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Nintendo 2015 Predictions


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If they must make another sequel then AC is a good series to go with. I'd love to see it packed with lots of new ideas and stuff to do. Some more online features would also be really neat.


Not sure what I predict here. I would absolutely love a new Harvest Moon game but on Wii U, but I think that series is really locked onto handhelds these days. Shame as I liked the console versions the most.


I dint feel they change it enough, it's one series with the most postential for radical change/evolution, but they don't seem to do it, plus I feel it's too close to new leaf, Wii version bored me as it was too close to the DS one. That and the game works better on handhelds... Animal crossing should be left alone, and launched with the new handheld, that will also work on the home console too! Perfect!


The game that would make me most happy would be a hd remake of fzero GX with online!

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I'd love a third person Metroid game with a first person view on the gamepad. It could be the first game since ZombiU to really make use of the gamepad. Metroid should be in third person, always. It's where she belongs.

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I was thinking of creating a thread like this but covering the next 2 years yesterday but I was going to title it "Predict the future for Nintendo"


Anyway, my predictions for 2015


1. Zelda Wii U will be released November 2015 worldwide


2. Zenoblade X will be released in mid 2015 in Japan but for everyone else, early 2016


3. First major Amiibo game to be announced.... for New 3DS only.


4. Super Mario Galaxy 3 or Super Mario 3D 3 announced for New 3DS as well as a couple other games that were originally in early development for Wii U.


5. New Donkey Kong Country game from Monster Games for New 3DS announced.


6. Nintendo at E3 focuses completely on New 3DS and its exclusive games. For Wii U, they show more of Starfox, Zelda and Xenoblade X, thats it.


7. At least one of these is announced for New 3DS at E3 - F-Zero, Punch-Out, Metroid or Pikmin.


8. No N64 or gamecube VC games for Wii U, saving those for 2016 to launch with the new home console.


9. Mario Kart 8 DLC 3 & 4 announced, Aug & Nov release.


10. Splatoon will have voice chat but only in the lobby via Gamepad mic only.

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You don't own a 3DS?! You're missing out on lots of fantastic games
I did have a 3DS when it first came out and played some fantastic games like 3D Land, OOT3D, Resi and Pilotwings, but then I'm not sure, I think there wasn't a great deal on the horizon for a while and I'd much rather play on a home console than a handheld, and I just didn't really think I'd miss it.


I'd quite like to have played Luigi's Mansion, I really wish Mario Golf had been a Wii U game. ALBW just doesn't appeal to me, being 2D Zelda and just the art style. Oh actually Kirby Triple Deluxe is a game I keep looking at and would like a chance to play.


I dunno, maybe I'll pick up a New 3DS at some point, but Nintendo need to announce some new 3DS games first!

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And probably some dreadful Pokemon spin off. Mystery Dungeon imma be looking your way. When all we really want is Pokemon Snap U. :heh:


Look, as much as I'd love a Pokémon Snap U, I'd have to disagree with that.

You knew full well I'd rather have another Mystery Dungeon.

(More like Explorers of Sky, less like Gates to Infinity)

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Look, as much as I'd love a Pokémon Snap U, I'd have to disagree with that.

You knew full well I'd rather have another Mystery Dungeon.

(More like Explorers of Sky, less like Gates to Infinity)


Well that's cool. :)


We're all allowed our opinon.


And Mystery Dungeon is shite. :heh:

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1. The Legend of Zelda - Critics are initially more cautious than they were with Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword. The fans, however, soon take it to their hearts and declare it the huge leap forward the series needed.


2. F-Zero - Fan-pleaser using the Mario Kart 8 engine.


3. Metroid Prime 4 - Retro Studios. Like all my Wii U predictions, will be fully configured for use on the next console. GamePad completely non-essential.


4. New 3DS Zelda - Based on the Link Between Worlds engine. Enhanced for New 3DS.


5. New 3DS Fire Emblem - Reuses assets from Awakening.

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We should do a thread WHAT SHOULD NINTENDO DO!!!


1. F Zero, whether a new one, or hd online remake. just to say to fans, it won't sell, but this ones for you. Kiss.

2. Create a sports label - announce wave race, punch out, mario strikers, mario golf, mario tennis, 1080, new baseball, basketball, american football sims to be released on this new label over the coming years. maybe announce Next Level Games, or a dream team of sonics old sports team etc to focus on it

3. Announce full on accounts, with digital shops and all eshop and vc purchases will be cross platform and work, for free on the next devices.

4. Add online to Nintendoland, Pikmin 3, mario 3D world

5. PARTY CHAT!!!!!!!


Gaming world would go apeshit, people would trust them again, be excited by their new attitude and be far more excited about their future and what they've got to offer next!

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We should do a thread WHAT SHOULD NINTENDO DO!!!


1. F Zero, whether a new one, or hd online remake. just to say to fans, it won't sell, but this ones for you. Kiss.


Would dance naked through the street singing the circle of life accompanied by Clint Mansell and the Kronos Quartet if Nintendo gave us a new F Zero with online multiplayer AND voice chat during the race.

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I'd love a new true 3D Mario platformer. 3D World just didn't cut the mustard. Galaxy 3 would be good but in my dream world, a true sequel to 64/Sunshine. I miss the classic exploration type Mario SO much.


I'm personally hoping they keep the next 3D Mario game back for the launch of their next console. It's been too long since a Nintendo console launched with a 3D Mario game. :(

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I'm personally hoping they keep the next 3D Mario game back for the launch of their next console. It's been too long since a Nintendo console launched with a 3D Mario game. :(


It would be epic to see a no gimmicks, cutting edge Nintendo console (which the N64 pretty much was back then) launched with an amazing Mario title.

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Nintendo will surprise absolutely everyone by actually releasing Zelda this year.


Nintendo will surprise absolutely no-one by delaying Star Fox into 2016.


Also H-o-T, you've managed to make me sad about Splatoon because obviously you'll be bang on about voice chat.


Still gonna be GOTY though.

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For some reason I can't help but think Starfox will be an eShop title or a disappointment. As much as I want a classic Starfox I just know they'll throw some new mechanic in there to mess things up.


Now if they added Tricky as a playable character... Maybe then I'd be interested.

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I have no idea, people always use the argument that fans complain when things get stale but I can't see that. Twilight Princess is often used as an example, being a direct sequel to Ocarina of Time, in style and gameplay at least, but that seems like the last Zelda that truly appealed to mass gamers despite being on Wii so I think that says it all.


I think Nintendo's insistence on re-imagining or ignoring franchises (F-Zero) is one of the reasons they've lost so many fans since the 64 era.

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I'd love a new true 3D Mario platformer. 3D World just didn't cut the mustard. Galaxy 3 would be good but in my dream world, a true sequel to 64/Sunshine. I miss the classic exploration type Mario SO much.


It would be epic to see a no gimmicks, cutting edge Nintendo console (which the N64 pretty much was back then) launched with an amazing Mario title.


I've been playing about with Mario Kart 8 and the courses are breathtakingly imaginative. Like Wario Mountain, where it's all downhill, through snowy forests and ski jumps.


What I'm saying is that Nintendo has so much talent working for it, and are already creating vast, 3D, Mario-themed "areas". A true 3D Mario that was like 64/Sunshine could be absolutely staggering.

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