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Voice chat is good and all, I like it, etc; however 99% of the time I have people over at the house - i.e. friends, friends of family, family and the like. Usually that means I don't get a chance to game, but on the occasions that I do, I don't want conversations from inside my house leaking out into the video gaming world.

Yeah, true, most of the conversations are of course harmless, but some are quite private conversations between close friends and family. Surely the background noise seeping through into the mic, is an issue for some other people, too?

Another issue I rarely see mentioned, is that of deaf gamers. If a game depends too much on voice chat, then there's people who could end up being unfairly left out, right?

Naturally, we can't please everyone, and just because some people suffer from health problems, doesn't mean we should stop healthy individuals from having fun. It's just that from what I see a lot of on these forums, there's a strong vocal group who seem to want voice chat in every single game.

I don't honestly believe, that every game that's online needs voice chat. It's quite boring coming to these forums sometimes, and everyone is either moaning that other people aren't buying the Wii U, or moaning that there's no voice chat.

But like, I only enjoy games if they have voice chat :( I only think a console is good, if the vast majority own it too! -- F##k off.

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To people saying "I don't want people hearing background noise": That is why headsets exist.


Which is another thing Nintendo are utterly stupid with. The Wii U GamePad has a bloody microphone/speaker port built in yet games like Mario Kart and Smash Bros don't use it, meaning you have to use the low-quality GamePad mic which picks up everything.

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It's just that from what I see a lot of on these forums, there's a strong vocal group who seem to want voice chat in every single game.

I don't honestly believe, that every game that's online needs voice chat. It's quite boring coming to these forums sometimes, and everyone is either moaning that other people aren't buying the Wii U, or moaning that there's no voice chat.

But like, I only enjoy games if they have voice chat :( I only think a console is good, if the vast majority own it too! -- F##k off.


Completely agree with your post. You should try gaf, loads of Nintendo love there.

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Isn't it easy for parents to just enable parental controls?


I don't see how some people on this forum cannot comprehend this.


The problem isn't how accesible it is, the problem is that the majority of parents don't even realise this exists.


Parental Control Features: Nintendo Wii U




Yes, that's the kind of thing I want to see.

What I really want is for Nintendo themselves to make parents aware that these options exist in the first place.

It's a start, but that video is not going to get parents to notice it.


Why do some people not understand muting or switching off your mic?


But I do that anyway. It's the reason you never hear me on Mario Kart or Smash.

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@Glen\-i the reason I don't hear you is because I don't play them online because I find that they feel soulless, due to the lack of voice chat in-game. :p


Oh you! You knew full well what I meant.

You just couldn't resist, huh?

Probably would have done the same thing if I was you...

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Another issue I rarely see mentioned, is that of deaf gamers. If a game depends too much on voice chat, then there's people who could end up being unfairly left out, right?

Naturally, we can't please everyone, and just because some people suffer from health problems, doesn't mean we should stop healthy individuals from having fun. It's just that from what I see a lot of on these forums, there's a strong vocal group who seem to want voice chat in every single game.

I don't honestly believe, that every game that's online needs voice chat. It's quite boring coming to these forums sometimes, and everyone is either moaning that other people aren't buying the Wii U, or moaning that there's no voice chat.

But like, I only enjoy games if they have voice chat :( I only think a console is good, if the vast majority own it too! -- F##k off.

I think this highlights a misunderstanding of the current situation - 'every game doesn't need voice chat' is pretty much irrelevant to the modern gamer. As everyone who broadens their horizons beyond Nintendo knows, voice chat is incorporated at the OS level on other consoles; it's not something developers have to deliberate on whether to include.


Because really, your only 3 options are OS level chat, game level chat, or no game chat - the latter just means people have to use separate platforms to chat. It's purely a convenience debate. People can voice chat anyway, Nintendo are just making it awkward to do so.


Bringing in deaf gamers though, that is some weird as shit point you're making. You could argue that the 99.999999% of games that have graphics as opposed to sound only are excluding blind people.

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People are genuinely defending the lack of voice chat? You guys are fucking pathetic, honestly. If you don't like it or need it, that's fine, but to defend it when this was a staple for LAST GENERATION CONSOLES and Nintendo still can't hack it, then that's a massive problem.


I fucking hate this company sometimes. I can only hope they continue to struggle on the home console front so they finally move their asses to cater to the actual gaming audience, rather than being casual friendly for the sake of a market that abandoned them for mobiles and tablets years ago.

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People are genuinely defending the lack of voice chat? You guys are fucking pathetic, honestly. If you don't like it or need it, that's fine, but to defend it when this was a staple for LAST GENERATION CONSOLES and Nintendo still can't hack it, then that's a massive problem.


I fucking hate this company sometimes. I can only hope they continue to struggle on the home console front so they finally move their asses to cater to the actual gaming audience, rather than being casual friendly for the sake of a market that abandoned them for mobiles and tablets years ago.


No one is defending the lack of voice chat.


"you guys are fucking pathetic" and "I fucking hate this company" - unless you're 12 years old, seriously, have a word with yourself :indeed:

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Wait, has it been confirmed that there's no party chat? Have I missed something?




Nope. People are working themselves up over the lack of info. All that's been confirmed is that there'll be no communication at all, not even text, in random worldwide matchmaking.

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Nope. People are working themselves up over the lack of info. All that's been confirmed is that there'll be no communication at all, not even text, in random worldwide matchmaking.


Oh flip me.


Well, @Serebii said that there would be voice chat with people in your friends list, and he's never wrong, so I'm still hoping.

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Nintendo's troubles are 80% self inflicted. And it's terrifying they're not learning... It's really weird to watch them. Who is making these decisions? They have failed harder than they've ecer failed before with a major hardware release with the Wii u. They can't sace it, but what they can do is getting people o be positive about them again, to trust them again, to be excited about their future. And they're messing it up.


It's frustrsting because I'm sure we all want them to learn and adapt... It's bizarre....

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No one is defending the lack of voice chat.


"you guys are fucking pathetic" and "I fucking hate this company" - unless you're 12 years old, seriously, have a word with yourself :indeed:


I'm sorry, but you are one of those people bitching about people's vocal disappointment over the lack of full voice chat support, so that's just rich that you're trying to turn it around.


And what's not to hate? Nintendo have an absolute gold mine of an idea with this game, and with IPs in general, yet basically sit on their ass and leave them in the past by drastically under utilising the technology available these days. That is incredibly frustrating and the fact this is a regular topic here clearly shows just how out of touch Nintendo is becoming with its own audience.


Like people have suggested to you all ready, don't like it? Stick us on your ignore list mate, just like you could do with voice chat features. It's 2015, get with the times.

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More details have been translated from the Famitsu 10 page interview.


  • The interview is with producer Hisashi Nogami, who is known as the director of every Animal Crossing up to City Folk, and directors Yusuke Amano, who also directed NSMB2, and Tsubasa Sakaguchi, who was a character designer on Twilight Princess and art director on Nintendo Land.
  • The Inkling city (where the plaza is) is known as 'Highcolor/Haikara City' in Japanese.
  • The concept of two teams of four shooting ink in a turf battle has been there since the original prototype, even though the characters where tofu-like blocks at the time.
  • They experimented with other team sizes, but found with more than four players felt like they had little effect on battles, and with less than four that they had too much responsibility.
  • Killing/attacking opponents online to prevent them from painting ink is just one strategy to win. You get no points or advantage directly from doing so.
  • Hero mode uses basically the same controls as online matches, so anyone with difficulty in the can use the hero mode to practice.
  • Ideally, you'll be matched with players of a similar rank to you (based off of experience points earned in matches). If not enough players, they'll put you with people further away from your rank. If there's only 8 players, you'll be matched together.
  • While online is focused on just painting the ground, hero mode focuses on using the ink to move forward.
  • Amano says he wants you to be able to look at the map on the GamePad and see where needs to be worked on for your team.
  • No way to directly communicate with people you've been randomly matched with. They will appear post-match in your Plaza, where you can check out their gear, weapons, and comment.
  • They picked squids because they were the best at representing the gameplay present in the prototype.
  • Music for stages is random. Possible that I'm misunderstanding, but each player will have a different song while playing.
  • Music is designed to be the sort that would be popular with the young Inklings involved with the turf battles.
  • Rather than making some huge number of stages, they want to create stages that feel different when you use different weapon combinations.
  • You don't earn money for gear in single player for balance reasons. Someone could grind money in hero mode and have their first online match with high level gear.
  • In the final stages of development now.
  • Aiming for, more or less, a simultaneous worldwide release.
  • They plan on supporting the title post-release.




While there's no release date I was thinking it'll be released after Xenoblade Chronicles X. I'll check out the date of their big Famitsu interview but it was only a week ago or so really. So if you go by their interviews we might work out its release date. Xenoblade Chronicles X is due for release on 29th April iirc so this may be mid May and if as they say they're "aiming for, more or less, a simultaneous worldwide release" it would make sense.


Edit: Xenoblade Chronicles X is 29 April. Their Famitsu interview was a week ago so maybe Splatoon will release a week or 2 after XCX.

Edited by Wii
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I'm sorry, but you are one of those people bitching about people's vocal disappointment over the lack of full voice chat support, so that's just rich that you're trying to turn it around.


And what's not to hate? Nintendo have an absolute gold mine of an idea with this game, and with IPs in general, yet basically sit on their ass and leave them in the past by drastically under utilising the technology available these days. That is incredibly frustrating and the fact this is a regular topic here clearly shows just how out of touch Nintendo is becoming with its own audience.


Like people have suggested to you all ready, don't like it? Stick us on your ignore list mate, just like you could do with voice chat features. It's 2015, get with the times.


"you guys are fucking pathetic" and "I fucking hate this company" is the same as calling Reggie a "lying cunt". Time to grow up or at least gain a shred of maturity.

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