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On 11/09/2020 at 8:38 PM, nightwolf said:

Thank you! I posted in the good news thread, but it seemed to go well. The job that I wasn't so keen on and wanted to wait for the other role actually ended up sounding really interesting! So fingers crossed for next week when I hear back. 

I heard back and I apparently smashed it. My recruiter is beside himself and said he'd never been so invested and was impressed with the feedback. I have no idea specifically what the feedback was but he blew him away at least.

So much so that I skipped a step and now at the last stretch of interviews. I do have one person who is my competition. But if they are as good as they say we both are then I'd rather "lose" to them than anything. 


I find out tomorrow when the next steps is, but it's going to be 3 hours of grilling. Eep. 

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21 hours ago, nightwolf said:

I heard back and I apparently smashed it. My recruiter is beside himself and said he'd never been so invested and was impressed with the feedback. I have no idea specifically what the feedback was but he blew him away at least.

So much so that I skipped a step and now at the last stretch of interviews. I do have one person who is my competition. But if they are as good as they say we both are then I'd rather "lose" to them than anything. 


I find out tomorrow when the next steps is, but it's going to be 3 hours of grilling. Eep. 

OH HELL YEA pew pew pewwwwwww 

Love seeing some (well deserved) positive things come your way :grin:

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For the last 2 years or so, I've been doing an apprenticeship in marketing alongside my normal job. It wasn't something I necessarily needed, as I've been working in the sector for years, but my company like to put people on courses to give them extra qualifications etc. Given that I have no actual qualifications in it (but plenty of experience), it made sense.

Well I passed today with a merit. Not quite a distinction like I was hoping for, but still better than a regular pass.

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Recently I've been put into an area of tasks at work where I have no chance of solving the problems. They are very, very technical from a business point of view (I work with pensions) and they are all about how the money should flow in the system - and I have no idea about that. They also want me to assist making documentation on the area but I have no prior knowledge that makes me suited for that task as well. It makes me feel rather demotivated about work these days... and when I have been ordered to work from home due to Corona, it makes me just want to skip working and play games instead.... 

I have voiced my thoughts to my manager and she agrees that I shouldn't really be there but for the time being, they need a developer on the tasks if the business side needs to know something about the code. So I guess I'm stuck here for the next couple of weeks.

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2 hours ago, Raining_again said:


Grats lovely :D

Thank you! I got the official offer on Friday, the pay I wanted, benefits too (including medical insurance that covers pre-existing) and they tailored my contract so I can move upwards quickly if I want.

So, so excited. Never thought I'd get to do this in the industry I wanted again. 

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My boss is doing "evaluations" in a couple of weeks. Although he's already said that a pay rise will be issued during it, so that's pretty good. Considering he was really worried when lockdown started (the first one) as sales were abysmal, it somehow turned around in May and we're looking to reach last years figures by the end of this month. 

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Not sure how I've managed it but I've got a job interview on Tuesday. It's with the same company I currently work for but on a 12-month secondment in a much more senior role (I'd be going for a mid-grade 3 to a grade 5). I currently manage small scale digital projects but this role is a huge step up, comes with big jump in salary (about 30% more) and would give me a chance to really showcase my skills.

Judging from the diary of the person conducting the interviews, they are only interviewing two people all week so I've pretty much got a 50-50 chance. Best of all, it's a competency based interview only, and I think they are happy for the successful candidate to learn on the job.

I think I'm going to just forget about it completely over the weekend and not stress about it too much until Monday. Certainly exciting though.

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Got today off as they're deep cleaning the whole office as we all got a text yesterday saying one of our colleagues has been COVID confirmed. Shall see if we're allowed back in tomorrow...


EDIT: got the text earlier, back in tomorrow, but have to wear masks all day when not eating/drinking. So glad I has my Zelda ones naow, they so soft.

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Had my probation review today and passed with flying colours. My boss wants me to think of areas I’d like to expand my role into and take on a few additional departments which aligned with my feedback that I could take on more responsibility.

After a very up and down year it’s nice to officially have a stable job again.

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On 02/10/2020 at 4:50 PM, Goron_3 said:

Not sure how I've managed it but I've got a job interview on Tuesday. It's with the same company I currently work for but on a 12-month secondment in a much more senior role (I'd be going for a mid-grade 3 to a grade 5). I currently manage small scale digital projects but this role is a huge step up, comes with big jump in salary (about 30% more) and would give me a chance to really showcase my skills.

Judging from the diary of the person conducting the interviews, they are only interviewing two people all week so I've pretty much got a 50-50 chance. Best of all, it's a competency based interview only, and I think they are happy for the successful candidate to learn on the job.

I think I'm going to just forget about it completely over the weekend and not stress about it too much until Monday. Certainly exciting though.

Update: Had my interview yesterday and it went as well as it could have gone to be honest. It was a one hour competency based interview, so thankfully no presentations or anything like that. I won't be find out until next Monday so I'm just going to put it to back of my mind.

@Will Good to hear :)

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Great to hear all the success stories above.

On 05/10/2020 at 10:50 AM, EEVILMURRAY said:

EDIT: got the text earlier, back in tomorrow, but have to wear masks all day when not eating/drinking. So glad I has my Zelda ones naow, they so soft.

Can't wear my Majora's Mask mask, have to be "surgical" ones. And have three a day.

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Wow. The school I work at just sent out a letter to staff saying that they know it’s gonna get colder soon but we’ll have to leave windows open for ventilation so to help out they’re gonna let us buy school branded warmer clothing to wear, but don’t worry, they’ll pay 15% of it.

Fuck off will I be buying clothes that I will never wear anywhere else but work just to stay warm! I’ll wear my unbranded, regular warm clothes and they can shove it!

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  • 2 weeks later...
6 hours ago, MindFreak said:

So... It's Friday and I just handed over all my tasks for testing. Now that was a bit stupid of me as I now have zero motivation to request for new tasks! And since I'm working from home, no one can see me slacking off. Need ... some ... motivation!

I did that and spent this week doing nothing. It was glorious.

...and my shift is over. 6 and a half years as a software tester is done. I'm so conflicted. I didn't appreciate my job towards the end, but I'll miss the heck out of my team. 

Looking forward to going back to games, but having a drink for my colleagues tonight. Saying goodbye via a laptop just isn't the one. 

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One thing that always bothered me about my current job is the job title. I'm down as a Graphic Design Assistant, but my actual role is a Graphic Designer that also assists with marketing/social media. It's never really bothered me, as I know it's basically "Graphic Design + Assistant", but it does look a bit weird on my CV to go from Graphic Designer in previous jobs down to Graphic Design Assistant.

I requested a change a while back and now that I've passed my marketing apprenticeship, I'm now "Graphic Designer and Marketing Coordinator". Much better. More importantly, it's an actual promotion, which comes with a pay rise. Not a huge one, but enough to make a noticeable difference every month.

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On 10/14/2020 at 6:39 PM, Happenstance said:

Wow. The school I work at just sent out a letter to staff saying that they know it’s gonna get colder soon but we’ll have to leave windows open for ventilation so to help out they’re gonna let us buy school branded warmer clothing to wear, but don’t worry, they’ll pay 15% of it.

Fuck off will I be buying clothes that I will never wear anywhere else but work just to stay warm! I’ll wear my unbranded, regular warm clothes and they can shove it!

Damn straight! Actually, sod that even! Bloody wear what you need to to be warm as long as its sensible. That is an actual cheek though. As if they expect you to pay for something that isn't your fault! 

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My school today announced that they will be merging with 2 other schools. Immediately got me worried about my job as it's one of the only ones in the school where it could be absorbed elsewhere and was basically created specifically for me.

Also didn't help that the Head's PA came to see me after the announcement saying the Head wanted a meeting with me at some point to "catch up". Something that hasn't happened in the 6 years I've been here.

Decided there was no way I was gonna stew for a week waiting to hear what it was about so I grabbed the Head a minute ago just to check. Thankfully it's just to look at my job description and possibly expand it to help in other areas.

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On 29/10/2020 at 10:31 AM, Beast said:

Damn straight! Actually, sod that even! Bloody wear what you need to to be warm as long as its sensible. That is an actual cheek though. As if they expect you to pay for something that isn't your fault! 

I've been doing that at work. No one has said anything, if they're management aren't going to hire staff and make me feel uncomfortable telling patients all day every day they've gotta wait for a letter/etc. I'm gonna be as comfortable as possible.

Had an interview for somewhere, didn't get it. So meeh there.

On leave this week, which is nice. I know that following Boris' announcement we'll be getting more calls from people wanting/asking/expecting a letter saying they can shield. But they've got a rota set up so going forward me and the other secretary will be alternating working at home/coming in the office - not sure if this announcement may have thrown a spanner in that. But the actual prospect of working from home... seems weird considering I've been sat at a five desk island by myself for 7-8 months (christened Derek Island, complete with own flag) I can have dictations coming out my speakers and have Nintendo Radio playing when I'm doing other things.

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Been a very hectic time at work these past few weeks in the build-up to payment holidays ending on the 31st...and now that's all up in the air while we wait for clarification on the FCA putting forward an extension of the deadline. Great times. 

Moved to a different team at the start of September with a few core members from my team. Same department, but it means doing a lot more manual work vs things coming in on the dialler, which is a huge win. Long-term, eventually, once this whole COVID thing is over, it should mean being assigned 'cases' and being in regular contact with the same customers, having time to look over their accounts before calling them, arranging call backs, etc. Seeing as I was already doing this before, it seems a natural fit for me!

Only downside to the manual work is seeing just how incompetent a number of the other employees are at times (I work for a massive international bank), especially those who process actions taken on the account. The number of times I see notes saying that a plan has not been agreed and then them processing a plan and sending a letter to the customer for a plan is honestly quite frightening. It honestly takes a bit of a toll starting to think that, on average, people just aren't doing their job right (and I mean the basics, taught in day 1 of training - you know, the "you MUST do this" sort of stuff?). I just have to keep reminding myself that I'm getting paid and to slow down and take my time, but yeah. It is what it is.

I was also ill a couple of weeks back (again, yay) and came back to a meeting with my manager where I was advised that my bonus should be quite decent come the end of our work year in March. Unfortunately, in a meeting my manager and another, we learned that we wouldn't be getting bonuses this year. Makes sense because of COVID, and I hadn't hung my hat on it, but considering the sheer workload my team in particular has had to work through since we started working from home in April (some of us, myself included, have been doing additional tasks too, such as helping in development for those new to the role, as well as taking on work from every corner of the company), it's still a bit of a bummer. Our 'ratings' will now only be used for potential transfers to other departments/roles, which is still something, but when the bonuses can typically be 10% - 25% of your annual salary, it's nothing to scoff at. And only stings much more because my manager wasn't aware of us not having them this year! :blank:

Oh, and I also had to resolve something for a customer over the phone the other day for an account type which I have worked once, maybe twice, in the last 12 months, through a program which I did not have access to. It's great that my manager trusts me to do this, but honestly? It was not a fun experience, and was honestly a bit concerning. I want to do my job to the best of my ability, and while it went well in the end, I could tell I was much more anxious than I normally would be, not having the immediate security of up-to-date data to back me up. 

To end on a positive: still working towards a pay rise which would come into effect in April, and very grateful to still have a job. It's really funny every time I have a meeting with my manager, or speak to any manager really, though, because I've made it clear that I don't see this as a long-term job for myself. As a result of COVID I might have to change my plans and delay things here and there, I can only roll with those punches and the financial security is nice, but my goal is still to study again and go to university in a few years' time. 

Just a reminder to those who now find themselves working from home, it's worth checking if you're eligible for tax relief while working from home! It's not much, but over the course of the year it adds up - especially if you've been forced to work from home for a while now, it could average out as potentially covering one of your smaller fixed costs.

Edited by Julius
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