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Pokémon Go! (Android/iOS)


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Right how the fuck do we get it on Android.



I need to get hold of this! Long dog walk tomorrow will surely be full of catchable 'mon and may make walking the dog on a muddy field fun for me and not just him!


EDIT: Never mind - got it. :D

Edited by Aneres11
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Right how the fuck do we get it on Android.



I need to get hold of this! Long dog walk tomorrow will surely be full of catchable 'mon and may make walking the dog on a muddy field fun for me and not just him!

You go here: link. Make sure to enable installing apps from external sources, if it asks you to.


My day with Pokemon go (and it's only noon): went into town go get a haircut, passed by several poke stops along the way. Fought a gym for the first time and 3 people were in there - found out as I was also blue that I couldn't fight them properly, and the gym was full (3 people) so couldn't add my own Pokemon to it. Not to worry...shortly after, a "???" CP level Hypno appeared and after a ridiculous amount of attempts I got it. Turned out to be CP300!


Then I saw a church nearby which was surrounded by a park, so sat down and kerb stomped the lone trainer that was there and took the gym. Claimed my 10 coins for it. As I walked away, I saw a guy walking towards it. I thought "hmm, wonder if he is playing the game".


Fast forward about 10 minutes and I've come out of Waitrose with a few things, then that guy I saw approaches me and says "Hey, I think I know what you're playing". Turns out this guy was also playing, and had indeed attached the gym I just took (he was team yellow...I was blue; destined to be enemies unfortunately). I checked and indeed...my Poke had been stomped and returned to me (Raticate is shit). We were both walking in the same direction and had a bit of a chat about it - he also used the item to buff a poke stop and make more 'mon appear. We exchanged WhatsApp and went our separate ways.


All in all, good fun! Wouldn't have chatted to this guy otherwise and had a good nerdy chat about this and general other things. Dare I say it...well done Nintendo!


As a side note, pretty sure another guy was playing it as I walked home (he had a Zelda T-shirt and was walking around with his phone in hand). And the game isn't actually even out yet! Dis is real. ;)

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Right how the fuck do we get it on Android.



I need to get hold of this! Long dog walk tomorrow will surely be full of catchable 'mon and may make walking the dog on a muddy field fun for me and not just him!

You go here: link. Make sure to enable installing apps from external sources, if it asks you to.


My day with Pokemon go (and it's only noon): went into town go get a haircut, passed by several poke stops along the way. Fought a gym for the first time and 3 people were in there - found out as I was also blue that I couldn't fight them properly, and the gym was full (3 people) so couldn't add my own Pokemon to it. Not to worry...shortly after, a "???" CP level Hypno appeared and after a ridiculous amount of attempts I got it. Turned out to be CP300!


Then I saw a church nearby which was surrounded by a park, so sat down and kerb stomped the lone trainer that was there and took the gym. Claimed my 10 coins for it. As I walked away, I saw a guy walking towards it. I thought "hmm, wonder if he is playing the game".


Fast forward about 10 minutes and I've come out of Waitrose with a few things, then that guy I saw approaches me and says "Hey, I think I know what you're playing". Turns out this guy was also playing, and had indeed attached the gym I just took (he was team yellow...I was blue; destined to be enemies unfortunately). I checked and indeed...my Poke had been stomped and returned to me (Raticate is shit). We were both walking in the same direction and had a bit of a chat about it - he also used the item to buff a poke stop and make more 'mon appear. We exchanged WhatsApp and went our separate ways.


All in all, good fun! Wouldn't have chatted to this guy otherwise and had a good nerdy chat about this and general other things. Dare I say it...well done Nintendo!


As a side note, pretty sure another guy was playing it as I walked home (he had a Zelda T-shirt and was walking around with his phone in hand). And the game isn't actually even out yet! Dis is real. ;)

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Right how the fuck do we get it on Android.



I need to get hold of this! Long dog walk tomorrow will surely be full of catchable 'mon and may make walking the dog on a muddy field fun for me and not just him!




Apparently there's a risk of getting a ban for downloading it, but I can't see them banning tens of thousands of people... on the flip side, the server issues mean it might be waiting until the official UK release so you have a smoother first couple days.


Worked well for me at last this morning. Caught myself a cheeky Rhydon amongst a bunch of pidgeys and crap. It's great! Time will tell if the simple mechanics will tire easily, but it's a fun diversion for the time being.


Thing is, the things people like about the game aren't really pertaining to the game itself. The game itself is shallow.


I was wondering about this - isn't there a good chance it's so simple because of whatever deal they've struck with Nintendo? My conspiracy theory is that Nintendo / the pokemon company didn't allow the full combat mechanics to be included for fear of overshadowing Sun and Moon (pretty real fear given the popularity of Go so far).


So I just downloaded it and...I don't seem to be near any pokemon.


Yeah this happened to me yesterday, I think it was those server issues. Seems to work properly now - you get way more pokemon in town centers than on random streets btw (kind of a shame in a way).

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Right how the fuck do we get it on Android.



I need to get hold of this! Long dog walk tomorrow will surely be full of catchable 'mon and may make walking the dog on a muddy field fun for me and not just him!




Apparently there's a risk of getting a ban for downloading it, but I can't see them banning tens of thousands of people... on the flip side, the server issues mean it might be waiting until the official UK release so you have a smoother first couple days.


Worked well for me at last this morning. Caught myself a cheeky Rhydon amongst a bunch of pidgeys and crap. It's great! Time will tell if the simple mechanics will tire easily, but it's a fun diversion for the time being.


Thing is, the things people like about the game aren't really pertaining to the game itself. The game itself is shallow.


I was wondering about this - isn't there a good chance it's so simple because of whatever deal they've struck with Nintendo? My conspiracy theory is that Nintendo / the pokemon company didn't allow the full combat mechanics to be included for fear of overshadowing Sun and Moon (pretty real fear given the popularity of Go so far).


So I just downloaded it and...I don't seem to be near any pokemon.


Yeah this happened to me yesterday, I think it was those server issues. Seems to work properly now - you get way more pokemon in town centers than on random streets btw (kind of a shame in a way).

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This is massive.


I'm already seeing lots of my facebook friends playing it. Its amazing to see.


Don't get me wrong the mainline games remain very popular but I have not seen a buzz over Pokemon like this for years. The problem with the mainline games is that its basically the same game as it was in the 90s except we have lots more unrecongnisable pokes and more complicated mechanics.

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This is massive.


I'm already seeing lots of my facebook friends playing it. Its amazing to see.


Don't get me wrong the mainline games remain very popular but I have not seen a buzz over Pokemon like this for years. The problem with the mainline games is that its basically the same game as it was in the 90s except we have lots more unrecongnisable pokes and more complicated mechanics.

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Yeah I think that's part of why it's so popular at the moment. It's scratching that nostalgia itch while being something different and cut down. How many of us have started a new Pokémon generation to get so far and stop? This at least requires less commitment.

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Yeah I think that's part of why it's so popular at the moment. It's scratching that nostalgia itch while being something different and cut down. How many of us have started a new Pokémon generation to get so far and stop? This at least requires less commitment.

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Is there any easy way to know whether this will be compatible with a device or not? My android model/OS isn't listed in my playstore(probs due to being a cyanogenmod) but it's an S3 mini running cyanogenmod/android 4.4.2 or something.

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Is there any easy way to know whether this will be compatible with a device or not? My android model/OS isn't listed in my playstore(probs due to being a cyanogenmod) but it's an S3 mini running cyanogenmod/android 4.4.2 or something.

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Is there any easy way to know whether this will be compatible with a device or not? My android model/OS isn't listed in my playstore(probs due to being a cyanogenmod) but it's an S3 mini running cyanogenmod/android 4.4.2 or something.

Easiest way is to probably to just try install it!

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Is there any easy way to know whether this will be compatible with a device or not? My android model/OS isn't listed in my playstore(probs due to being a cyanogenmod) but it's an S3 mini running cyanogenmod/android 4.4.2 or something.

Easiest way is to probably to just try install it!

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So is it just a certain selection of pokemon in this? Coz so far it's all gen I pokemon which is sitting very well with me! I've played all the main games over the years and even though I kinda know the newer pokemon it's nice to have the nostalgia of the red blue glory days!


Looking forward to playing more of this but haven't left the house today!

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So is it just a certain selection of pokemon in this? Coz so far it's all gen I pokemon which is sitting very well with me! I've played all the main games over the years and even though I kinda know the newer pokemon it's nice to have the nostalgia of the red blue glory days!


Looking forward to playing more of this but haven't left the house today!

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