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Job woes/wins


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I always seem to create non-issue issues for myself. My current one is that I want to listen to music on my headphones. That's not an issue in itself as lots of people listen to music on their headphones here. However they all use buds, where I use cans (I hate buds, can't wear them). Will it be weird if I use cans?


I use cans to and from work and buds in the office and I think you should too.


Not sure what your working environment is like, does your job require a lot of frequent/ad-hoc communication with people sitting around you? If so, people will have to come up to you and poke/wave at you to get a response if you are wearing large, noise-cancelling headphones. It will also give off the impression that not only do you not want to be disturbed by anyone but that you are actively blocking out all sound, and by extension people, around yourself. People may think that you are anti-social, or people may be reluctant to come up and speak to you, which could be to your detriment.


If you really need to focus and not be disturbed then fair enough, but you don't want to be seen like that all the time.


In my case I work as part of a project team so there is always frequent discussion among the team during the day, so there's not a lot of opportunities to listen to music. When we do need to focus, we do put our buds in, so that we can still listen to others and easily remove the earpieces or put them back in when needed.


Perhaps I'm over-thinking it, but yes I think it would be weird if you wore cans in the office.


TL;DR cans will appear obtrusive and a bit anti-social compared to buds which are less noticeable, don't block out as much sound and are easier to remove / put back in whenever you need to talk to someone.

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Not sure if i mentioned it on here, but there is a girl in work whom believes they are the be all and end all. The overall attitude is "i have something to say, i'm not going to listen to you because i'm right." Yeah, she's been annoying me (and most of the team) with her attitude, her failed alternative working pattern application and a few other things (including knitting when you are supposed to be working, she does it in front of management whom say nothing). There is only so much you can put up with, and even after bringing my concerns to my manager on numerous occasions, whom promised to address things, things just carried on.


So, one day she decided to broadcast that i was using the internet instead of working (it was my lunchbreak after all, am entitled to use the net during lunch (i'm on a break now, again allowed)) across the whole office. Even with someone saying i'm on lunch, she carried on broadcasting it out. As i mentioned, there is only so much you can take. Resulted in me basically telling her that no-one gives a crap about what she says, stop being such a big headed idiot and generally to just p*ss off. As expected, she complained to my manager whom brought me to a meeting to explain my actions. It would have been a written warning on conduct, but i bought a union rep with me (and the evidence i've been holding onto) and the girl ended up with a written warning.


Yeah, now this same person is now knitting again.

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I have a few different exit strategies for work and need to figure out which.


However, one of them is to leave the Friday before my next birthday, which means I would leave six months today. Weird to think of that as a possibility.


Now...just to decide what I want to do.


Learnt Nandos give you an extra four weeks off (to be taken all together) every five years you work there. Might just work there.

Edited by Ashley
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I have a few different exit strategies for work and need to figure out which.


However, one of them is to leave the Friday before my next birthday, which means I would leave six months today. Weird to think of that as a possibility.


Now...just to decide what I want to do.


Learnt Nandos give you an extra four weeks off (to be taken all together) every five years you work there. Might just work there.


You don't eat chicken. Nandos would be wasted on you.


I knew another veggie who worked there, actually. They succumbed to the meat eventually.

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Not sure if i mentioned it on here, but there is a girl in work whom believes they are the be all and end all. The overall attitude is "i have something to say, i'm not going to listen to you because i'm right." Yeah, she's been annoying me (and most of the team) with her attitude, her failed alternative working pattern application and a few other things (including knitting when you are supposed to be working, she does it in front of management whom say nothing). There is only so much you can put up with, and even after bringing my concerns to my manager on numerous occasions, whom promised to address things, things just carried on.


So, one day she decided to broadcast that i was using the internet instead of working (it was my lunchbreak after all, am entitled to use the net during lunch (i'm on a break now, again allowed)) across the whole office. Even with someone saying i'm on lunch, she carried on broadcasting it out. As i mentioned, there is only so much you can take. Resulted in me basically telling her that no-one gives a crap about what she says, stop being such a big headed idiot and generally to just p*ss off. As expected, she complained to my manager whom brought me to a meeting to explain my actions. It would have been a written warning on conduct, but i bought a union rep with me (and the evidence i've been holding onto) and the girl ended up with a written warning.


Yeah, now this same person is now knitting again.


Regardless of how she behaved, you should not have reacted like that. For whatever reason, it seems like she was trying to provoke you and she succeeded. You need to remain professional at all times man. Keep calm and don't stoop to her level.


Whenever you need to raise these types of issues to a manager, make sure it's written and dated, preferably over email if possible. You said that you brought your concerns to your manager on numerous occasions, how did you go about this? You can't document verbal meetings, so there's no evidence that you met with your manager at all.


What I'm basically trying to say is that you need to focus on the things that you can personally control and not let her get to you. Unless her behaviour becomes so disruptive that it affects your performance, her problems should not become your problems.


Also, sorry for being a pedant, but it's "who" not "whom" for pretty much every whom in your post.

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You don't eat chicken. Nandos would be wasted on you.


I knew another veggie who worked there, actually. They succumbed to the meat eventually.


I worked in McDonalds.




At least I like the veggie food at Nandos.

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Some good stuff in terms of bonuses. A big bonus for me at the end of the year, and my wage is going up by that amount next year. Everyone is also getting a "loyalty bonus" in may - 5% of our yearly wage.


We also get two extra days paid holiday: a day off for our birthday, and a "hangover day", which is a day where we can call in and take off with no prior notification (exceptions are when we know important things are going to be happening).

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Or secretaries?


Fired off another batch of CV's today, decided to go a bit broader than just legal secretary positions and see if I get any better luck. Seriously getting bored with work now, I spend time looking for stuff all week which I know won't be there because I didn't find it in the first few days just because it wastes time. We extend our breaks from 15 mins to 30-45 and still get the work done with time to spare.


I think it's because we're "too good" at stock control. We've controlled it to an extent where there's just barely any large inconsistencies. Which blows.

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Spoke to my boss this week about possibly going full-time soon. She said unfortunately the Governors have put a block on anymore admin staff being hired which would include me going from part to full-time but she said she knows that the other people in my office have already said they would prefer to have me in all the time so she's going to have a proper look around and see if theres a way to get the money to let me go full-time. Hopefully they manage to do it because if they dont then I'm gonna have to start looking for a new job so I can actually get a reasonable pay.

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Rolls Royce have apparently made videos of their production line, which is a bit of a blast from the past for me, since I used to make the car seats back when they outsourced it to a different company.


This is the video relevant to what I did, although the atmosphere was far less sterile when we did it. Staple gun fights were reasonably commonplace, as were "hilarious" pranks.


Edited by Goafer
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I had my appraisal this morning and it all went fine but for some reason since coming out of there I've been in a bad mood.


I guess discussing how futile my efforts often are because of the politics, combination of people shirking work they should be doing and yet never wanting to let you help for fear of looking bad at their job and ultimately feeling that while my job title seems to suggest I can make changes I seldom get a chance to.


There was a "additional contributions" section and I said that I have no idea what to put as it feels like I'm expected to just do everything and it's symbolic of that place lately.


I have plans to leave in the next 6-9 months (depending on my general attitude and money) but days like this make me want to quit right away. And then work my 3 month notice period...


I guess I should use it as motivation, but right now it's just pissing me off.

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