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E3 Predictions 2014 - Wii U


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Think its about time to build some hype - theres already a few sites up with predictions from earlier in the year:






How about we limit our preditions to 5 on initial posts?



My Predictions:


1. New Gamepad-less Wii U model for Smash Bros release - With either a Pro controller or all new GC-like pad. (maybe a red coloured console ala the Wii)


2. Wii U Zelda - Trailer, but not playable.


3. A Pokemon Battle game - in relation to the teaser we got last year.


4. Majora's Mask - with all the hints we have been getting, its hard to not see this coming. Likely for the 3DS instead of Wii U.


5. An extreme sports online racer - either 1080, Wave Race or F-Zero. New game.

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Hmm. I think Majoras mask 3ds and a trailer for a dark epic Zelda too.... But I'll say 5 different ones :)


1. Metroid Prime from Retro for this year

2. Pilotwings Wii U from Monster for this year

3. Miamoto has a collection (6) of small eshop games each using the gamepad in really inventive ways

4. Monster Hunter 4 Wii u

5. A big 3rd party partnership - I'm going to predict square Enix doing a Nintendo rpg like Kingdom hearts

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Some good ones there, not considered the scaled-down Wii U, and while it's a good idea...Nintendo won't do it. It's inbuilt to quite a few games, and Nintendo doesn't work like that. Some sort of relaunch? That's definitely in the cards.


1) YEAR OF ZELDA. Zelda Wii U trailer and demo dungeon. Majora's Mask 3D for 3DS. Though, since everyone's been wanting it, they'll probably release it for Wii U E-shop just to annoy people like with the GBA games (you know THIS is now a possibility!) SHOCK OUT THERE PART: They announce a 52-episode official anime of Zelda.


^NOTE: On the above; if Nintendo wants to start appealing to kids, a couple of new Nintendo cartoons in the "for all ages but with mature humour" would be good.


2) New Mario game for 3DS starring...someone other than Mario/Luigi. Possibly the duo of Peach/Toad?


3) The most obvious will be...Donkey Kong Country 3 Returns. Just a trailer, though.


4) Pokemon Wii U. Battle Stadium/Maybe short XD like RPG? There'll be special packs with those little scannable toy Pokemon. This will make Nintendo Gazillionaires! Oh, and exclusive previews of a few New Pokemon PLEASE, which will drive sales of Wii U up off the scale!


5) Wii U Paper Mario traditional RPG (like 64/TTYD). Well this is more of a "I hope so", rather than what I actually believe will happen.


^Oh, and for Nintendo to announce the companies it has just bought/buying and give an inkling of the games they'll be making!

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Mostly wild speculation more than sensible predictions:


A sequel to Advance Wars Dark Conflict, with smaller scale skirmish multiplayer matches more suited to online play and StreetPass battles.

Retro Studio's new game - Turok Dinosaur Hunter.

Hanabi Festival U - Famicon Wars, Fire Emblem localisations for the West, Sataleview games like BS F-Zero GP and BS Excitebike.

New F-Zero, 1080 or Wave Race turned into Nintendo's first official eSports game. Then Smash Bros for Wii U revealed to also be an official eSports title.

Diddy Kong Racing 2 for 3DS from Next Level Games.

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There's a reason F-Zero, Advance Wars and Metroid lead the charge of the GBA Virtual Console, so I'm thinking each of those series is getting a new instalment announced at E3


Then there's Zelda U, the NFC game and Smash Bros. dates, and probably a few surprises.


Oh, and The Adventures of Captain Toad on the eShop right after the presentation :p

Edited by Serebii
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I'm expecting a Rosalina game. Her inclusion in 3D World, Kart and Smash suggests Nintendo wants her to be a prominent character.


Possibly an Animal Crossing tease too but that could be a while off.


As others have eluded, is it too late for a WiiU rebrand?

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I'm expecting a Rosalina game. Her inclusion in 3D World, Kart and Smash suggests Nintendo wants her to be a prominent character.


Possibly an Animal Crossing tease too but that could be a while off.


As others have eluded, is it too late for a WiiU rebrand?

Never too late :)

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I would love if they released Mother 3 on the WiiU vc, it seems only logical after releasing earthbound.


We'll probably get a Zelda U trailer, but I don't think it will be playable. Hopefully more info on X and Bayonetta 2.

Wild guesses/ wishes:


-Metroid 2D sprite game for 3DS

-Metroid prime for WiiU

-FINALLY flipnote studio 3D

-Localise the chibi robo eshop game+ new wiiU title

-A sequel to Wario Ware: DIY

-Majora's Mask 3D (just seems logical)

-A new Mario game for Wiiu comparable with the likes of galaxy, sunshine and 64

-I would cry from joy when they launched a wireless gamecube pad for WiiU along with smash bros...

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Don't forget that Zelda Wii U was going to be shown last year, but they decided not to due to them feeling that they had enough content. Then it was going to be shown at Comic-Con, but they changed their minds and decided to go big at E3 this year.

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1. Zelda U (2015)

2. Metroid U (2015)

3. Starfox U (October)

4. Some sort of Mario game for the 3DS (November)

5. Captain Toad Adventures (September)


I'd love to see Majora's Mask 3D but I think that's more likely to be announced in a regular Direct.

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I can really only see the Zelda U video... maybe a quick 5 min playable demo...


But wild hopes are:


1) 'GameCube on VC TODAY' annoucment.

2) Zombi U 2 - really no chance but I really want it!

3) F-Zero (anything)

4) A new first person Metroid

5) Beyond Good and Evil Wii U exclusive! ( lol )

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-FINALLY flipnote studio 3D

-Localise the chibi robo eshop game+ new wiiU title

-A sequel to Wario Ware: DIY

Yes, yes and Hell yes. icon14.gif


I always try not to get too hyped for E3, but it never works out. :heh:

And this year is going to be excitement overload. The combo of playing MK8 + Nintendo's E3 goodness is gonna be awesome. :yay:


Not really thought about predictions. It's pointless anyway, Nintendo simply can't be predicted. :hehe:

I will say this though, with Mario, Pikmin and DK already out, plus MK and Smash pretty much done and dusted, it means mucho surprises must be heading our way. ;):bouncy:

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We'll definitely see more of Bayonetta 2 and X and *hopefully* get release dates for those. We'll also definitely get Zelda and given that they were ready to show it last year, we'll likely get a playable demo.


I expect we'll also see Miyamoto's new I.P as well as a F-Zero game (wishful thinking, but something's coming...right?). Hopefully we'll see what the Pikmin team are up to, as well.


Oh. Majora's is a sure thing for 3DS...Given that it used the Ocarina engine, I'm sure grezzo could just use an updated OoT3D engine to get it out for Christmas.

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My Wii U predictions:


1. If Zelda is shown (and I have a feeling it won't be, despite all the evidence), it will be controversial. It won't look outright bad, but an optional multiplayer mode could influence the whole game, similar to Super Mario 3D World. Rather than the expected "in there with Link" camera angle, there could be a somewhat overhead view, like a 2.5D game. Hope I'm wrong with this.


2. Metroid Prime 4 (or possibly Metroid V). Samus Aran has been very prominent recently - in the Smash Bros Direct, the Tomodachi Life Direct and as a pin on Reggie's blazer. If it's Metroid Prime 4 (or the beginning of a new trilogy), it would be by Retro Studios, in which case they would need to have been working on it a long time before they finished Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze. It's also possible that Metroid Dread/Metroid V, whilst initially expected to be a DS title, was delayed and transformed into an HD console game with hand-drawn graphics (similar to Ware Ware: the Shake Dimension). However, I'm leaning towards this being a fully 3D game by Retro.


3. Wii U Re-launch. The Wii U re-launched - cheaper, and with a traditional controller. Although Nintendo has said it will unveil software that shows the worth of the GamePad, I have a hunch that most games from now on will work without it.


4. F-Zero. I don't think the evidence for this is as strong as Metroid or Zelda - however, it's true that it's quite an unusual choice for one of the first three GBA Virtual Console games (unusual because, in my opinion, it's one of the less accessible entries) and so might be a hint.


5. More wishful thinking than a prediction, but... Kid Icarus as a fully 3D game. This franchise has been quite prominent recently (at least in the Smash Bros Direct) and overall I feel Nintendo has updated the whole world and characters in a way that is too good not to use.

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There's a reason F-Zero, Advance Wars and Metroid lead the charge of the GBA Virtual Console, so I'm thinking each of those series is getting a new instalment announced at E3


Filling me with hope!


If this is now to whom I must complain.




I have a feeling NINTENDO will linger on the NFC game.

Edited by Fused King
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1. Zelda U is the obvious one. Expecting a trailer with awesome music, but absolutely nothing else.


2. New stuff. At least one game from a franchise we weren't even thinking about will be announced (this prediction includes new franchises).


3. Nothing from Retro. Much less a Metroid game*. I think it's pretty obvious that, whatever it is they have, they only had, like, 6-8 months on it. So, unless it's a Tropical Freeze sequel, no dice.

*If there is a Metroid game, it won't be from Retro


4. Wario. An announcement regarding him (and/or Waluigi) will take place. Smash Bros. put this idea in my head and now it won't leave.


5. Old Stuff. More info on games we already know about. Smash Bros, X, Bayonetta, etc. It can't be stressed enough, a lot of what we'll see at E3 will be about this.

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5. Old Stuff. More info on games we already know about. Smash Bros, X, Bayonetta, etc. It can't be stressed enough, a lot of what we'll see at E3 will be about this.


This is a really good point. Before the recent Direct, it seemed as though Smash Bros might arrive earlier, but that turned out to be only the 3DS version. The reality is that it's still going to be one of their big Q4 games, along with (as you say) X, Bayonetta and maybe even Yarn Yoshi.

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