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I have my first proper job in Japan!


I'll be going back to SEGA to work on international strategy and business expansion. Should be similar to what I was doing before but with a slightly wider remit. Just got to do the paperwork and salary negotiation and with a bit of luck I'll be starting on December 1st.


Actually really excited, I've enjoyed the time off to study but very much looking forward to getting on with a new work challenge.

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We're looking at bringing our large format printing in-house instead of using third party printers and I have been chosen to be part of the team that will form the new department. From what I gather, I'll basically be I'm charge of my own department or at least quite senior within it. Today and yesterday, I've been attending product demos to help us choose which printers to buy. It's been great, as the printers and routing machines have been awesome.


May not happen, due to the equipment potentially costing £150k, but the fact that I've been chosen for the team has pissed a dickhead colleague off no end (he thinks he's god's gift to everyone and is annoyed that he wasn't picked), so I'm currently the smuggest I've ever been.

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My current contract at Barclays is until March but I've been looking around recently and just been offered a job at a start up near Glasgow. It's a data company, they've just received over $1m in funding from American companies and are definitely going places.


I went into the interview having been told the salary was £45k. I received an offer a few hours after it for £40k. They think that one of my skillsets isn't quite as good as they want so are wanting to pay me less. My thoughts are that I can either do the job or I can't, if they didn't think I could do the job they shouldn't offer me the position.


I'm holding out for the full whack or I'm going to turn it down. That is already a pay decrease but that is expected in the move from contractor to permie. The benefits package is supposed to help with this decrease (pension contributions, holiday pay, sick pay etc) but they have none of this. Contract will state I am eligible for employee share purchase but there are no details of this as it doesn't exist yet.

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Work has become too much. I'm leaving in February which is great, but just so much to do before then it's overwhelming. Spent a good chunk of last weekend working. Whenever I'm in the office (trying to work from home where possible) I'm bombard with either people asking stuff or stupid shitty meetings. Two thirds* of my guys are currently off sick, one of whom is not long back after 3 weeks off preceded by a week of sick (it's genuine, but still annoying). And my boss keeps asking me if I really want to leave. I'm getting closer to saying "FUCK YES". In a week or so I'm going to have to send around a mass email basically telling people to leave me alone (and put things through the helpdesk like they should) just to try and get some peace.


*i.e. 2

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Still on the job search after doing my Masters in Economics with a years experience in a database monitoring/ entry position. Does anyone know any good sites for Economist /Analyst roles?


Check out temp positions in all the major banks. They are constantly needing temp analysts in various positions.


Realise that you might have to take a job 'below' where you would like to be right now.

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Had my pay discussion today and having spoken to my friends, seems I've been given a lower pay rise compared to them despite getting really good feedback. I suspect this may be because I'm due to be moving to a new department that may not pay as much.


It has irked be because my hard work over the past year has led to nothing and I have to stick around in this department for at least two months next year so I'm considering just coasting. However I can't help but feel the need to do a good job so doubt I'll follow through with that.

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Had my pay discussion today and having spoken to my friends, seems I've been given a lower pay rise compared to them despite getting really good feedback. I suspect this may be because I'm due to be moving to a new department that may not pay as much.


It has irked be because my hard work over the past year has led to nothing and I have to stick around in this department for at least two months next year so I'm considering just coasting. However I can't help but feel the need to do a good job so doubt I'll follow through with that.


You've been in KPMG for about 2 years now, move on if they're not treating you well and you've completed your CIMA/equivalent. Any of the Big 4 will take you and loads of smaller bespoke firms. All with a pay rise larger than any of your colleagues at KPMG will be receiving.

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You've been in KPMG for about 2 years now, move on if they're not treating you well and you've completed your CIMA/equivalent. Any of the Big 4 will take you and loads of smaller bespoke firms. All with a pay rise larger than any of your colleagues at KPMG will be receiving.


Try 4 years :p You may be thinking of Zell?


I would consider leaving but if I get a promotion, I get £5k for loyalty bonus making it all the way to manager and reckon I could make that soonish. Quite a tempter to stay..

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Try 4 years :p You may be thinking of Zell?


I would consider leaving but if I get a promotion, I get £5k for loyalty bonus making it all the way to manager and reckon I could make that soonish. Quite a tempter to stay..


It was just a guess tbh :p


I would think that you could move into a promotion in another company. And could you make that soonish? Even when you've just been graded lower than some of your colleagues? Don't chase the possibility of a 5k loyalty bonus which may or may not come in some undetermined distance down the line. I would be having conversations with other companies if I were you.

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I've been seriously considering my position where i am, it's getting pretty bad. Didn't know it was possible for somewhere you considered making a career out of being turned into a stop-gap for the next job. Going to sit this out for a while longer and see how it goes, but i am starting looking for other jobs to work elsewhere. It's a shame, i was really liking this as a career.

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It will also most likely be someone from HR relaying the feedback rather than the actual assessor, so arguing won't do you any good.

Turns out you were righter than I would've liked. Turns out the woman in question had gone home during this exercise so was basically repeating the notes and offering nothing in the way of expanding on the points made. I had just woken up from nap and was so surpressing the urge to be super cranky. In all the time she spent trying to organise this call she could've saved us both some time by saying she was going to contribute fuck all and left it at that.




I honestly would like the guys to strike.

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So some people may remember the problems I have at my current place of work (screwed me out of 3k commission). I had an offer on the table from the company I used to work for which is a slight rise on my current pay and better prospects. I accepted in principal and have been waiting for the contract offer. In the mean time I have been offered another position which is 10k more than my current wage. I have the offer in writing.


If I take this new job I will burn the bridges with my previous employer. New job is harder but more rewarding but they also have a history over the last few years of getting rid of sales guys (the position I have been asked to do). Really struggling to make my mind up and worried that I would join then be let go 6 months down the line.


Blargh. Just struggling to make a decision I guess.

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I had an offer on the table from the company I used to work for which is a slight rise on my current pay and better prospects.


In the mean time I have been offered another position which is 10k more than my current wage. I have the offer in writing.


If I take this new job I will burn the bridges with my previous employer. New job is harder but more rewarding but they also have a history over the last few years of getting rid of sales guys (the position I have been asked to do).

I'm not sure which of the new jobs is the new job with the getting rid of the sales guys, but do you feel that the better prospects is more beneficial than a job with a £10k rise?

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I always find the best thing when faced with that type of decision is pre-plan the worst case scenario of being let go in 6 months. Will you be in a better position than where you are to find new work, and will the new experiences add meaningfully to your CV? If you carry on living at your current expense rate and save the additional 10k it also gives you a nice buffer should that come to pass. Also how realistic is it that you burn all bridges? You'll still have the contacts etc. and be building new ones. Now that there is a negative feeling towards the company does it even matter? Sooner or later it will be time to move on and it seems like you have good offers on the table right now...


Had lunch with the guys from work today to discuss the final details of my new role. Of course the salary is a big drop from what I was on in the US but it's a very decent wage in Tokyo. On the very positive side all overtime is paid, they cover a decent chunk of your rent, all transportation costs and will also pay for my future Japanese lessons. Added to the fact the role is right in the area I want to be I'm really looking forward to getting started.

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I always find the best thing when faced with that type of decision is pre-plan the worst case scenario of being let go in 6 months. Will you be in a better position than where you are to find new work' date=' and will the new experiences add meaningfully to your CV? If you carry on living at your current expense rate and save the additional 10k it also gives you a nice buffer should that come to pass. Also how realistic is it that you burn all bridges? You'll still have the contacts etc. and be building new ones. Now that there is a negative feeling towards the company does it even matter? Sooner or later it will be time to move on and it seems like you have good offers on the table right now...


Had lunch with the guys from work today to discuss the final details of my new role. Of course the salary is a big drop from what I was on in the US but it's a very decent wage in Tokyo. On the very positive side all overtime is paid, they cover a decent chunk of your rent, all transportation costs and will also pay for my future Japanese lessons. Added to the fact the role is right in the area I want to be I'm really looking forward to getting started.[/quote']


That sounds really exciting! So jealous, I would love to work in Tokyo!




Just to try and clear myself up a bit; company 1 is where I work now, I feel no loyalty to them and am looking forward to leaving. Company 2 is a company that used to work for, the MD was always good to me and changes have been made to the company that makes it attractive for me to come back. Company 2 are offering about 5k more than my current salary and the prospects in the long term are reasonable. Company 3 has good short term propespects leading to the long term. They are offering around 10k more than company 2 but seem to have a history of recycling sales reps.


I spoke to one of the old reps for company 3 today and he painted a unpleasant picture of the management tactics. He likened it to bullying.


I actually spoke to company 3 today and was ready to turn the job down. They have actually offered now offered me a minimum guaranteed contract of 18 months which is an interesting turn up for the books. The MD of company 3 has also asked me to call him in the morning to explain his side as he says it sounds like the people who have left are just being bitter (he didn't say this exactly but that's the jist of it).

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I refereed one of our matches yesterday and it was one of the best games I've ever been involved in.


We're a fairly small school, so we struggle to put together teams. We're lucky to get the boys kicking in the right direction, never mind actually trying to be competitive. We've worked hard this term and have actually been playing some good stuff. We thrashed another team 9-2 a few weeks back with one of our boys scoring 4 and another got 3!


Yesterday, we were 1-0 down before making it 1-1 at half-time. We thought we'd make a proper go of it and started off the second half well but ended up being 2-1 down despite playing excellently! Our captain of the day scored a screamer from outside of the box that smashed the underside of the bar before going in. It looked amazing. We then conceded a goal from a corner and then another goal, which was really sloppy.


So, 4-2 down with three minutes to go. The team never gave up and got a goal back through some excellent wing-play. Lovely cross and slide in for a finish. Then, with 45 seconds left of the match, we got an equaliser to make it 4-4! Could have won it straight after the kick off too if the other team hadn't gone full-on defensive. They were shell-shocked and their manager looked really pissed off. I didn't give a shit. I fucking went ballistic when our fourth went in. We had a parent on the sideline who went crazy, too. Amazing scenes.

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We're looking at bringing our large format printing in-house instead of using third party printers and I have been chosen to be part of the team that will form the new department. From what I gather, I'll basically be I'm charge of my own department or at least quite senior within it. Today and yesterday, I've been attending product demos to help us choose which printers to buy. It's been great, as the printers and routing machines have been awesome.


May not happen, due to the equipment potentially costing £150k, but the fact that I've been chosen for the team has pissed a dickhead colleague off no end (he thinks he's god's gift to everyone and is annoyed that he wasn't picked), so I'm currently the smuggest I've ever been.


Well, this looks like it might actually be going ahead after all. Best of all, it looks like I might have to go on a 1 or 2 week training course in Dallas, Texas.


Can't wait to fire some revolvers into the air, Yosemite Sam style.



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We had our Christmas play yesterday. It turned out to be very memorable.


My phone is set to silent during the day and is turned back on when I get home. Usually. I didn't do this yesterday and so woke up at 7:48! Two hours later than I'm meant to. Fucking manic! I jumped in the shower, drove off and somehow made it through the roadworks (they're re-doing a huge part of the dual-carriageway here) and got through the gates at 8:30. How I did that, I have no idea. No breakfast, so was hungry as fuck all day. We get ourselves ready for tonight's performance and set the stage up before deciding to go to the pub before it starts for a few pre-nerves drinks.


So, we pop to the pub beforehand and get a few drinks. Well, there was meant to be three of us going, but my friend and I couldn't find our other friend, so spent ages looking for him. Turns out he had gone ahead to the pub without letting us know, so we wasted half an hour trying to find him. Had his phone on silent, too, bastard.


We do all that, get back to school and get everything up and running. Headmaster is on stage and is delivering his opening speech and then...all of the electrics go out! One of the extension leads had caused us an issue, so I had to run to the head's study to get one, but that was locked, so had to run back to get the key before going to get the extension lead and legging it back. Managed to do all of that without anyone really noticing I was gone. Dat cardio, though. All through this I'm thinking fuck, fuck, fuck, why does this shit happen to me?


Play went fine, all things considering. I got loads of nice words from parents about how it all turned out. We decided to go back to the pub to get a few more drinks and some chips because I was still hungry and needed food gains. We left, said goodnight...before getting home and realising that neither one of us had actually paid the pub staff! They didn't even notice either! We rang up and paid on card. Unbelievable. I missed the finale of The Returned/Les Revenants, but was honestly waaaaay too tired to actually pay attention to anything. Ended up falling asleep on the sofa.

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So we have a new Year 1 teacher at the school this year, which is nice. However, she's pretty useless: basically she's running down the clock this year until she can go back to America. She's constantly late, hungover 2-3 days out of 5, and partially drunk once a fortnight. She's very often "sick" so that means her classes don't get taught. Which is a shame, because by all accounts she is a good teacher.


Now, I've been here a year and that means I have more experience of the policies and procedures in the school. So it's understandable that the department management would expect more of me in terms of leadership. However, the management just find it's easier to say "Iun, we need x doing, do it." so the workload is pretty much shifted on to my shoulders for the majority of large events e.g. performances, decorating the shared areas, decorating a classroom that I share with her. The other day I had taken all I could and I said "Am I the only Year 1 teacher?" Which was a mistake, because word got to the other teacher who is all in a huff with me. I tried to explain to her that my comment was directed at management, as they always come to me first for any large projects. In fact, this lady will sit there in the office and management will say "we need xyz doing for Year 1" - and my colleague will just ignore them. She said "Oh, you can always ask me for my help".


Thing is, I actually HAVE and shit doesn't get done. The management say "Put up a bunch of banners outside the Inquiry classroom" and I ask her to put up one while I put up two... mine go up, a week later she still hasn't done anything. So I just get on with it and do hers as well.


Now I'm in the bad books because apparently I complain too much. I pride myself on being straightforward with people, so I feel bad that I aired my grievance with the management publicly and she was hurt by that... at the same time, get off your arse, love.

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We've had new phones installed in work. Apparently, they are easier to use. They would be, if they worked. Mine hasn't worked for 3 days now, got no dial tone, can't log in to the group to receive calls or anything. Doesn't phase me too much, last few weeks i (seemingly) was the only person receiving calls, so this break is welcome. Had 3 managers come over today to check if my phone is working, would have thought after the 1st manager whom checked would have told the others, but it seems they don't believe my phone is broke. It's getting annoying now as I've got a case which will take me most of the day to do, but them checking hourly means I can't do anything until they go. Got a 4th person checking now as I write this, wish they'd clear off now. It's annoying me now, wish they'd get the message

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