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Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - 26th Sept


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Interesting that people are making the assumption that the NX version will be based on the PS4 game. Not knowing what the NX is makes guesswork for this interesting. It could be based on the 3DS version.

Or it could be completely unique.


Looks like SE got hit by Nintendo's Ninjas and have backtracked a little, now saying they're "considering" it haha

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One thing which concerns me about the 3DS is the wouldn't the Western release be like 2017? The platform will be pretty much at the end of its life in 2017.

Yeah, it's a little worrying. I touched on this in the now closed topic but if you remember the Ni No Kuni situation (which seems pretty close to this one), the DS version never got a release over here, only the PS3 version. That was also with a much more popular system that wasn't at the end of its life.


Granted, DQ is a bigger name and DQIX came out over here, but it may not be guaranteed given the lower popularity of DQ over here. I'd like it to come out on all systems though as more sales of DQ outside Japan can only be a good thing in convincing S-E to release more of them here. Dat PS4 experience is going to be the real deal though, I honestly can't wait. DQVIII was freaking immense.

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Got a feeling that Nintendo are gonna have to localise this themselves. It's gonna be down to them.


In this situation, this could potentially be bad, or if Sony localises the PS4 version.


What if Nintendo localises the 3DS version, and Sony or SE localises the PS4 version? Both versions have the same story so we could end up with 2 completely different localisations.


Which to be honest, isn't the worst thing.


But what if Sony localises the PS4 version? Will Nintendo be able to use that localisation for the NX version?


(Not sure how Sony handles stuff like this, do they just throw money at SE to do it?)

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The 3DS version looks properly amazing. The PS4 one looks good too, but I'd far rather go for the 3DS version on this. That two artstyles at once thing is fecking genius! Plus Dragon Quest IX was one of my favourite DS games so it'd be nice to have this one as a follow up to that. I really, really hope this gets localised.

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Well, this is a turn up for the books.


PS4 - I'm glad that, if DQ XI was going to be a home console game at all, it's on the PS4. Even when all three are out, this will surely remain the technical-best version. From the tech demo, it seems like they've remembered all the technical strengths from VIII and are not letting the 3DS version limit it. The high-walled citadel seen is something you simply would not have got in IX, not to mention the control you have over the camera and the ability to investigate the interiors of buildings (I'm assuming there is a 1st-person mode too, if only when you're stationary).


The overworld really does look similar to the upcoming Legend of Zelda, which is no bad thing at all. It's a really good, cartoony look. Of course, it does need a lot of work and we never know whether the full charm of DQ will be in force - cheeky humour, moonlit musings, romantic melodies - but it's starting from a very strong position.


3DS - Despite wanting DQ XI to be on PS4, this was an extremely welcome surprise. Ever since playing IX, I've hoped for the same experience again, and this could well provide it. The polygons/sprites mechanic is cool, but I think I'll stick to polygons in this case. If I'm really nitpicking, the spritework doesn't seem to be a focus. Compare it to the remakes of V or VI, for example, which had some incredibly well-animated sprites.


Technically, though, it's a huge leap over IX, with complex towns and dual-camera set-up. Not only would I buy both versions, I'd actually buy a New 3DS for this.


NX - I'm expecting this to be a slightly-lesser version of the PS4 game, with the 3DS version really being a curiosity for a very popular handheld. Might have slightly lower polygon count or lower resolution, but will essentially be the same as the PS4 edition. Depending on how close it is, I could see this being a good substitute.




So, three bits of good news with one huge drawback - whether the West will actually see any of these. I think there's more chance we will than won't, but I don't want to get my hopes up.


That said though, everything looks like its heart's in the right place - an offline, single-player, turn-based Dragon Quest! I can't help myself from wondering whether there'll be Alchemy, whether every piece of armour will be visible in-game, how generous the Skill Points system will be... but until we get confirmation of localisations, I'll just have to temper my expectations.

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Seems the 3D/2D thing is only for the tutorial/start of the game, then you have to pick. Though you can change it at any time, it won't be simultaneous throughout the game.


That sucks.




Hype deflated...

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On the one hand that's a shame, but on the other hand you can only really look at one screen at once anyway (thinking about the Wii U parallels here too; I look at the TV or gamepad, not both). It would probably be more useful to use the other screen for something else too, like the inventory.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Looks great, but that's way higher-res than the 3DS version will actually look. I know that's the standard with "bullshots", but this seems particularly optimistic.


??? :wtf: The top screen is 400 x 240 and the bottom one is 320 x 240 - the exact resolution of the 3DS' two screens.


No bullshottery here that I can see ::shrug:


Oh and I really hope that they change their mind about the two screen thing. Seems like such a waste of a great idea to only have it be for the beginning of the game!

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??? :wtf: The top screen is 400 x 240 and the bottom one is 320 x 240 - the exact resolution of the 3DS' two screens.


Hmm... I saw the resolution was 400 x 480 and mistook the vertical resolution for a single screen as 480 (didn't realise each image showed top and bottom).

Edited by Grazza
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  • 1 year later...

They both look like they've still got some ways to go... The fact that they're still refusing to show battle screen transitions is very telling...


Find it hard to believe that either version will come out next year (let alone the Switch version).


Glad to see that they seem to be sticking with the dual screen concept with the 3DS version throughout. It just looks so much more interesting than the PS4 version to me! (yeah it's cool that it's basically an open world DQ game with super duper graphics, but the 3DS concept just looks much more fun).

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