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Project Zero: Maiden of Black Water (30th Oct)


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Real shame that this is only getting released on the eShop in the US. I don't see why this gets denied a retail release while Devil's Third gets a full release; especially considering how this game makes such good use of the Gamepad - something that is a key focus of their winter lineup...


Baffling :heh:

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I've just put in my order with GAME for this at £49.99..


PAINFUL :blank:


I know, that feeling. I swore I would never use them again after they ripped me off and never sent me my Mario cat cover and then had the cheek to send me a used copy of Ninja Gaiden 3 which I had ordered as 'NEW'.


I am also baffled as to why Nintendo aren't pushing this a lot more, it actually has an innovative use of the gamepad and looks really fresh. I was explaining this to someone at the weekend and they thought using the gamepad as a camera was a great idea!

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I know, that feeling. I swore I would never use them again after they ripped me off and never sent me my Mario cat cover and then had the cheek to send me a used copy of Ninja Gaiden 3 which I had ordered as 'NEW'.


I am also baffled as to why Nintendo aren't pushing this a lot more, it actually has an innovative use of the gamepad and looks really fresh. I was explaining this to someone at the weekend and they thought using the gamepad as a camera was a great idea!


It's not necessarily ordering from GAME that I have a problem with in this case but rather having to spend £49.99 :hmm:


The fact that it is limited has forced my hand but I'm not entirely convinced it will be worth it.. especially when I'm having to sacrifice ordering Super Mario Maker straight away.


I'm planning to stick a few things up on ebay this afternoon so that I can trat myself to both, though :heh:

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  • 1 month later...
New costumes have been added to the English version.


Those costumes are cool, but I'm not happy that these are supposedly replacing the sexy outfits of the Japanese version. :nono:

The fact that we're still seeing this kind of censorship in 2015 (and for an 18+ rated title) is absolutely ludicrous. :indeed:


Not such a big deal, but at the same time it's just so unbelievably stupid that I can't help but be annoyed by it. :blank:

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Those costumes are cool, but I'm not happy that these are supposedly replacing the sexy outfits of the Japanese version. :nono:

The fact that we're still seeing this kind of censorship in 2015 (and for an 18+ rated title) is absolutely ludicrous. :indeed:


Not such a big deal, but at the same time it's just so unbelievably stupid that I can't help but be annoyed by it. :blank:


Aren't the girls meant to be underage? If so, I can perfectly understand it...


Seems like a decent compromise to me. I'd rather have these costumes than the creepy (and not the good kind!) looking bikinis anyway :p

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Aren't the girls meant to be underage? If so, I can perfectly understand it...
19 and 17 according to this:

The characters certainly aren't designed to look underage. Surely just adding a year to the "age" of the second character would have been an easier solution. :heh:


Anyway, just one of my pet peeves. I can't stand it when things get altered like this.

Edited by RedShell
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19 and 17 according to this:

The characters certainly aren't designed to look underage. Surely just adding a year to the "age" of the second character would have been an easier solution. :heh:


Anyway, just one of my pet peeves. I can't stand it when things get altered like this.


On the plus side, the ZSS costume gives you this ;)



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Those costumes are cool, but I'm not happy that these are supposedly replacing the sexy outfits of the Japanese version. :nono:

The fact that we're still seeing this kind of censorship in 2015 (and for an 18+ rated title) is absolutely ludicrous. :indeed:


Not such a big deal, but at the same time it's just so unbelievably stupid that I can't help but be annoyed by it. :blank:


It's not confirmed (unless @Mr\-Paul can confirm? :p) but probably...


I think I've seen the second costume your referring to and to be honest I'd be OK with them removing it.




On the plus side, the ZSS costume gives you this ;)




I think it is probably worse. (and by worse, I mean better)

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It's not confirmed (unless @Mr\-Paul can confirm? :p) but probably...


I think I've seen the second costume your referring to and to be honest I'd be OK with them removing it.






I think it is probably worse. (and by worse, I mean better)

But there's no skin so the over protective Helen Lovejoys in the world won't take notice

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Sounds good. The Gamepad working well as the Camera Obscura is all I really need to know for this to be a purchase for me :)


Did you end up seeing the ghosts coming from all angles @Mr\-Paul? I know you've not played past PZ games, but from what I hear they have made the ghosts much faster and much more aggressive than past games because you have the Gamepad acting as the camera. In previous games they all tend to be slow and only ever come at you from the same height as you - from what I hear you have quite a few coming down from above/up below from you and coming much faster than before in this one!


I like the PZ series, but the games do always feel really plodding and slow (your characters are slow to move and react, the camera controls have always been slow and the ghosts move slowly), so having everything given a boost of nitro is a big plus in my book! :D

Edited by Dcubed
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Sounds good. The Gamepad working well as the Camera Obscura is all I really need to know for this to be a purchase for me :)


Did you end up seeing the ghosts coming from all angles @Mr\-Paul? I know you've not played past PZ games, but from what I hear they have made the ghosts much faster and much more aggressive than past games because you have the Gamepad acting as the camera. In previous games they all tend to be slow and only ever come at you from the same height as you - from what I hear you have quite a few coming down from above/up below from you and coming much faster than before in this one!


I like the PZ series, but the games do always feel really plodding and slow (your characters are slow to move and react, the camera controls have always been slow and the ghosts move slowly), so having everything given a boost of nitro is a big plus in my book! :D


Yes, they come from absolutely all angles!


They can be a bit slow and plodding at times - sometimes you're there focussing on the ghost waiting for it to attack you so you can get a Fatal Frame but it just feels like standing there. But indeed, in general they are quite quick moving, and often will disappear and come at you from a different angle. One kind of ghost I think I fluked my way through against all the way through the game I found it that tricky to keep track of (not to mention they travel in packs and even revive each other)!


It's quite quick to turn around using the gyro controls and the right stick, but can be quite tricky to actually find the ghost at points, but as I said in the review, I feel it adds to the fear and immersion - if you were in this situation in real life, it wouldn't be easy to quickly find a ghost that's disappeared and re-materialised somewhere else while looking through a camera lens!


I've seen quite a few reviews complain that the controls are clunky - they are. It can indeed be frustrating when in small rooms facing up against a ghost who has a greater range of movement than you. But the combination of classic third person survival horror controls with the gyroscopic, almost first person shooter-ish gameplay is something that on the whole, works well and was fun to play.


I'd be happy to answer any other questions people may have :)

Edited by Mr-Paul
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Just as I thought :)


Just like with Metroid Prime 3, the faster and more accurate controls have allowed them to go to town with the enemies in making them much faster and more interesting than past games.


Great stuff! Sounds like it's pretty much everything I was hoping it would be :D

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The fact that we're still seeing this kind of censorship in 2015 (and for an 18+ rated title) is absolutely ludicrous. :indeed:


Not such a big deal, but at the same time it's just so unbelievably stupid that I can't help but be annoyed by it. :blank:


Anyway, just one of my pet peeves. I can't stand it when things get altered like this.


I'm with you all the way on this. I will rant on to anyone who'll listen that we are well into a new age of Puritanism.


What I don't think is that we're still in the "Games are for kids, even 18-rated ones" era. I think that matter was settled (hence violence and swearing not being an issue), but was eventually consumed by the prevailing Puritanism I speak of.


Anything mildly erotic is being pushed underground (no Page 3 or nudity in Playboy). People will defend this and say "You can see stronger on the internet", but I don't necessarily want to see stronger. Sometimes I just want to see a bikini or pole dancer or whatever in the context it was intended. There's no darn reason why something erotic shouldn't be part of a legitimate design.

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The thing with the bikini costumes is they are completely pointless - they're purely there for titillation and add nothing to the protagonists' character.


We know Nintendo aren't totally against any sexualisation - we got Bayonetta after all, and although she wears some questionable costumes, the overt sexuality is part of her personality. There's absolutely no reason for the girls in this game to be in bikinis. They add nothing.


What they've done is remove something that is just there to objectify the girls in it, and replaced it with some nice bonus costumes for Nintendo fans. I can't see the problem with that, personally. Sure, they might be nice to look at, but really, they're unneeded.

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We know Nintendo aren't totally against any sexualisation - we got Bayonetta after all, and although she wears some questionable costumes, the overt sexuality is part of her personality. There's absolutely no reason for the girls in this game to be in bikinis. They add nothing.


What they've done is remove something that is just there to objectify the girls in it, and replaced it with some nice bonus costumes for Nintendo fans. I can't see the problem with that, personally. Sure, they might be nice to look at, but really, they're unneeded.


I completely agree.


It just feels incredibly awkward for girls under 20 running about in a setting like this wearing bikini tops.

It's blatant fanservice, and just comes across as poor taste.

The Zero Suit suits the setting a lot more than any bikini would.


Anyway, I hope this game does well. I don't like survival horror, but any game that uses the Gamepad in a meaningful way has my support.

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