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So...is this the new Silent Hill game?




By Hideo Kojima and Guillermo Del Toro.


A new Silent Hill is coming from Hideo Kojima and Guillermo del Toro


The P.T. playable demo that Sony announced at Gamescom and released earlier today on the PlayStation Store was actually a teaser for another game: a new Silent Hill from Hideo Kojima and Guillermo del Toro.


The PlayStation 4 "interactive teaser" was apparently a stealthy, creative way to announce the new Silent Hill game that Kojima has been teasing for months. At the end of the P.T. demo, a character is shown walking through an abandoned city. The names Hideo Kojima and Guillermo del Toro appear on screen just before the main character turns around, revealing that he is played by The Walking Dead's Norman Reedus.


The game is apparently called Silent Hills, according to a title card backed by Akira Yamaoka's Silent Hill theme.


You can see a replay of the end of the P.T. demo and the Silent Hills reveal in this Twitch video (skip to 1:16:00) by SoapyWarpig.


Sony announced P.T. as a playable interactive teaser for PlayStation 4 earlier today. The game was credited to 7780s Studio, a heretofore unknown game developer. Kojima employed a similar ruse when announcing The Phantom Pain by the fictitious Moby Dick Studios, a game later revealed to be Metal Gear Solid 5.



Edited by Daft
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This demo... is horrific! :blank:


I've just got to the part where...


You're locked in the bathroom, it's dark and you have a flashlight, so you start looking around... you check the door and it's definitely not opening, the floor is bloodstained, you notice the shower... then the cockroaches crawling into the hole in the tiled wall.


Wait is that... you look closer from left to right to confirm that yes that is indeed an eye looking at you, so what now?


Looking around some more you notice the blacked out mirror with not much of a reflection, upon looking up you see that there are four lightbulbs in a line above it... seems strange yet plausible perhaps.


Then you look in the sink and you find the source of the noise from earlier... there's some kind of flesh in there, an organ perhaps? But wait! It's actually moving... wriggling around, you can see its vague shape now and it starts making a sound, the sound of a baby crying... the same one that you heard earlier; it would appear that it's some kind of living foetus but why the fuck is it there?



It's at this point that I'm really contemplating stopping playing the demo. :shakehead


Yes it's good, really atmospheric but at the same time, it's unsettling... which is what you want from a horror game but this? This is something else entirely! :hmm:


I might just watch the rest of it on YouTube... or just stop being weak and carry on with it, but still... :(


What a way to reveal a new game though. : peace:

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Haven't touched the demo yet. But...


Wohoo for Del Toro.

Not excited for Kojima.


A little bit disappointed it's not going to be a new series. But, if the game is good, then I guess it doesn't really matter. Last Silent Hill I played was Shattered Memories, which blew me away. So, the potential is there.


It's really jarring to see Daryl there, though. :laughing:

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I couldn't complete this. It has to be one of the most terrifying experiences I've ever played.


Great to hear that it's a new Silent Hill though, and the fact that Kojima and Del Toro are on board, with Norman Reedus taking the leading role has me pretty hyped. Thing is, if just this demo was that scary, then what the hell is the entire game going to be like.... :cry:


Still, a pretty damn sneaky, but effective way, to reveal a new game. Good one Sony!


I keep getting stuck.


I got attacked by a lady and then watched a bag talk at me, and then I'm just wandering the corridors with a woman gasping for air. But nothing's happening.



My flat mate and I looked this up. Aparently, you have to go to the source of the breathing, and look at something in that area to trigger the next section. It appears to be randomised too, which is pretty cool. It's taken anything from 20 minutes to a couple of hours to complete.



So, according to Kojima, they want to go "all-out" and make it so scary that "you'll shit your pants"... thanks Kojima.... ¬¬



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I tried this earlier. Tbh, I thought most of what I read about people finding it scary was going to be overblown. But, fucccccccck, did not enjoy that one bit.


The first few times you go through the room with the door and loop around, it seemed fine to me. Then, it just cranked it up a gear. That bathroom baby...thing. The figure in the hallway. The part where it jumps on you or whatever the fuck it does. Did not expect that and myself and Ine both welped. I think I jumped twice in the time I spent with it. Didn't manage to finish it because...I was close to the edge. :p



Game is horrible. :shakehead

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The final loop of corridors just ruins any kind of tension the game has. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it. No logical way of getting to the final cutscene. I spent two hours on that section alone last night and could not get out. Before that it was eerie and scary as fuck and then it just went downhill. If the final game has anything like that its just going to ruin the experience. You know its done something wrong when the ghost stops being scary and you just run past and say whaddup gurl out loud as you're trying to figure out how the fuck to get outside.


Threads on various forum are full of people with the same issue. The final corridor section just isn't good.

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Played this with my nephew tonight and it was so terrifying yet hilarious at the same time.


I let him play first but after about 5 minutes he handed me the pad saying "Nah. Nah. No way. I can't play it. I'm not playing it." It was then up to me to continue playing.


Ive never felt so much tension while playing a game before. It's the same corridor over and over but everytime I walked down it I just kept taking it easy and was scared as hell to just turn a corner. I jumped out of my skin a few times. :D


Brilliant experience.

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Played this with my nephew tonight and it was so terrifying yet hilarious at the same time.


I let him play first but after about 5 minutes he handed me the pad saying "Nah. Nah. No way. I can't play it. I'm not playing it." It was then up to me to continue playing.


Ive never felt so much tension while playing a game before. It's the same corridor over and over but everytime I walked down it I just kept taking it easy and was scared as hell to just turn a corner. I jumped out of my skin a few times. :D


Brilliant experience.


Playing it with somebody else does make it a bit more fun, doesn't it? :D


It's the perfect demo, one of the best I've ever played. There's enough there to intrigue you, but not too much to spoil what the game could be about. There's tension and atmosphere, but it's not too long so that you feel you've seen "everything". It's hooked me in alright. Ine said to me earlier, "I kinda want to watch youtube to see what happens next." Maybe we'll have to have a go again! Gah.


This could be one to watch out for. Having Del Toro direct this is just fucking ace. On so many levels. :D

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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How did you figure out the final section? Seems random as fuck to me.


The final section made no sense at all. It was a good demo but stopped being scary after a while.


I'll admit, I didn't bother with the final section. I walked around a bit and couldn't figure it out. I just knocked it off as I didn't want it to sour my experience.


I did have a look at how to do it and it does seem very weird. There seems to be various methods to it.Then again, I suppose they made it hard/random for a reason as they were hoping it would be a few weeks before someone would crack the code.

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