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Splatoon cushions!: :love:



*Sees this*


... :blank:


*goes to site*


*orders one of each*


Wait? What! How did that happen? :indeed:


*logs out of site before being tempted to buy anything else*


You win this round Nintendo store... :(

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After initial frustration, I really like the trickle of content for this game. Keeps it... dare I say it... FRESH.


I already have the purple Splatoon cushion, have grabbed a green one to keep it company on the couch. For those of you wanting these to provide any kind of authentic cushion, splat those hopes, they're made of a really soft and foamy material.

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For me, it's probably the biggest missed opportunity of the year. It had the makings of being something really special but ultimately it was held back by stupid decisions.


I agree wholeheartedly. It definitely could have been the best shooter this year, but wow they ballsed that up!

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This is probably my Game of the year. I actually had zero interest in it back when Nintendo first announced it in 2014 and was skipping through any talk of it on the Directs leading up to its release. I just didn't care for it.


Then back in May I played the testfire and desperately wanted to play more of it. I pre-ordered the game that night off amazon and when it arrived, I found myself playing it for 4 or 5 hours a night. Much like @Kounan, i would intend to play for just a few of rounds and it would turn into 4 hours without realising it.


Even now, six months after its release I'm still putting in a couple of hours a day.


Whats also been impressive to me is how well Nintendo have supported it. The game has had a new map or weapon every week along with a few larger updates with new gear. The pacing of it has kept the game fresh throughout the past six months. We're even getting a new stage to play on tonight.

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Yeah I would second that. I think my family has spent 350+ hours on the game in total and I still play it at least once a week online. The only other game even close to that level of gameplay for me is Animal Crossing New Leaf.


The two stages every four hours does really grind though.

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Can't disagree with that. Everything else is great, but more of the same stuff we've seen for years. Splatoon started out mega unique and has only gotten better as time goes on.




Lol, it also won best shooter. Love it.

Edited by Guy
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Can't disagree with that. Everything else is great, but more of the same stuff we've seen for years. Splatoon started out mega unique and has only gotten better as time goes on.




Lol, it also won best shooter. Love it.

Yeah, it was blatantly between Splatoon and Rocket League. Both awesome multiplayer games, but Splatoon is definitely a worthy winner. :awesome:
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To celebrate being the best multiplayer game of the year/decade/our life time's, Does anyone fancy getting a game of this in tomorrow evening?


I've found myself with a rare Saturday evening of a) no work and b) no Mrs so the living room is all mine?


I'd class myself as being very casual (started getting good but haven't played it for months, literally fired it up now to get back on it!) so I don't want to get shouted at on Skype (can do that if people are keen!)


So yeah, anyone about tomorrow night? I could be on from about 6pm :)

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To celebrate being the best multiplayer game of the year/decade/our life time's, Does anyone fancy getting a game of this in tomorrow evening?


I've found myself with a rare Saturday evening of a) no work and b) no Mrs so the living room is all mine?


I'd class myself as being very casual (started getting good but haven't played it for months, literally fired it up now to get back on it!) so I don't want to get shouted at on Skype (can do that if people are keen!)


So yeah, anyone about tomorrow night? I could be on from about 6pm :)


I'd be well up for a couple of games tomorrow! I haven't even played this game with friends yet, so I'd be happy to test my skills against non-ranked opponents!

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I'd be well up for a couple of games tomorrow! I haven't even played this game with friends yet, so I'd be happy to test my skills against non-ranked opponents!


Excellent stuff!


I'm in the same boat as you, haven't tried it with friends or private matches etc so be good to see how it all happens! Not sure what the limit is (presume 8 for 2 teams) so the more the merrier! :)

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Excellent stuff!


I'm in the same boat as you, haven't tried it with friends or private matches etc so be good to see how it all happens! Not sure what the limit is (presume 8 for 2 teams) so the more the merrier! :)

Well, unless you get more than 8, in which case the merriment ends very quickly for someone.

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Well, unless you get more than 8, in which case the merriment ends very quickly for someone.


My nickname wasn't Buster Merryfield at school for nothing (at least behind my back it was)


@Nicktendo I'm out from about 5:30 til 8 or so this evening now, however I'm about in the day time if that suits you, or indeed later this evening when I'm back.


Either way I'll add you on the ol' U when I'm on (don't think we are friends yet) and can hopefully get some games in at some point! :)

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