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Christmas.... What have you got planned?


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So the first time in 8 years I'm working on Christmas eve. We finish at 2pm so that's not too bad, but it's a very alien feeling working today.


I plan on heading out with some friends at around 3pm for some festive drinks, then when my wife gets home from work at 6pm will be spending the evening in with her and the cats watching Christmas films. Again another first for me, spending Christmas eve in (well first since I turned 18).



Christmas day planning on spending the morning at home with Heather exchanging pressies and spoiling our cats to tuna and turkey. Then we're going our separate ways. I'll be heading to my parents for Christmas dinner and spending the day there, and Heather will be off to her parents to do the same. Late afternoon I'll take a short walk over to Heather's parents to spend some time there, and then in the evening we'll both walk back to my parents for some more time there.


Alot of people find it odd we don't both just go to one set of parents together, then go to the other set. But we're both very set in our ways, and neither of us can imagine spending Christmas day away from our parents, so this is the best option we came up with.



Boxing day, brother and his wife, sister and her husband my 2 niece and my nephew will all be over my mum and dads house. Heather and I will be round too and we'll have a 2nd Christmas day but with a buffet rather than a roast dinner. We then all head to the pub for afternoon of drinking with the finale being all back at parents house watching films in the living room till the late hours of the night.


I cannot wait....


what are your plans this Christmas N-Europe?



A little early, but Merry Christmas N-Europe



"After all it's only 1 more sleep till Christmasssss"

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Pretty much the same as I normally do, with my immediate family. (Is that an actual term? Seems like an actual term...)


I like to keep it simple. And that's no bad thing.


Hmm... I don't have much else to say. So here's a picture I drew yesterday.



Merry Christmas N-Europe!


EDIT: Oh! I just noticed I'm now a N-Europe Forum Aficionado. Creepy timing. Merry Christmas me!

Edited by Glen-i
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Same as yourself @Murr, i'm in work for the first time on Christmas Eve since i worked in Retail. There are about 8 people in, and no-one seems to be doing anything work-related.


My plans, watch my traditional Christmas movie when i get home later (depends if they let me go early). Have our traditional Christmas Eve dinner, usually Gammon and Chips. Then out with some friends in the evening for drinks.


Already have my Nan down, so that's great. Tomorrow will be a mixture of binging on food, drink and being merry. Christmas dinner is served after the Queens Speech (being a military family, it's become a tradition to listen to it) We usually open our presents around evening time during what-ever is on TV. Then on Boxing Day, apparantly my Sister is coming up so that should be good. Kind of the same again with the eating and being merry, expect the main part will buffet style with Bubble and Squeek.

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Merry Chrismas to all you KNEE-ers!


I'm so not into Christmas this year, not even put a tree in my house. It's nice seeing people(I've basically done nothing but since Thursday) and catching up - but even presents and stuff I've been light on(agreed with brother and sister to not even bother this year). This eve I'll be going to my friend's parents house as we've gone round hers over the last few years, only this year it's a bit different as she and her other half(Dedede as it happens) bought their own place earlier in the year - so it's kinda nice still going round to her parents even though it's not as tied to it, if that makes any sense. Tbh I half planned to go even if they weren't!


I think tomorrow's just spending the day at my mum+dad's for xmas lunch, my bro and sis will be there too most likely. It's generally been unplanned. Boxing day is recovery atm, Saturday's tabletop games at Dedede's plus a party elsewhere in the evening, and then I think festivities are somewhat concluded until New Years! Usually end up at my Uncle's on NYD cos it's his birthday but that all depends how NYE goes I think.


I'm at work/in the office atm too, but I'll be doing light(even lighter than my usual ;))hours over the festive period, can't work the bank holidays but will likely pop in for the other days to do a few bits. Finding it really hard to get the motivation to work though!

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We've got a somewhat busy Christmas period. I've already been back home to see the Mum for her birthday at the beginning of December. We're currently in Belgium for Christmas with Ine's family and we're going back to Wales soon to see the Mum again. It's been her first birthday without Dad so I had to be there for that one.


We've got to somehow sneak in a trip to Brighton to see my friends and then visit a few people in Bournemouth. We've met up with some of Ine's friends about a week ago and that was nice. Busy, busy, busy.


Through all of this, I've got a mountain of work to get through as my teaching timetable has changed from January onwards. Some of our teachers at school have recently had children and they're moving to part-time, which affects our timetables (the knock on effect). So, I'll be in charge of all the Wednesday afternoon sports fixtures and have quite a few other teaching commitments that I'll need to plan for. Basically, all that planning that I had in place last year is useless this year and I have to essentially start again next month. Yaaaay!


I wanted to go to Bath to check out the Christmas market there, but I think that'll have to be skipped as we just can't fit it in. We've been to Leuven and have seen their market. Very nice! Although it pissed down with rain. :p

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Listening to this fine festive selection of Christmas videogame music while writing reviews. :)



(Some really nice tracks in there plus no adverts - yet - to spoil it) :D


Oh and later I shall be making mince pies.




Giving presents out to the family, I'm literally not expecting anything this year which I'm fine with as I have bought pretty much all the things I wanted, though I have already had two SNES controllers from my Mum and Dad to use on my Retron 5 plus my brothers have ordered me something but it won't make it in time, so I'll just have that on Saturday, no big deal.


Apart from that, just helping out with the Christmas meal, playing loads of retro games - can't wait for Duck Hunt! - and having a good few drinks.


: peace:

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I shall wake up and immediately set up my Xbox One and play The Evil Within/Worms Battleground/Forza 5/Call of Duty. When my parents wake up, we shall open our presents together and spend some time with each other. Have a drink and a laugh, eat mince pies and popcorn, go to my grandparents and my aunts and see them for a bit. Come back, watch Elf and The Muppets Christmas Carol which I missed because of work!


Not much but I love Christmas! I also love the fact I'm getting paid to not work Christmas Day and Boxing Day. Oh and I'm going to drink a few pints so that would be awesome.

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