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Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!


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So I showed my Mrs a few of the videos for switch on the eShop earlier, and after Mario Odyssey...I'm pre ordering one this evening! Genuinely was 50/50 but she was super excited so I'm doing it!


Question: pre ordering from Nintendo official store, is the money only debited once it has been dispatched? Just incase I can't keep her sweet on it for 2 months :p


Pretty sure I read on there charged when dispatched.

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I don't drive so two of those are lost on me :heh:


You could feel which side you're being shot on with standard rumble anyway because the Joy-Con itself would rumble, unless you wanted to specify which region of the body you're being shot on (head, body, legs) but I'm not sure if that's really useful?


Dice and mixer are good examples of how it could be used, but...meh? And by that I mean "does the end justify the price", although we don't know the price so nobody can answer that, I just can't see from a gameplay perspective what it can really add but I guess we will find out.


I don't think it's to be taken as a strict "unique gameplay" thing, but rather an aesthetic improvement on game-feel. Like, normal rumble is also technically unneeded for stuff like Smash Bros, but it sure feels great to have your controller rumble when you hit and get hit back.


The "HD Rumble" is just a more sensitive rumble than before. Much like HD doesn't technically do (or allow for) anything unique over SD, but greatly improves the aesthetic experience (and one can say the same for 60 fps and 30 fps).


I get where you're coming from too, as even after 10 years I still don't care that much for HD.

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There will be more and there could be Mother 3 and Metroid coming within the next year or so.



Based on this, I have a feeling that Nintendo will sprinkle more Directs than usual throughout the year just for game reveals, such as with the upcoming Fire Emblem Direct.

Edited by Julius Caesar
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It just suddenly hit me. They want to sell Zelda for 60 quid on Switch. A price we haven't seen on a Nintendo console since the N64 days.


You know what the N64 and Switch have in common?




It's gotta be the reason for the higher price compared to the Wii U version.

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What's the rrp on PS4/xb1 games?


Pretty sure initially they were £50-£55.


I'm expecting Zelda to not sell for £60


I wonder how strong those rumours about Zelda maybe missing launch were. There is just no chance they could of released the switch without Zelda when you see the other launch games.

Edited by liger05
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Oh, here's some good news!




Looks like they're planning on adding USB HDD support to the Switch dock at a later date. It's not gonna be there for launch, but they're apparently looking into it currently. (They also confirm that 2TB SD cards do currently work, even if nobody is gonna have them yet, for those that doubted that they'd work for whatever silly reason)


Well I suppose that USB 3.0 socket is there for a reason :)

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Pretty sure initially they were £50-£55.


I'm expecting Zelda to not sell for £60


I wonder how strong those rumours about Zelda maybe missing launch were. There is just no chance they could of released the switch without Zelda when you see the other launch games.


I reckon that zelda rumour might have been used to flush out the person leaking all the info perhaps.


Or maybe I watched to much Spooks back in the day...

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With Pikmin 3DS, Ever Oasis, that Mario Superstars sports game etc coming after the Switch release, it's not just PR speak.


Those games are scheduled for 2017. If they come out with loads of games for 2018 too then I can get on board with the 'Nintendo is still supporting the 3DS' sentiment but I'm fairly sure that this is its last year.

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Oh, here's some good news!




Looks like they're planning on adding USB HDD support to the Switch dock at a later date. It's not gonna be there for launch, but they're apparently looking into it currently. (They also confirm that 2TB SD cards do currently work, even if nobody is gonna have them yet, for those that doubted that they'd work for whatever silly reason)


Well I suppose that USB 3.0 socket is there for a reason :)


Thanks for this. You've answered one of my questions from earlier in the thread. Looks like I'll be buying a 256GB MicroSD card to begin with.

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That's just basic PR, what do you expect him to say.


they aren't ditching the 3ds....


The Wii U is dead. The 3ds is laying in it's death bed, but it still has a weak pulse. They are buying time for the next handheld console. The alternative is ditch the 3ds that IS making money and keep the Wii U that isn't making money....


Basically Nintendo have 2 handhelds, and quite likely the pricing for the switch games is to leave the 3ds a space in the market, though perhaps at the expense of the switch. basically the 3ds is half the price, a quarter (or less?) the power and 4 times the battery life....and titles cost half as much.

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Those games are scheduled for 2017. If they come out with loads of games for 2018 too then I can get on board with the 'Nintendo is still supporting the 3DS' sentiment but I'm fairly sure that this is its last year.


to be fair, giving the 3ds 5 years, it's successor was due March last year.

Giving the Wii U 5 years, it's successor is due November this year.

the 3ds successor was pushed back 1 year, called the Wii U successor. I suspect the 3ds will be asked to last out till November 2018/9.... so with Nintendo's track record, maybe 1 or two games out next year for the 3ds

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I think they are waiting to see how Switch sells before they make their next move. Whether that takes the form of a home console, handheld, VR device or even a smartphone based system it's impossible to say. Remember that the Nintendo Account was to be used for the Nintendo "family of systems" and a lot of emphasis has been made on how Nintendo have become focused on scaling projects for differently powered devices. Makes me think we could either see a more powerful device next, or a cheaper, underpowered, portable exclusive one depending on Switch's success in the market.

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One of the best things about the switch is that it's a handheld too. They can't release another handheld, it would kill the switch. They need to just put all their resources into developing for the switch.

I agree about the handheld. They could release a stronger home console though.

Switch is 720-1080. So if they make a home console that is 1080-4k power... developers have a choice to make it compatible with both the handheld switch and new home console, or push the software further and focus solely on the home console. Releasing a home console that is on par with Sony's machine (and if Microsoft stay in them too) would be something of a surprise, especially if they manage some how to sway activision, ubisoft, Square enix to give proper support. And who knows, if they want to shake the very foundations of reality, get EA to release something other than a butchered game as well...


Maybe a VR system if VR has started to take off.

Looking at the switch, a handheld, it doesn't seem THAT far off from the current generation of home consoles. Look at the gap between the 3DS and Wii U. If Nintendo achieve that with the next (real) home console....

And before people get upset by that "real" I genuinely believe the switch is the handheld successor to the 3ds.

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2TB in something the size of a micro SD card, what a time to be alive!


Too bad that they're not commercially available currently (and probably cost thousands!). We'll get there within the next 2-3 years though.


Edit: For the two of you that care...




Skyrim Switch is based on the PS4/Xbone Special Edition and NOT the original PS3/360 version [cough]look at this EA[/cough]

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I think they are waiting to see how Switch sells before they make their next move. Whether that takes the form of a home console, handheld, VR device or even a smartphone based system it's impossible to say. Remember that the Nintendo Account was to be used for the Nintendo "family of systems" and a lot of emphasis has been made on how Nintendo have become focused on scaling projects for differently powered devices. Makes me think we could either see a more powerful device next, or a cheaper, underpowered, portable exclusive one depending on Switch's success in the market.


That's a really good point. Nintendo may have switched to releasing cheaper games on iOS instead of the low-range, kid-friendly handhelds they used to produce. It sounds far-fetched, but if you'd have told people a few years ago that iOS would have Mario and Pokémon, that wouldn't have been well received either.


In fact, it does add up. With Switch we've seen no sign of Pokémon, Animal Crossing or 2D Mario, not even NSMB. Then there's the abandonment of region locking and a charge for online gaming. Switch does genuinely look like it's aimed at older, core gamers.


Of course, plans can change. I certainly think Switch is a replacement for 3DS, as it's arriving exactly six years afterwards. Their intention for now could well be "cheap, casual games for iOS; full, hardcore games for a hybrid". Apple will keep updating the iPhone, and Nintendo can keep improving their hybrid.

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I've just had a quick look to see if a second dock is purchasable. The only place i can find one is on NOA's website for $90 (converts to £75).


A quick search on Amazon and I found powered USB C to HDMI hubs for around £30. I'm not going to buy it, but I'd be interested in knowing if something like this would be compatible with the switch.

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Just got back from the hands-on event today. My thoughts:


The Event

Great time. The staff were all awesome and friendly. Very knowledgeable about their respective games, or at least it seemed that way.

Free food and drink, also a bonus.

Could have been handled better in terms of queues etc, but I suppose given the sheer amount of people, a bit of disorganisation is to be expected.


The Switch Hardware

Very good. Very good indeed. Felt solid in all configurations, including handheld, which I did expect to have a little bit of flex and put strain on the connectors, but it felt solid.

No analogue triggers from what I could tell. If they are, it's a similar level of analogue to the PS4/XB1 face buttons rather than gradual triggers.

Although the single Joycons are very small, they weren't as uncomfortable as I was expecting. Perfectly fine to use.

Not a fan of tabletop mode, but it's not exactly required. It's not that bad though.

Looked pretty good on a big TV. Resolution was fine.

HD Rumble was amazing. Not sure how it could be used, but it was very impressive tech.

I was watching someone play Zelda on the TV, looked away and when I looked back they were playing handheld. Although I didn't actually see the transition, the transfer from TV to handheld must have been pretty quick.


I'll put individual games in spoilers, just in case. Also, cant be arsed to post them in their own threads.


Pretty amazing. Whilst not the most graphically intense game, it was still very pretty. Felt very much like Wind Waker in terms of controls (although I couldn't comment on more recent ones anyway, so take that as you will). I was surprised that there was equippable clothing, RPG style. Maybe there's armour etc to equip? Same goes for weapons. It felt like a more traditional RPG, with loot/armour/weapons etc. Also had a body temperature mechanic, which I wasn't expecting.



Felt pretty much like Mario Kart 8, unsurprisingly. The guy on the booth said that there was all new characters and tracks. Another guy said that this version includes all the DLC from normal 8, so maybe this was the new characters and tracks the first guy mentioned? I haven't played regular 8 enough to know, so can't comment on what I saw.


Worked well with loads of handheld Switches linked up. Good fun, although not really a game for me.



Good fun, although it was basically Wii Boxing with some variety. Fun, but I can't imagine it having enough content to warrant a full release.



Basically Wii Sports, but themed differently. Good fun, but more of a bundled in game/tech demo than a full game. All impressive stuff though, especially the one game where you had to use the HD rumble to feel how many marbles were "in" the controller. Felt amazingly realistic. Like there was actually marbles in the controller.



Very good. Sonic felt right and the remixed Green Hill was nicely done. I didn't play Studiopolis, but I did watch someone else play it and it seemed a bit of a messy level (which was why I didn't play it). Maybe the guy was just a bit shit at it, but it seemed a bit tricky to tell where to go.



A clever little game. Didn't get to spend too long on it, but it was fun enough. I can see the potential for some very clever puzzles on this one. Again, I'd question if it was worth a full price release though.




Amazing bit of hardware, but the software (with the exception of Zelda, which was ace) doesn't really do much for me.


Some photos from the day:















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