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Metroid Prime Wii U not likely to happen


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Nintendo aren't even half the company they once were.


I'm just going through all the threads and there are so many little snidey comments like this? Is it really necessary?


I'm pretty sure a Metroid IS in development, but like everything they're moving everything over to nx.

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I'm just going through all the threads and there are so many little snidey comments like this? Is it really necessary?


I'm pretty sure a Metroid IS in development, but like everything they're moving everything over to nx.


I'm just venting Dazzy because I don't know what else to do. The company that brought me so much joy and wowed me for 25+ years just aren't doing that anymore... they're not even trying to! Their games could all be better and they could move forward with the industry but they choose not to. That's lacklustre and it pains me to see them like it.


I'm not doing it to troll, I'm moaning because I'm pretty much distraught with how Nintendo are as of late and I need to get it out.

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It's very well saying metroid doesn't sell etc etc but that to me is kopout. I thought splatoon would bomb and was wrong.


If simply looking at games that are multi million seller's is the criteria then we are going to be stuck with the same franchises every time.

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It is worth remembering that - however unlikely it might look at the moment - we may still get a Metroid U yet, just not a Prime. The candle hasn't been blown out yet!


If it happened, I'd be perfectly happy with it as well, because I don't see why the Metroid series should turn exclusively into the Metroid Prime series. Or why anyone would want it to for that matter.

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I'm just venting Dazzy because I don't know what else to do. The company that brought me so much joy and wowed me for 25+ years just aren't doing that anymore... they're not even trying to! Their games could all be better and they could move forward with the industry but they choose not to. That's lacklustre and it pains me to see them like it.


I'm not doing it to troll, I'm moaning because I'm pretty much distraught with how Nintendo are as of late and I need to get it out.


Oh I know you won't be trolling mate, and I know it comes from sheer frustration. It IS frustrating. We're not asking for too much, jist a more solid online infrastructure, I almost feel this calamity is what cost them so much with gamers - if pikmin 3 was online, mario, Nintendoland etc if mario kart smash and Splatoon had voice chat, I think people would take them more seriously. How many more? Who knows, but I think they come across as past it and not up with modern gaming to most... It's a bad image.


Personally I think Pikmin 3, mario kart, splatoon etc are incredible. Wind Waker was stunning to replay, mario, smash and loads more I love, I'm fine with some severe annoyances with them. But I get why people are so pissed off.


I guess for me, I genuinely believe Nintendo are improving, are listening, maybe not to the level we want, but they are, and noises of am ecosystem, id working across decices, everything that's happening with the Wii u, they have to see it, that they will finally, once and for all, learn! But maybe I'm naive.


The positive from this e3 I guess, is they aren't bothering with the Wii u, at all. They have some huge teams who've been silent for a long time, they must be gearing up for NX, huge launch and hopefully once and for all they'll have learnt from their many repeated mistakes.

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I don't trust Nintendo right now to make the Metroid game that we all want anyway.


Unless Retro Studios get given it again.


Anyway, can't say I'm shocked.


Most of the people who worked on the original Prime trilogy don't work for Retro anymore.


Anyway, this doesn't really surprise me. I still hold out hope for a new proper 2D Metroid game, but with Zelda coming out next year, I can't see them wanting to release another big adventure game around the same time.

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When I read this thread title I instantly started shaking my head in a mixture of disbelief and frustration. I am truly baffled.


Now before I vent my feelings, I do understand that the transition to HD gaming is massive. I understand how many big studios have struggled. I understand the rising costs and I know how many publishers and developers have gone out of business or been virtually mothballed into mobile developers due to the costs.


I sympathise that Nintendo had a lot to do making this jump and they can't just churn out a new entry in every franchise every year - especially if they sell poorly.


But Metroid doesn't sell poorly -Prime sold 2.82 million units, and both the entries on the Wii sold comfortably over a million units. Even Other M sold 1.31 million units - and that wasn't received as well as other games in the series. To add to this, Other M was released in August 2010 - nearly FIVE years ago.


Again, this all leads me to question the structure and planning and ability of Nintendo as a business and as a game developer and publisher. No new Metroid for 5 years - and nothing on the horizon either. Where was the planning - where is the planning?


With development cycles being 2 to 3 years for some big titles, I would have thought by now Nintendo would have a full plan for the life of their system. A release schedule for all types of games we haven't heard of, a plan to support the console for its life. To find out that nothing is in development and clearly hasn't been for 5 years is shocking!


I feel Nintendo simply do not know what they are doing - they almost seem like a fish out of water. But what is worse is they don't seem to be doing anything about the problems - they almost seem to be going further into their shell.


We all know the Gamecube struggled, but up until the end of the console they seemed to fight. They supported it, they had strategic partnerships with other companies. Sega developed F-Zero, Fire Emblem came to the West, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles was an exclusive, Capcom developed games exclusively for the system and took over the development of handheld Zelda titles, Namco put Link in Soul Caliber and brought the Tales series to the GC. We saw Sonic and Phantasy Star Online come to the system. We even saw Metal Gear Solid on the GC!


Now we have literally nothing. The Wii U has been abandoned by everyone! Nintendo are sat on their hands. Ryu and Megaman are in Smash, but Megaman collection isn't even coming to the Wii U! Capcom are silent. We have nothing from Sega, Namco or any Japanese dev - let alone Western ones.


But into this mix Nintendo are not producing games - and it transpires that for five years nothing has been done with Metroid. So since Other M, through the barren year at the end of the Wii's life and through the entire life of the Wii U they haven't done a thing with it.


To say the least, the situation is utterly confusing. It's almost like Nintendo are committing suicide.

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It depends on the original budget. Tomb Raider had 5 million sales and Square still couldn't afford to make the sequel on their own.


I just have a hard time believing that. 5 million is a lot of copies.


Let's do some math:

Being stupid, 5,000,000*$60=$300,000,000(sorry using US here)

More conservative for sales and price drops 5,000,000*$40=$200,000,000

Being beyond conservative 5,000,000*$20=$100,000,000


That's a lot of money. Even assuming averaging the cost out to each copy only being $20 (which with around 3 million copies selling in the first month not including digital.....it's a low number.)


So I'd guess somewhere between 150-300 million dollars gross. If they didn't turn some sort of profit they're fucking up somewhere. Games are getting more expensive sure, but smaller studios are doing games that look just as good and are just as immersive for a lot less money. It seems more to me that studios like to call games a failure if they don't reach the absurd sort of numbers Call of a Duty puts up rather than if the game was profitable or not. I think the typical language used is "Did not meet/failed to meet sales expectations." Which is spun as unprofitable failure.


And if they are all truly losing such money on these massive games and the ballooning budgets, a crash is inevitable for AAA publishers. Unless something changes.


As an aside, I wonder how many Definitive Editions they sold as well.... I'm sure that didn't hurt.

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A proper Metroid is a system seller, which has long term benefits beyond the initial income of the game. The effect Prime had on the Gamecube was ridiculous. In fact numerous retailers (Dixons, Argos etc) backtracked on their decision to drop Gamecube at retail because demand went through the roof.


Once people own a system, they are likely to purchase additional software, and that's where the $$$ is.

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A proper Metroid is a system seller, which has long term benefits beyond the initial income of the game. The effect Prime had on the Gamecube was ridiculous. In fact numerous retailers (Dixons, Argos etc) backtracked on their decision to drop Gamecube at retail because demand went through the roof.


Once people own a system, they are likely to purchase additional software, and that's where the $$$ is.


I thought sales had always been fairly low for the Prime series?


Either way, and maybe I'm giving Nintendo too much credit here, but perhaps they are creating that level of demand again for the series. There was quite a wait between Super Metroid and Prime if memory serves correct, a whole console generation.


We all know it's going to be a Megaton when it's announced, we will all be on here saying how Nintendo are back etc etc, so maybe they are teasing this out as long as they can, getting us rabbid for a new one then boom! Drop it in a Direct in a random October or something ;)

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A proper Metroid is a system seller, which has long term benefits beyond the initial income of the game. The effect Prime had on the Gamecube was ridiculous. In fact numerous retailers (Dixons, Argos etc) backtracked on their decision to drop Gamecube at retail because demand went through the roof.


Once people own a system, they are likely to purchase additional software, and that's where the $$$ is.


Also, a Metroid game is very different to the other games on Wii U published by Nintendo. Metroid Prime attracts a different audience to Wii Party, Wii Fit, Mario Party, Kirby and Yoshi.


It's important to have a wide variety of titles available on the Wii U that cater to different audiences.


There are huge holes that need to be patched in the Wii U system library. 2D platformers are great, but are over represented at all levels. Metroid would be a huge departure from these games.

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I thought sales had always been fairly low for the Prime series?


Either way, and maybe I'm giving Nintendo too much credit here, but perhaps they are creating that level of demand again for the series. There was quite a wait between Super Metroid and Prime if memory serves correct, a whole console generation.


We all know it's going to be a Megaton when it's announced, we will all be on here saying how Nintendo are back etc etc, so maybe they are teasing this out as long as they can, getting us rabbid for a new one then boom! Drop it in a Direct in a random October or something ;)


The first game sold a couple of million units. Prime 2 sold poorly but it was released alongside San Andreas and Halo 2 so....

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Oh I know you won't be trolling mate, and I know it comes from sheer frustration. It IS frustrating. We're not asking for too much, jist a more solid online infrastructure, I almost feel this calamity is what cost them so much with gamers - if pikmin 3 was online, mario, Nintendoland etc if mario kart smash and Splatoon had voice chat, I think people would take them more seriously. How many more? Who knows, but I think they come across as past it and not up with modern gaming to most... It's a bad image.


Personally I think Pikmin 3, mario kart, splatoon etc are incredible. Wind Waker was stunning to replay, mario, smash and loads more I love, I'm fine with some severe annoyances with them. But I get why people are so pissed off.


I guess for me, I genuinely believe Nintendo are improving, are listening, maybe not to the level we want, but they are, and noises of am ecosystem, id working across decices, everything that's happening with the Wii u, they have to see it, that they will finally, once and for all, learn! But maybe I'm naive.


The positive from this e3 I guess, is they aren't bothering with the Wii u, at all. They have some huge teams who've been silent for a long time, they must be gearing up for NX, huge launch and hopefully once and for all they'll have learnt from their many repeated mistakes.


If you look at the launch Wii U had plenty of adult/dark games (ZombieU, Batman, Darksiders, COD, AC, Mass Effect, Deus EX) the console bombed out of the gate and since then it's been by and large brightly coloured platformers, even splatoon a shooting game is bright colours and it seems to me with the lack of online and chat they have just thought only families and kids are buying this so that's the games we are going make for the rest of the consoles lifespan.

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If you look at the launch Wii U had plenty of adult/dark games (ZombieU, Batman, Darksiders, COD, AC, Mass Effect, Deus EX) the console bombed out of the gate and since then it's been by and large brightly coloured platformers, even splatoon a shooting game is bright colours and it seems to me with the lack of online and chat they have just thought only families and kids are buying this so that's the games we are going make for the rest of the consoles lifespan.


I wouldn't call many of those system sellers though. In fact most were ports (and ran worse on Wii U hardware than 360/PS3 hardware). Zombi U was a good start but the Wii U needed much more exclusive content like that early on.

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Like I mentioned, I think it's pretty obvious a Metroid is in the works, but they're shifting it to the NX.I think now it's blatantly clear that is something is happening in huge waves with nintendo.


Fuck me the pressure nintendo are on with the nx. Imagine if that is a disaster, then where do they go?!?!

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Fuck me the pressure nintendo are on with the nx. Imagine if that is a disaster, then where do they go?!?!


Well I know I'm not the only one who thinks it, but Nintendo on Sony home consoles would be grand. :heh:


Nintendo, without Nintendo hardware. :yay:

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Well I know I'm not the only one who thinks it, but Nintendo on Sony home consoles would be grand. :heh:


Nintendo, without Nintendo hardware. :yay:


Yeah I know its not popular with certain members but Nintendo third party would be my personal preference. I have no interest in buying another Nintendo console anymore but I'm sure there will still be a few games I would like to play. Just not enough to make me take yet another risk on their consoles.

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Well I know I'm not the only one who thinks it, but Nintendo on Sony home consoles would be grand. :heh:


Nintendo, without Nintendo hardware. :yay:


Haha, maybe there won't even be hardware after that!! It could be all game boxes or/and streaming!


I personally still love nintendo trying different things, health for the industry having such a mental company doing what they do; but if they did go third party to Sony, let nintendo design the controller. Deal?!


Though isn't Sony and Nintendo joining together more likely than 3rd party nintendo?!?!


Excellent posts there @Zechs Merquise, couldn't have said it better myself. In fact, I've not tried to say it better, I've just vented out of sheer frustration, sorry guys.


The WiiU has really put a downer on me lately.


Don't think about the shit and just play some games. Play Shovel knight, play splatoon, play yoshi, kirby etc?! bring the joy back :)

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Motion controls and fat gamepads? God no!


Let Nintendo make their software and nothing else!


They made a controller so good in the early 90's that sony have never changed from copying it, they've just added sticks so loose they may as well be digital and that leak gunk everywhere. And screw holes that give you blisters!


The Pro is better than the DS4, but nintendo have a history of making the best controllers!! (even the gamepad is awesome to be honest and the wiimote was just a radical new take the industry needed at the time, shame you slam them for being brave and bold)

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"If we started for Wii U now, it would likely take three years or so. So it would likely now be on Nintendo's NX console," said series producer Kensuke Tanabe, speaking to Eurogamer at E3.


"Truth be told, making HD games takes a lot of time and resources," Tanabe added when asked why Nintendo had not made a Metroid Prime for Wii U. "I haven't been able to collect a team or the resources to do it."


For me, this sums up the whole problem with Nintendo nowadays. Wii U has been at five E3s. Back in 2011, did they say "The Wii U isn't going to have games like Metroid Prime because they're time-consuming and expensive. Enjoy your 2.5D platformers!"? No, they just showed us a fantastic HD demo of Link fighting a giant spider (which also didn't turn into a game).


It's like many of the staff at Nintendo understand what would excite people, but they aren't being allowed to do it. I don't expect everything all the time, but for these experiences not to have been planned and developed over a four-year period is highly questionable.


The anger being expressed by some isn't because there are no good games to play - it's because they've played us for fools the whole time. The distinct feeling is that Nintendo never had the intention of delivering, but were happy to let us believe otherwise.


I can't find the exact quote, but weren't Retro Studios asked a couple of years ago what they were working on? Their reply was something like "What everyone wants us to be working on". Definite implication that they were working on a Metroid Prime for Wii U.


Switching development to NX now makes a lot of sense... The idea that these projects weren't started years ago, less so.

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