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Pokémon Go! (Android/iOS)


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Always seems to job out about 8PM for me. Still hasn't come back on this evening. Caught a lot though.


The cathedral grounds in town are always full of people sitting on the grass catching Pokemon, and twirling those PokeStops. 'tis good fun!

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Getting kind of sick of the gym near my work! its in a medical centre and its quite obvious one of the Doctors/Nurses/receptionists is a budding filthy casual pokemon master, because ever day I walk to the local shops past it, stop and attack the gym and take it over.........5min later on my journey back, the same three people are now back in charge of they gym!


God dammit home field advantage!

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I'm in the office today, but as I stayed at my dad's last night, I got dropped of really early (as he works from 7AM). As a result, I had a walk around the park. I managed to capture a load of Pokémon including some new stuff, and stock up on Pokéballs (I'm up to 71). Also hatched a couple of eggs and gained a load more.


Also, my workplace is a Pokestop, complete with the photo I took of it.

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Leveled up to 10 and caught alot of new/rare pokemon when I went to home from the work.


Somehow managed to hatch a 2km egg without walking around by switch between the Device only GPS/BatterySavingModeGPS/HighAccuracyGPS in location setting which made my avatar walk around alot. :yay:

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I wouldn't be so sure about that. They might be smart and tie smartphone usage to the console similar to Sony remote play and Xbox's smartglass, but with more depth, but I imagine they're able to appreciate the separation of what makes this app popular against what a console needs to succeed. Hopefully, the NX is not heavily dependent on a gimmick which will age.


Also, AR is a long way from being what makes PoGo popular IMO. It's the collectability, real world/outdoors nature and self-generated social aspect. Everyone I know turns AR off most of the time to save battery.

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Given AR is switched off in Pokemon Go by anyone who remotely knows what they are doing, I don't think AR is a major factor to Go's success really.


It's a huge factor in Go's success. Sure people turn it off after a while, but it's what opened the door and got them interested in the first place. Just think about all the social media AR pics that helped build the craze around the world. Without AR this wouldn't have been anywhere near as popular, even if the novelty of that was very short lived.


So Pokémon software sales on 3DS in UK went up 145% last week.


Early signs are good for Nintendo and there strategy of using mobile software to bring more attention to handheld/console games.


Great news. I'm sure I read somewhere that this would in no way push people to the handheld games...

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Great news. I'm sure I read somewhere that this would in no way push people to the handheld games...


Actually, you said it would have a push on hardware (3DS), nothing to do with people buying software on consoles they already own. I said I can't see it having a major effect on people who don't already have a 3DS but like Pokemon Go, because ultimately they are very different games. The counter to your claim is also invisible - how many will now not buy a 3DS for the next Pokemon games because they are getting some essence of a Pokemon fix on mobile? It's a difficult argument to prove either way tbh. Also regarding the software point you made - I believe Red/Blue/Yellow have also been on sale, and these Pokemon are the ones that feature in Go.


This discussion is pointless anyway because it focuses on the very short term effects of Go on handheld games - we know the next Pokemon games are coming to 3DS as that's what they were made for. What now - now that money is clearly just oozing out of Go?


I find it odd that some people are literally falling over themselves to exclaim how great this is for handheld Pokemon. I just think...really? If anything, I can see the popularity of this causing a shift in Nintendo's focus. Why spend all that time making games for dedicated hardware when there is SO much more money to be made in mobile? I could see this having a long-term detrimental effect on the Pokemon handheld series, quite the opposite of what some people here think.

Edited by Sheikah
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^Agree,(Edit: oops - I meant with Sheikah) although I don't think Ronnie's point is totally invalid.


But yeah - Similarly, I've been thinking this week that Nintendo are missing out on a truckload of cash by not having red and blue available on mobile phones, as square enix do with the old FF games.


I downloaded Pokemon Gold (best in the series?) on an emulator after getting nostalgic playing pokemon Go. Would happily of paid a fiver to get it through the proper channels, but it's not on 3DS and frankly the screen of my s6 is vastly superior and I can play it anytime. I'm sure a lot of people would do likewise.


I've also been thinking how I'd quite like geographical location to be a feature of more games. Like if say there were 'local' high score tables alongside global tables in games. Would be cool to top the leaderboards of my town in, say, geometry wars, or be alerted when you're playing a 'local' match on rocket league.


Moved back to my flat in Edinburgh after a month back in my hometown - the amount of people playing in the center is mental. gyms going back and forth every five minutes, constant lures everywhere.. it's great!

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I've also been thinking how I'd quite like geographical location to be a feature of more games. Like if say there were 'local' high score tables alongside global tables in games. Would be cool to top the leaderboards of my town in, say, geometry wars, or be alerted when you're playing a 'local' match on rocket league.


What's interesting (to me at least) is how apps have gamified location-based elements but as you said it's not really been picked up in games themselves. When I go somewhere new I tend to check out the Snapchat filters.

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