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Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!


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Consoles don't sell on launch lineups. They sell on promise. If they sold on launch window, then the PS4 wouldn't have sold well.


How long after the Wii U's launch did Nintendo get forced into showing that Nintendo Direct where they basically showed EVERYTHING, no matter how early in development it was? I think that was when we first heard about Xenoblade, Yoshi and Wind Waker.

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Some info from today's GameStop conference where the Switch was mentioned (stolen from reddit):


•Friday pre-orders will go live, and you'll be able to pre-order the switch and games (no word on the online/in store pickup though)

•Nintendo has only slated stores for 10-15 pre-order units per store (here we go again, NES classic all over again)

•Breath of the Wild will 100% be a launch title.

•Zelda accessories are coming out for the switch at launch.

•Amiibos for botw will be out 2-3 weeks before switch launch.

•A 3D Mario game is coming out at launch as well, but no name was given for the title.

•Gamestop will be getting pre-order promotional material between now and Thursday this week for in store advertising.

•Gamestop is stating a March 17th release date for the Switch.

•Gamestop has the SKU's for the units, but no pricing from Nintendo at the moment.


10-15 units per store. That seems incredibly low.

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Some info from today's GameStop conference where the Switch was mentioned (stolen from reddit):


•Friday pre-orders will go live, and you'll be able to pre-order the switch and games (no word on the online/in store pickup though)

•Nintendo has only slated stores for 10-15 pre-order units per store (here we go again, NES classic all over again)

•Breath of the Wild will 100% be a launch title.

•Zelda accessories are coming out for the switch at launch.

•Amiibos for botw will be out 2-3 weeks before switch launch.

•A 3D Mario game is coming out at launch as well, but no name was given for the title.

•Gamestop will be getting pre-order promotional material between now and Thursday this week for in store advertising.

•Gamestop is stating a March 17th release date for the Switch.

•Gamestop has the SKU's for the units, but no pricing from Nintendo at the moment.


10-15 units per store is pretty bad. Hopefully the stock won't be that short here in the UK. Still, I'll be preordering the second the likes of Shopto put their bundles up. I may preorder at GAME as well, just to be safe.


In terms of what they will show, it's gonna be hard to balance things out. Obviously you want everyone to be excited for the launch games as well as the games to come out after it but you've also gotta hold something back for E3, which will just be 3 months after the launch.

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How long after the Wii U's launch did Nintendo get forced into showing that Nintendo Direct where they basically showed EVERYTHING, no matter how early in development it was? I think that was when we first heard about Xenoblade, Yoshi and Wind Waker.

2 months haha


They had a good launch though. It just cratered straight away

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And I'm in the EA please wait camp. Give us party FiFA 18 and see how it does. none of this bullshit you pulled with the wii and wii u


I'm probably gonna hold off and get the Switch for Christmas anyway.


My PS3/PS4 backcatalogue is insane - and only keeps growing. #DoingADazzy


I was going to say I was a changed man, but then thought about the wii u and I own all Nintendo games barring Tennis (which I owned then sold) and Xenoblade X. (Edit: Don't have Paper Mario or Pokken either... amazon prime time!!)


I almost have a full collection of Nintendo games on Wii U. Thinking about 3DS I bet I'm not far off....


I've decided I'm going to try and get every single Nintendo published game....


I'm about to move house and that bedroom my girlfriend doesn't know yet I'm bagging for myself isn't going to fill itself...

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Nintendo having more hardware power to make their software better. Both graphically and mechanically (i.e. better AI, larger and more vibrant worlds with better quests, etc.).

This will be Nintendo's most powerful handheld device ever. A much bigger jump than GBC>GBA, GBA>DS or DS>3DS. It will be a graphical and mechanical beast in comparison with its predecessor. The fact that it's using carts/cards as opposed to discs means larger and more vibrant worlds will be a possibility, much larger than even the Wii U allowed with no loading times between areas and real "open worlds". I don't know how more power = "better quests".


I want Nintendo to push their limits and hardware's limits.

Nintendo always push the limits of their hardware, this is something I know many forum members will agree on. If you look at their history, only the N64 truly pushed what was possible with technology in power terms and every handheld console and home console since the GC has been aimed with using existing technology in a manner that provides the company with a profit, but builds on the previous generation to provide new gameplay experiences. So unless you want Nintendo to go back to the mid-90s and adopt a method of running their business which ultimately failed, this:

We all know that they are one of the best when it comes do software but I want them to be

THE VERY BEST...ehem. I'd like to see them push boundaries. Edit: @Retro_Link used the exact words...:D


Will never happen.

I personally don't care much for portabilty. I do, however, see the Switch's appeal. But I'd much rather have a new Nintendo home console with a lot of power.

I also see how the Switch will most likely fly off the shelves (mainly in Japan) because of its portability. It's just that I don't care for everything I've seen so far.

A new Nintendo home console with a lot of power would be the death of Nintendo. They cannot compete with Sony and Microsoft, both of whom have other endeavours to generate profit should their push for technological supremacy in the gaming market fail. The N64 and the GameCube tried to compete in this area, and both were huge failures in terms of sales numbers. Why would Nintendo would try to replicate this failure, when they are dominant in the portable market, especially in Japan? The risk involved is far too large, the market would be over-saturated and the price of failure would be catastrophic. Why people can't see this and keep demanding a company that Nintendo hasn't been for more than a decade is beyond me.


What we have seen of the Switch so far suggests they are making a 180 from the Wii days and trying to appeal to "gamers" again. The control options we have seen thus far and the kind of software they demonstrated in the teaser video suggests a Nintendo returning to its roots. I believe this is a good thing for the company, the right direction to head in, but I think those expecting a similar kind of experience to the Xbox One or PS4 are missing the point. Yes, we need better online options, yes, we need better account systems, yes, we need the yearly releases of the major third party games in a form that isn't an insult to the average consumer. But no, we don't need to spend another £300-400 on a gaming device that is the same as the others, only this one plays Nintendo games too.


Nintendo need to find a space in the market where their system appeals to those who already have and Xbox One or PS4, where it appeals to those who can only afford one system but still want quality 3rd party experiences. I think the Switch has the potential to offer that in the form we have seen so far, maybe it will be underpowered, time will tell. As it is though, I certainly think it has a better chance of succeeding than a pricey machine or home console that does more-or-less the same as the other two.

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Nintendo always push the limits of their hardware


I never said they don't. I just said that I'd like to see them push the limits of much more powerful hardware than what the Switch is supposed to have.


I also don't doubt that the Switch will be successful. Pretty sure that it will hit the spot with most gamers in one way or another. What I was saying is: I want something completely different from Nintendo than what they are doing now. I'll never get it, but I like to mention it.


Eventually I will also buy the Switch, but right now there's absolutely no appeal to me.

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I never said they don't. I just said that I'd like to see them push the limits of much more powerful hardware than what the Switch is supposed to have.


In terms of the Switch's power, I agree with this. It's like watching a great driver thrash the life out of a Cinquecento. It's fun for a while, but eventually you wonder what they could do with an Impreza.


Plus there's the 3rd party argument and attracting consumers that just buy one console, but that's been done to death.

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Thing is @Nicktendo, it depends on your definition of push the limits.


The Wii U's tech inside was ultra modern and ridiculously efficient. It's just it was a lower overall spec. which doesn't suit everyone.


The Switch tech is likely to be equally modern and efficient, just lower spec than people want.


The raw power that people want is just not what is currently capable in a portable device, especially considering battery tech

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Thing is @Nicktendo, it depends on your definition of push the limits.


The Wii U's tech inside was ultra modern and ridiculously efficient. It's just it was a lower overall spec. which doesn't suit everyone.


The Switch tech is likely to be equally modern and efficient, just lower spec than people want.


The raw power that people want is just not what is currently capable in a portable device, especially considering battery tech


The GPU was decent and the streaming tech was top notch, but to call the insides ultra modern is way too OTT when we know that the GCN-esque CPU was incredibly weak and was a massive bottleneck. This, combined with the poor software tools available at launch, basically killed the Wii U in terms of development support.


From what the leaks have suggested, the Switch is basically going to be the complete opposite; modern architecture with balanced hardware. Having NVidia customise the GPU will massively help and is a far cry from what they put out with the Wii U.


Ps. I don't think pushing the limits of "efficiency" was what people wanted with the Wii U ;)

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The GPU was decent and the streaming tech was top notch, but to call the insides ultra modern is way too OTT when we know that the GCN-esque CPU was incredibly weak and was a massive bottleneck. This, combined with the poor software tools available at launch, basically killed the Wii U in terms of development support.


From what the leaks have suggested, the Switch is basically going to be the complete opposite; modern architecture with balanced hardware. Having NVidia customise the GPU will massively help and is a far cry from what they put out with the Wii U.


Ps. I don't think pushing the limits of "efficiency" was what people wanted with the Wii U ;)


It should be when you look at your electric bill :p

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The power is far less important than what people think it is. The PS4 being the top seller and more powerful than its competition, is the exception not the rule. Pro and Scorpio by extension will be a minority of units as many are figuring out.


Nintendo's ability to maximise their success is to differentiate. The portable aspect could be a winner. Remote play on a PS4 is a different animal altogether(streaming from your console leaves you vulnerable to lag). I think the switch has the potential to do well. Up to Nintendo to realise it. The mobile games are a good move to promote the brand. Also I am positive many will be happy to buy a switch if its great. The multi platform stuff may be important to an extent but I think aligning with mobile is superior.

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It should be when you look at your electric bill :p


I can only assume that this is a truly terrible joke and your way of saying "yeah you're right" without actually saying it ;)


@Just seen your post @Choze, agree 100%. People need to focus on what makes the Switch unique. Nintendo need to play to those strengths and hopefully it resonates with the mass market.

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I can only assume that this is a truly terrible joke and your way of saying "yeah you're right" without actually saying it ;)


@Just seen your post @Choze, agree 100%. People need to focus on what makes the Switch unique. Nintendo need to play to those strengths and hopefully it resonates with the mass market.

I wouldn't know what you mean :p

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On the eve of the Switch announcement (ok, still a few days to go, but SHUT UP!), our good ol' friend Jim Sterling has some stern words for Nintendo regarding the VC release schedule...



Can't say I disagree with him much. The drip feed schedule BS has to go with Switch. I can't bear the thought of waiting years for the same games to be re-released again...

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On the eve of the Switch announcement (ok, still a few days to go, but SHUT UP!), our good ol' friend Jim Sterling has some stern words for Nintendo regarding the VC release schedule...



Can't say I disagree with him much. The drip feed schedule BS has to go with Switch. I can't bear the thought of waiting years for the same games to be re-released again...

There are arguments for both sides though. If they drop everything at once, then hidden gems will be ignored.

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On the eve of the Switch announcement (ok, still a few days to go, but SHUT UP!), our good ol' friend Jim Sterling has some stern words for Nintendo regarding the VC release schedule...



Can't say I disagree with him much. The drip feed schedule BS has to go with Switch. I can't bear the thought of waiting years for the same games to be re-released again...


They really should get the games on a Netflix-like service. Have them all on there for people to play... but also, if people don't want to pay a subscription then they can pay to own the games too.

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They really should get the games on a Netflix-like service. Have them all on there for people to play... but also, if people don't want to pay a subscription then they can pay to own the games too.

Nintendo are all about games having value though, and doing it like that robs it.

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On the eve of the Switch announcement (ok, still a few days to go, but SHUT UP!), our good ol' friend Jim Sterling has some stern words for Nintendo regarding the VC release schedule...



Can't say I disagree with him much. The drip feed schedule BS has to go with Switch. I can't bear the thought of waiting years for the same games to be re-released again...


I don't expect change. The way Nintendo handle VC is a joke. Drip releases is pointlessly. Just load up the story with plinth of content and let the consumer choose what they want.

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I don't expect them to do it but making all current VC games available would be nice. I understand your point Serebii that the hidden gems won't get highlighted but I feel like the games that are already on the Wii U and 3DS VC have had their time in the limelight with the atrociously sparse release schedule.


Obviously there are problems with NES and N64 emulation on Wii U but SNES, GB and GBA are fantastic so I don't imagine they'll make many tweaks to those so could certainly have the opportunity to release all SNES, GB and GBA titles on Switch VC at launch. I wouldn't mind drip feeding of newer titles as long as there is a substantial library to begin with.

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The frustrating thing with the VC is that it could be such an incredible selling point.


"Hey man, can I get Smash Bros 64 on the Switch?"

"Yeah, all the N64 games are on it!"


Instead you have to say "If you're lucky it will be out in 2-3 years".

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A Netflix-like VC can have featured/genre/developer/recommend lists etc. Things won't necessarily get lost! As it is I didn't bother using it after a while because I couldn't be bothered repeatedly looking for games that didn't show up for so bloody long!


There are many ways to ensure titles get seen!

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On the eve of the Switch announcement (ok, still a few days to go, but SHUT UP!), our good ol' friend Jim Sterling has some stern words for Nintendo regarding the VC release schedule...



Can't say I disagree with him much. The drip feed schedule BS has to go with Switch. I can't bear the thought of waiting years for the same games to be re-released again...


Jim doing good work, as always.


The drip feeding, especially if you already own the game on another device, is beyond a joke at this point.


His point about Nintendo not realizing they are in a global market is very true. Why different regions get different games at different times is baffling. I can forgive this if the titles are 3rd party games but when they are 1st party games, games Nintendo own, they should be released at the same time, regardless of region. NoA is easily the worst when it comes to getting their games to consumers.


In the past, the VC could be used as a platform to help up and coming games get some momentum built up. A Pokemon on the way? Then here's Pokemon Snap a couple of months in advance to get the hype flowing. Same goes for things like Smash Bros, Mario Kart or any other Nintendo franchise. Instead releases were pretty much random for the most part.


The service also could have been used for games that have never made to various regions. Why we didn't get ExciteBots on the Wii U is beyond me. It's the perfect platform to give it a release. The same goes for Another Code and Disaster for US customers.


It's going to be interesting to see the pricing structure of the service now that the NES Classic has been released. They gave us 30 games for under £50. It's gonna be a hard pill to swallow if the NES games cost the same as they've done in the past.

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