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Play Nintendo - Announcing Nintendo @ E3 2014


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How does that photo indicate Animal Crossing U?


The Animal Crossing character..? :heh:


My first thought was that it all looked quite 'Smash' like but then I'm letting my fears for this E3 take over. I'm sure there are plenty of Animal Crossing fans out there, as well as Pokemon and Kirby, who are excited to see the next instalments in those franchises, but I want something from this E3 for me :hmm:

1080.. Wave Race.. F-Zero.. Metroid.. Excitebike.. Starfox.. I'd love to see one of those : peace:

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The Animal Crossing character..? :heh:


You mean the Villager artwork from Smash Bros? Next to the Pikachu from Smash and the Kirby from Smash?


Look in the bottom right of each of those pics, you can see the SSB logo

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Yeah, you can see the smash bros logo on top of the display actually. Phew! It's a gamepad heavy thing so could easily be real... Would be awesome, but disappointed if it is true but on,y because it's not a surprise.


Now it's being said that it's for the 3DS... Hope not. But fits into the 90 min 3DS demonstration...


I reckon it's real!

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I's a picture from Smash Brothers. Pikachu is behind him.


I was already pretty certain it was a Super Smash Bros area, which would obviously point towards the 'Mario Maker' bit being fake as it seems out of place.. ::shrug:


Having said that, it's easily a game I could see them doing on the eShop, not that I would be that excited for it if it was just based on the original NES game :indeed:


I'm still betting on seeing something of Animal Crossing U at E3 2014, though :heh:

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I get the feeling that it's fake. While the game concept sounds realistic enough (and not like something you'd typically expect from a faker), do you really think that Nintendo would just allow a stand like that to be left uncovered? They always cover up everything while they're setting up the booth; in fact the only time we've ever had a booth leak from Nintendo was NSMB Wii and that was only because the cover they used on the game's booth banners happened to be semi transparent (and caught in front of an unfortunately placed spotlight at the time... Ever since they have generally shifted towards using backlit displays and generically designed console stands, probably to stop that from happening again).


Also it doesn't fit with any of the other banners at all. It looks completely out of place in that shot. Or if those banners were looking to promote stuff like Smash Bros or even a possible new Kirby or Animal Crossing game, do you really think that they would be shoved into a corner behind Mario Maker like that? It doesn't make sense to hide those games like this (and it's suspicious in of itself that Mario Maker just so happens to be the focus of this shot in front of everything else here...)


And if this is real and the booth pieces were left uncovered, why is this the only picture we've seen of their booth? Why this game in particular? Why not any closer shots? Why no shots of anything else? Cause I'm sure that a brand new Zelda game would have nothing of interest scattered around the booth at all...


It's such an amateurish mistake in general. I find it hard to believe that they'd start making them now...

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Before people over-react, NicoNico are listing the Digital Event at 30 minutes.




They are well known for being wrong with these, so don't worry.


Even if it's not true, I can see the announcements being spread out across the various events they have planned throughout E3.

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Even if it's not true, I can see the announcements being spread out across the various events they have planned throughout E3.



Plus, I calculated and if you took Microsoft & Sony's conferences from last year. Cut the awkward pauses, the pauses for applause, the trendy guest stars and the gameplay demos that outstay their welcome, then they too are around half an hour to 45 minutes long...if that.

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Before people over-react, NicoNico are listing the Digital Event at 30 minutes.




They are well known for being wrong with these, so don't worry.


As somebody pointed out in that same thread...




The Smash Bros Direct was listed as 30 mins originally and ended up being 39 mins long, so yeah it typically isn't really accurate prior to broadcast.


Also for what it's worth, the last E3 direct was around 37 mins long for Japan and 43 mins long for US/EU. So... Yeah :)


BTW, is anyone else here planning on using their Wii U to watch the conferences this year on their big living room TV? Nothing like kicking back and watching the stream on a big TV, sat on a comfy couch with (low quality online streamed & faked) surround sound :D

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IGN and Twitch gave it an hour slot. They wouldn't have done that if it was half an hour, or even 45 minutes. They'd have given it a 30 minute slot if 30 minutes, or 45 minutes if it was between those two.


People are over reacting.

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IGN and Twitch gave it an hour slot. They wouldn't have done that if it was half an hour, or even 45 minutes. They'd have given it a 30 minute slot if 30 minutes, or 45 minutes if it was between those two.


People are over reacting.


I don't think it'll be an hour long TBH. Not unless they've filled it up with a couple of Mega 64 sketches...

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I don't think it'll be an hour long TBH. Not unless they've filled it up with a couple of Mega 64 sketches...

I'd say around 45 minutes is the best bet.


With no waffle, no pauses for applause and no trendy guest stars, they should get through with like 3 or 4 minutes per game.

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The thing with the Microsoft and Sony conferences being an hour long, well isn't that all they're allowed because of scheduling? Seeing as Nintendo aren't holding a physical conference who's preventing them or limiting them to an hour? Is that not an advantage they have by not being live? They could edit it into an hours worth of footage? You wait all year for this, so I hope it's good, it better be. I won't say expect anymore, been burnt too many times now.

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The thing with the Microsoft and Sony conferences being an hour long, well isn't that all they're allowed because of scheduling? Seeing as Nintendo aren't holding a physical conference who's preventing them or limiting them to an hour? Is that not an advantage they have by not being live? They could edit it into an hours worth of footage? You wait all year for this, so I hope it's good, it better be. I won't say expect anymore, been burnt too many times now.


Well that's kind of what they're doing with the Treehouse Live videos going on all week. They supposedly are going to include new announcements of their own as well...




Personally I'm betting that they're going to save the surprise localisation annoucements for the Treehouse Live streams. Makes sense when you consider that they're going to be doing live hands on events with them too...

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The thing with the Microsoft and Sony conferences being an hour long, well isn't that all they're allowed because of scheduling? Seeing as Nintendo aren't holding a physical conference who's preventing them or limiting them to an hour? Is that not an advantage they have by not being live? They could edit it into an hours worth of footage? You wait all year for this, so I hope it's good, it better be. I won't say expect anymore, been burnt too many times now.
Are the Sony and Microsoft conferences 1hr this year?


I thought Sony's was 1.5 getting on for 2hrs last year?... or maybe it just feels like that being late at night.

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MS's conference was like an hour and a half today and tbh there wasn't that much filler. I really hope the Digital Event isn't 30 minutes, that's sounds shite.


Yeah, apart from a couple of demos taking a little too much time the whole thing ran really smoothly with game after game. Sony on the other hand was far too drawn out and completely died in the middle when they started talking about TV stuff.


I think Nintendo could steal it this year, especially if they show the likes of Zelda, X and some other cheeky surprises. Can't wait.

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Nintendo definitely need more than 30 minutes.


I know that they've got all kinds of crazy shit going on throughout the week, but this is the one event where all eyes will be on them. The Treehouse stuff, the interviews, the Q&A's are not going to draw any where near as big of a crowd as their presentation will, as it's supposed to be the main event.


It would have to be very snappy and efficient to get it all down to 30 minutes, that or they don't have much to show. Good thing NicoNico occasionally lists incorrect provisional broadcast times.

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MS's conference was like an hour and a half today and tbh there wasn't that much filler. I really hope the Digital Event isn't 30 minutes, that's sounds shite.

Take out third party titles and then recalculate and you'll have their Nintendo equivalent


Nintendo definitely need more than 30 minutes.


I know that they've got all kinds of crazy shit going on throughout the week, but this is the one event where all eyes will be on them. The Treehouse stuff, the interviews, the Q&A's are not going to draw any where near as big of a crowd as their presentation will, as it's supposed to be the main event.


It would have to be very snappy and efficient to get it all down to 30 minutes, that or they don't have much to show. Good thing NicoNico occasionally lists incorrect provisional broadcast times.

Occasionally? Try always :p

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