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Resident Evil 2 Remake


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48 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

@Aneres11 happy to see you loved the game.

Yeah, the lack of differences between A and B is a little disappointing. In the original version there is far more variety between the two. Bosses, puzzles and cutscenes vary quite a bit. It's a shame they couldn't pull it off for this remake.

Yeah @Mike1988uk said the same thing to me. He had never played the original either, but both of us were enjoying the game so much it made him delve into the games that came after to read up on them, and he had read the same about the differences with the original. 

Very surprising given the amount of time they had to make the game from announcing it that they didn’t vary the play throughs up a little more. 

I need to crack on with the DLC now, might get into that now seeing as i have a day off! 

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  • 1 month later...

So I've finally started playing this game (Leon scenario first).  I first started off on Hardcore difficulty, because I didn't like the idea of having checkpoints; but quickly realised that the game is just simply not fun on this mode at all (enemies are insane damage sponges and two hits from a normal zombie kills you); so I dropped it down to Normal and started enjoying it much more (the game is clearly balanced around this mode - and Hardcore seems to be nothing more than limited saves + your typical AAA damage number tweaking BS, so I'm glad I dumped it - I'm just limiting myself to using the typewriters sparingly as if I was playing the original).


Really enjoying it so far! It's been a very long time since we've seen a proper Action Adventure game get released from anyone and Capcom have done a bang up job with it so far! I like how they haven't slavishly stuck to the original game's gameplay and layout, but rather they have used it as a base and have expanded on its map design.  It does indeed feel like the equivilent of REmake for RE2!  And quite frankly, I'm absolutely shocked and stunned that Capcom pulled this off! A real, proper Resident Evil game in the HD era is something I never really thought possible; and I'm stunned at how complete the game feels! It feels like nothing was really compromised at all for the sake of graphics and production values; and that's something I have not seen outside of Nintendo/Platinum for a long time! It's an actual, real-deal game! Holy shit! :D 


The metroidvania design of the original game is actually intact! Oh my God! And ammo is scarce like it should be! I'm actually running away from most zombies and only killing select ones! (like it should be!).  I've even seen a few clever puzzles! (Wow! A lost art in this industry!) It's not all shooty, shooty bang bang! It's like... an actual Resident Evil game! Oh my!


I'm up to the garage at the moment and so far it's pretty great! I do have some gripes though; for starters, the new soundtrack is worthless.  It's basically nothing but ambient sounds (and the fact that they cut the Safe Room music is utterly criminal! Come on! It's THE iconic music of the original game!); I've switched to the original PS1 soundtrack and I'm not looking back now!


I also feel that the game takes itself a bit too seriously; it does seem to lack a bit of the goofy charm of the original so far; and I know that it has to appeal to modern audiences, who basically want it to be a The Walking Dead knockoff, but it's still a bit of a shame that it lacks some of the silly jump scares and charm of the original.


Also not a tremendous fan of the controls... was hoping that they'd be more akin to Resident Evil 4 than Resident Evil 6... The game really doesn't need dual analog controls (the aiming is very hard and pretty frustrating; the controls can't keep up with the enemies really), it would've been much better and much more comfortable with RE4's setup.  But alas... Another concession to mainstream audiences who need their checklist features I suppose...


... but those are ultimately minor gripes in the grand scheme of things.  This is (mostly), the RE2 Remake I've always wanted and I can't believe it actually exists! I can't believe that a game like this could even be made anymore! Actual level design! Actual puzzles! Actual bosses! Actual, good gameplay! It really is 1998 again! :D 

Edited by Dcubed
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Good to see you're enjoying it, @Dcubed.

Capcom deserve a lot of respect in how they've handled their franchises as of late. Monster Hunter, Resident Evil and Devil May Cry all got new entries and each of them have been utterly fantastic.

It's crazy to think that just a few years ago a lot of people, myself included, had written Capcom off. They had turned into a publisher who was chasing the mobile market, releasing port after port of games and we're trying too hard to make their games appeal to the Western audience. The changes that they've made to get them back on track has been fantastic to see.

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15 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Good to see you're enjoying it, @Dcubed.

Capcom deserve a lot of respect in how they've handled their franchises as of late. Monster Hunter, Resident Evil and Devil May Cry all got new entries and each of them have been utterly fantastic.

It's crazy to think that just a few years ago a lot of people, myself included, had written Capcom off. They had turned into a publisher who was chasing the mobile market, releasing port after port of games and we're trying too hard to make their games appeal to the Western audience. The changes that they've made to get them back on track has been fantastic to see.

Same! I can hardly believe that these games came from Capcom! (Or indeed any major AAA developer not called Nintendo or Platinum!)


For all the grief I give Capcom for their mistakes, their latest releases in the last year or so have been a sight for very sore eyes!


DMC 5 is next on my list after RE2 Remake, but my God! Have I SO missed this kind of game!


Actual level design! No open world BS! No micro-transactions! No brain dead “game plays itself” nonsense! Actual gameplay! Wow!


And in an era where I thought this brand of game design was dead and buried! (Ok, there’s the Dark Souls games; but they stick to a very rigid formula that I don’t enjoy at all)


God I hope that Capcom continue down this path and really bring back actual handcrafted game design to this industry! I miss it so much!  What a joy it is to actually play a real game again! (that isn’t either rubbish or a re-release that I’ve played to death) And not an open world sandbox or an interactive movie! :D 

Edited by Dcubed
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Even though the game is a remake, I loved how refreshing the game felt. 

Like many, I'm sick to death of games being made open world just for the sake of it. To play a modern game where the campaign is short but also encourages repeat playthroughs and memorization of the game...well, it was just an absolute joy.

This game is proof that large publishers can successful games without following the cookie cutter, open world formula that so many of them are chasing. I imagine it was a lot easier on the development team as well being part of creating a game that had a clear vision and structure.

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  • 2 months later...

Was hoping for this to be on Game Pass soon, and no doubt it will be now after I picked it up in the sale. :indeed:

Put a couple of hours in last night. Played the original to death so looking forward to seeing how this stacks up. Enjoying what I’ve seen so far. 

Not encountered Mr X yet but one thing that concerns me is I can imagine the stalking can get pretty annoying after a while. Is it a constant thing throughout the game or do you get breaks from him? I’m fine with being chased and that, but I’d like the opportunity to explore at my own pace. 

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  • 4 months later...

How different are the B campaigns? Are they worth playing through?

I played through both of the A campaigns a couple of months ago so if there's some repeated steps then I won't be too bothered but it seems a bit pointless to play the B routes if there isn't very much in the way of new content. 

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On 14/12/2019 at 1:19 AM, killthenet said:

How different are the B campaigns? Are they worth playing through?

I played through both of the A campaigns a couple of months ago so if there's some repeated steps then I won't be too bothered but it seems a bit pointless to play the B routes if there isn't very much in the way of new content. 

They're not so different in all honesty. 

I think the start of the campaigns are in different locations (from memory) but by and large they're not too different at all. 

Im sure I read that the original game had some bigger differences, but the REmake didn't carry them over. 

With the announcement of RE 3, I am tempted to play through this again. 

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10 minutes ago, Aneres11 said:

With the announcement of RE 3, I am tempted to play through this again. 

If you do, make sure to grab the new letter from Jill which is found in Kendo's gun shop. It's a nice little nod to the next game and nets you a new achievement or trophy.

On December 14, 2019 at 1:19 AM, killthenet said:

How different are the B campaigns? Are they worth playing through?

I played through both of the A campaigns a couple of months ago so if there's some repeated steps then I won't be too bothered but it seems a bit pointless to play the B routes if there isn't very much in the way of new content. 

How come you played both A scenarios first? You're supposed to go through A with a character and then through B with the other.

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  • 3 months later...

Playing through this game in the best/worst possible way: at midnight with every single light off. I've had 2 playthroughs so far and have jumped about a million times already. I'm playing as Leon and I don't know if I can currently stomach playing through this game twice. :shakehead

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The game is fantastic. But, Mr X/The Tyrant/whatever the fuck he is called is a first class knob. Tbh, I find him to be a very annoying mechanic and his introduction in the game has pulled me out of the experience a little bit. It suddenly reminds you that you are playing a game, especially when you try to think of ways of "gaming the system" by losing him. There was one ridiculous instance where the character followed me from one side of the police station to the other. I went into the dark room save room and he was just patrolling the corridor. Literally put the controller down for a good 10/15 minutes and could still hear his footsteps either outside the room, patrolling the corridor or on the staircase/the level above. It's soured the game for me a little and I came close to putting the game down yesterday.

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17 minutes ago, Fierce_LiNk said:

The game is fantastic. But, Mr X/The Tyrant/whatever the fuck he is called is a first class knob. Tbh, I find him to be a very annoying mechanic and his introduction in the game has pulled me out of the experience a little bit. It suddenly reminds you that you are playing a game, especially when you try to think of ways of "gaming the system" by losing him. There was one ridiculous instance where the character followed me from one side of the police station to the other. I went into the dark room save room and he was just patrolling the corridor. Literally put the controller down for a good 10/15 minutes and could still hear his footsteps either outside the room, patrolling the corridor or on the staircase/the level above. It's soured the game for me a little and I came close to putting the game down yesterday.

It's a shame you aren't a fan of Mr X. I loved him in both versions of the game and from the sounds of it you probably would have enjoyed him in the original game far more than what you are here. He's more like the Terminator in this game, following you every where you go and he will not stop until you are dead! :p In the original game he did pop up here and there but nothing compared to what he's like here.

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Just now, Hero-of-Time said:

It's a shame you aren't a fan of Mr X. I loved him in both versions of the game and from the sounds of it you probably would have enjoyed him in the original game far more than what you are here. He's more like the Terminator in this game, following you every where you go and he will not stop until you are dead! :p In the original game he did pop up here and there but nothing compared to what he's like here.

Honestly, I think a better mechanic would've been for him to pop up at certain moments in the game, then chase you until you get a certain area, e.g. a save room. Once his footsteps are gone, you can then proceed. This just felt too brutal and a bit too demoralising, tbh. I wouldn't even say it was tense or terrifying. In fact, it probably had the opposite effect as I then threw caution out of the window and it just become a case of running from save point to save point and checking the map every few seconds to see where I needed to go. The game was really tense up until that point and I was loving it up until the moment the character is introduced. 

I was definitely going to do a second run once I had finished this, but it'll depend on how the rest of the game goes from here. 

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I'll always prefer the original. But I'll say one thing: At least RE2 (2019) was better than RE3 (2020) and the game while not excellent, was somewhat more faithful to the original, even if it too suffered from a lot of cut content, missing creatures, and more. I take it Capcom are totally done with RE3 though, and we aren't getting any future DLC.

A shame, Capcom. You fumbled that ball...again! 

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Back to loving the game now. Just made it out of the sewers and have done a fair bit in the NEST labs area. God, that whole area is a shit scary. I've basically been holding the aim button all the way through this area expecting things to jump out at me. 

Had one terrifying moment on the way back to the lobby save room by that big plant room area. Opened a door to show two flights of stairs (as in there's one staircase in front of you and then another one that leads from the level above you). Heard one zombie immediately, so aimed and looked around for it. It took its sweet time, but it eventually made its way down one flight of stairs and was now at the top of the staircase coming towards me. Got rid of that one quite quickly. Walked over to it to check if it was dead. Heard some zombie sounds and properly aimed at the thing assuming it was coming back to life. Nope. ANOTHER zombie from the staircase above me (out of view) had obviously carried on walking, stumbled over the guard rail and landed less than a metre from me. Almost got splattered. We both jumped and I can't even describe the sound that I made. It got up off the ground as it had survived the fall (well, survived, I mean it's already dead) but I re-deaded it.

Quite enjoyed that sewer section. It was dark as hell though and Leon has a flashilight. I do wish that they had added the option of being able to turn the torch on and off at will. Would've been quite useful in that area as I feel that I must have missed out on quite a few things. Also, is there a way to go back to the Police Station from the sewers? I found a roll of film that obviously needs developing in the dark room...and I'm assuming the labs aren't going to have a dark room?

Anyway, game is great again. 10/10

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45 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Don't worry, @Fierce_LiNk you can get back to the police station. 

Love reading your adventures though the game. Keep them coming. :D 

I'm not sure I want to go to back to the Police Station because that knobhead Tyrant thing will be there!


39 minutes ago, Sméagol said:

Aren't the sewers pretty dark?

john travolta GIF

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RE3 is not that great of a remake, and neither is RE2 in lesser ways, but I think Capcom should try to move past 1998 now. All of these remakes and spin offs are halting the series' progression. Raccoon City was destroyed in a 1999 game, and revisiting that same old time period now seems rather pointless. Somewhere else in the world, we could be seeing things moving ahead with games, sequels-wise. But I think they just go back to what's familiar in order to play things safe to milk that tank dry. 

I donated a lot of money to Michael Does Life last night during his latest YouTube live stream. We were talking about how the series isn't where it needs to be. I really enjoyed tuning in. I'm "thesaunderschild" on YouTube, if you are wondering.

To be honest, they have a tiny snippet of a story with RE7 now. This Connections / Umbrella (is actually good now) BS. Try working with that, Capcom. Also, I'll be relieved if Chris is actually going to be redesigned again. His last model didn't look right at all. Giving what age he must be now, I think they intend to keep Chris looking youthful, just for fans of Fortnite.


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