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I've played for about 30 hours +; single done, still loads of amiibo to do though, still loving turf wars and past 2 days really got into Splat Zones, which is amazing! Not close to getting bored, and every time the release something new It'll give it a nice injection I reckon!

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I've played for about 30 hours +; single done, still loads of amiibo to do though, still loving turf wars and past 2 days really got into Splat Zones, which is amazing! Not close to getting bored, and every time the release something new It'll give it a nice injection I reckon!


I've played 40 hours +

I think it's to do with the initially small amount of content at release and my way of playing the game - I've played a few missions from single player, but as has been said, there's not really a story line - in fact, is there one at all?

So I've mostly played turf wars, with the default weapon. I decided yesterday to play with a wider variety of weapons which has freshened things somewhat, even if I am a lot weaker with them!


I agree with the last sentiment, new additions, so long as they are used, will hopefully keep things fresh. I can't wait till they get 3 stage rotations in

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It has to be said that £30 (or whatever you paid) for 40+ hours is pretty incredible value for money, and that's without all the addional modes and maps coming.


As a side note, it really amazes me that we're ok (ish) to pay 15 quid to watch a 2 hour film at the cinema, but games have been 40 or so quid for 40 hours of interactive entertainment, and still people think they should be cheaper. And don't get me started on iOS prices.

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To its credit - yes Splatoon probably will offer value for money and a good playtime, but then if we want to start comparisons I'm sure I can find you others with both better, and worse, value. In a gaming medium too. Personally I wouldn't if I could avoid it pay £15 for a single film at a cinema(though I actually pay more than that to not go, sometimes!) but it's a completely different experience too so I don't think it's a valid comparison anyway.


I played a bit more earlier, and I'm feeling a bit cack so decided not to go to work anyway and will catchup on some tings/play splatoon/sort out holiday washing today instead. Saw Sprout briefly and there was a new map in the rotation - sadly the other was one that had been in when I played last night and the random kept picking the new one anyway(5/6 matches on it) which has a really annoying chokepoint in the middle it seems - kinda put me off(lost more than we won too). I think a 3 stage rotation, or a possible system similar to Halo where there's a choice(say 3 of a potential 8 stages) then the lobby votes for the one they want would be better suited here. Could lend to some stages ending up heavily favoured - but if that's what the people want then why not? Plus if it's a 3/8 per round then it still enforces some variety too.


Out of interest - is it specific times of day when the stages get rotated?

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Out of interest - is it specific times of day when the stages get rotated?


Two maps are randomly selected every Four hours for battle mode and a different two maps selected for Ranked mode.


next map rotation should happen in 45 minutes from the time of this post, which is 4pm UK time


What's the point of the roller in the local multiplayer? The whole point is to shoot the balloons but the roller has very little range.


yeah local multiplayer seems a little tacked on to me. I'm sure its fun but I would have liked them to put Turf War and Splatzone modes in there too, with bots taking the place of your team mates. The AI for the Octolings in Single player mode shows that they are competent enough for that.




Nintendo posted some of the runner up's in their Splatoon art contest they're running on Tumblr at the moment, i like this picture:



Edited by Helmsly
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I've found the game to have plenty of content. I've played for 13 hours so far and I'm not bored at all. I find the maps to be perfectly balanced and really well made - and because the ink on the floor changes a way a map is played I haven't tired of the same 6 maps yet.


I'm also not seeing the issues with the single player. In fact, the single player is a lot better and more accomplished than I thought it would be. Looks like there is a lot of levels, secrets to collect, items to level up and the first boss I fought was excellent.


I think if they keep introducing new stages over time and keep the updates flowing until August when the big update comes, it will be a great way to keep the game fresh.


The thing I am most impressed with though is how well balanced the guns and other specials are. In certain games there's always that one or two items that unbalance things and make the game feel broken.


I remember being annoyed at quick scoping or the over powered shotguns in Black Ops 2 and being infuriated by the machine pistols in MW3. But Splatoon just doesn't seem to have these irritating problems.


Nintendo have done a great job of creating a fresh and polished experience that is free of the game breaking crap that drove me away from COD.


The game isn't perfect, and of course I would love for their to be voice chat - as I think that's the only thing the game is missing at this point.


But overall, it's just too good, too polished and far to fresh to pass up on.

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yeah local multiplayer seems a little tacked on to me. I'm sure its fun but I would have liked them to put Turf War and Splatzone modes in there too, with bots taking the place of your team mates.


I don't think bot's would need to be team mates, but there should be more modes in there. I like the random spawn points, power ups and balloon spawn points. It's fun as it is. I think they probably are going to keep the offline modes basic to encourage online play. If we're lucky maybe they will bulk out the local modes in later update, but I would imagine that is more likely to happen in splatoon 2.

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Two maps are randomly selected every Four hours for battle mode and a different two maps selected for Ranked mode.


next map rotation should happen in 45 minutes from the time of this post, which is 4pm UK time


Ahh, was interested in the times but a bit of research and practical testing revealed the change was actually at 3pm UK time. So basically all the 4s minus 1 for the swaps(kinda good if you get going in the evenings, 7pm's a nice mixup time). Did find it took me a few minutes to get into games straight after the changeover but I guess that's to be expected with server load(still annoying though).

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I hope they keep adding to this game for the next couple of years and use the multiplayer as a platform to build on. Then release Splatoon 2 that's mostly just about a big single player campaign. If the IP takes off they'll need named characters and that'd be a good time to introduce them.

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Over 40 hours! You really can't complain the game got boring after that long with it, surely. That's a huge amount of gameplay for such a barebones release.


maybe complain no, but get bored sure. I don't think I would read what he wrote as a complaint in anycase.


As for the length of play...I've put a lot more than 40 hours into mk8 and after 6 months wasn't bored. I spent the same on both titles, so comparing like for like, yeah I would actually not want to get bored so soon!


Having said that I am leveling up all my gear and trying out a few different weapons while I'm at it and it has increased my enjoyment of the game. I think H-o-T was sticking to the default weapon, I certainly was, and having played with a few different set ups has freshened the game up.

I suppose my advice to everyone would be to take things less seriously and try out the other weapons and equipment combinations rather than sticking to just the same set up.

Edited by Pestneb
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I've had a check and total playtime was just over 40 hours.


Cheers for checking :)


Just hit 15 hours in mine, had a really good crack today apart from the disconnects this morning that cost me C+ rank. Got it back up to that level, knocking on B- now so hopefully with a fair wind get up to that tomorrow. Really enjoying Splat Zones, won one by 1 point earlier after it went into extra time, I was dancing around the living room!


Didn't get any SP done though, got too into ranked and then used Turf Wars to blow off steam when I was getting frustrated.


Like with Monster Hunter I'm hoping this staggered approach to gaming will help me enjoy the titles for longer (and more importantly save me some money!)

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For an online multiplayer game, I'd complain at 40 hours game-time... but I guess that's only because almost all other online multiplayer games keep me gaming for hundreds, and some thousands, of hours... with the exception of Nintendo games for obvious reasons (lack of content/options/voice-chat).

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