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Mario Kart Direct


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I have to agree, the game looks amazing, as does the footage in the latest direct but good lord, that was awful!


The voice over was tragic - One half was like a really bad Jeremy Clarkson impression (who I hate in the first place) and the other was like a 'How It's Made' clip.


The music part of the direct was amazing though. One of those moments you'd only get with Nintendo. I just really hope this is not the style of Direct they go for with E3.


(Though I really liked the Fils-atron video and Tomodachi Direct :p)

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Sorry to be negative, but I hope they never go with this format for their Nintendo Directs again. I actually am finding it too cringe worthy to watch the UK one.


Other then that, the game is looking great.


Cringe worrhy is what I would describe the voice over too. Tragic another.

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It was typical Nintendo lameness, but fun. Obviously not meant to be taken seriously

Nah :P. Lame, yes, but this went to a whole new level. Especially with the "new*" items, it was like watching one of those ten minute shopping channel segments, but with even worse acting.



One thing I loved was the "intro" to the Haiku's. Brought back memories of the Lickitung mini game Sushi-Go-Round from Pokémon Stadium.




*Crazy 8? Seems familiar. Will the next game have 9 items?

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Or 9 clouds ;)



I would love for the cloud to return , it was one of the most fiendish weapons in the wii

Game , hold onto it just long enough to get some speed then bash into some sorry player .


It would make even more sense to have it in this game as one of the new boost mechanics is to bump into each other .

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It is what it is - at the end of the day Nintendo create the game and they dictate how they want it to be played. Your only choice is to buy or dont buy... But you're probably going to buy anyway since its going to be a great game regardless, right? :indeed:


Well this is the problem, if I had a Wii U, I probably would get around to buying it. But I don't. They potentially could have caught me with the free game offer, but like I said earlier, it's that trademark Nintendo sucker punch where they deliver the "but", which takes away the appeal.


Considering the critical success factor of the Wii U is their own exclusives as they can't get third party support on lock, I have to look at what they offer and think "I'm supporting that by putting my money on it".


But lets just let this end here. It's all opinions, some of us have different minimum standards to invest in something than others.

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Well this is the problem, if I had a Wii U, I probably would get around to buying it. But I don't. They potentially could have caught me with the free game offer, but like I said earlier, it's that trademark Nintendo sucker punch where they deliver the "but", which takes away the appeal.


Considering the critical success factor of the Wii U is their own exclusives as they can't get third party support on lock, I have to look at what they offer and think "I'm supporting that by putting my money on it".


But lets just let this end here. It's all opinions, some of us have different minimum standards to invest in something than others.


A sucker punch would be MK8 not having online at all, or no serious online modes... Can't see how talking in races takes away from the quality and appeal of this game.


But fair enough. Your choice. : peace:

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What's the sucker punch that's stopping you picking up a Wii U, MK8 and a free game, that Kart doesn't have voice chat during races? :indeed:


It's because of the trend of having lacking online features. If I'm going to adopt a Wii U, I need to be sold on the exclusives (the bulk of the justification for buying the console) and the online infrastructure.


The second point is very important to me, as it's where the console industry excelled last generation for me. Sure, pay barriers and bullshit practices came up, but as a social gamer I like to have it.


The Wii U has the capabilities to do it, it can be done, but Nintendo not demonstrating this and dictating my experience is bullshit and something I don't want to support, and a large reason as to why the console is struggling to pick up previous Nintendo faithfuls.


It might not be a sucker punch to you, but it is to me.

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Or 9 clouds ;)



I would love for the cloud to return , it was one of the most fiendish weapons in the wii

Game , hold onto it just long enough to get some speed then bash into some sorry player .


It would make even more sense to have it in this game as one of the new boost mechanics is to bump into each other .


I wish the Boo and Feather would return.

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It's because of the trend of having lacking online features. If I'm going to adopt a Wii U, I need to be sold on the exclusives (the bulk of the justification for buying the console) and the online infrastructure.


The second point is very important to me, as it's where the console industry excelled last generation for me. Sure, pay barriers and bullshit practices came up, but as a social gamer I like to have it.


The Wii U has the capabilities to do it, it can be done, but Nintendo not demonstrating this and dictating my experience is bullshit and something I don't want to support, and a large reason as to why the console is struggling to pick up previous Nintendo faithfuls.


It might not be a sucker punch to you, but it is to me.


I understand that, but at the end of the day you're depriving yourself of a free game, a quality Mario Kart title and a great console, all because you can't talk during races. Just seems silly from my point of view. I don't get it but as you say we all prioritise different things, it has nothing to do with some people's standards being higher, as you suggested earlier.


Personally I can imagine voice chat during races to just be a chaotic mess, filled with "Who hit me!!?!?" and lots of swearing. Meh.

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You haven't played one of the Wii U's top games yet??? Weird, since you're so outspoken on the topic of Wii U games (being shit)...


Well that's simple. Based on what I'd seen, I didn't value the game to be worth the asking price. I was willing to wait.


Don't understand why someone liking/not liking something is even being discussed. Everyone's free to air their opinions on the topic at hand.


C'mon guys.


Apparently you've also got to justify to people why you haven't bought certain games yet, heh. :p

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I'm in the process of watching this direct.


It's absolutely fucking heart-breaking to watch this after the Smash Direct. This is terrible. It's not funny or even slightly humorous on any level. What were Nintendo thinking making it 35 minutes long?! It could easily have been a third of that time with just details of the online features, the weapons and new trailer. Done. Everything else was filler.


The real kick in the nuts: Nintendo add in Voice Chat but NOT during the actual game. Are you fucking kidding me? Why go to the trouble of adding it but not during the race? They don't get it.


So painful. I was tearing my eyes out about 15 minutes in. On the plus side, the free game deal is awesome but...for such an important thing, why did they put that in such an odd place? I almost gave up watching it.


Who was this meant to be aimed at? It's not funny enough to be aimed at older gamers, it's far, farrrr too long to be aimed at younger gamers. So...who?


It's soul destroying seeing that Smash Bros has tons and tons of effort and love being put into it, awesome game modes, differentiation between the 3DS and Wii U version, whilst Mario Kart 8 looks near enough like the previous iterations plus anti-gravity plus HD.


Finally...Pink Gold Peach. Wat.


Still can't get over watching that. It really was dreadful and frankly embarrassing. Nintendo needs a bullet bill shoved up its arse to boost it forward into the present.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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Do we really need 3 Marios and 3 Peaches? Baby Peach, Daisy AND Rosalina? Seems like a waste of character space to me...


Just wait for Nintendo to give us Baby Pink Gold Peach. That'll rustle some jimmies.


Insulting. That entire third row is garbage.

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I understand that, but at the end of the day you're depriving yourself of a free game, a quality Mario Kart title and a great console, all because you can't talk during races. Just seems silly from my point of view. I don't get it but as you say we all prioritise different things, it has nothing to do with some people's standards being higher, as you suggested earlier.


Personally I can imagine voice chat during races to just be a chaotic mess, filled with "Who hit me!!?!?" and lots of swearing. Meh.


I'm actually not depriving myself of anything. I've not said anywhere that I'm no longer going to buy it, if I ever get a Wii U, Mario Kart will definitely be a must. But the problem is, it makes it less competitive to me, as I could go elsewhere to ensure a wider range of publishers games and services I need. That's all it is man :) I don't doubt that Mario Kart will be a spectacular game even without the chat, but here's why I put a second point in bold, because it's not just the races, it's the trend of sub par online services.


But absolutely fair play to you that it's not a priority, I've no doubt the game will live up to and exceed your expectations so that's all that matters, right? : peace:

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