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What did you Dream?

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I dreamed I was doing it with Mila Kunis and Misa Campo, we were licking chocolate sauce off of each other and were doing everything and after we were done, we ate KFC and chocolate...it was awesome! I never usually have dreams like that!

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My dream seemed to be an amalgamation of videogames and life, first thing I can recall is a huge bomb which had to be detonated underwater, I had to be the one to do it... so this part was a bit like having a Minecraft interface but for life as the bomb was placed, it went off but still seemed to cause some kind of nuclear fallout.


Upon returning to the surface there was mass looting, plus there was an entire stretch of road completely frozen over which seemed to mean that the 'car boot sale' was not on that week :wtf: - quite why I'd be trying to get to the car boot sale after that I have no idea - then on the bus ride back via an alternative treacherous route, the bus tried to make these ridiculous jumps across the ruined landscape - think Halo style - then it landed vertically, back-end upward and I blacked out.


Once I woke up - in the dream - it seems to people I was on the bus with had been transplanted into the bodies of various creatures from videogames but they could still speak telepathically or whatever... I was the only one left without being transplanted - aside from having some kind of metal exo-skeleton ::shrug: - so I had to defend the place from oncoming attack from some of the real monsters, I was doing ok but then a huge brute-like character came out of nowhere, I tried to shoot it down but all I remember after that is me blacking out again with the credits rolling as it were to the tune of 'Forgotten' by 'Linkin Park' which is kind of apt in a way as I would have just forgot all this if it wasn't for this thread being here for me to post it straight away. :indeed:


Anyway, nice idea for a thread and I hope that my erratic dream pattern at least provides some kind of vague entertainment if nothing else. : peace:

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I can't remember my dream very well. I was with some girl that I was really into. Either we were in a relationship, or we were practically in a relationship but it wasn't official. She was upset about something. I think there was another guy that she also like, and she was upset about that. I was trying to find out what was wrong, but was just getting the usual "I'm fine" response. I remember thinking something like "You need to find out what's wrong and comfort her, but you can't pester her otherwise you'll just annoy her and push her away".


Clearly my brain is both scared of and confused by women.

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I had a dream that while I was in the living room the neighbours had dug up their garden and turned it into a go-kart circuit. And while doing so they re-did my garden (got rid of most the plants and there was a really minimalist look to it, the lawn was TO DIE FOR) and revealed a secret level below ground level to the flat. And when I told my brother who owns the flat, he was upset but I was telling him about all the upsides. The flat was so much larger now. So the flat received a major upgrade, which was awesome but we were next to a loud go-karting place and the neighbours were assholes.


I have no idea what it means.

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From the dream I had last night I can remember a neighbour of mine with metal bars scewered through his face. Then there were aslot of half-naked girls for some reason and I was teleported to my bed. I got up and looked at my watch which said 12:35pm and when I woke up I looked at my watch again and it was the same time...creepy.


Also a few months ago I had a dream where god said i was going to die soon. That dream still makes me paranoid...

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I have random dreams now and then that I just completely forget about half an hour after waking up, in the way that I never forget things that happen to me during the day. It's kind of fucked up how there's like a half life to dream memory.


I do get two frequently recurring dreams though, where the template or "general narrative" is the same but the people involved might change.


The first kind is where it's just the disembodied head of some random celebrity spinning in a weird locale vaguely related to something they're known for, and the whole time they just say the same thing over and over. A few years ago it was Elijah Wood's head floating through lush verdure spinning while spitting fireballs and saying "You're late" repeatedly. Recently it was Scott Bakula floating through the field of stars screensaver from windows 95 saying "Engage" again and again and on and on.


The second dream takes place at school a week before an exam where I've forgotten to attend classes that entire year for a subject and have a week to catch up. There are other details in this one that I'll spare you, but I've had it maybe a fifty times since my A levels.


I don't really know what's up with it and I suspect it's probably some sort of grievous mental illness that will one day result in the actual disembodied head of one of my teachers in the basement.


Last night/this morning, I dreamt I bought a second hand sleek PS2, with its blue stand, and blue to purple logo, with a very vivid detail of its grain-like surface... What could this mean!?


I got the impression of a close up video shoot of it while it spins slowly on a platform. Like a Lamborghini. Maybe your subconscious is telling you to have sex on a PS2. You might need to find an appropriately sized sex partner.


I had a dream like that recently though, but I just went and bought a Dreamcast, and I was so happy. Then I woke up and wanted a Dreamcast.


Does anyone ever get that thing where you're left with the residual emotions of the dream for the entire day?


Anyway I guess for me it was just nostalgia for the fact that I've never wanted a console as much as I wanted a Dreamcast back in 1999. Had that proper little kid longing for it where I'd just sit staring at the Argos catalog all day as if that would magic it into my living room.

Edited by The Bard
Automerged Doublepost
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I dreamed I was doing it with Mila Kunis and Misa Campo, we were licking chocolate sauce off of each other and were doing everything and after we were done, we ate KFC and chocolate...it was awesome! I never usually have dreams like that!


I can't believe you bothered with the KFC and chocolate. :heh:


Last night I dreamt that I regretted deleting Animal Crossing from my 3DS, as there was something I wanted to do in the game. Then I woke up and remembered I really had deleted the game in real life but, unlike in the dream, did not regret it.


Mine was rubbish compared to yours.

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Does anyone ever get that thing where you're left with the residual emotions of the dream for the entire day?


Yeah I get that as well. I've also had occasions where I've had a sex/intimate dream about somebody that I wasn't attracted to, and then I've developed an attraction for them.

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Yeah I get that as well. I've also had occasions where I've had a sex/intimate dream about somebody that I wasn't attracted to, and then I've developed an attraction for them.


That specifically is really weird when you wake up next to your girlfriend

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Ha, I was just planning on making a similar thread as I had a dream related story to tell :D



So last Thrusday night (possibly Friday morning) I had a dream that actually (half) came true. In the dream 2 childhood friends of mine (who I hadn't seen in about 10 years) had come to visit my town and dropped by to myself for a visit.... later in the same dream my town was also hit by a Tsunami and my family & I and the 2 friends were running for higher ground....we made it and survived.


Anyway Friday morning came I woke up thought "that was weird, haven't seen Maria and Leanne in years" and got ready for work. Later that day while on my lunch break got a text from my mother saying "Norma just rang she's coming to visit tomorrow and her two daughters are coming too"


Yes, Norma's two daughters were Maria and Leanne that visited me in my dream.



Luckily the Tsunami part of the dream didn't come true :heh:



Was thinking about it too and that's actually not the 1st time I've had a somewhat prophetic dream.


Happened to me last year too, I remember having a dream I met a friend from Primary school who I hadn't seen since primary school...next day met that friend in Tesco :heh:


Also the night before WWE wrestler Eddie Guerrero died I had a weird dream that I was at a WWE Live show and Eddie was doing his entrance but it was the Undertakers music that was playing. In that dream I managed to walk to the entrance ramp as Eddie was walking down and asked him why he was using Undertakers music, he just smiled and kept walking.

Next morning I woke up early, went to the sitting room and turned on the newest ep of RAW that I had set to record as it was on live at 2am..... it was the Eddies Tribute show after he died. He was only found dead not long before the show if I remember right, ie: he was found dead while I was asleep, there was no way I could have heard or read about it before going to sleep (and hell I would have remembered that news if I had). While the dream wasn't that he died, him coming out to Undertakers music has made that dream memory stick with me since.




I have also on numerous occasions dreamt I've won the Lotto and/or Euromillions..... still not had any of those come true.....yet :heh:

Edited by Mokong
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The last few weeks I've just had fairly simple but eerie dreams that have totally freaked me out.


A few nights ago, I can only remember one part of the dream, but I was stood on a path looking to the other side of the road and that's where I saw myself walking along in a world or my own. I was like, oh shit is that ME!? Was very bizarre to see myself from the perspective of someone else.


My most recurring dream is that I have anti-gravity jumps, sometimes I can stay in the air and get really high for ages and sometimes, no matter how hard I concentrate, I just go back to the ground really quickly. I tend to be being chased by something and just before the creature/thing kills me, that's when I manage another super anti-gravity jump and get away from it.


The worst one I had in the last few weeks was when I woke up in my bedroom and saw this horrifying ghost just floating above my bed, looking face down at me. I tried to scream and move but I was paralyzed, it was fucking awful. Then I ACTUALLY woke up! Didn't get back to sleep for like an hour after that. If you'd have seen the face on it that I'd seen, you'd understand!

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I got the impression of a close up video shoot of it while it spins slowly on a platform. Like a Lamborghini. Maybe your subconscious is telling you to have sex on a PS2. You might need to find an appropriately sized sex partner.


I had a dream like that recently though, but I just went and bought a Dreamcast, and I was so happy. Then I woke up and wanted a Dreamcast.


Aha... Could be. I think out of all the old consoles to buy, a PS2 - the original one - is very viable. Did you buy a Dreamcast in the end?

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Aha... Could be. I think out of all the old consoles to buy, a PS2 - the original one - is very viable. Did you buy a Dreamcast in the end?


Nah I didn't. I had one back in 2004 but then I sold it to buy a PSP (tragic error). I should get one though, been meaning to play Shenmue for a long time. But more for the nostalgia/ to engage in coitus on.

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My most recurring dream is that I have anti-gravity jumps, sometimes I can stay in the air and get really high for ages and sometimes, no matter how hard I concentrate, I just go back to the ground really quickly.


I LOVE that dream. Used to have it all the time. My method of 'flying' was to cycle my legs, and I always thought "This is amazing! Humans can fly but we don't realise it! Wait 'til I tell everyone!" Then it was so disappointing when I woke up. The most relaxing dream of that type I had was when I was doing my legs-cycling-flying over a huge garden. After a circuit, I came back down to earth and sat on a bench, at which point a gardener with a wheelbarrow and his face made out of vegetables asked if I'd had a nice flight.


The worst one I had in the last few weeks was when I woke up in my bedroom and saw this horrifying ghost just floating above my bed, looking face down at me. I tried to scream and move but I was paralyzed, it was fucking awful. Then I ACTUALLY woke up! Didn't get back to sleep for like an hour after that. If you'd have seen the face on it that I'd seen, you'd understand!


Urgh, that sounds awful, and was almost certainly sleep paralysis. I must admit, I've always been interested in sleep paralysis - whether it really is as bad as people say, and whether it is indeed (as is often suggested) the best explanation for people seeing ghosts. I had it once in the '90s when I woke up for a few seconds and saw Reala (from the Sega game, Nights) fly up and whack into my chest/abdomen, at which point I let out an "oof" and fell back asleep. The weird thing is, even at the time, I realised it was a hallucination. More frequently I am face-down and feel an insect or spider drop onto me - whether I'm hallucinating in these cases or not, I don't know, but I am certainly paralysed. So yeah, I think I've had a few experiences of sleep paralysis, but thankfully nothing terrifying.


This thread has made me remember I used to have really good dreams, but I just don't seem to anymore.

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I can't believe you bothered with the KFC and chocolate. :heh:


Of course I bloody bothered, it's food! Me refusing food is like Greggs refusing to sell cakes and pasties. Food and sex are like in the top 5 best things in the world! Besides, they needed something to replace their energy after I wore them out, haha. :p


I had this sort of nightmarish dream where I was fighting these shadow monster things and a zombie was following me. I said "OI! ZOMBIE! EAT MY SHIT!" and kicked it square in the balls. For some reason, it cried and I felt sorry for it so I took it home with me and we played some Halo 4 and it got offended because I had Resident Evil in my games collection and left. That's all I remember.

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A few days ago I was telling a colleague about how I dislike being forced to kill animals in games like Tomb Raider and Last of Us (humans are, obviously, fine).


That night I had a dream that I was forced to kill a load of animals with a shovel, including a deer that was resting in my pillow case and just wouldn't die. Then a bit later in that dream and/or night, I dreamt that me and someone were being harassed by a boy racer so I ended up beating him to death and then went on a killing spree, mainly using a spear, to cover up.

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