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Play Nintendo - Announcing Nintendo @ E3 2014


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Definitely won't be for Majora's Mask, it'd be pointless wasting people's time on a remake. Ditto Metroid, would they really have enough to talk about to fill 90 minutes on that?


Could be an NFC game out at the end of the year around the same time the 3DS reader is released.

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It's definitely Majora's Mask 3D. OOT3D was announced exactly the same way, a day after the E3 2010 conference at a roundtable event for it...


Just seems a bit of a waste, we've all played the game, what's there to discuss for 90 minutes? OOT3D is different because it was a first 3D remake of a classic and the 3DS was struggling for games at the beginning.

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Just seems a bit of a waste, we've all played the game, what's there to discuss for 90 minutes? OOT3D is different because it was a first 3D remake of a classic and the 3DS was struggling for games at the beginning.

The game came out 14 years ago. There's a good portion of players who did never play it. Just because we did doesn't mean others did not

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Just seems a bit of a waste, we've all played the game, what's there to discuss for 90 minutes? OOT3D is different because it was a first 3D remake of a classic and the 3DS was struggling for games at the beginning.


Depends on how much they change...


Remember how Ocarina of Time 3D's visuals were redone in such a way as to keep the same look as the original while making it look closer in design to the game's original art work?


Well... Majora's Mask's art work was done in a very different style from its in-game visuals...




... I can imagine a lot of that discussion time being used up on explaining the changed visual direction if they take the same tack as they did with OOT3D :)


Also I would imagine that there would be a fair few changes made to the game to accommodate handheld play too (Majora's Mask's save system isn't exactly very handheld friendly...) and there's always a decent chance that they'll add extra content too (maybe even a Majora's Mask Master Quest, with re-arranged dungeons, remixed sidequests etc - after all, OOT3D came with a remake of OOTMQ as well and it wouldn't really be fair if this game ended up with less content than OOT3D really...).


Plenty that they could potentially discuss, especially if they're making significant changes to a beloved classic ;)

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I think I'd prefer it in HD on the Wii U eShop, tbh


Me too. Not because I wouldn't want it on the 3DS itself per-say, but because the gameplay structure isn't really a good fit for a handheld as-is. I reckon they'd have to make some significant concessions in order to make it for the platform (although arguably that's actually quite compelling in of itself too. Would be interesting to see exactly how they would make MM more handheld friendly and probably quite fun to play it in an all new way :) )

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I think I'd prefer it in HD on the Wii U eShop, tbh


Tbh I'd rather have most 3DS titles available in HD/on the home console. Other than Pokemon, Fire Emblem and Phoenix Wright, very few games lend themselves to handheld consoles. I'd love a Luigi's Mansion 2 port!

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I always thought Majora's mask would benefit from a handheld, idk it just seems more accesible that way?

If they end up going in a different art direction from OOT3D (honestly I don't see that happening but you never know) I would be very surprised. The concept art of Majora's mask is quite lovely, so a game in that style would be cool, although I'm not sure if it would transfer very well to actual gameplay.


A WiiU version would blow me off my chair, I can't see it happening. The WiiU already had a Zelda remake, and I don't think nintendo would release 2 Zelda remakes on the same console without introducing a new game in between them. It would also be crazy to not use OOT3D's engine again for a Majora's mask remake, heck the original Majora's mask also was based on OOT's framework.


It is nintendo though

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I always thought Majora's mask would benefit from a handheld, idk it just seems more accesible that way?

If they end up going in a different art direction from OOT3D (honestly I don't see that happening but you never know) I would be very surprised. The concept art of Majora's mask is quite lovely, so a game in that style would be cool, although I'm not sure if it would transfer very well to actual gameplay.


A WiiU version would blow me off my chair, I can't see it happening. The WiiU already had a Zelda remake, and I don't think nintendo would release 2 Zelda remakes on the same console without introducing a new game in between them. It would also be crazy to not use OOT3D's engine again for a Majora's mask remake, heck the original Majora's mask also was based on OOT's framework.


It is nintendo though


If MM3D does happen (which I do think it will), it'll almost certainly be running on a modified OOT3D engine. The cel shading is just a shader effect that they can toggle in development after all, so there's nothing stopping them from just using the same engine and turning on their celshading shader effect.


It's not that hard to do really... (Making the game look good with it though is a different matter of course, but the point I'm making here is that using the same engine as OOT3D would not preclude them from making the game look like the art work).


I'm interested in seeing what changes they'd make to a handheld version though. MM is probably my favourite game of all time and no remake would ever truly "replace" the original for me anyway so I'd be interested to experience it in a new way :)

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As I've said before, I really want Majora's Mask on 3DS so I hope I don't end up being disappointed after everyone else seems convinced it's definitely on the way!


I never quite got into it on The Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition on GC (the first time I ever had any time with the game) so I only ever made it about half way through :hmm: I haven't played it in years so I would rather start it all again from the beginning but the excellent job Grezzo did of updating Ocarina of Time has made me yearn to experience Majora's Mask the same way :hehe:


I'm not the biggest advocate of remakes and HD updates but there have been several examples over the years that I have enjoyed, including Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes, Wind Waker HD and a game that I've been surprised by over the last week or so in Resident Evil on the Gamecube. After clearing Revelations a few months ago, I had posted that after from Resident Evil 4, I've not sure if I ever really enjoyed the series at all as a whole. Having randomly gone back to 'REmake' for a quick blast to see how the visuals and gameplay held up now, I now find myself absored and having a great time with it, something I didn't expect :grin:


With all that in mind, bring on Majora's Mask 3D :yay: Being able to close the 3DS any time to suspend play would benefit me hugely :heh:

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