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Star Fox Zero


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That's what they want you to think. You've played right into their hands!!


They will delay Zero and finally give us Starwing on the VC as an apology. I wouldn't even be mad. :D


Heh, come on; you've gotta aim higher here... Starfox 2 or bust! :D

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Whether Starfox Zero gets another delay or not, one of my biggest concerns is actually the contribution of Platinum Games :eek: I'm not really a huge fan of their previous work but I suspect not many of you share that view :heh:


Treasure would probably have been ideal :smile:

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Just got back from work and watching the direct back...


Sorry but StarFox and StarFox Guard look so dull.


Also, Shigsy just dealing out the game spoilers.


I agree. I thought it looked empty. The graphics are pretty poor too. Hope the reviews are kind and the gameplay holds up!

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I th0ught it looked good, but was a little put off by the lack of dogfighting multiplayer and that guard want a nice extra bonus. But watching more videos on line (and ones in 1080p 60fps) I think it looks really good actually. Not quite as slow as the direct (and e3) made it look. Getting good hands on too.


Cannot believe there wasn't my amiibo announced for it. Would prefer this than Kirkby (what with 3 out the 4 kirby characters already having an amiibo). And didn't miamoto say they were working on a trnforming arming amiibo? Guess they couldn't do it.

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This is looking much, much better. Ok the visual style is just as basic, but the worlds feels a lot more alive and fleshed out now at least. Also they at least seem to have a new storyline here rather than just a Lylat Wars rehash.



Also 3 minutes of SNES Arwing footage. What a great idea...




Sorry but StarFox and StarFox Guard look so dull.


If you think it looks dull have a look at the new trailer, I think it looks much better


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@Ronnie, wish I could get behind it, but I'm just not seeing it, and Shigsy himself said it's another reach Andross affair (although I half expect he's trolling and there's something after that).


I can see the Platinum games style beginning to come through more now though, it's slowly starting to have that Bayonetta 2 colour palette/look about its textures. As well as looking more like that StarFox level.


Granted that new level looks pretty nice, and possibly the most interesting so far.


I think you guy are a bit easily pleased at that SNES Arwing :p but alright.

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Trailer looks like the real deal. I can't believe that I'm finally getting a true Starfox 64 sequel! After almost 20 years! :bouncy:




Of course not! It's a fundamental part of the game! Just like the dual screen gameplay.


If you want to play without motion controls, you play in co-op.


Speaking of co-op... I noticed that the game keeps track of your scores individually... I sense some Four Swords/SM3DW style shenanigans here ;)

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To be fair those trailers above does show the game a lot better.


Abot turning off motion controls, the game should give the player a choice, without the need to play in co op. For me it would be a minor gripe as i'm sure I would just get used to the motion controls.

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Abot turning off motion controls, the game should give the player a choice, without the need to play in co op. For me it would be a minor gripe as i'm sure I would just get used to the motion controls.


Yeah, I ain't happy about them one bit.


Given the backlash that Skyward Sword received for using them, i'm surprised that they made it so you have to use them in this.

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Will be interesting to see how this will work. I can't think of a scenario where motions controls area necessary to complete levels.


Yeah, it's the thing which makes me nervous, I think most of us just wanted a pure arcade shooter; but hopefully they nail it.


I imagine there'll be things you need to shoot OFF TV maybe, or the game is so difficult you need that level of control... Who knows. It could just be PR talk and it could easily be done without it. Except the all range mode, which seems pretty essential, but then just make those levels with forced motion....

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The gamexplain video suggested that there were things/secrets you could shoot with the gamepad that were outside of the normal field of vision of the ship.

That sounds like an interesting use to me.


Will it be enough to justify the motion controls being mandatory? Not sure.

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