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NINTENDO @ E3: Let the Hype juices flow

Fused King

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I don't, not in the slightest, they'd sell plenty more, here's why:


Almost all those that buy Nintendo consoles would buy one of the others, they'd still buy those Nintendo games and then so would a portion of the other console owners that don't buy Nintendo consoles... of course they'd sell more!


I think you might be right there. Not only would Nintendo fans still buy them, they'd also get coverage in Sony and Microsoft websites/magazines.


Nintendo's biggest problem is that most gamers (quite understandably) don't consider them part of the wider industry. A few may buy Nintendo's console for Mario Bros and Mario Kart, but they're not going to have a clue about the rest.

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Please Understand incoming? :D


Thing is, I honestly think they knew what an underwhelming Direct they were preparing and wouldn't have done it any differently (or do any damage control now). Surely everything not shown has been switched to NX, and they don't want us getting the idea there'll be Wii U versions of them. It's like Twilight Princess on GC - even though I believe we will probably get a Wii U version of Zelda, the NX version is probably now the lead format (for good or bad), which is why they don't want to show it again as a Wii U game.

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Thing is, I honestly think they knew what an underwhelming Direct they were preparing and wouldn't have done it any differently (or do any damage control now). Surely everything not shown has been switched to NX, and they don't want us getting the idea there'll be Wii U versions of them. It's like Twilight Princess on GC - even though I believe we will probably get a Wii U version of Zelda, the NX version is probably now the lead format (for good or bad), which is why they don't want to show it again as a Wii U game.

I maintain the belief that the conflict resolution with Square Enix resulted in them having to trim down the Digital Event which resulted in the Smash stuff being on the Sunday and the Nintendo Direct and various reveals from the two weeks prior. If all that was in the one Digital Event, it'd have been a solid, albeit not amazing or surprising showing.

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Going third party means that you won't be getting the games you want ever again.


Bright side is Nintendo prepared us for that this year ;)



And @Ronnie how you can complain about people being hyperbolic in a post like this...


Another reason to HATE that CLUELESS LIAR Reggie!!! He says he plays video games then had a poor showing in Smash. Don't you just HATE that LIAR!! [/5yearold][/Wii]


and then not much later say this...


I doubt that a lot as well, the kids/COD generation don't care about Mario or Zelda. There are no gory headshots.


is frankly beyond my comprehension. It's like you lack self-awareness at time.


I maintain the belief that the conflict resolution with Square Enix resulted in them having to trim down the Digital Event which resulted in the Smash stuff being on the Sunday and the Nintendo Direct and various reveals from the two weeks prior. If all that was in the one Digital Event, it'd have been a solid, albeit not amazing or surprising showing.


But why would they have to do it on the Sunday?


Why couldn't they do it after the Tuesday?


And why couldn't they have balanced it better?

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I maintain the belief that the conflict resolution with Square Enix resulted in them having to trim down the Digital Event which resulted in the Smash stuff being on the Sunday and the Nintendo Direct and various reveals from the two weeks prior. If all that was in the one Digital Event, it'd have been a solid, albeit not amazing or surprising showing.


I'm not so sure about this. Have any of their Directs last more than an hour? If all of the stuff they showed earlier had been in the E3 Direct then it would have went well over what they are used to producing.


Why would they accommodate S-E anyway? It's not as if they are throwing support at them, plus, that spot has always been Nintendo's. If anyone was to make changes it was gonna have to be S-E, which they did.


Surprisingly, they had a far better showing than Nintendo. :D

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Thing is, we thought and said the same thing about the Wii U.


it's easy to say that now, but at launch there wasn't a problem, Wii U had the big games in HD, it was only a few months in when sales were bad that the 3rd parties started to drop the Wii U. If EA were still on board I wouldn't have bought a PS4.

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If they had cut out all the padded dribble in the Direct like the knitted Yoshi section and how the original SMB was made they would have had plenty of time. So much of it was wasted filler.




I've said before and I'll say it again, stuff like that should be saved for things like Iwata Asks.

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I doubt that a lot as well, the kids/COD generation don't care about Mario or Zelda. There are no gory headshots.

For about a day you had a head on you, as if a little bit of reason got in. Like the E3 performance ever so slightly greased a blinker out of the way.


Now you're back to this shit again. :(

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Your reason why the games would not do well on other consoles was due to the COD generation not wanting Mario. So, you're basically saying the audience of the other consoles is all COD gaming dudebros.


You're forgetting that A) Nintendo fans would follow Nintendo where they went, B) Plenty of people with other consoles like Nintendo games but don't see the Wii U as worth it and C) We're not all dudebros. :)

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I think the big reason why I'm still so disappointed with Nintendo this E3 is down to one popular belief that has been true in times of hardship for the company, that cornered Nintendo actually ends up creating the best Nintendo. When they were absolutely dominating the market just a few years ago, they got smug, and the core gamer got left out to dry. Once they realised they weren't dominating with the Wii U, they shifted back to the core and the Wii U had a very strong year, but with the usual modern-Nintendo niggles.


But this year, it's like there's no fighting spirit. There was no real punch. How could it all start on such a high note with the World Championships, and then go so flat? How could they announce a new Metroid that just is not a Metroid? How could they have HD video pop up of Animal Crossing characters, only to have it essentially be Mario Party? How could they have Star Fox pop up, and I know this is very much subjective, but still have it look like it was revived from the dead from an older platform and just up scaled when it's due out later this year?


The Tree House is still something I just haven't been able to get along with. It's like it simply repeats itself each day, but with just minor differences and you've got to listen through the whole thing to make sure you're not going to miss some new information, but it's very sparsely given any way. The fact they felt the need to do the Smash Bros DLC and update, despite it having its own exclusive direct and having been launched two days prior, just showed the time management is just awful. Did we really need those developers stories in the actual presentation either? They're very interesting, but it's all about delivering it when appropriate.


One final point. We all knew that they were keeping it all contained to games being released this year and early next way in advance. But, one of the best things about E3 is to find out what's going to come soon, but not too soon, as the hype builder. I think Nintendo should have ended with a very brief sneak peek of something that's due out late next year or early 2017.

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Caught a bit of Treehouse today(totes failing at tidying up) and I can't help but notice it all the time @Ronnie. Niiice.


Also it's not often I even feel like this about dudes let alone gals but something makes me want to just punch this Audrey woman in the face. I can't place why but she really grinds my gears!

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Surprisingly, they had a far better showing than Nintendo. :D


Honestly, I disagree. I watched some of it, and turned it off since it was so boring. Way too much time wasted with stuff we already knew about from the other conferences, and very little time given to new stuff (except for Just Cause 3). Basically, the same problems that Nintendo's had, but worse (plus, every time something small was announced, you could only hear one guy clapping. Dead silence, otherwise)


Kingdom Hearts III (a series I don't care much for) and the Nier guy with the mask were the only highlights. They should just have that guy present the entire conference next time :heh:

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Caught a bit of Treehouse today(totes failing at tidying up) and I can't help but notice it all the time @Ronnie. Niiice.


Also it's not often I even feel like this about dudes let alone gals but something makes me want to just punch this Audrey woman in the face. I can't place why but she really grinds my gears!


I despise that woman. She ruined the Treehouse segments last year with her constantly saying "Exactly" when games were getting played.

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It's all just quite upsetting really. I don't want to be disillusioned by what they're doing at the moment but it's quite hard.


I feel you bruh, that post just absolutely sums me up I think :(


Nintendo fans are the toughest to please.


So why are so many of them here getting pleased by the Other Consoles ;)? *runs*


Won't be getting the games I want? I call bollocks to this.


Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Xenoblade, Mario Kart and Smash would all sell better on a Sony or Microsoft console than they would on a Nintendo one. I've no doubt in that at all!

I've no doubt they'd continue making these ones!


These are the only ones I would truly want... as long as the multiplayer ones have proper online too and not the half-arsed attempt Nintendo usually give us.


Well this actually kind of goes with my above post.


I know lots of Nintendo fans who had the consoles all the way through to Wii but didn't get a Wii U - but some have alternative systems and trust me they'd still like the games enough that they'd buy them if available on the PS4/XBone/PS360.

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