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Suicide Squad (2016)


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Silly question time.


I'm assuming SvB[noparse]:D[/noparse]oJ is all about the dawn of the justice league (duh). Suicide Squad kind of seemed to be less comic-book-ey than I expected. Is it right to think that they're both in the same universe? I've not read many comic books beyond Miller's Dark Knight stuff so I have no frame of reference here.


Yep, same universe.


Allofthecast vs joker?


The Squad will have a job to do and expect Joker/Batman to flit in and out screwing things up but they almost definitely won't be the focus.

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Didn't like the vibe.


yeah i get what your saying its really sombre and doesn't feel right for me from that clip reel

but its the first clip reel so who knows


as for Leto, he had the mannerisms right for a dark vindictive joker, but i still can't get over the mexican drug lord look to him, it's very new 52 joker post face loss (going on covers...i shamefully have a stack of about 20 batman comics to read). Its far too soon to be praising a man for 2 seconds of good footage, for all we know that could be the only good bits, equally those could be his worst bits and he gets better

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Except it isn't. I just rarely get a chance to use that gif.


It's Macklemore swag. In the sense it's someone trying to hard to fit the aesthetic and failing.


But come on, the classic purple suit is naff as fuck nowadays (as iconic as it is). May as well try something else.

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I like his expression. He looks determined, which I don't think we've ever had in a live-action Joker.


Wish there were a few more shots with his top on but whatevermarketingblahblah.


I kind of think a cane is the Riddler's shtick (lol) but we'll see.


I like different so I'm looking forward to this.

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I hope im wrong but all I seem to feel about this movie is a similar vibe I felt for the new Fantastic Four. Thats not a good vibe.




What? David Ayer v Josh Trank. Heist movies that's essentially the Dirty Dozen v weird sci-fi thing. WB v Fox's studio intervention (The irony is not lost on me that WB intervened on Green Lantern). Batman.


And a shot of Harleen for good measure



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What? David Ayer v Josh Trank. Heist movies that's essentially the Dirty Dozen v weird sci-fi thing. WB v Fox's studio intervention (The irony is not lost on me that WB intervened on Green Lantern). Batman.



Basically I felt like Fantastic Four would be crap and I feel like this will be crap, thats all.

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