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Gamepad Redesign suggestion


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A lot of people have discussed potentially removing the Wii U gamepad and selling Wii U's with pro controllers instead.


I myself do agree that the tablet is flawed, but I think it can be rescued. So now I've made a quick and dirty concept of how it could be improved. Firstly, I've made it smaller. If you look at tablet devices, the majority of the front side is the actual screen.


Very few games use the camera, so I removed it, as well as the sensor bar. This enabled me to reduce the empty area above the screen as well as make it easier to access the shoulder buttons. The TV remote functionality is gone (because honestly, does anyone use it instead of their TV remote?) I added two ergonomic grips to make the controller more comfortable and gamer-friendly.


Instead of a built in microphone, I'd throw in a headset with each and every Wii U.




Not to mention that I'd add analogue triggers. And to make the pad feel more like a luxury product, I added some iPhone-like chrome trim.


Et voila, a gamepad that looks less like a toy and more like a high-end gadget which iPhone-loving casuals as well as core gamers would appreciate more. And also has more gamer-appeal with the analogue triggers and ergonomic grip. And strangely, it'd be cheaper to make and probably have a longer battery-life.




Any suggestions on how to improve it further still? And of course, would you like these improvements?

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I don't like it, sorry. The problem that a lot of people have with the GamePad is that its main features aren't being used enough or aren't being used innovatively. For example, if Nintendo can't think of truly creative ways to use the screen themselves, then how are third parties meant to fare? The best use of the screen is still with ZombiU, a launch title by Ubisoft. When Ubisoft are using your main features on a console that you designed better than you are, you know you fucked up.


Your design doesn't solve anything, imo. You've also taken out the sensor bar which can be used with the screen to carry on playing Wii games. A nice little feature, I'd keep it. I'd also keep the TV remote functionality, because again, it's a nifty little feature.


Don't like the handles either.


Having analogue shoulder buttons is a massive yes from me, though. That's the ONLY thing I would change with the original design. Other than that, you'd have to think about getting rid of the screen, which creates huge problems in itself.

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I like it, Hogge.


On a personal level I would just like a traditional pad (with analogue triggers), but if Nintendo was to redesign the GamePad, I think their only option would be to shrink the screen. That way they can say they still have it officially, and all previous games would still work on it, but we'd all know really that future games weren't meant to use it. And the main point, of course, is that it would presumably save a huge amount of money by having a much, much smaller screen.

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The funny thing is, I love the Gamepad's size. I game almost exclusively off the Gamepad screen and I find thy because of that the size, analogue stick & button placement etc is just perfect for my hands, it's comfy too!

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The funny thing is, I love the Gamepad's size. I game almost exclusively off the Gamepad screen and I find thy because of that the size, analogue stick & button placement etc is just perfect for my hands, it's comfy too!


I completely agree.


I much prefer using the gamepad as a controller than the pro controller. It's really comfy.

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I find the spacing between the right analogue stick and the buttons (and between the buttons themselves) a little too large on the Pro Controller. The Gamepad has them just right! When playing on the Gamepad screen my hands sit the perfect distance apart too.

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I find the spacing between the right analogue stick and the buttons (and between the buttons themselves) a little too large on the Pro Controller. The Gamepad has them just right! When playing on the Gamepad screen my hands sit the perfect distance apart too.


I've only actually reduced the width of the controller by a centimeter or two. It's the height I've altered. And surely you agree that the shoulder buttons are in an uncomfortable position? And to me, the tablet is way to flat.

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I've only actually reduced the width of the controller by a centimeter or two. It's the height I've altered. And surely you agree that the shoulder buttons are in an uncomfortable position? And to me, the tablet is way to flat.


Funnily enough no, it really does sit perfectly in my hands.


With my finer on the shoulder button, feeling comfortable:





Here you can see the the Gamepad sits snugly in my palm, cradled by it very comfortably. My index finger is still on the shoulder button too in this pic. It fits my hands just perfectly:





The only thing I'd change is on the back, the grips, I'd make them slightly larger as I find they're a little too small... not protruding from the back in depth, I'd widen them along the length of the Gamepad.


Although I agree they should make a smaller redesign to fit other people better. It's just funny how it fits my hands perfectly.

Edited by Kav
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I would keep the camera for sure, I've had a lot of fun in the few apps/games that use it. And whilst I don't use the Sensor Bar, I know a lot of people that play Wii games on the GamePad so I think that should be kept in too. Despite this, the dead space on the top (and bottom) could still be greatly reduced. Other than that I don't really mind, but good lord, GIVE US PROPER SHOULDER BUTTONS. A mixture of the 360 and GameCube ones, the sensitivity of the 360 ones for racing games and such, but with that satisfying click the GameCube ones had. I also think the normal L and R buttons should be more like the Z button on the GameCube, they're so big and gross on the GamePad.


And whilst the shiny finish looks nice initially, I think it'd make more sense (and less thumb prints) to have a matt finish, at least where the buttons and analogue sticks are.

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That design is horrible.


The gamepad is beautifully designed just like all Nintendo controllers. I totally agree with @kav82 - it fits my hands perfectly and is incredibly comfortable. I think the debate with the gamepad is more about whether it actually should exist or not, for people who actually want the gamepad I've heard very few complaints.


I love playing off screen and having the football on in the background. It's a great piece of hardware. The games look fantastic on it and it fits my hands perfectly.

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The gamepad is beautifully designed just like all Nintendo controllers. I totally agree with @kav82 - it fits my hands perfectly and is incredibly comfortable.


For me it's one of the worst controllers ever made. Uncomfortable, doesn't fit my hands at all and just feels like a really cheap piece of plastic.

I need new hands.


I don't really like @Hogge's design that much either - sorry; but it I think it could serve as an inspiration to improve upon the original design.

Edited by drahkon
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The shoulder buttons are pretty poorly designed on the actual GamePad - the placement and lack of analogue. I like the rest of it, though. I just wish you could turn the screen completely off when playing VC games (you can make it black, but the backlight is still on - the 3DS has the same problem with VC games, with the second screen still being lit up).

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My hands hurt after prolonged use of the gamepad.


Not got the pro controller yet but not a chance I'm using the gamepad for Mario Kart.


Same here, i can't see myself using it to play Mario Kart either.


Most of my WiiU games (and VC games) i play with the Wiimote/Nunchuck/Classic controller set-up. The gamepad is only ever used for accessing Netflix, LoveFILM, eshop etc that require the pad to be used. I'm not saying it's a bad control type, it's just it feels uncomfortable after using it for periods of time (sometimes after a short period).


It does need redesigning, and i'll have a look at the designs once i can access a browser that displays images.

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Think the gamepad is beautiful and is reminiscent of the Wavebird with regard to classic precise Nintendo controls. Only minus is having buttons on the back mean when you pause a game and put the controller down (particularly in Pikmin), the trigger buttons being pressed tends to start the game.


I think the design is nice minus the handles. Would'nt mind an ipod-esque style metallic backing and slight trimmings. Thats why I fully back a handheld and home console merger for the next gen. Makes so much sense, from a convenience point of view.

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Personally I'd love a hybrid of the Wii U GamePad and 3DSXL, combining certain aspects from both of those devices.


Here's my attempt at a mockup:





And a side by side with the current GamePad:




The screen size is identical on both, but the display looks bigger on my redesign due to the reduced fat. :heh:


Basically, it's a much smaller (and in that case, probably lighter :geek:) version of the GamePad, with the matte finish of the 3DSXL, and a slight button reconfiguration. :awesome:

The control sticks are like the Circle Pad of the 3DS/original GamePad design, but with the grip style from the finalised GamePad.


The Power and TV Control buttons would be moved to a side, and the mic to the side under the screen. There would also be no need for a battery indicator, if it was built-in to the home button:



Everything else is more or less the same, so it's really just about the size and surface material. :)

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Personally I'd love a hybrid of the Wii U GamePad and 3DSXL, combining certain aspects from both of those devices.


Here's my attempt at a mockup:





And a side by side with the current GamePad:




The screen size is identical on both, but the display looks bigger on my redesign due to the reduced fat. :heh:


Basically, it's a much smaller (and in that case, probably lighter :geek:) version of the GamePad, with the matte finish of the 3DSXL, and a slight button reconfiguration. :awesome:

The control sticks are like the Circle Pad of the 3DS/original GamePad design, but with the grip style from the finalised GamePad.


The Power and TV Control buttons would be moved to a side, and the mic to the side under the screen. There would also be no need for a battery indicator, if it was built-in to the home button:



Everything else is more or less the same, so it's really just about the size and surface material. :)


Sweet design work there. :heart:


Think i prefer the 3DS matt black finish over the Us gloss.

Edited by King_V
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I certainly like the Wii U Gamepad, but it doesn't feel entirely suitable for every genre :hmm: This is a complaint that could be made about most, if not all, of Nintendo's controllers in recent years, though.


As much as I love the Wii Remote & Nunchuk, there was certainly a lack of buttons for more traditional games. The Classic Controllers may have been available for that purpose, but neither the original nor the Classic Controller Pro felt up to the usual Nintendo standard. The best I could say about the Classic Controller was that it was pretty good for SNES games on the Wii Virtual Console, even if the shoulder buttons left a lot to be desired :indeed:


This generation, we're almost overwhelmed by the amount of control schemes available but there isn't one controller that seems to be the definitive answer to everything. The Wii U Pro Controller is so close to being one of the best controllers ever made but it probably needed analogue triggers and, unfortunately, a little better positioning of the buttons as Y and B are never within comfortable reach. As much as I dislike FIFA, the experience I had of playing my brother's copy wasn't exactly enhanced by playing with the Wii U Pro Controller or the Wii U Gamepad as they just don't feel quite right for it.


I sort of miss the feeling of having a controller melt into your hands and not having to even think about what you're doing as it all feels effortlessly natural :red:


@RedShell could you please work for Nintendo? That design is awesome : peace:


I hate how the 3DS XL looks so he'll have to do a lot better than that to win me over :heh:

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I hate how the 3DS XL looks so he'll have to do a lot better than that to win me over :heh:
Hehehe! Typical / nando /. :D


But really, you hate the XL?! :o

It's awwwwwwwesome! :awesome:


Glossy devices might look cool in promo shots:



but in reality...


Not so cool. :heh:

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