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Games look good on the handheld screen (780 - 900p), about PS4 level


Can't see see this. Would need a nuclear power battery surely.


Unless Nintendo have decided FCK battery life which would be madness.

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Unless Nintendo have decided FCK battery life which would be madness.


What would be 'good battery life' for you?


I reckon if its portable its going to be quiet big - bigger than a 3DS XL, with potential for a bigger battery. Maybe some sort of Nintendo patent nuclear fusion.


From the rumours i'm seeing this less as a hybrid but more as a very powerful handheld that enables games to be played on the TV much like the GB player did for the GB.

Now you're boating with power.




FFXV coming to the system certainly wouldn't be bad news, but so late to the market many will have already played it and sales would likely slump as a result. Just like many Wii U ports.

Games look good on the handheld screen (780 - 900p), about PS4 level


Can't see see this. Would need a nuclear power battery surely.


I think they mean it in the same way that the Vita "looks like PS3 level". It's due to the small screen, not the power.


Seems like a typical made-up list, though. Along with the common "include something utterly crazy that people won't think you're dumb enough to make up" thing at the end with the Yoshi/Rabbid crossover.

Posted (edited)
Unless Nintendo have decided FCK battery life which would be madness.


Thing is one multiple source rumour was the screen is 720p so 900p seems off.




This financial services firm say reveal next week




Running against a general recent bullish tide, Macquarie has downgraded Nintendo (OTCPK:NTDOY) to Neutral, from its previous Outperform rating.

A long-in-the-works revamp to the company's consoles -- the NX, coming next week -- is liable to come at a price that will result in a "major" disappointment for volume sales, the firm says.

Speculation is putting the price of the new console between $300 and $350, in line with competing consoles, vs. the Wii's former discount to rival boxes from Sony and Microsoft.

The company's move into mobile gaming, Super Mario Run, has a missed opportunity as well, Macquarie says: Being only iOS and ex-China, it's missing 60% of the market.

The firm cut its price target on Nintendo to ¥25,900 from a previous ¥27,300, implying some fractional downside from today's closing price of ¥26,075.

Edited by liger05

More from Gaf.


Running against a general recent bullish tide, Macquarie has downgraded Nintendo (OTCPK:NTDOY) to Neutral, from its previous Outperform rating.


A long-in-the-works revamp to the company's consoles -- the NX, coming next week -- is liable to come at a price that will result in a "major" disappointment for volume sales, the firm says.


Speculation is putting the price of the new console between $300 and $350, in line with competing consoles, vs. the Wii's former discount to rival boxes from Sony and Microsoft.


The company's move into mobile gaming, Super Mario Run, has a missed opportunity as well, Macquarie says: Being only iOS and ex-China, it's missing 60% of the market.


The firm cut its price target on Nintendo to ¥25,900 from a previous ¥27,300, implying some fractional downside from today's closing price of ¥26,075.

More from Gaf.


The price could be that high. If it's as powerful as rumored then the price I think will reflect that.


I don't think that would represent doom and gloom though. It would just be up to Nintendo to convince consumers there is value.


I think a price that high is both likely and risky.


Considering the tech we're looking at for a portable device, it makes sense, but it may not take off in ways they'd want like the Wii did and like the 3DS did post-pricecut

I think a price that high is both likely and risky.


Agreed, especially when you look at how much the other two consoles are selling for these days. Being more expensive than those, or even the same price as them, is going to be a hard sell for a lot of people.


Hero-of-Time, but not the mornings :p? Got super de ja vu/confused reading your post right after liger's!


I'm absolutely in agreement on the price though(said a few times already) - they can't possibly expect to exceed the competition prices without having some very good selling point. For me atm that'd be the handheld/home console 2-for-1 nature but I just don't have faith in them to manage to get that point across well enough given the majority of their marketing in the last two consoles.

Agreed, especially when you look at how much the other two consoles are selling for these days. Being more expensive than those, or even the same price as them, is going to be a hard sell for a lot of people.

Yep, even though it's completely justified based on portability etc., people don't see things like that and just see price.


Nintendo have to nail this, nail the reveal, nail the price, nail the marketing


Whilst i appreciate and understand why the price could be that high, i think its an exceptionally dumb move from a company that is rapidly loosing market share in the console market to rivals (no matter how they say they aren't) AND in the mobile market to smart phones. Ideally Nintendo need to take a hit on this console and subsidise the price to a point where its lower than rivals and then really really really blitz the marketing, like they did with the DS, celebs everywhere! fuck it have as many Xfactor winners and rejects as they can do to appeal to 'filthy casuals'

Hero-of-Time, but not the mornings :p? Got super de ja vu/confused reading your post right after liger's!


I didn't realise he had edited his post and added the info. The forums were marked as read when I posted. :D


If they can make a very nice, snappy handheld with a great screen and build quality then I'd consider paying more for it. Comparing the 3DS and Vita, I really came to appreciate the build quality and spec of the Vita and felt that the 3DS was a missed opportunity that felt aged before its time. If they want to have a system stay relevant for a long time they really need to build a better machine to begin with.

Whilst i appreciate and understand why the price could be that high, i think its an exceptionally dumb move from a company that is rapidly loosing market share in the console market to rivals (no matter how they say they aren't) AND in the mobile market to smart phones. Ideally Nintendo need to take a hit on this console and subsidise the price to a point where its lower than rivals and then really really really blitz the marketing, like they did with the DS, celebs everywhere! fuck it have as many Xfactor winners and rejects as they can do to appeal to 'filthy casuals'


I think I'll be moreso annoyed by a high priced NX, if once again, its not the actual chipset/processors that cause the price rise, but its all the additional peripheral hardware thats needed to play it.

Ideally Nintendo need to take a hit on this console and subsidise the price to a point where its lower than rivals and then really really really blitz the marketing, like they did with the DS, celebs everywhere! fuck it have as many Xfactor winners and rejects as they can do to appeal to 'filthy casuals'


Definitely agree. They need to play safe and just take a hit, to get themselves built back up to a point. They had tons in the coffers from the Wii - and they probably blew such a chunk of it on the WiiU - playing wild hoping to repeat the flash in the pan that the Wii was. They got cocky and they paid a price. Hell, they still to date imo haven't even supported their own product the Wii U with enough of the asymmetrical gaming experiences that I felt they really promised for it's approach as a system.


I'm not sure marketing to casuals is the thing though. Ongoing 3DS owners, maybe. Casuals, not so much. Many casuals have moved on from Wii/DS to mobile etc; they don't strike me(if they're truly casual) to drop dime on a gaming system and the price that the games come in at for it. Ofc if they captured that market before with the DS they may manage to capture it again if they do it absolutely right, but I just think with the state of everything right now less people than we think might come back.

Ideally Nintendo need to take a hit on this console and subsidise the price to a point where its lower than rivals and then really really really blitz the marketing, like they did with the DS, celebs everywhere! fuck it have as many Xfactor winners and rejects as they can do to appeal to 'filthy casuals'


Kimishima said back in May that Nintendo won't sell the NX at a loss. They can't sustain a business that way.


I'm starting to get a bad feeling that all of the hype and waiting around is going to result in some severe disappointment :shakehead


Whether it be the price, the games, the performance, the 'gimmicks' or the online, I suspect something will have us up in arms and the facepalm gifs will be out in force

Kimishima said back in May that Nintendo won't sell the NX at a loss. They can't sustain a business that way.



Sony & Microsoft could because they're huge media conglomerates, so they could take the hit on their devices. Hell, that's part of why many Microsoft execs have been pushing to drop the Xbox brand in years past, because all it did was drain finances, it didn't add profit until what, 2009? Even then it hasn't made up for the loss it took. Same with the huge loss of the PS3. It's not a viable business strategy.


Nintendo on the other hand are pure games. They are now expanding, but they still cannot take a huge hit if they can't offset it somehow, and with the NX not being a guaranteed success, they wouldn't be able to entirely offset it with third party licensing and they're not likely to charge for online either


People criticised Nintendo's first financial loss, but they didn't take into account that the majority of the loss was because the 3DS took off and sold 11 million units in that financial year at a significant loss. That loss was because the 3DS was finally a success, not because it had floundered. Despite Nintendo's bad times the last two years, they've even been able to make a profit, which shows that Nintendo know what they're doing.


It's not ideal, but it's probable that the NX may be a little bit "overpriced" so they can actually make a profit, and it just be a moderate success, and that's fine...things don't need to break records.

Nintendo on the other hand are pure games. They are now expanding, but they still cannot take a huge hit if they can't offset it somehow, and with the NX not being a guaranteed success, they wouldn't be able to entirely offset it with third party licensing and they're not likely to charge for online either.


I think this is where the mobile market can pick up the slack for them. If Mario is a hit then it will give them some breathing room in the home console/dedicated handheld space.


It's not ideal, but it's probable that the NX may be a little bit "overpriced" so they can actually make a profit, and it just be a moderate success, and that's fine...things don't need to break records.


True but shareholders do want to see growth and want more than moderate success for their money. Again, I think mobile is a good way to keep them off their backs, especially it proves successful for them.

I think this is where the mobile market can pick up the slack for them. If Mario is a hit then it will give them some breathing room in the home console/dedicated handheld space.




True but shareholders do want to see growth and want more than moderate success for their money. Again, I think mobile is a good way to keep them off their backs, especially it proves successful for them.


Oh absolutely. Nintendo are expanding, what with amiibo, licensing, Universal Studios, movies and mobile. There's no doubt, and that may be able to offset things in the future, but they aren't there yet.


Sony said they made profit on the PS4 by selling their console and a Plus subscription and game if I recall. If Nintendo had third parties to make money off as well as a network that they had invested in so they could charge for then they might be in a position to do a similar thing. But they haven't, so it's probably going to expensive, which will hurt their sales.


Selling the hardware at a loss should always happen in my opinion - console games are more expensive than PC games so there should be some perks. They're going to make money from you anyway from the games.

Kimishima said back in May that Nintendo won't sell the NX at a loss. They can't sustain a business that way.


But since then they've wrestled more into mobile which is actually making them a decent chunk of money. Obviously none of us know their finances (until they release them next May anyway :heh:) but one possibility could be to have the NX be a loss-leader and try and make it up in a combination of software and other revenue sources (including mobile, amiibos and...paid for online service?)

But since then they've wrestled more into mobile which is actually making them a decent chunk of money. Obviously none of us know their finances (until they release them next May anyway :heh:) but one possibility could be to have the NX be a loss-leader and try and make it up in a combination of software and other revenue sources (including mobile, amiibos and...paid for online service?)


Is it though?


All evidence points to Miitomo not making much money, and Pokémon GO's money mostly goes to TPC and Niantic

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