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Job woes/wins


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Think the shine of my new job has worn off and I kind of hate it. All I do is basically copy and paste (and the proofread it), there's barely and writing involved, and when there is it's about the most mind-numbingly dull things.


Logically I should stay for another 14 months for my CV and then move on but I can't help but think it an awful thing to do, to spend a year and a half doing something you find so boring just so you can have something on a piece of paper.

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Think the shine of my new job has worn off and I kind of hate it. All I do is basically copy and paste (and the proofread it), there's barely and writing involved, and when there is it's about the most mind-numbingly dull things.


Logically I should stay for another 14 months for my CV and then move on but I can't help but think it an awful thing to do, to spend a year and a half doing something you find so boring just so you can have something on a piece of paper.


No point in waiting around for no reason. If you are unhappy then i'd look for something else whilst working there. If you get something then great, if not, then you have your current job on your CV for longer.

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At work, we sell on our site, eBay and Amazon. Last Sunday, our Amazon account was suspended. They listed the reasons why: 5 complaints. They asked us to describe the problems and how we can stop them from happening.


In the "appeal", we explained what had happened, and that the problems were resolved for all five customers. I also noted that the first of five complaints was in March, the latest a few weeks ago - under 0.2% of orders from the date of the first complaint. The appeal said "6th October 9:24".


We've heard absolutely nothing. The only way we can contact them is via a form, to which their response was "Your case has been forwarded to another Amazon team. You will receive a response to your question shortly."


It's absolutely ridiculous.


Oh, and when we looked into it, this kind of thing isn't uncommon.

Edited by Cube
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No point in waiting around for no reason. If you are unhappy then i'd look for something else whilst working there. If you get something then great, if not, then you have your current job on your CV for longer.


God damn it, you're right. Part of me is expecting this role to improve, because over time it should. Another part of me fucking loves the location and the fact i can gym for over an hour every day at lunch and occasionally sneak off home early.


I think I'll hold out until January, see how I feel then and if anything has changed. I also want to get my project outside of work back on track. Maybe I need boredom at work to get me to actually take advantage of my free time again.


You're right though, I shouldn't just wait around. But January seems like a better time to look to change. Hit over four years doing my role too at that point.

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Think the shine of my new job has worn off and I kind of hate it. All I do is basically copy and paste (and the proofread it), there's barely and writing involved, and when there is it's about the most mind-numbingly dull things.


Logically I should stay for another 14 months for my CV and then move on but I can't help but think it an awful thing to do, to spend a year and a half doing something you find so boring just so you can have something on a piece of paper.


Don't stay at a job just for your CV. Loyalty is out the window these days and everyone knows it. No one will mind you left a job because you either didn't like it or you moved because it was a clear step up. Just explain why you left and why it won't happen with your new job in an interview.


At work, we sell on our site, eBay and Amazon. Last Sunday, our Amazon account was suspended. They listed the reasons why: 5 complaints. They asked us to describe the problems and how we can stop them from happening.


In the "appeal", we explained what had happened, and that the problems were resolved for all five customers. I also noted that the first of five complaints was in March, the latest a few weeks ago - under 0.2% of orders from the date of the first complaint. The appeal said "6th October 9:24".


We've heard absolutely nothing. The only way we can contact them is via a form, to which their response was "Your case has been forwarded to another Amazon team. You will receive a response to your question shortly."


It's absolutely ridiculous.


Oh, and when we looked into it, this kind of thing isn't uncommon.


Yeah this happened to me too. I gave them evidence of how we were going to improve things in the future and we got reinstated immediately. Just made up a load of stuff like visiting our suppliers umprompted, putting new quality controls in place.

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I'd agree with that on the length of service thing, to the point of it actually being better to get out of there quickly. It's much easier to have been in a role for six months and be able to say it's just not a good fit so you're looking for something you can excel at rather than sit around for two years then try and put work you hated in a good light.


I'm interviewing for a few positions at the moment, and seem to be progressing quite well. Annoyingly the best roles are in London and Shanghai, neither of which I'm too keen on to be honest. There are a couple in Tokyo but I think I may have to take something on a lower level if I'm to stay here. Mainly I'm just missing working now, so fingers crossed something goes through soon.

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I'd agree with that on the length of service thing' date=' to the point of it actually being better to get out of there quickly. It's much easier to have been in a role for six months and be able to say it's just not a good fit so you're looking for something you can excel at rather than sit around for two years then try and put work you hated in a good light.


I'm interviewing for a few positions at the moment, and seem to be progressing quite well. Annoyingly the best roles are in London and Shanghai, neither of which I'm too keen on to be honest. There are a couple in Tokyo but I think I may have to take something on a lower level if I'm to stay here. Mainly I'm just missing working now, so fingers crossed something goes through soon.[/quote']



Come to Shanghai. We'll go bowling or something.

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What's wrong with you?


Crazy, right? But I really do miss it. The sooner I'm back working the better.


Come to Shanghai. We'll go bowling or something.


It's a date! Hopefully I'll get to visit at some point soon at least.

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Feeling a bit crappy about my job lately. Im part time at the moment at 4 days a week and asked over the summer to move to full time as I cant really afford to get a new place on my current wages. I was told that the governors have put a hold on all Admin hirings and unfortunately that includes going from part to full time. I was told that they would try to find the money elsewhere as there had been requests for me to go full time but no word yet so far. My problem is that I've basically been doing 5 days a week since the start of term to cover for people and that looks to continue, along with the fact that I'm been given a lot more work from various departments in the School and that I've heard there will possibly be a new admin assistant being advertised for soon, full time...


Just starting to feel a bit taken advantage of really but I was unemployed for so long before this and still have issues travelling to other places to work, I dont really want to move on from this job, especially as I can bet I would struggle to find a new one again.

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Feeling a bit crappy about my job lately. Im part time at the moment at 4 days a week and asked over the summer to move to full time as I cant really afford to get a new place on my current wages. I was told that the governors have put a hold on all Admin hirings and unfortunately that includes going from part to full time. I was told that they would try to find the money elsewhere as there had been requests for me to go full time but no word yet so far. My problem is that I've basically been doing 5 days a week since the start of term to cover for people and that looks to continue, along with the fact that I'm been given a lot more work from various departments in the School and that I've heard there will possibly be a new admin assistant being advertised for soon, full time...


Just starting to feel a bit taken advantage of really but I was unemployed for so long before this and still have issues travelling to other places to work, I dont really want to move on from this job, especially as I can bet I would struggle to find a new one again.

Next time they expect you to come in to cover for someone, mention how it's "none of your biz" and walk away/hang up.

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And that's how you get looked over for the full time job that's coming up. A good attitude goes a long way.


I agree with @jayseven.


True, but at the same time you can't be seen as a pushover. If you want a promotion, and you're not lucky enough to have a line manager who's willing to fight for you, then you need to fight for it yourself. Companies won't promote people if they don't need to. So you need to.make them see that they need to promote you.

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Its not really the cover I have issue with, if anything it shows that I'm willing to do the fulltime hours that I requested. Its just the fact that I'm told there is a hold on hiring and then a month or so later finding out they are planning on hiring someone new fulltime. The extra work I'm being given again isnt a massive issue but its just the fact that its basically a fulltime's amount of work but im just expected to work for peanuts still. I already do all my School Office work but I now also am basically the Marketing Assistant, Registrar's Assistant and Development Manager's Assistant. And thats not counting the fact that I pretty much do all of the School's designing now instead of them paying the design company they used to use.


If/when I do leave for another job, I can bet the school will have a lot of issues getting someone else to come in to replace me if they want them to do all the stuff I do now. I know that sounds arrogant but I just inherited a lot of work as I was going on because they found out I could do this stuff and someone else who could do what they have me doing would expect a much higher salary!

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Its not really the cover I have issue with, if anything it shows that I'm willing to do the fulltime hours that I requested. Its just the fact that I'm told there is a hold on hiring and then a month or so later finding out they are planning on hiring someone new fulltime. The extra work I'm being given again isnt a massive issue but its just the fact that its basically a fulltime's amount of work but im just expected to work for peanuts still. I already do all my School Office work but I now also am basically the Marketing Assistant, Registrar's Assistant and Development Manager's Assistant. And thats not counting the fact that I pretty much do all of the School's designing now instead of them paying the design company they used to use.


If/when I do leave for another job, I can bet the school will have a lot of issues getting someone else to come in to replace me if they want them to do all the stuff I do now. I know that sounds arrogant but I just inherited a lot of work as I was going on because they found out I could do this stuff and someone else who could do what they have me doing would expect a much higher salary!


Then you need to let them.know that. Make them aware that you're unhappy, and that you're such a value to them. They'll connect the dots and realise that they need to satiate your demands.


If they think they can get away with underpaying you then they will. It's easier to hire full time, so they'd rather keep.you at part time as they know you will, and will do extra hours when needed. They currently have no reason to give you what you want.

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Then you need to let them.know that. Make them aware that you're unhappy, and that you're such a value to them. They'll connect the dots and realise that they need to satiate your demands.


If they think they can get away with underpaying you then they will. It's easier to hire full time, so they'd rather keep.you at part time as they know you will, and will do extra hours when needed. They currently have no reason to give you what you want.


As I said before, I have spoken to them but theres not a lot you can do when they've said theres a hold on hiring. I've been told they'll look for the money elsewhere but nothing came of it. I cant bring up the fact that they are planning to hire someone else because its not gone through yet. I mentioned when I originally asked to go fulltime that I would have to start looking elsewhere at some point as I cant afford to do what I want to on my current pay but given my living and travel situations, getting a job elsewhere is very tough for me at the moment.

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And that's how you get looked over for the full time job that's coming up.

It's what could speed it up appearing. If someone isn't going to bend over in place of them filling a position, then they'll need to start looking to hire. Who better than someone who has shown they can do what would be asked of them but isn't doing so at the moment to prove his point? Shows balls. Commitment to the role. Instant job offer.

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My class have consistently let me down all week. We had an assembly today and have spent part of this week rehearsing. They were given their lines on Monday and only really had a couple of sentences to read out. It had the potential to be really, really awesome. Basically, our topic is looking at coastlines and waterfalls, all about the sea, etc etc blaaah. We based it around that and created a news report (which we've been doing recently in class) and the report would be about a shark who couldn't swim, so he had to be taught how to navigate back to the sea. To top it off, the shark and characters communicated through rhyme.


It really had potential. We painted on big sheets of paper earlier in the week to create a waterfall for our main character (shark) to walk through. We laid crash-mats out to look like the sea and even had tributaries coming into it. I woke up extra early this morning to set everything up. The trouble is, two of my girls (the reporters) hadn't really learned their lines and were reading off the script in rehearsal. In the performance today, everything was excelllent bar these two. They had the script there and STILL kept fucking up their lines and adding awkward pauses because they were searching the script to find their lines.


Basically, what should have been an epic moment turned into a complete and utter let down. Usually, the classes I teach do pretty awesome assemblies. We usually have children and staff coming up to us afterwards and congratulating us, or they mention it to us throughout the day. I've got a reputation for doing excellent ones. Today, not a single person said anything. First time in a looooong time that my class have managed to let me down in such a big way. A bit sad that I kinda want September to come now so that I can have the next bunch.

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End of my tonight's shift, my section leader asked me if I'm interested to became a section leader cos she reckon I'll be good at it. I said I'll think about it cos of my deafness and she will let me know when the 3 months training will start.


The fact that you have been recommended for it suggests to me that you should give it a go.


If it doesn't work out for whatever reason then you can always go back to what you were doing before.


Being deaf shouldn't have to come into your thought process. Do the training. What's there to be aftaid of?

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