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Your 2015 Gaming Diary

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I'm going to have to really get into gear this year and finish some damn games (some I only like to play in bursts to be fair though - Platformers)

I've these to get round to finishing/starting:


Mario 3DW


Wind Waker

Pikmin 3 (just the final boss)



Watch Dogs


Trine 2

Shovel Knight

Child of Light


Then I want to pick up these games that are currently out:



Bayonetta 2

Farcry 4

Shadow of Mordor

Alien Isolation


All the while I still have to satiate my hunger for Battlefield 4 (LOVE it) and Smash Bros (only just got it). Then you've got games still to be released... mental!

Edited by Kav
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Was going through the motions with the dregs of Fantasy Life(admittedly still got plenty to do) but thanks to HoT and Dazzybee I've just picked up Kirby Triple Deluxe for £22. Thinking I'll be making me way through that over the next month. Got Shovel Knight to do too, as well as some Weapon Shop de Omasse and Attack of the Friday monsters, and probably some other various backlog with Smash Bros on the side generally. Will keep you posted on progresses!

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Including vc and shop games, I have over 50 games on the wii u alone to play through. Over 30 on the 3DS. Over 30 on ps3. About 10 on the ps4. 20 vita. Then maybe, no joke, upwards of 100 on DS and Wii....


I'm buying no games for months!! I've decided!!!


(except Kirby which I bought today, but bargains don't count)


Including vc and shop games, I have over 50 games on the wii u alone to play through. Over 30 on the 3DS. Over 30 on ps3. About 10 on the ps4. 20 vita. Then maybe, no joke, upwards of 100 on DS and Wii....


I'm buying no games for months!! I've decided!!!


(except Kirby which I bought today, but bargains don't count)

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@dazzybee that's just crazy/stupid! How did you manage to let yourself slip like that? Saying that, it seems to be a very common thing these days, especially with steam owners. People seem to buy loads of games but don't actually play them.


I'm loving the backlog battle I've got going at the moment. Once I finish my 3DS games ( 4 left ) I will be able to feel comfortable in buying another one for the system. Feels like a weight is lifting off my shoulders. :D


I haven't bought a game since Christmas for any of my consoles. I want Demons Crest that comes out on Thursday and despite the fact I've been waiting to play it for years I will be holding off until I have tackled some of my Wii U VC backlog.

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@dazzybee that's just crazy/stupid! How did you manage to let yourself slip like that? Saying that, it seems to be a very common thing these days, especially with steam owners. People seem to buy loads of games but don't actually play them.


I'm loving the backlog battle I've got going at the moment. Once I finish my 3DS games ( 4 left ) I will be able to feel comfortable in buying another one for the system. Feels like a weight is lifting off my shoulders. :D


I haven't bought a game since Christmas for any of my consoles. I want Demons Crest that comes out on Thursday and despite the fact I've been waiting to play it for years I will be holding off until I have tackled some of my Wii U VC backlog.


Christmas was only a couple of weeks ago...haha!!

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It's been going in since the gamecube to an extent, it all got stupid with the Wii! Haven't caught up since. But I'm in a mission this year. Only really going to buy Nintendo games, batman and uncharted. And indies. That's it. Hopefully. The rest of the time will be destroying my backlog.


I have a lot of eShop and VC games. I'm hoping they can be destroyed with a few hours each.

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Would darksnowman happen to be one of your mates playing these games with you? If so tell him to get his butt back on here! :D


We actually had some Chinese and a few games at another friend's house the previous weekend but he wasn't present for the most recent weekend :heh: I've been hearing rumours that he's actually left the country so.. um.. ::shrug:


I never really got one with Track & Field. I always preferred Athlete Kings on the Sega Saturn. Me and my mates used to play the hell out of it, and like Track & Field, we always got a good laugh at certain animations of the athletes.


Have you played it Nando?


I haven't played Athlete Kings due to only owning a Sega Saturn for a weekend or so before realising I had wasted my money and sold it on :red: A quick look on YouTube, however, shows that it's something similar to Track & Field.


I have Virtua Athlete 2K on the Dreamcast but I don't like it anywhere near as much. Nothing has ever matched International Track & Field on PS1 in that particular genre for me :heh:


I've been tempted in the past to get Nagano '98 on PS1 for some similar fun in the snow, but apparently it isn't anywhere near as good :hmm:

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I was having a bit of a lazy night last night and didn't really feel like diving into something like Okami or Pandora's Tower. In the end, I just threw on a couple of older Wii games for a quick blast, the first of which was Wii Play.



I went through most of the games on it at least once, but my skills seem to have disintegrated since 2006 :indeed:Wii Sports may be seen as a demo to some (not me, though :heh:) but Wii Play is definitely in that category.. but that's fair enough, considering it was basically free with the Wii Remote :hehe:


I'd say the shooting is probably worth coming back to now and again for a laugh in multiplayer, but most of the rest of the game has little draw these days!


After Wii Play, I threw on another game that I thought was OK back when it originally came out.. Sonic & The Secret Rings :smile:




It is AWFUL :shakehead That's certainly how I felt when I picked it up again and tried to run through a couple of levels. Perhaps, given time, I'd get used to the controls again and have a decent time with it but first impressions upon my return were far from favourable :hmm:

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This is a good idea :) Like the "most recent game" thread, but a bit more extensive.


I haven't played much recently, but here's what I have:



-Binding of Isaac + Wrath of the Lamb


Currently Playing:

-Hitman Contracts

On Hold/Hiatus:

-The Whispered World

-Final Fantasy X



For now, I'll merely talk about the one that I beat in 2015. I'll save the others for future posts.


Binding of Isaac + Wrath of the Lamb (DLC)




No, not Rebirth, the original. It was in my Steam library, but I started it up a month or so ago.


First roguelike I liked. Really addictive, deep gameplay, forgiving to beginners (as long as you don't buy the DLC too soon), pretty successful at everything it tried to be.


The aesthetics are a bit more... difficult to digest. Much like South Park, this game tries to be disgusting and cross as many lines as it can. So yeah, just bear that in mind in case you're curious. Mind you, the game is still pretty gorgeous at being disgusting, love the sprite art (and the music, for that matter).


The DLC mainly adds extra items, characters, bosses, challenges... more raw content, basically, and it makes the game more challenging/difficult overall.


Considering I got all the main endings and unlocked all the characters, I'll abandon it for now, maybe return to it later to do what I haven't yet. I'm considering this the first game I beat in 2015 (though I played it mostly in 2014 :heh:).

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I played a bit more of Oracle of Seasons last night. I saved it just as I entered the 7th dungeon.


Some of the dungeons in this game are stupidly long, especially when you think that is a handheld game. Still, i'm making progress and still on track to finish it this week.


Here's a few Miiverse shots of my adventure.


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I finally returned to Viewtiful Joe tonight, after all these years :eek:




I went with the yellow cover back then (Did anyone get magenta..? :heh:) and, to be honest, I haven't been back to it for a long time for one main reason.. FEAR :shakehead Fear that the game will kick my ass and be so unwelcoming that progress of my past save file would seem impossible.. but not so :hehe:


It took me a good 20 minutes or so to get back to grips with everything, even if I am over-relying on the zoomed-in slow motion whirlwind kick thing :red:


I resumed the game at the beginning of Stage 5, a stage that I've since cleared. I have the game paused near the start of Stage 6 while I eat my dinner but I have to admit- I'm enjoying it again :smile:


If anything, finally plucking up the courage to return to Viewtiful Joe has helped to emphasise the point that many of us should play and enjoy the games we already own, sitting dormant on our shelves and worry less about what's coming up next.. or, indeed, whether it has voice chat or not :heh:

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There's A Link Between Worlds finished, what a great game it was too!


Erm, how very strange, I finished it ten minutes ago and all... And yeah, amazing game. Took me a little to get into it, not a fan of the weapon renting system at all, but it quickly won me over.


Going to start ocarina now to get ready for Majoras mask!

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Following on from Dazzybee and Kavs Zelda adventures, I've just finished Oracle of Seasons.


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I have to say, the game was quite a challenge, both outside and inside the dungeons. Possibly the toughest Zelda game I've played since The Adventures of Link.


Even though I think the Oracle games are pretty weak compared to the rest of the series, I still had an enjoyable time playing through Seasons. I especially enjoyed the little nods and references to the original Zelda.


Like in most Zelda games, the credits were fantastic.


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It's good to see people playing games and sharing their experiences in here :hehe:


I'm pleased to say that I cleared Viewtiful Joe last night :yay: It was really fun getting back into the game again, even if it was a little tricky at times. Fortunately, it probably wasn't as difficult as I was led to believe over the years and I'm left debating whether to jump straight into the untouched sequel or return to something like Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow whilst the increasingly comfortable GC controller feels so good in my hands :heh:


Strangely, it's not the first Viewtiful Joe game I've beat as I finished Double Trouble on DS several years ago.. though I don't exactly remember much about it :red:

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