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It's such a good point though. I feel people are letting it slide as it's Nintendo, and a new IP from them at that.


If any other big game company released it as it was they'd have been slaughtered for it.


I have no interest in the game either way but calling people misguided because they have a different opinion is just wrong. Plus I've seen plenty of people who are critical of Nintendo enjoying the game just fine.

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Single player mode is essentially 25 different five minute long levels connected by a very flimsy plot. Take away the plot and it's essentially a challenge mode which in my opinion makes it a pretty poor excuse. Fair enough this is a multi player focused game but they could have done something a little more with single player. I am enjoying the heck out of the boss fights so far however.


Misguided may have been a little strong so sorry if that annoyed anyone. It's great that we have a new IP and great that people seem to be enjoying it (and that it's selling well!), I mean I decided to give it a try after reading how much fun everyone here was having, I was just hoping there would be more to it.

I've also just been told that we'll be getting weekly updates until August adding more content. That is good to hear but based on what's available so far, I'm just not seeing where all these gold medal, 80-90% reviews are coming from.

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I can't believe how simple/limited some people's perception of quality is these days when it comes to videogames, it's almost as if they think games and everything in them just develop themselves or appear by magic. :blank:

To disregard all the hard work by developers just because a game is missing a certain feature, or doesn't include a lengthy single player mode is not a cool way to go about judging the overall quality of a game. :shakehead


Understandably not everyone has knowledge of the game development process and the work involved, but those that do should be showing a hell of a lot more respect to the creators in this industry. :mad:


But hey, it's always easier to be critical, right? Like I'm being right now. :heh:


I'm just thankful to also be able to see and appreciate the good in things, and there's plenty to admire in Splatoon. :)

Spent the evening replaying some of the single player mode...


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50+ hours spent with Splatoon now, and still absolutely loving it! :yay:

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50+ hours spent with Splatoon now, and still absolutely loving it! :yay:


Impressive :heh:


I just hit the 10-hour mark this evening but I've only played through 9 of the single-player missions and haven't even attempted Ranked Battle yet, despite having access to it for a few days now!

Splatoon definitely feels like nothing I have ever played before and can see it going down as one of the games that will absolutely define the Wii U when the years pass by and everyone looks back on how great a console it was :grin:

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The honeymoon period is over for me. Having spent a weekend away from the game I have zero desire to return to it. I put it in very briefly to buy the new gear that was being sold but then figured what's the point?


It reminds me of Destiny in a way. That game had very little content but the big difference with that was that it had social interaction with other players. This kept me playing a few months before calling it a day, whereas this has only lasted me a couple of weeks.


Another problem I have is the way maps are selected. The other day I was playing on the new map and I didn't care for it one bit. I then had to put up with that same map for the next couple of hours due to the weird rotation rules Nintendo have set up.


The game has shown signs of promise and will hopefully develop into something more than it is right now, especially when the August update hits. As it stands now, I've got a bunch of other games I would rather devote my time to, so the game is back in its box and on the shelf.


@kav82 I said the exact same thing before the game launched. Certain people would have crucified this game had it been on another console.


@weeble182 Your description of the single player was very similar to mine. The game felt disjointed and just felt like little levels made up of a few ideas here and there that don't really gel together. A few podcasts I have listened recently have said it felt like a big tutorial for the online portion of the game. Don't get me wrong, it was fun but not a very meaty experience.

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Single player is awesome, and I'm only on level 5. Such a satisfying obstacle course type platformer. The first boss was brilliant too, such a Mario Galaxy vibe.


It reminds me of Destiny in a way. That game had very little content but the big difference with that was that it had social interaction with other players.


The other big difference is Splatoon is a unique concept with a fresh perspective on shooters, and Destiny is... just another shooter, in a market saturated with shooters. If Splatoon had launched on other consoles it would have been criticised for lack of launch day content, absolutely, but it would still have been praised for its creative and fun gameplay. That's what gaming is supposed to be about, and that's why the majority of people love it. Sorry to hear you've gotten bored with it though.

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Deffo wasn't fluking it the other night, gone from level 8 to just shy of 12 in about 2.5 hours :D Helps when ranked dishes out 2100 points a game :D


Started using Nes blaster, which is my new favourite.


Saw Phube online tonight: had a couple of good games but then i got disconnected from one with 10 seconds left when we had 99% of the map covered. Every time i tried to rejoin your game you weren't there.


I've only done upto the 1st boss in single player. I thought the boss was cleverly done but the levels themselves weren't all that. I'm assuming it gets better.

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The more I play, the more I feel they're staggering the releases of purposes. The new weapons and maps are ON THE DISK, no download. And I think there's more thought gone into staggering the modes than people think. If there were 10 different modes bow diluted would each type be? They didn't know if the game was going to be succesful, but the game needs 8 to play. What if it bombed and the limited people were spread across 10 modes? But start with 1, keep it active, add a second a week later, then more modes as the game becomes more popular. Have a feeling this precaution is a factor in it.

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Although a lot of people don't like the staggering of content, I'm ok with it because it limits the amount of things that are new in one go, Making it easier for someone like me who isn't an online shooter veteran.


I even like the way they limit the maps. There's always 1 map that you end up not liking and you just don't pick it (i wasn't fond of the skatepark to start with), but having been forced to play the level I actually quite like it now.

In fact this is probably the first game where i have liked all the maps.

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@Hero\-of\-Time how many hours did you get out of it before fatigue set in?


Only being able to play this in dribs and drabs a few hours at a time is really keeping this fresh for me, as much as I'd like to smash it in longer sessions!


Saying that, got a bit of time today so hopefully get the SP completed :)

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Is it really fatigue? You spent the weekend away from it and aren't buzzed to go back, but I bet that if you did you'd get back on it and enjoy it all


To be fair, I did put it on to buy the gear but had no interest in playing the game.


I'm not going to go on and on about it and mess up the thread. If you're still playing it and enjoying it then that's great but for me there simply isn't enough content at the moment to keep me coming back to the game on a regular basis.

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To be fair, I did put it on to buy the gear but had no interest in playing the game.


I'm not going to go on and on about it and mess up the thread. If you're still playing it and enjoying it then that's great but for me there simply isn't enough content at the moment to keep me coming back to the game on a regular basis.


You played much of splat zones? I think that mode is absolutely incredible!

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Back from my week away and maybe foolishly decided to take this for a spin after work last night. Probs put about 2 hours into it just playing the online and got to level 4 or 5, then bought some stuff and mixed it up from the default gun to the roller. Was doing pretty well to start, winning most matches and leading my team in first or second. I wanted the roller as I'm more of a painter than a killer, but I felt like I wasn't doing quite so well with it(likely mix up a bit more later). Anyhow, gonna sum some initial impressions;


-Visual is lovely, audio's pretty cool too(lobby funk is excellent). Colour changes per match are subtle but fun too.

-2 maps at a time kinda started to bother me towards the end of last night, but maybe I'll get over that with more play and rotation and maps

-Is it supposed to be obvious what friends you can join? Trying to pick the friends option presents me with my whole friendlist in a strange order but I don't think I was able to play with anyone so that's probs why.

-Minigame in the lobby while waiting was another nice touch, though it may quickly bore me.

-Just a counter to some people's lag issues - I generally get a sound connection with games and Splatoon is proving no different so far.

-Very crackish. The simplicity of it for a 'one more go' has been well achieved for what it is, and can keep one playing longer than anticipated.

-Some other things I'll probably remember later.

-Not sure what people's problems with motion controls are either, I considered turning them off at the beginning but quickly got used to them.

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Is it supposed to be obvious what friends you can join? Trying to pick the friends option presents me with my whole friendlist in a strange order but I don't think I was able to play with anyone so that's probs why.
Yeah, any friends that are online (in a battle) will be highlighted and at the top of that list.


Very crackish. The simplicity of it for a 'one more go' has been well achieved for what it is, and can keep one playing longer than anticipated.
Absolutely. I was glued to it for the first couple of days, kept me up into the early hours without even realising! :D
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Do you lose 10 points on ranked for a disconnection only if it's your consoles fault, or regardless of why the connection failed, does anyone know?


I've gone from high C+ to a C this morning purely through disconnects, annoyingly about three from comfortable winning positions too!

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Absolutely. I was glued to it for the first couple of days, kept me up into the early hours without even realising! :D


Same for me, this is one of the first games in a very long time that's kept me playing for hours without me enough knowing until I see its 3am or something.


With that said, i can understand someone getting tired of the game already. Single player was over pretty fast, i found almost all the scrolls on my first play of each level apart from 4 of them, which I went back and got pretty quickly.


I love playing battle mode but its same maps on repeat until they switch the order around 4 hours later.


Right now i still have that feeling of wanting to play more of the game, but when i do, i get a little bored of whats on offer. There needs to be more modes, maps and just more stuff to do and right now there isn't. Its certainly the reason why I'm not playing it as much the past couple of days.


Its still an incredible game though and the most fun i've had in ages.

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I think with only 2 stages per mode at the moment it's easier to get burnt out... and only having essentially 2 modes also does reduce the content. If you spend too much time on it you'll burn out. I think I'm close to that point myself Having played far too much at the beginning.

I played a bit of 1 v 1 yesterday, and it was good fun, just hope they release a new map soon.


One thing I wasn't so keen on was the new map was too heavily featured at launch. I wonder if the servers keep track of how often a map has been selected at random, and increases odds of an under selected map been chosen. If so I hate to imagine what it will be like in a few months time - these original maps will barely get seen!


I think I am past the honeymoon period now, the strong urge to play the game even when I didn't really want to has thankfully passed, but I'm not burnt out yet. I think I'm going to start exploring the other weapons, I'm not as effective with them, but having tried out a couple of different weapons it really does change the way you can play the game.

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