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You forgot Europe Serebii

Clearly 2018 :p


Na Europe is weird.


US is all about the consoles

Japan is all about handhelds


Europe is an amalgam.

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Just as long as they don't offer a service in Japan and America and leave us just looking at a vacant app on the home screen then we'll be good.

Just as long as they don't offer a service in Japan and America and leave us just looking at a vacant app on the home screen then we'll be good.


Fucking TVii:mad: and then the tease of a semi start up with new music only to get abandoned entirely


feel like grampa simpson shouting at clouds with nintendo sometimes


Totally forgot about TVii, what a disaster. I love the Wii U now, but it was so frustrating at launch, I remember waking up at 7am to go into town to pick it up as soon as Game opened, hoping to play NMSB as soon as I got home, but I ended up messing about with it for 4 hours trying to download the required firmware updates and the connection kept dropping out because the Wii U couldn't connect properly to Virgin Media wifi. Was a real bummer considering it was the first Nintendo console I was able to buy on launch.


My main hope for the NX is that the launch is smooth, I understand that firmware updates are a necessary evil these days but they should be as quick and painless as possible. Hopefully Nintendo has learned how to handle it now.


Unlike most of you I'm really struggling to get hyped for the NX. Its been a long time since I bought a Nintendo game with the recent games they have released on the Wii U / 3DS just not interesting me in the slightest.


My next Nintendo title I'll purchase will probably be Zelda at the end of the year... that'll be 28 months (May 2014 - Nov 2016) in between buying a retail game on the Wii U. Just not good enough for me and after a really good first 20 months with the console, its disappointing that apart from a few eshop titles, I've had no reason to switch it on for the last 6 months.


Luckily I purchased Monster Hunter 4 on the 3DS last February so its not all bad but still, it wasn't a Nintendo game. I can't remember the last 3DS title I bought before that...


Going all the way back to the SNES (not sure about the NES), me or my brother have purchased the latest Nintendo home console at launch but I'm seriously considering holding off buying the NX for the first 12 months just to see how it does, if its looking like a repeat of the Wii U then I'll probably continue to hold off until Monster Hunter X or 5 is released.


I'm currently at the point where the reveal will either intrigue me or make it clear I don't want it. I can't imagine what would happen to make me feel excited, but maybe intrigued.

Posted (edited)

I'm thinking a 2016 launch but if it's not ready launch early 2017. You can only launch once and Nintendo need to make sure they don't mess up this time. No half baked OS, disfunctional Eshop etc etc. I'm thinking they wont say anything about the NX unless there certain they can get it out this year.


Totally forgot about TVii, what a disaster. I love the Wii U now, but it was so frustrating at launch, I remember waking up at 7am to go into town to pick it up as soon as Game opened, hoping to play NMSB as soon as I got home, but I ended up messing about with it for 4 hours trying to download the required firmware updates and the connection kept dropping out because the Wii U couldn't connect properly to Virgin Media wifi. Was a real bummer considering it was the first Nintendo console I was able to buy on launch.


My main hope for the NX is that the launch is smooth, I understand that firmware updates are a necessary evil these days but they should be as quick and painless as possible. Hopefully Nintendo has learned how to handle it now.


It was painful. The speed of downloads , the speed of going through the menus was just criminal. Vital that we don't have another launch like that.

Edited by liger05

I'd say that I don't really care that much what Nintendo do with the hardware.

What will make or break the NX is the launch lineup.


Show nothing but 2D sidescrollers and minigame compilations and I'll write the NX off right then and there. And I'm so certain of the accuracy of this prediction that I'm willing to bet money on it!


Show off a whole slew visually stunning AAA exclusives from a variety of different genres and Nintendo will have a good chance to be taken seriously again.


I'd say a no-compromise, no gimmick 3D Mario is obligatory. No, literally, no 3D Mario = no sales.


Pilotwings or Waverace would be perfect to sell the NX as a powerful console. Espescially if they'd add a really solid online mode.


And then Retro Studious should hopefully show off what they've been working on for the past few years.


And yes, I am going to say this again, Nintendo need a competitor to Gran Turismo. Call it Excite GT or whatever. YOU may not personally like it, but these games sell incredibly well (GT5 sold 12 million units, Forza topped out at 5 million sales and has declined due to yearly releases) and most importantly they sell consoles.


Oh, and at least personally, I don't want to see a single Mii during their E3 presentation. I don't want to see a super slow OS built around Miis and I certainly don't want to see any classic franchises defiled by the ugly bastards. Pilotwings Resort, I'm looking at you.

Oh, and at least personally, I don't want to see a single Mii during their E3 presentation. I don't want to see a super slow OS built around Miis and I certainly don't want to see any classic franchises defiled by the ugly bastards. Pilotwings Resort, I'm looking at you.


That ain't happening. People like the Mii's (Me included) You're in the minority on this issue.

Oh, and at least personally, I don't want to see a single Mii during their E3 presentation. I don't want to see a super slow OS built around Miis and I certainly don't want to see any classic franchises defiled by the ugly bastards. Pilotwings Resort, I'm looking at you.


Your hatred of Miis disgusts me :heh: They're one of the best things Nintendo has ever done and I'd like them to find a way to make them more customisable based on the games you play and even Amiibo :grin:


Pilotwings Resort 2 with changing weather and seasons is something I'd love to see and I want my own Mii flying the planes again :hehe:


Mii's are certainly here for the long haul, and quite rightly so. They ain't gonna drop Miiverse from the NX and then you also have the Miitomo on the way for mobiles. They are probably Nintendo's strongest asset when trying to capture the expanded market.


Yeah I'm happy with Miis, they're a good idea. I'm surprised PS4 hasn't followed suit like Xbox and nicked the idea. The PS4 avatars are a little impersonal.


That said their integration in games can be a little much sometimes.

The PS4 avatars are a little impersonal.

Incase if you don't know, you can upload any pictures as your "Personal Avatar" via the PS App and you can decided which friends can see it. Maybe they will use the Mii-like avatar if they brought the PS Home back for the VR.



Guess NX will be 100% focus on the Amiibo?

Posted (edited)
Yeah I'm happy with Miis, they're a good idea. I'm surprised PS4 hasn't followed suit like Xbox and nicked the idea. The PS4 avatars are a little impersonal.


That said their integration in games can be a little much sometimes.


Didn't Microsoft drop their avatars for the XBONE because noone liked them?


According to virtually every source I've read so far, the Wii brand has gone from being the latest trend to being something consumer despise and thus, Nintendo should sever al ties to that. And Miis are a considerable part of the Wii bagage.


And if Amiibos are to be in games, they should be optional side characters, not the ONLY choice.


I know it's not going to happen ("safety"), but I'd like to see an account system directly tied into Facebook. Strangers would see a screen name, while your friends would have their real name and Facebook picture visible while you play.

Edited by Hogge
Yeah I'm happy with Miis, they're a good idea. I'm surprised PS4 hasn't followed suit like Xbox and nicked the idea. The PS4 avatars are a little impersonal.


That said their integration in games can be a little much sometimes.


Real names makes the account more personal. Can't say I really care about any avatars, hence why I've not changed mine in about three years! :p


The custom PS4 avatars are fine but they don't seem to show up in-game half the time? Sometimes it shows the default avatar you had to choose when setting up your account. It's all a bit clunky.


Didn't Microsoft drop their avatars for the XBONE because noone liked them?


Probably because they were terrible. A bit like PS Move and Kinnect, when compared to the Wii remote.


According to virtually every source I've read so far, the Wii brand has gone from being the latest trend to being something consumer despise


"Despise", really? :indeed:


no 3D Mario = no sales.... Needs a gt competitor... No miis.... That's certainly one of the strangest posts I've read in a while.


The bit I didn't understand was the if it's just 2d Marion and mimi game complications (A situation that has never happened in the history of gaming) you'll have no interest in it, and you'll bet money on that... Bet money on the fact you'll have no interest in it...?


Strange your post seems to be advising Nintendo how to make a successful console, yet say launch with pilot wings or wave race. Two games I'd absolutely love, but they ain't going to make the nx a successful console.


I'm with @Hogge on this.Nintendo seem to release a lot of 2D playformers and mini game compilations if those make up a bulk of its release schedule then my interest is diminished.

no 3D Mario = no sales.... Needs a gt competitor... No miis.... That's certainly one of the strangest posts I've read in a while.


The bit I didn't understand was the if it's just 2d Marion and mimi game complications (A situation that has never happened in the history of gaming) you'll have no interest in it, and you'll bet money on that... Bet money on the fact you'll have no interest in it...?


Strange your post seems to be advising Nintendo how to make a successful console, yet say launch with pilot wings or wave race. Two games I'd absolutely love, but they ain't going to make the nx a successful console.


System sellers or not, Pilotwings, Wave Race and a new 3D Mario would basically be a dream launch for me :love:

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