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After over 20 hours of playing, the adventure is over. 100% achieved and platinum obtained!


On the final world I spent an hour looking for the last 3 Quills I needed. I had a good laugh at where I found them.


The last world also had a tough arcade game. My heart was racing when ever I neared the end and I buckled under the pressure a few times. I may as well stop going to the gym. My heart rate gets a good enough work out by play video games. :D


Absolutely loved the game. It's funny how a game like this, which sticks to its old roots, feels fresh in this day and age due to this type of game no longer existing.


There were a fair few nods to Banjo Kazooie, especially in the second world. I certainly got a good laugh out of them. Speaking of having a laugh, I was glad to see a return of the good old British toilet humor that Rare were famous for putting in their games.


Playtonic said they would like to create a world of games from the characters that they featured in this. There is certainly one which could fit that in their own game and I would like to see that character make a return.


As far as I'm concerned Playtonic have delivered big time with this game and I would love to see more of the same from them.

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Jesus Christ, @Hero\-of\-Time, you are a completion machine :laughing:


Managed to get a couple of Pagies in the second world yesterday. Haven't made too much progress with the game, though. Only put in 2 1/2 hours and until Sunday this number won't increase by much...sometimes I hate social life :D

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Just bought this from Argos for my Xbox.


Turns Xbox on, needs massive 4gb update. Finally finishes then the game needs a 5gb update. Amazing. I will play it some time today.


This is why I like Switch games coz there's little to none of this bull shit!

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Just bought this from Argos for my Xbox.


Turns Xbox on, needs massive 4gb update. Finally finishes then the game needs a 5gb update. Amazing. I will play it some time today.


This is why I like Switch games coz there's little to none of this bull shit!


Literally "none of this" in this case because its not out on the Switch :wink:

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Just bought this from Argos for my Xbox.


Turns Xbox on, needs massive 4gb update. Finally finishes then the game needs a 5gb update. Amazing. I will play it some time today.


This is why I like Switch games coz there's little to none of this bull shit!


Must be a Xbox thing as the PS4 version had a 2gb update and that was it.

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So DCubed's got his PDF Instruction Booklet for this. I've read through it.

Had no idea that pressing the D-Pad makes Yooka and Laylee emote.


It also includes some concept art. Including Yooka's original design, where he's a Tiger. Although, it was deemed 'Too Heroic'.


Also, Trowzer's entire section in the Art Gallery consists of one post-it note.


EDIT: I like the nonsense voices. Kids these days, with their 'full voice acting' and their 'non-grating' sound effects...

I mean, you can press A to make the text appear instantly and stop the current voice, but pressing a button is just too much effort!

Edited by Glen-i
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Well, I doubt the "voices" will be changed for the Switch version...


Can't you just use headphones so your significant other can stop complaining? :p


I'm not expecting them to be changed for Switch. ::shrug:


And I did use headphones in the end.




Finished world 1 completely (as much as I could, anyway).


I never backed this originally, as I wanted to see how it was going to pan out.

Felt a little unsure on it the more we saw if I'm being honest, and have continued to feel that way until I've started playing it.


It's really good. It feels like I'm playing Banjo Threeie :p just with two different characters.

The sound track is great, the visuals are amazing, and it has that exact same humour that was found in the Banjo games.


The bigger feeling worlds are a little hard to get used to, seeing as there is a lot to find. I can understand how people have spent an age trying to find all of the collectibles as I too, have had the same hunt! But it is enjoyable, not annoying in the slightest.


The annoying things for me so far are the voices as mentioned, and sometimes the controls don't feel as tight as they could.

More so when using the roll ball method to get up slopes. It's just a little off, and manoeuvring can be tricky.


That aside, I can't wait to play more. It's everything I could want for as a huge B&K fan back in the day.


Been on this more this evening, had to come off it in sheer frustration.


Gloomy Gem Grotta - absolutely horrendous level design.


After googling it a bit I can see others also felt similar.


Apparently there's a power up that you obtain much later on which helps a lot with it, but how are you to know exactly?

I've not been so frustrated at a game in a long long time until I played this.


Reading on some other forums apparently this isn't even the most frustrating section, so I'm excited to see what other parts are going to leave me wanting to smash my controller up. :)


I've knocked it off for the night. Completely pissing me off after spending an hour just trying to get past it.

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Been playing it for about 6 hours now. It's good, it's fun, it definitely feels like BK/BT but you can really tell where they have been restricted by their small budget. The worlds are really static without much going on in them, while set pieces, cutscenes and animation are used very sparingly. Smart choices, and also the ones I would probably make if I were in their position, but it does impact the experience sadly.


The game also lacks the polish that the BK and BT games have, especially when it comes to the camera. Again, all things that understandably come from a lack of budget and manpower; to make a game of the same scale, scope and polish of BK (let alone BT!) in HD would simply require the kind of team size and budget that produced Super Mario 3D World or perhaps even more and you're never gonna get that for a platformer outside of Nintendo sadly.


Putting that aside though, they've done a great job with what they had. Yooka feels great to play around with, the writing is funny and on point, the music is great (though there's a real mood whiplash when you play the Kartos minecart minigame as it suddenly really blatantly switches to a David Wise track :laughing: ) there's some great ideas here and it's a good time all around. Highly recommended for any fans of BK and BT, just, keep your expectations in check. Don't expect a game with the same scope, depth and polish as BK and BT; but do expect a good time that does a good job of reviving the Banjo formula.

Edited by Dcubed
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Decided to pick this up on Friday as I was looking for something to wind down after finishing up Mass Effect Andromeda and before I jumped back on Horizon and thought that this fit the bill perfectly, or at least I did as that's since changed with playing it.


I was never a big fan of Banjo Kazooie, I only got round to playing it when it was re-released on the 360 and didn't take to it as I didn't enjoy the levels or collectathon nature for it despite being a big fan of the likes of Spyro back in the day. I thought that this might change my mind but it's falling on the same flat note that that game did. The levels, while colourful and charming to look at, feel hollow to play in, devoid of life and just lack any real pull for me to keep playing.


The controls are irritating as well, along with the camera which is shockingly bad at times. It all just feels a bit fiddly to control Yooka, a little bit on the floaty side, and when rolling about the place it all falls to pieces further. Some of the level design isn't conducive to the controls either, making getting up ramps difficult at times. And as said, the camera is shocking, getting hung up on the scenery quite a lot and struggling to keep up at others. Trying to move it just throws it into a fit.


So yeah, just not really taken by it, levels, controls, characters and all. I'm going to play a bit more later on this evening but I think this one is joining the list of unfinished games for me this year. A shame really as I did want to enjoy it but doesn't look to be happening.

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That's more of a 3rd person shooter than a platformer (you know full well what I meant :p).


Whaaaa?! I'd say it's equal parts of both but I can see why people would think of it as more shooter. :)


On topic of Yooka-Laylee, game is starting to lose its shine a bit with me.

I agree with what you say Dcubed about it lacking some polish. But what they have achieved with the game is astounding considering the size of the studio etc, so can't really be too critical.


I think it more comes down to the sheer size of the worlds. I think they're too big. The first world was an ok size, but this Glacier one is far too big for my liking. There's so much to find but I feel a bit fatigued searching for it as it's just so big. Maybe it didn't help that I expanded the glacier world before I even entered it as I had enough pagies. I don't think I'll do that going forward.


Some annoying parts of the game have put a bit of a downer on it for me too, but overall it's still enjoyable. See how I fare with it going forward.

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Just finished world 3, absolutely loved it.


Easily the best world so far for me.

Liked pretty much everything about it.


Pagies were interesting, the level mechanics were solid and it truly started to feel more like its own game rather than trying to be Banjo 3.

The more moves added to Yooka and Laylee make it stand out on its own merits a little more, what with the lizard tongue to zip onto certain platforms etc - liked that a lot.


I did everything in that world other than 9 feathers and 2 Pagies - both of which are obtainable through an area I can't get to yet as I don't have the power up.


But I shall return!


It's made me a bit more determined to get everything in the other worlds first, but world 2 is just so bad I don't think I can cope. :P

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I'm finding myself thinking that they've made some of the worlds a bit "busy" with so much scenery dotted around and emphasis placed on putting things at height and having Pagies in room puzzles having little involvement with the world. With 25 Pagies in each world I'm finding myself with about 15-16 each (only just unlocked 4th world) and from what I can see there isn't much I haven't explored, certainly not enough room for 10 Pagies each and the 30ish Quills left, which concerns me a little.


At the moment I'm feeling that they could've done more worlds with less Pagies in each. For 2 million that shouldn't be too much to ask. -_-

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I'm finding myself thinking that they've made some of the worlds a bit "busy" with so much scenery dotted around and emphasis placed on putting things at height and having Pagies in room puzzles having little involvement with the world. With 25 Pagies in each world I'm finding myself with about 15-16 each (only just unlocked 4th world) and from what I can see there isn't much I haven't explored, certainly not enough room for 10 Pagies each and the 30ish Quills left, which concerns me a little.


At the moment I'm feeling that they could've done more worlds with less Pagies in each. For 2 million that shouldn't be too much to ask. -_-


That's kinda how I feel with it.

15-16 in each world and them I'm like :blank:


Altough world 3 I am just 2 off.


I think I'd like more worlds and less pagies in each.

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World 1 - 100% ! : peace:


As soon as I unlocked the move you need to reach world 5 I decided to return to Tribalstack Tropics in the hopes I don't need all the movies to complete it :D

I think I'll unlock the last level and unlock the final moves, then revisit Glitterglaze Glacier and start to collect everything in each world.


Love the game :) It's just old school fun.


One thing I really don't like: The hub world. Don't like its design and layout ::shrug:

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World 2 - 100% ! :)


Loved Glitterglaze Glacier. Such a cool (heh) level. They could've turned it into two ice/snow themed levels. One for the outside area and a couple of caves and another for Icymetric Palace. It works as it is, though.


Don't understand the hate for Gloomy Gem Grotta ::shrug: Did it on my first try and found it really easy overall.

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