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Anyone planning some Splatooning for tomorrow night? Wouldn't mind trying the rainmaker in privates if I can't get a bit on rotation this eve(not played it yet).


I've not had a chance at rainmaker either, I'll probably be on a bit later if anyone is interested in private matches, I guess I'll be online on skype so easier to arrange stuff on there.

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I've not had a chance at rainmaker either, I'll probably be on a bit later if anyone is interested in private matches, I guess I'll be online on skype so easier to arrange stuff on there.


Cool. I'm still quite tired and popped by my mum+dad's for a bit - will message you on Skype if I'm coming on. Might make moves soon to try and see the current playlist before the 7pm changeover...


Edit: Well there goes that, just got in and literally checked the stages/mode before it rotated. Have just missed rainmaker for splat zones and not actually all that inclined to play as much now. Ofc...ill do just a little bit...

Edited by Rummy
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Wouldn't it be a foregone conclusion that Daleks would win anyway?

I mean, it'd be like pitting Riolu against Meowth in a popularity contest.


Yeah, I don't see the appeal of splatfest (Duhhhhh...), I'd rather have the Everybody Votes channel back.

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Yo anyone in for online go post in the online thread now! Me Ares and pestneb rocking will mix up with more but only checking that thread atm


I was looking to game tonight but I'm so pooped from the gym that I've found myself climbing into bed early. Sorry guys, have fun and kick some ass!

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I can't deny this game has still got my pretty hooked up - ended up doing a casual 3-4 hours or so on Monday and maybe another 2 yesterday but damn, it's definitely got issues. I don't know if I'd play it as much if I wasn't watching something at the same time(ie sat just for Splatoon).


Played with @Pestneb and @are1981 last night in some tri-squad battles(when we could actually organise it via the forum) - balancing in 3 vs 4 or generally unbalanced matches is terrible. The fact it seems to so often put you against a 4 alone is bad(happened to use last week or so too) but you can just stand absolutely no chance due to the numbers advantage. I don't see why tri-squads can't mix with regular for an extra in such cases. We later did do some 2vs1 privates and I tried to balance by not using super jumps which sorta worked - but the balancing is still something they should have considered and put into the game. Maybe automatic tenacity(for some reason I feel they do already?), faster respawns and/or squid jumps for the lesser numbered team - there's all sorts of good possibilities to even the field that it feels a real oversight's been made! On the tenacity front - I had it as a main ability on one item and frankly found it a bit shit given the absolute beasting of the opposing team; definitely didn't feel like it was balancing much. I wasn't even sure it was working a couple times?


Another thing - I don't know why squads have to be bloody number specific. If Pestneb and Are are in a twin squad together - I have no way of knowing or seeing this. They, I think, appear 'open' for the few seconds between matches but joining is futile. Other than external means - such as here - it is very hard and frustrating to organise things.


Private matches too - we weren't sure who was on etc. to let them know we were going in to friends, as you can't see the friendlist unless you back out of the online bits to the mode selection. Even then, you can't send people who are splatooning/halfway through a match even some sort of message to say you're gonna be in friends for them to check or join - given that Splatoon ends up with you in matches, co-ordinating in the gaps without holding things up is hard enough as it is, and the system's interfacing really should be a lot better to account for this. There were two other people on when I first started - but how at any point do I let them know the 3 of us are gonna be in private if they're interested?


So yeah. Some real annoying things despite the update and new content. I also feel that despite the wealth of content the 'rotation' needs adjusting - despite those 6-7 hours I've put in over the last few days I've only managed about 20 minutes of Rainmaker in genuine ranked mode due to it not being in the 7-11 mark.


//raantrantrant being kicked out of work would rant more grr

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@Rummy I totally hear you. It's a big reason why I simply don't play on the game anymore and a big part of why I packed my Wii U up. You shouldn't have to use things like Skype or check a forum to organise a game on the fly. The difference between Nintendo and the competition is night and day when it comes to stuff like this.


Last night I was sitting playing MGS4. During a cutscene I checked my Playstation app on my phone to see who was online. I noticed that lostmario, Emerald and Gmac were playing FIFA. I finished MGS4, turned on the PS4, joined their party chat and their game of FIFA. No messing about. Within a few mins of seeing that they were playing online I had joined their game and was having the banter. That's how easy it should be in this day and age!

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WOW. Killed the last hourish playing so i dont get into anything that i miss the chance of rainmaker in the 'rotation'. its rotated from splat zones tooo....Splat zones, yaaaaay! -.-


Will i ever be able to play frickin rainmaker without jeopardising my sleep/having to co-ordinate via a forum??? Bloody ridic. 8 hours of splat zones...bloody ridic!!!


They need to get an english site up at the least where you can check what the next 24-48hrs(or even the week) is doing or something cos this is really damn annoying.


this game man. this game.

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With one of the two new maps stealthily shown in the Rainmaker launch announcement seven days ago, releasing in a little over ten hours, I assume the suspension bridge map is not far away as well!


That's not all! Look! In the same announcement post, there are images of two new maps!


Apartment buildings and commercial buildings:



Suspension bridge:


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WOW. Killed the last hourish playing so i dont get into anything that i miss the chance of rainmaker in the 'rotation'. its rotated from splat zones tooo....Splat zones, yaaaaay! -.-


So I managed to play a bit before the 7 mark yesterday - it had rainmaker on Arowana Mall and Walleye Warehouse, Turf wars on Saltspray and Kelp Dome.


Then, at 7, though I couldn't play I still had it on and checked the 'rotation' - it was...more rainmaker! Whilst I can't recall which was which - the stage choices had become? Arowana Mall, Walleye Warehouse, Saltspray Rig and Blackbelly Skatepark iirc.


I understand that with anything 'random' this can occur, but wow. I actually did a triple take as I thought something was up and my game glitched/didn't update itself properly. No big issue for me, but for anyone after some variety...tough luck!


They really need to open up the options some time soon imo - 3 stage rotations or a stage voting system. Possibly mode voting/rotation system too - so you can play any of the special modes in ranked/non-ranked?

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Just been trying to play the new level.. so far 3 kelp dome levels : /


I love this game, but it definitely has issues.


Even for gimped solutions

1) have a friends icon next to modes with friends active in

2) when in squads, if a friend wants to join notify the squad leader and give an option to expand to tri/quad squad


Didn't the project lead state he played lots of online shooters? so it seems bizarre he didn't think to add a lot of features that would have been handy. I mean they keep going on about the game pad.. if there wasa small tab on the right hand side of the gamepad, where pressing it showed a list of friends on splatoon at least... and an in game messaging system, so you could invite/co-ordinate with your friends... even if it was along the lines of mk8 with set messages so you could only invite them to join you in squad etc.

I presume their dry runs where in more of a lan setting where voice chat was immediate.


Anyway, having played the new map once, I like it. Not as much as triggerfish initially, but it feels like a solid level, very wide with lots of different ways to approach various areas (dropping in from above, left, right etc..) I look forward to playing a little more. Those ladders seem to be in invitation to ink walls and climb up, I tried one and it worked out so time will tell if they are all like that. I was playing with/against fun teams so it was a shame I had to quit out really.

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