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Job woes/wins


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I don't think its annual on my family's part, but I plan to see your face this summer.


Last night I went for a chatterview with a friend of a friend. He is the co-founder of a company that live-streams e-games and we spoke about a production/business role.


We said I'll freelance for a bit to see if its a fit, but if it is the role would become full-time.


The problem is the pay. He asked me how much I'd like/need and I'm not sure. Done the maths (with no help from my accountant @Ellmeister I might add!) and have an idea, but not sure if its too much/little. Going to pester my creative friends for their advice, but just wanted to yammer on here!


Also, not sure what it means for the promotion in my current job. I think I'll still go for it, as its not like I've been offered a new job outright, but part of me will feel guilty if I quit so quickly. Although, in fairness, I've done it twice already so they know I'm a flight risk :heh:


Whuuuut? You coming down our way?


Good luck with your job goals, it sounds like you are winning.


I am busy planning a lesson where I somehow need to transform my classroom into a space capsule. Right now, all I've got is:


1. Cover the room in tin foil.

2. ?

3. Profit.

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Whuuuut? You coming down our way?


Good luck with your job goals, it sounds like you are winning.


I am busy planning a lesson where I somehow need to transform my classroom into a space capsule. Right now, all I've got is:


1. Cover the room in tin foil.

2. ?

3. Profit.


I am intending to, but failing that I'll just look at your face on the book of them.



Step 2 is 'dress as Ripley and throw facesuckers around'.

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No. You're fired!


Actually I think we just passed it back saying "this shit cray".



Emailed the dude and asked to meet to discuss money but he's in Milan at the moment and I'm in Rome next week. So close, yet so far!

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Applied for a graphic design role at the Lotus F1 Team. I know I probably won't get it, but God damn it I've never wanted anything more. Graphic design at the motorsport department of the company that makes my favourite car ever (the Elise). I think I'll actually mess myself if I get the job. I'm talking full on Halle Berry.


But I really shouldn't get my hopes up.

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And work is returning to a dictatorship status. Trying to force people to go on breaks at certain times again. I finished up a call earlier, manager came over and put me into a break code and said "you can take your break now". I only finished lunch one hour earlier.

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I've been out of work for a month and a half and was getting pretty demoralised with job hunting, but I just started my new job today with London Ambulance Service as a Vehicle Resource Co-ordinator, a department I never thought about existing until I got the job, and I'm really enjoying the vibe from the place so far. It means working 12 hour day, night, weekend and bank holiday shifts and unsociable days again which I had hoped I'd put behind me but I'm willing to overlook that for the pay and the 'rewarding' factor.


There's this little guilty joy I get from telling people where I work now, whereas when I told them it was Barclays it was either met with indifference or slight venom :heh:

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There's this little guilty joy I get from telling people where I work now, whereas when I told them it was Barclays it was either met with indifference or slight venom :heh:


It's nice to be proud when you tell people where you work. I remember when I worked in a factory, and later in a petrol station, I was always a bit embarrassed to tell people where I worked, especially when they worked somewhere "better".


It's part of the reason I passed on an opportunity to work in a factory again, even though it paid quite a bit more.

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I've been out of work for a month and a half and was getting pretty demoralised with job hunting, but I just started my new job today with London Ambulance Service as a Vehicle Resource Co-ordinator, a department I never thought about existing until I got the job, and I'm really enjoying the vibe from the place so far. It means working 12 hour day, night, weekend and bank holiday shifts and unsociable days again which I had hoped I'd put behind me but I'm willing to overlook that for the pay and the 'rewarding' factor.


There's this little guilty joy I get from telling people where I work now, whereas when I told them it was Barclays it was either met with indifference or slight venom :heh:


I didn't realise you used to work at Barclays. What did you do there?


I actually like telling people that I work for them. A very prestigious company in my field regardless of the scandals in the past.


I've got my first WFH today actually, put it in the diary because it's my girlfriends 21st this evening and I want to have plenty of time to get there etc. So far, nothing to do and no calls! Probably put FIFA on soon.

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I didn't realise you used to work at Barclays. What did you do there?


I actually like telling people that I work for them. A very prestigious company in my field regardless of the scandals in the past.


I've got my first WFH today actually, put it in the diary because it's my girlfriends 21st this evening and I want to have plenty of time to get there etc. So far, nothing to do and no calls! Probably put FIFA on soon.


I didn't used to mind that much when I worked there either, it was more the difference Ive noticed since getting this job.


I used to do a couple of things, initially I was on the LDS team booking appointments for new businesses to meet with Barclays Business managers and open a bank account, I then went on to be a project coordinator and lead tester for Barclays Connector, which I'm hoping you've at least heard of! :heh:


What's your role?

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I didn't used to mind that much when I worked there either, it was more the difference Ive noticed since getting this job.


I used to do a couple of things, initially I was on the LDS team booking appointments for new businesses to meet with Barclays Business managers and open a bank account, I then went on to be a project coordinator and lead tester for Barclays Connector, which I'm hoping you've at least heard of! :heh:


What's your role?


I tried to use Barclays Connect multiple times today before it finally let me log on to my VDI. :P

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Did not get the job as a Digital Marketing Assistant. =(

But then again I didn't feel like I would be able to do a good enough job anyway, which I guess showed in the interview.


My next hope then is this part-time job at that whiteboard animation company. Still working on the application as apparently they don't want an animation, but a PDF... so starting over again.


Starting to get tired of this jobhunt. =(

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Did not get the job as a Digital Marketing Assistant. =(

But then again I didn't feel like I would be able to do a good enough job anyway, which I guess showed in the interview.


My next hope then is this part-time job at that whiteboard animation company. Still working on the application as apparently they don't want an animation, but a PDF... so starting over again.


Starting to get tired of this jobhunt. =(


I got tired of the job hunt. I wasn't actually jobless though just in a position that made me really unhappy.


Keep applying for things. Everything works out ok in the end :)

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I feel so silly sometimes. Sometimes I can do tasks really well and sometimes I can do them really badly. I always try and do my best, but we're always really busy and sometimes things are easily forgotten. Even though I love my job, I feel that there's so much pressure. I love the people, but I feel a bit intimidated cause some of them have had years of experience and I only been there for a few months.


I can't be as quick as everyone else, no matter how hard I try it always backfires. Someone in my last job ripped me apart for not being as speedy as was. I don't see that person any more, but her words still upset me sometimes. Though she said all this a year ago.

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Basically been put in a potentially awkward position; if I draft something and present it to one of the managers on tuesday I can get all the credit for something that I feel is genuinely a 50/50 brainchild of mine and my colleague - a colleague who taught me a lot and is the MODEL member of team. The politics is thus; teammate is good friends with a manager. Manager is also good friends with her deputy manager. Deputy manager and teammate do not get on. Deputy manager likes me.


Ultimately I believe that respect should be given where respect is due. I do not feel comfortable treading on toes... and so I have a few days to come up with a solution to satisfy all parties and to not tarnish my own reputation. Sounds simple, but whatever i do has to come across in such a way that it a) does not upset teammate, b) shows I have initiative, c) does not upset deputy manager. It's not straightforward, but it's why I love my job.


End of week pub sessions are ALWAYS worth going to. Much mingle.

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So I met with the guy yesterday and I would take a pay cut if/when it was made into a permanent role (although that's basic, there's a performance bonus thing).


But in the mean time we agreed I'll freelance a bit in some evenings and weekends so it might be an exhausting few months! Think I'll have to change my gym contract so that I can go during lunch otherwise I'll be getting up at 5:30 and getting back late (not sure when, maybe 9 or 10).


But if I do this for a while and get that promotion at work, it will help me build up a bit of security. The full time figure we banded around is liveable, just would be nice of it was closer to my current salary.


Oh and another job got in touch asking for 500 words on why I'm applying. Pretty sure that's in the cover letter... Oh well! Guess I'll do that.

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