels like daylight robbery on Nintendo's part. If this was a digital release for about £20 then fine but a full retail release for some new textures? They could have atleast added some damn fur to the wolf. Starfox Adventures looks better than this.

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I have to admit that I'm tempted to buy this game now as I have an itch to play some Zelda! The dungeons in this game are also marvellous.


I'm between this version and the latest version available on Dolphin. The latter looks a bit better and has a lot of pacing fixes (I.e. Dat intro) but I'm interested in seeing the other changes that this version brings.


Graphically this game doesn't look to aged well but some of the dungeons look incredible. The Goron mines looked fab in the original!

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I've had an overview of the Starfox series tucked away for several months ready to unleash on the site in the run up to Starfox Zero on Wii U but one snippet I will take from that is that while Starfox Adventures may have been an enjoyable game back when it was first released, it doesn't seem to hold up quite so well these days having played it again last year :heh:


I fear Twilight Princess may suffer the same fate but it could also exceed expectations given how much I enjoyed reliving Wind Waker in HD. It was even more special than I remembered :grin:

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Starfox Adventures was the first game in the series I played so I totally loved it. I re-played some of it about a year ago and still found it enjoyable but I didn't get that far. I love that dinosaur speak.




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Starfox Adventures is a bit of a shame really. You can tell that it was unfinished, especially with the ending.


I still reckon that it would've ended up a better game if it was left as Dinosaur Planet on the N64. Not because I thought that the StarFox IP was a bad fit for it, but because the original prototype looked far more ambitious in terms of environmental interaction (while in the final one, the way you interact with the environment is a bit basic - and the combat is basically nothing but braindead button mashing).



There was a LOT cut from the final version and it's clear that they just didn't get the time they needed to make the game they really wanted to make. I suppose with the looming Microsoft sale though, they didn't really have a choice though sadly.

Edited by Dcubed
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Hero Mode mirrors the game (Wii style)




- controlling items with the gyro sensor is confirmed

- view the whole map of a dungeon while inside one

- freely move the camera angle with the right stick

- off-TV play


Miiverse stamps


- 50 in total

- consist of Hyrule alphabets and the emotional faces of Link and others

- post directly to Miiverse from in-gam


Hard mode


- world is mirrored

- Link receives twice as much damage


Wolf Link amiibo


- put in a record number of your adventure on the figure

- scan on the title screen and skip save data selection and instantly start the game

- some sort of checkpoint system that lets you jump to different parts of the gam


Ghost Torch


- used on Poes

- allows you to pinpoint their position even during the day


Finally, it's also worth noting that basic action movements like horse riding and swimming are being improved. There's also some areas that are being tweaked in order to make them easier to understand.

Edited by Serebii
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I'm really looking forward to this. The dungeons in this game are amazing, plus, sitting back with a classic and doing some off-screen play will be fun!


Also, after the great use of the pad in Xenoblade Chronicles, I'm looking forward to trying this on the big TV and seeing if it is as good having the map down on the pad as it was in Xenoblade.

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I really don't know why are people complaining as the game does look quite good (in my opinion). Don't get me wrong, I am not criticizing anyone, I just don't know what is the big problem with the remake (I agree with the prices it should be prices less as it is a remake, but because for me it will almost be a new game, I can live with that).


What did people expect when it comes to graphics?

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